1.Contracts are very different in low and high context cultures. How do high context cultures view contracts?
A:The meaning of the contract is in the words. B:Contracts should not change after each person has signed it. C:You should never look at the relationship between the people when thinking about a contract. D:A contract is a framework for the development of the relationship.
答案:A contract is a framework for the development of the relationship
2.With whom are you MOST likely to use high context communication?
A:Your bank B:Your mother C:Your boss D:Your lawyer
答案:Your mother
3.Which of the following is true about smell in Arab societies?
A:Smelling a friend is seen as nice and desirable. B:Arab societies have few smells. C:Arabs often focus on suppressing the natural smells around them. D:all the options are incorrect
答案:Smelling a friend is seen as nice and desirable
4.Generally accepted guidelines of correct behavior in different situations is known as:
A:Language codes B:Sensitive codes C:Awareness codes D:Etiquette codes
答案:Etiquette codes
5.With whom are you MOST likely to use low context communication?
A:Your bank B:Your teacher C:Your mother D:Your boyfriend/girlfriend
答案:Your bank
6.At the Frustration Stage of cultural adaptation, you:
A:Forget about your home culture B:Forget about your home culture and like some things from the new culture even more than the home culture. C:Like some things from the new culture even more than the home culture D:Feel self-doubt and worry
答案:Feel self-doubt and worry
7.How are stereotyping and generalizing different?
A:These two have nothing to do with one another. B:Stereotyping is when you make a generalization without enough information. C:Generalizing is learning about the past, while stereotyping is about the future. D:Stereotyping focuses on groups of people, while generalizing is everything.
答案:Stereotyping is when you make a generalization without enough information
8.Which of the following is NOT a reason why Americans and Westerners hike mountains?
A:To beat the challenge of the mountain's difficulty B:Because the experience of hiking is enjoyable. C:To get to the top D:To see the view from the top
答案:Because the experience of hiking is enjoyable
9.In a high power distance culture, the superior tends to __________.
A:interact with workers more often B:do important work C:display his authority D:treat employees respectfully
答案:display his authority
10.General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone from another culture include all of the following except__________
A:avoid telling jokes. B:avoid personal questions. C:keep the conversation positive. D:politics is a safe topic in most cultures.
答案:politics is a safe topic in most cultures
11.How is the inside/outside pattern divided?
A:Private and public, female and male B:Private and public C:Female and male D:none of the options are incorrect

12.Different dances reflect the cultures they come from. How do they do this?
A:They reflect the cultre by dancing in groups or individually. B:all the options are incorrect C:Different cultures will use different clothes and accessories for different dances. D:Different cultures and dances often use their bodies differently. 13.A unique characteristic of the radiating star architectural design is that:
A:The most important parts of the city are in the city center. B:It is very easy to find places in the city. C:Such a system makes it easy to keep the city clean. D:It looks beautiful from afar. 14.Designing a city by differentiating what is public and what is private is a key part of which architectural design?
A:The futuristic style B:The grid system C:The radiating star D:The inside/outside pattern 15.A businessman meets another buisnessman for the first time and shakes his hand before giving him a big hug. We can assume what about this businessman?
A:He is gay. B:He comes from a friendly culture. C:He comes from an exotic culture. D:He comes from a high contact culture. 16.The use of color to communicate messages is called__________.
A:context B:chromatics C:proxemics D:chronemics 17.Which of the following countries uses more indirect than direct communication?
A:New Zealand B:Australia C:Canada D:Japan 18.What are some sensitive questions one should be careful of asking Westerners?
A:Marital Status B:Age C:all the options are incorrect D:Income 19.Which of the following countries is NOT considered a high context country?
A:Japan B:Iran C:South Korea D:Germany 20.What is a westerner likely to do if they are asked a question they think is too personal?
A:Answer but vaguely and impersonally B:Change the topic C:Stay silent and not answer the question D:Answer the question in full detail even though they are uncomfortable 21.Which of the following countries is NOT considered a high context country?
