

  1. Starting with the ___ that there is life on the planet Mars, the scientist went on to develop his argument.

  2. A:premise B:presentation C:pretext D:foundation
  3. I refuse his offer not that I dislike the work, ___ I am unequal to it.

  4. A:but that B:in that C:and that D:for that
    AI参考:答案为 B:in that句意:我拒绝他的邀请不是因为我不喜欢这份工作,而是因为我不胜任这份工作。A.but that 但是;B.in that 因为;C.and that 并且;D.for that 因为。根据句意,故选B。'
  5. Mr. Brown gradually ___ a knowledge of the subject.

  6. A:acquired B:inquired C:achieved D:required
    AI参考:正确答案是A:acquired。acquired knowledge是固定搭配,表示通过学习获得的知识。因此,Mr. Brown逐渐获得这个领域的知识。其他选项inquired(询问)、achieved(实现)、required(要求)都不符合语境。因此,答案为A。'
  7. The plane is about to take off. Would you please ensure that your seat belt is securely ___?

  8. A:bound B:locked C:fastened D:tied
    AI参考:答案为 C:fastenedbind束缚;locked表示"锁定",指有障碍物的封闭或紧闭,和security不符;tied常和对象构成系表结构;而fasten,可以作为动词用,它的过去式为fastened。此题意在表示扣好安全带的意思,用fasten表示扣好的动作最为恰当,根据语义的搭配及此题的用词习惯和选项内容。答案应选C项fastened. 所以答案是C项。'
  9. I shall have to get someone to help me. I can't do it all ___.

  10. A:of my own B:by my own C:for my own D:on my own
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:on my own】。 句子中的“I cant do it all ___”表明了作者无法独立完成所有事情,需要他人帮助,因此需要选择一个表示“独自地,单独地”的选项。选项D中的“on my own”正是表示这个意思的短语,因此是正确答案。选项A中的“of my own”表示“属于我自己的”,不符合句意;选项C中的“for my own”表示“为了我自己的利益”,也不符合句意;选项B中的“by my own”虽然也有“独自地”的意思,但是与句子中的“I cant do it all ___”表达的意思不完全一致。"
  11. The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have ___ as the amount of money borrowed.

  12. A:as the same value B:value as the same C:the value is the same D:the same value
  13. After several nuclear disasters, a ___ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.

  14. A:suspicion B:verdict C:quarrel D:controversy
  15. That the child disturbed the class ___ made the teacher very angry.

  16. A:constantly B:continuously C:continually D:considerably
  17. Jack succeeding in ___ his father ___ buying him a new computer.

  18. A:asking...into B:telling...into C:talking...into D:letting...into

  19. John looked over the engine carefully lest it ___ wrong on the way.

  20. A:had gone B:go C:goes D:went

  21. Everything ___ into consideration, his plan seems to be workable.

  22. A:is taken B:to be taken C:taking D:taken
    AI参考:答案为 D:taken 。分析句子结构可知,空格处作介词of的宾语,而take sth into consideration是一个固定短语,意为“把某事考虑进去”,故应使用过去分词作定语,表示被动,故选D。'
  23. He ___ to Beijing. I saw him only a while ago.

  24. AI参考:他的手机信号很好。我在一会儿前刚看见过他。正确选项是【他的手机信号很好】。因为根据句子结构和语境,上下文之间没有明显的逻辑关系,所以选项之间的干扰也不大。而根据题干中的信息,我们可以知道这个人已经到达了北京,并且他的手机信号很好,所以可以推断出他到达北京的时间应该是在手机信号好的时候。因此,选项“他的手机信号很好”是正确的答案。'
  25. Lying ___ far back in the mountains, the coal had to be hauled from a deep valley.

  26. A:did it B:as it did C:was it D:as it is

  27. I'll ___ to ironing after I've finished the washing.

  28. A:get over B:get about C:get around D:get through

  29. The old couple were ___ with grief as their son died in the war.

  30. A:overwhelmed B:embarrassed C:caught D:preoccupied
    AI参考:正确答案是A. overwhelmed。overwhelmed with grief为固定搭配,表示“因悲痛而不知所措”。其他选项的意思与句子不符。因此,答案为A。'
  31. The Prime Minister refused to ___ on the humor that he had planned to give up his position.

  32. A:state B:relate C:comment D:treat

  33. The house is dark; the Turners ___ to bed.

  34. A:must have gone B:must go C:should go D:should have gone

  35. In our society it's nothing unusual to be confronted with failures but ___ should we be discouraged on that account.

  36. A:by all means B:in any conditions C:in no time D:in no way
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:in no way】。句子意思是我们社会面对失败并不罕见,但我们绝不应该因此而气馁。四个选项中,A选项by all means表示“无论如何”,B选项in any conditions表示“在任何条件下”,C选项in no time表示“立刻”,都不符合句意。只有D选项in no way符合句意,表示“决不”。因此,正确答案是D。'
  37. He is off to Paris again tomorrow. He tells me that, with this journey, he ___ there and back twenty times.

