第三章 Theory and technology of sedimentation:沉淀和气浮是分离混凝后絮体的有效方法。本章介绍了沉淀原理、影响沉淀效率的因素以及水处理工艺中沉淀池、澄清池和气浮池的构造和工作原理。3.1Theory of sedimentation:混凝后形成的密实絮体在沉淀池中实现沉淀分离。本节我们将学习理想沉淀池的沉淀基本理论,介绍临界沉降速度、表面负荷和颗粒沉降效率等的概念,以及提高沉淀效率的措施。
3.2Factors affecting sedimentation efficiency:实际的颗粒沉降速度与理想条件下相比差异较大。本节我们学习影响沉淀过程的因素,包括进水、出水、异重流、水流条件、沉淀时间、池深等。
3.3Inclined tube/plate sedimentation tank:斜管/板沉淀池是一种沉淀效率较高的沉淀池。本节我们介绍斜管/斜板沉淀池的原理以及影响其沉降效率的因素。
3.5Air Flotation:气浮(AF)工艺可以有效去除水中的密度比水小的颗粒物。本节介绍了气浮工艺的条件,如:气泡尺寸,气泡与污染物的粘附力。此外,我们也将学习如何强化气浮过程。
[单选题]Which of the following measure could not improve the settling efficiency in sedimentation tank? ( )选项:[To recycle the sludge to improve the size of particles
, To increase the surface area of the tank
, To improve the performance of flocculation before sedimentation
, To increase the flow rate
[判断题]The feed water will go into the upper part of the sedimentation tank under the case of density current of high turbid water, leading to the deterioration of the effluent quality. ( )选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]There is an ineffective zone exists in the inclined tube/ plate sedimentation tank. The ineffective zone would increase if the settling zone is small in the tank. ( )选项:[错, 对]
[多选题]Which of the following methods can recover the adsorption capacity of sludge in clarifier process? ( )选项:[To generate a pulse to break the large flocs
, To circulate the sludge mechanically
, To circulate the sludge by a water jet
, To discharge the sludge completely in the clarifier
[多选题]θ presents the contact angle of water on the solid surface. Which of the pollutant(s) with the following value of the contact angle cannot be removed by air flotation process. ( )选项:[θ=85°
, θ=150°
, θ=95°
, θ=1°

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