

  1. Monopolistic competition and perfect competition differ because

  2. A:only competitive firms take the price as given. B:only monopolistic competition allows for entry of other firms in the long run. C:only monopolistically competitive firms will set MR = MC. D:only perfectly competitive firms will set MR = MC.
  3. In the late 1980s, the health benefits of oat bran were widely advertised. If the price of oats increased 50%, causing the quantity of oats supplied to increase by 40%, then the price elasticity of supply was

  4. A:-1.25. B:-0.80. C:0.80. D:1.25.
  5. A movement upward along an upward sloping Engel curve corresponds to

  6. A:crossing indifference curves. B:a rotation in the budget constraint. C:upward sloping indifference curves. D:a parallel shift in the budget constraint.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:upward sloping indifference curves。在恩格尔曲线向上倾斜的情况下,沿着该曲线的向上移动对应着向上倾斜的恩格尔曲线的移动,即选项C。选项A表示越过无差异曲线,选项B表示预算约束的旋转,选项D表示预算约束的平行移动,都不是本题所描述的情况。'
  7. Both Sally and Sam receive a 10% raise in a single year. Sally increases her demand for ground beef whereas Sam decreases his demand for ground beef.

  8. A:This is impossible. B:This is only possible if Sally has lower income than Sam. C:This is only possible if Sally considers ground beef a normal good and Sam views it as an inferior good. D:This is only possible if Sally considers ground beef an inferior good, and Sam views it as a normal good.
    答案:错AI参考:正确答案是D. This is only possible if Sally considers ground beef an inferior good,and Sam views it as a normal good.因为Sally增加牛肉的需求量,Sam降低牛肉的需求量,而这个变动仅在两种情况是可能的:一种Sally收入低于Sam,一种就是Sally将牛肉视为吉布森需求表上的“劣等品”,而Sam将牛肉视为“正常品”。解释:在经济学中,如果一个人的收入低于另一个人,那么他可能会增加对某种商品的需求量。同时,如果一个人将某种商品视为吉布森需求表上的“劣等品”,那么他可能会减少对该商品的需求量。因此,选项D提供了两个可能的解释,即Sally的收入低于Sam,或者Sally将牛肉视为劣等品,而Sam将牛肉视为正常品。这两个解释都符合题目中的描述。选项A和B都过于绝对,选项C没有提供任何解释。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  9. Peter's income increases and so does his consumption of both movies and pop, but his consumption of pop increases by less than his consumption of movies increases. Which one of the following statements is true for Peter?

  10. A:A movie is an inferior good; pop is an inferior good. B:A movie is an inferior good; pop is a normal good. C:A movie is a normal good; pop is an inferior good. D:A movie is a normal good; we cannot tell whether pop is a normal good or an inferior good. E:Movies and pop are both normal goods.
    答案:inelastic;a normal
  11. Utility is the set of numerical values that

  12. A:describes how much more a consumer prefers one bundle to another. B:yields an absolute level of pleasure from a bundle of goods. C:yields a cardinal ranking of bundles. D:reflects the relative ranking of various bundles of goods.
    答案:reflects the relative ranking of various bundles of goods.
  13. Assume baseball player salaries are fully determined before the season starts. From the point of view of the baseball team owner, player salaries during the course of the season are then

  14. A:average costs. B:variable costs. C:fixed costs. D:marginal costs.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:variable costs.(变动成本)。题目中说假设棒球运动员的薪水在赛季开始前就已经完全确定,那么从棒球队主人的角度来看,赛季过程中运动员的薪水就是变动成本。因此,答案为B。固定成本(fixed costs)是指在一定时期内不随产量变动而变动的成本,如厂房、设备折旧等;边际成本(marginal costs)是指每增加或减少一个单位产量所引起的总成本的变动量。因此,选项A和D都不符合题意。'
  15. Suppose MPL = 0.5 ∗ (q/L) and MPK = 0.5 ∗ (q/K). In the long run, the firm will hire equal amounts of capital and labor

