第三章 Using Codes to Communicate:本章重点讨论如何运用代码进行交流,指出言语代码与非言语代码在交际过程中的不同作用。3.1Two Types of Codes:本节重点探讨跨文化交际中的两种不同代码。
3.2Context in Communication:本节重点探讨跨文化交际过程中语境的重要性,建立语境意识的重要性。
3.3Culture and Context:本节重点讨论文化与语境的关系,指出文化离不开语境的存在,语境的存在对文化也起着重要的作用。
3.4How People Use Words:本节重点讨论人们如何运用言语进行交际,以及言语交际的机制。
3.5Codes of Etiquette:本节重点探讨沟通中的礼仪问题,以及如何利用正确的礼仪进行交际。
[判断题]Low context communicationis communication that occurs mostly through language. 

[判断题]High context communication is communication that occurs mostly through language. 

[单选题]What are examples of behavior codes?
Books and magazines

Body language and social roles

Posters and past relationships

Words people say and texts messages
[单选题]What is one of the major sources of confusion, misunderstanding and frustration in cross-cultural communication?
The difference in languages spoken by people from difference countries.

The difference in jobs between the people communicating. 

The difference in age between the people communicating. 

The difference between high and low-context communication. 
[单选题]For a Chinese student going to the United States for the first time, what might be a source of frustration? 
Not being able to connect with new friends on WeChat.

The poor public transportation in the United States.

Only having written forms of communication and no one to help them in person. 

Not feeling confident with their speaking ability. 

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