第三章 Learning to think:Learning to think3.1Introduction:章节内容介绍
3.2A General Analysis:探讨不同的记忆方法
3.3Text Structure:文章结构与主要内容
3.4Words and Phrases:重点单词
3.5Difficult Sentences:识别不同的从句、上义词和下义词
3.6Summary and Assignments:文章内容总结
[单选题]If there is a dearth of something, is there选项:[not enough, a lot of it]
[单选题]Everyone was hoping for a(n) ___________ of the famous professor as he arrived and went inside.选项:[presence, at ength, affirm, radical, on urpose, agony, glimpse]
[单选题]Does unmitigated encouragement suggest选项:[slightly negative support, completely positive support]
[单选题]Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below.
He’s a good manager of people, but he lacks
the ability to plan for the future.
选项:[lean , particularly , suspicion , sum , occasionally , rub , vision]
[单选题]What did she do in the end?选项:[She felt too frightened to write an answer., She copied what someone else wrote., She suddenly realized the meaning of the question., She asked the teacher to explain.]
[单选题]What does the writer think of her maths teacher?选项:[She was the best teacher the writer ever had., She was the worst teacher the writer ever had., She taught the writer an important lesson., She valued the intelligence of her students.]
[单选题]Who first made the writer realize thinking for oneself is important?选项:[The manager of an oil company., The writer’s parents., The writer’s friend, Sarah., The writer’s maths teacher.]
[单选题]How did the writer feel when she was asked to write “the sum of a number”?选项:[Bored, because she wasn’t interested in maths., Worried, because she was the only one who didn’t know the answer., Confused, because she didn’t understand the question., Pleased, because it was an easy question to answer.]
[单选题]How often, in the opinion of the writer, are people interested in your ideas?选项:[Never., Always., Hardly ever., Often.]
[单选题]Why does the writer believe thinking for oneself is not popular?选项:[Because it is regarded as dangerous., Because it doesn’t lead to progress., Because only a few people are able to do it., Because it takes too much time.]
[单选题]Is a radical idea选项:[traditional and widely accepted, new and different]
[单选题]Many people greet _________ ideas nervously because they are afraid of change.选项:[on urpose, radical, affirm, presence, at ength, agony, glimpse]
[单选题]If you do something on purpose, do you选项:[do it by accident, mean to do it]
[单选题]If you do something in the presence of someone, are they选项:[somewhere else, with you]
[单选题]If you thwart something, do you选项:[stop it, encourage it]
[单选题]The police think the fire was started ___________.选项:[agony, glimpse, at ength, on urpose, affirm, presence, radical]
[单选题]Tom’s excellent exam results _____________ the teacher’s faith in his ability.选项:[agony, radical, at ength, on urpose, presence, affirm, glimpse]
[单选题]I twisted my ankle three days ago, but I’m still in _______.选项:[affirm, presence, radical, glimpse, on urpose, at ength, agony]
[单选题]She talked __________ about her work but hardly mentioned anything about her personal life.选项:[at ength, presence, on urpose, agony, radical, glimpse, affirm]
[单选题]Looking at the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, you feel as if you are in the ___________ of a genius.选项:[on urpose, radical, agony, affirm, glimpse, presence, at ength]
[单选题]Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below.
The lecturer
bent over the student’s shoulder to see what she was writing.
选项:[occasionally , sum , vision, rub , particularly , lean , suspicion ]
[单选题]Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below.
The total amount was the
addition of all the numbers together.
选项:[occasionally , particularly , rub , sum , suspicion , vision, lean ]
[单选题]Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below.
I had a
vague feeling that I’d got the calculation wrong.
选项:[particularly , vision, lean , occasionally , sum , suspicion , rub ]
[单选题]If someone speaks at length, do they speak选项:[for a long time, for a short time]
[单选题]If you get a glimpse of something, do you see it选项:[not very clearly and for a short time, clearly and for a long time]
[单选题]If someone affirmed something, did they show选项:[they respected and approved of it, disrespected or disapproved of it]
[单选题]If you are in agony about something, do you feel选项:[happy and comfortable, in pain and uncomfortable]
[单选题]Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below.
The teacher
moved her hands together backwards and forwards, as if to say, “I’m looking forward to this!
选项:[occasionally , sum , rub , lean , vision, particularly , suspicion ]
[单选题]Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below.
sometimes see colours as sounds, and words as music.
选项:[rub , suspicion , occasionally , sum , vision, particularly , lean ]
[单选题]Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below.
He found the lecture difficult to follow not least because it was
especially hard to hear.
选项:[particularly , rub , vision, suspicion , occasionally , lean , sum ]

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