  16. A:at no point in time. B:only when w = r. C:only when w = 0.5 ∗ r. D:all of the time.
    AI参考:长期内,企业会始终雇佣相等的资本和劳动,正确答案是D。根据题目中的公式MPL = 0.5 × (q/L) 和 MPK = 0.5 × (q/K),在长期内,企业会根据产量q和规模L或K来决定雇佣多少资本和劳动。由于资本和劳动的收益是相等的,所以企业会始终雇佣相等的资本和劳动。因此,答案为D,即“长期内,企业会始终雇佣相等的资本和劳动”。'
  17. Suppose a monopoly's inverse demand curve is P = 100 -Q, it produces a product with a constant marginal cost of 20, and it has no fixed costs. Compared to the consumer surplus if the market were perfectly competitive, consumer surplus is how much less when the monopolist practices perfect price discrimination?

  18. A:800 B:1600 C:0 D:3200

  19. If consumers are identical, then

  20. Returns to scale refers to the change in output when

  21. A:capital equipment is doubled. B:all inputs increase proportionately. C:specialization improves. D:labor increases holding all other inputs fixed.

  22. The steeper the labor supply curve,

  23. A:the lower the wage the monopsonist pays. B:the higher the wage the monopsonist pays. C:the better off workers are. D:the smaller the difference between the wage and the marginal expenditure on labor.

  24. When the price of a good changes, the substitution effect can be found by comparing the equilibrium quantities purchased

  25. A:on the new budget line and a hypothetical budget line that is a shift back to the original indifference curve parallel to the new budget line. B:on the new indifference curve. C:on the original indifference curve when faced with the original prices and when faced with the new prices. D:on the old budget line and the new budget line.

  26. If both prices decreases by 50%,

  27. A:slope of the budget constraint will increase. B:budget constraint will be unchanged. C:slope of the budget constraint will decrease. D:budget constraint will shift outward in a parallel fashion.

  28. The labor supply curve for a monopsony is

  29. A:perfectly vertical. B:downward sloping. C:upward sloping but not perfectly vertical. D:perfectly horizontal.

  30. A technological improvement is represented by

  31. A:a point inside the production possibilities frontier. B:a movement along the production possibilities frontier. C:a movement from a point inside the production possibilities frontier to a point on the production possibilities frontier. D:an outward shift of the production possibilities frontier. E:a point outside the production possibilities frontier.

  32. Quotas, such as limiting the amount of residential water use during a drought, restricts an individual's preference set and

  33. A:increases utility because quotas restrict output and raise profits for the water company. B:reduces utility because an individual cannot consume as much as they would without the quota. C:reduces utility because an individual is forced to substitute to other goods. D:does not affect overall utility.

  34. A monopsonist faces an upward-sloping labor supply curve. This means that his marginal expenditures on labor are

  35. A:greater than the wage. B:equal to the wage plus the increase in the wage resulting from hiring one more unit of labor hired. C:All of the above. D:greater than the wage because hiring more workers requires to pay all workers more.
    AI参考:单从这个问题来看,正确选项应该是【C】A monopsonist faces an upward-sloping labor supply curve. This means that his marginal expenditures on labor are all of the above. 这意味着,垄断者面对的是一条向上的劳动力供给曲线,这意味着他对劳动力的边际支出等于以上所有选项。解释一下各个选项:A. greater than the wage. (大于工资)——这个选项是不准确的,因为如果劳动力的边际支出大于工资,那么意味着他是在给工人支付更高的工资,而不是在雇佣更多的工人。B. equal to the wage plus the increase in the wage resulting from hiring one more unit of labor hired. (等于工资加上雇佣一个额外劳动力所导致的工资增长)——这个选项基本上是正确的,但过于详细,因为问题中只问了劳动力的边际支出,并没有涉及到工资的具体细节。D. greater than the wage because hiring more workers requires to pay all workers more. (因为雇佣更多的工人需要支付所有工人更多的工资,所以大于工资)——这个选项同样是不准确的,因为这实际上是在讨论一个完全不同的问题——即公司是否应该为了增加产出而支付所有工人更高的工资。所以,最准确的答案就是C:垄断者面对的是一条向上的劳动力供给曲线,他对劳动力的边际支出等于以上所有选项。这包括大于工资、等于工资加上雇佣一个额外劳动力所导致的工资增长,以及大于工资是因为雇佣更多的工人需要支付所有工人更多的工资。'
  36. Suppose a monopolistically competitive industry evolved into a perfectly competitive industry. Which of the following statements is correct?