A:Germany B:South Korea C:Japan D:Iran 22.The process of extending the characteristics of a number of elements from a group more than it's reasonable is known as:
A:Observation B:Generalization C:Overgeneralization D:Perception 23.Which of the following countries uses high-context language?
A:United States B:Germany C:Canada D:Japan 24.During indirect communication, the responsibility for understanding is placed on which person?
A:The listener B:The speaker C:Neither D:Both 25.Which of the following is false about friendships in the West?
A:Friendships are often based on similar situations and equality. B:It is uncommon to have many good friends at one time. C:When friends stop seeing each other, their relationship will likely die. D:Some people have new best friends every few years. 26.If you have traveled a lot, you will definitely never suffer from culture shock.
A:对 B:错 27.Smell is not an important sense in the US, but is very important in Arab societies.
A:错 B:对 28.Because Westerners have the system of social credit and social debt, they always feel obliged to help their friends as much as some Chinese people do.
A:错 B:对 29.Westerners prefer to use direct communication meaning that they say exactly what they think.
A:对 B:错 30.Americans do not expect to gain and lose friendships naturally as their life changes. For example, they may have a group of close friends in high school that they will remain very close to for the rest of their lives.
A:错 B:对 31.Delivery of information can be different. When arriving in a western country, a Chinese person will be met with a lot of information, but only in the form of person-to-person communication.
A:错 B:对 32.Your interpretation of what you hear, smell, see, and taste is different depending on your culture.
A:对 B:错 33.High context communication is communication that occurs in ways other than language.
A:对 B:错 34.In many Chinese classrooms there is no podium and the desks are movable so students can work with different groups.
A:错 B:对 35.Typically, Westerners are much more formal in their friendships than Chinese people.
A:错 B:对 36.High Contact cultures use information from a person's facial expressions, particularly their eyes.
A:对 B:错 37.Low context communication is communication that occurs in ways other than language.
A:错 B:对 38.Thinking about home and family is quite common for someone who is suffering from culture shock.
A:对 B:错 39.Stereotype refers to the result of overgeneralizing based on limited or inaccurate information is called stereotyping.
A:错 B:对 40.Typically, Westerners are more formal than Asians and younger people are more formal than older people.
A:对 B:错 41.Ethnocentrism is a common feeling that we should be proud of.
A:错 B:对 42.Low context communication refers to the communication you use when talking to those close to you. It is communication that occurs in ways other than language.
A:错 B:对 43.Perception is the way that something is understood or interpreted using your senses.
A:错 B:对 44.The fact that in Inuit culture there are 50 different words describing snow is an example of our differences in perception based on our experiences.
A:对 B:错 45.During the Appreciation Stage of cultural adaptation, you get frustrated at the new culture.
A:对 B:错 46.Low context communicators want to see a unique thought expressed, not just the correct speech pattern.
A:对 B:错 47.Making eye contact in the United States shows that you are confident.
A:错 B:对 48.Westerners often find it difficult to understand the Chinese system of social credit and social debt because it does not exist in the West.
A:错 B:对 49.Westerners usually do not give gifts to incur or repay social obligations, but will give gifts such as wine, flowers, and chocolate to repay hospitality.
A:错 B:对 50.Stereotypes are overgeneralizations. They are the same thing.
A:错 B:对 51.Subcultures are the many smaller cultures within a larger, national culture.
A:错 B:对 52.When moving to a new country, it is sometimes necessary to relearn simple things such as driving a car based on a new perceptual world.
A:对 B:错 53.Stereotypes are only negative in nature.
A:错 B:对 54.Reverse Culture Shock refers to the troublesome feelings such as depression, loneliness, confusion, inadequacy, hostility, frustration, and tension, caused by the loss of familiar cues from the home culture.
A:对 B:错 55.The radiating star pattern in France even influences the education system, and all schools teach the same information at the same time based on what is being taught in Paris.
A:错 B:对 56.In what way is culture like the water a fish swims in?
57.What is an exaple of how culture influences language?
A:When an Englishman says, "That looks delicious, may I have some?" B:When a German says, "I will eat sausage for lunch." C:When an American says, "I dropped the ball on my last test." D:When a Chinese person says, "I am fine, thank you, and you?"

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