  37. According to the Law of Demand, the demand curve for a good will

  38. A:slope downward. B:slope upward. C:shift leftward when the price of the good increases. D:shift rightward when the price of the good increases.
  39. A perfect-price-discriminating monopoly's marginal revenue curve

  40. AI参考:对于完全价格歧视的垄断者的边际收益曲线。答案是:它是一条垂直于原点的直线。因为完全价格歧视意味着每一个消费者对产品的数量和价格都有完全的自主权,因此边际收益曲线会随着销量的增加而保持不变,即垂直于原点。'
  41. Economic costs of an input include

  42. A:only explicit costs. B:only implicit costs. C:whatever management wishes to report to the shareholders. D:both implicit and explicit costs.
    AI参考:正确答案是D: both implicit and explicit costs. 根据问题,输入的经济成本应该包括什么?输入的经济成本应该包括所有隐含成本和显性成本,所以选项D是正确的。选项A和B都只包括其中一种成本,不符合题目要求。选项C则是与管理层向股东报告的成本相关的,但并不全面。因此,正确答案是D。'
  43. Data shows that United States college students purchase more e-books than German college students. Assuming that all students have identical preferences for e-books and textbooks, what is the likely explanation for this result?

  44. A:The price of textbooks is cheaper in the United States than textbooks in Germany. B:Taxes on textbooks are lower in the United States than taxes on textbooks in Germany. C:Both A and C. D:Taxes on textbooks are higher in the United States than taxes on textbooks in Germany.

  45. Suppose the short-run production function is q = 10 ∗ L. If the wage rate is $10 per unit of labor, then MC equals

  46. A:q/10. B:10/q. C:q. D:1

  47. The slope of an isoquant tells us

  48. A:how much output increases when both inputs are increased. B:the decrease in capital necessary to keep MPL constant when labor increases by one unit. C:the increase in MPL when capital increases. D:the decrease in capital necessary to keep output constant when labor increases by one unit.

  49. The slope of the total product curve always equals

  50. A:the change in input divided by the change in output. B:the ratio of the marginal product and the average product. C:the marginal product of the input. D:the average product of the input.

  51. What is marginal utility?

  52. A:the change in the price of a good divided by the change in total utility B:the additional satisfaction received from consuming one more unit of a good C:the change in total utility divided by the price of a good D:the total satisfaction received from consuming as much of the good that is available for consumption E:the maximum amount of satisfaction from consuming a good
    AI参考:正确答案是B:the additional satisfaction received from consuming one more unit of a good。边际效用是指消费者从消费额外一单位商品中所得到的效用和满足程度,所以答案为B。其他选项中,A和C描述的是商品的变动价格与总效用的变化之间的关系,D描述的是总效用与商品消费量的关系,E描述的是消费商品所能获得的满足的最大程度。因此,正确答案是B。'
  53. What are players’ strategies?

  54. A:player 1’s strategies are: aa, ab, ba, bb; player 2’s strategies are x, y B:player 1’s strategies are: aa, ab, ba, bb; player 2’s strategies are xx, xy, yx, yy C:player 1’s strategies are: a, b; player 2’s strategies are x, y D:Player 1’s strategies are: a, b; player 2’s strategies are xx, xy, yx, yy

  55. Returns to scale is a concept that operates

  56. A:in both the long run and the short run. B:in either the long run or the short run but never both. C:only in the short run. D:only in the long run.

  57. If a firm takes the wage as given, then the supply curve of labor to that firm is

  58. A:vertical. B:downward sloping. C:upward sloping. D:horizontal.

  59. When reducing output from the competitive level lowers welfare,

  60. A:social welfare is higher B:producer surplus is lower C:a deadweight loss is generated D:consumer surplus is lower

  61. why a long-run market supply curve might not flat in perfect competition

  62. In the long run, a monopolistic competitor

  63. A:produces where P=AC B:earns zero profit C:sets MR=MC D:sets P>MC
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:sets MR=MC】。长期来看,垄断竞争者会根据边际收益(MR)等于边际成本(MC)来决定生产决策,即设定MR=MC。这意味着垄断竞争者会在保证利润的同时,综合考虑市场需求和生产成本,以实现利润最大化。其他选项中,A选项“produces where P=AC”意味着垄断竞争者会在成本效益平衡点进行生产,但这不一定是最优选择;B选项“earns zero profit”意味着利润为零,这可能不是垄断竞争者所追求的目标;D选项“sets P>MC”意味着价格高于边际成本,但这并不一定符合长期利润最大化的原则。因此,C选项“sets MR=MC”是长期最优生产决策的正确选择。'
  64. A competitive market maximizes social welfare because in a competitive market, price equals marginal cost of the last unit produced.

  65. A:错 B:对

  66. The ability to set a price greater than marginal cost guarantees an economic profit for the monopolistic competitor.

  67. A:错 B:对
  68. In perfect competion, the marginal cost curve always cross the lowest point on average variable cost curve

  69. A:对 B:错

  70. The length of the short run is the same for all firms.

  71. A:对 B:错

  72. (First-price sealed-bid auction) Alice is selling her 2000 chevrolet cavalier to her friends, Bob and Charles. Bob attaches a value of S$8,000 to Alice's old car, while Charles's value of the car is S$10,000. (These valuations are common knowledge between Bob and Charles.) Alice designs the following auction to sell her car: First, she asks each of them to write his bid on a piece of paper. Then Bob and Charles give their bids (nonnegative integers) to Alice. Notice that when Bob and Charles write down their bids, they don't know each other's bid (so called "sealed bid"). After Alice receives the sealed bids, the bids are shown to everyone, and the car will be sold to the person who has the higher bid at the price equal to his own bid. When there is a tie (Bob and Charles bid the same amount), then Alice would flip a fair coin to decide who will get the car.

    Bob bids 9999 and Charles bids 10000 is a Nash equilibrium.

  73. A:错 B:对

  74. A monopoly always operates in the inelastic portion of its demand curve

  75. A:错 B:对
  76. (First-price sealed-bid auction) Alice is selling her 2000 chevrolet cavalier to her friends, Bob and Charles. Bob attaches a value of S$8,000 to Alice's old car, while Charles's value of the car is S$10,000. (These valuations are common knowledge between Bob and Charles.) Alice designs the following auction to sell her car: First, she asks each of them to write his bid on a piece of paper. Then Bob and Charles give their bids (nonnegative integers) to Alice. Notice that when Bob and Charles write down their bids, they don't know each other's bid (so called "sealed bid"). After Alice receives the sealed bids, the bids are shown to everyone, and the car will be sold to the person who has the higher bid at the price equal to his own bid. When there is a tie (Bob and Charles bid the same amount), then Alice would flip a fair coin to decide who will get the car.

    In this game Bob bids 8500 and Charles bids 8501 is a Nash equilibrium?

  77. A:对 B:错

  78. Many college football teams require a "donation" in order to purchase season tickets. This is price grouping.

  79. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。根据问题描述,许多大学足球队要求球迷们为购买季票提供“捐赠”,这是为了将票价进行分类定价。因此,这是一个价格分组的情况,答案为B。不需要进一步的分析。'
  80. A monopolist can always make a positive profit

  81. A:错 B:对
  82. (First-price sealed-bid auction) Alice is selling her 2000 chevrolet cavalier to her friends, Bob and Charles. Bob attaches a value of S$8,000 to Alice's old car, while Charles's value of the car is S$10,000. (These valuations are common knowledge between Bob and Charles.) Alice designs the following auction to sell her car: First, she asks each of them to write his bid on a piece of paper. Then Bob and Charles give their bids (nonnegative integers) to Alice. Notice that when Bob and Charles write down their bids, they don't know each other's bid (so called "sealed bid"). After Alice receives the sealed bids, the bids are shown to everyone, and the car will be sold to the person who has the higher bid at the price equal to his own bid. When there is a tie (Bob and Charles bid the same amount), then Alice would flip a fair coin to decide who will get the car.

    In this game Bob bids 8500 and Charles bids 8400 is a Nash equilibrium ?

  83. A:对 B:错

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