  38. A:will be B:will have gone C:will have been D:will go

  39. The studies show that the driver who has consumed an amount of alcohol within the limit is likely to have an automobile accident ___ than the driver who does not take any alcohol.

  40. A:no less B:no more C:not so D:not much

  41. ___ he does get annoyed with her sometimes.

  42. A:Much although he likes her B:Although much he likes her C:As he likes her much D:Much as he likes her
    AI参考:答案为D:Much as he likes her。这是一个复合句,前半部分much表示“很”,后半部分作为句子主语。句子缺少谓语动词,根据语境应使用现在时,much后面跟一般现在时。同时根据固定用法"as +主语+助动词/be+句子剩余部分"或"although+从句"或者"although/though+主句",该题正确答案是D选项,Much as he likes her意为“尽管他很喜欢她”。故选D。'
  43. The president of the university, together with the deans, ___ planning a conference for the purpose of laying down a series of regulations.

  44. A:were B:are C:is D:will

  45. The school team won five ___ games.

  46. A:intensive B:successive C:extensive D:excessive
    AI参考:正确答案是B:successive。句意:学校队赢得了五场连续的比赛。A. intensive密集的;B. successive连续的;C. extensive广泛的;D. excessive过度的。根据句意,故选B。'
  47. You don't have to worry ___ we are here.

  48. A:while B:though C:even if D:until
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:even if。句子中表达的意思是“即使我们在这里你也不必担心”,表示一种让步或转折关系,因此使用even if符合语境。而while和though都是表示对比或比较的关系,until则表示一种时间上的顺序关系,都不符合语境。'
  49. ___ up with your classmates, you must study hard right now.

  50. A:catching B:to catch C:being caught D:caught
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:caught这句话的意思是:你被抓住的时候,你一定现在努力学习。分析句子的结构和语义,catch with是与题意相关的词组,意思是跟不上或不及格,而up with表示“想出、提出”,与句意不符。因此,选项D caught符合语境。同时,句子中的主语you与caught是主动关系,因此用一般式动词。因此,正确答案是D caught。'
  51. He hurried into the classroom ___ nobody was in.

  52. A:find B:only to find C:finding D:to find

  53. In the lecture ___ he will tell us somethingabout modern English usage.

  54. A:to follow B:being followed C:followed D:following
    AI参考:正确选项是D:following。句子中使用了"in the lecture ___ he will tell us something about modern English usage"这个结构,其中"in the lecture"表示"在讲座中",而后面的部分需要用动名词形式来表达动作或状态。根据句意和语法规则,应该使用"following",表示"在讲座中他将会告诉我们一些关于现代英语用法的事情"。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  55. She waited at the gate, her hands ___ before her.

  56. A:were folding B:folded C:were folded D:folding

  57. Mary ___ my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.

  58. AI参考:答案为“has not received”。根据题干中的时间状语“otherwise she would have replied before now”可知,此处表示“到现在还没有收到信”,所以空格处应该用现在完成时,故答案为“has not received”。'
  59. Easter Sunday is a happy day for Christians because they believe that ______.

  60. A:Jesus rose from the dead B:death is not the end of everything C:people can see Jesus on that day D:Jesus ascended into heaven

  61. A full intonation phrase consists of _____.

  62. A:tail B:head C:pre-head D:nucleus

  63. What are the common types of stress in a sentence?

  64. A:Strong stess. B:Emphatic stress. C:New information stress. D:Contrastive stress

  65. Which of the followings are symbols of Halloween?

  66. A:Tigers B:Bats C:Owls D:Witches

  67. In 18th century England, couples expressed their love for each other by_____.

  68. A:presenting flowers B:offering confectionery C:sending greeting cards D:buying new clothes

  69. What does the World Book Day aim to promote?

  70. A:Publishing B:Copyright C:Economic power D:Reading
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Reading】。世界图书日(World Book Day)的目的是为了推广阅读,鼓励人们多读书、读好书,通过阅读来丰富自己的知识和提高自身的素质。选项A、B、C都与世界图书日的宗旨不符,因此不正确。'
  71. In history,the day of love was traditionally on ______.

  72. A:May 1 B:February 22 C:June 13 D:March 12

  73. Which of the following books was written by Rachel Carson?

  74. A:The Sea Around Us B:The Origin of Species C:Slilent Spring D:The Edge of the Sea

  75. Reading can be done for ____.

  76. A:self-improvement B:career prospects C:literary criticism D:sheer pleasure
    AI参考:正确选项为D:sheer pleasure。原文中提到“Reading can be done for ____”,根据语境可以推断出阅读是为了纯粹的享受,因此选项D“sheer pleasure”符合语境。选项A“self-improvement”指的是自我提升,选项B“career prospects”指的是职业前景,选项C“literary criticism”指的是文学批评,这些选项都不符合语境。'
  77. Sound changes in English can be found in _____.

  78. A:linking B:elision C:incomplete plosion D:weakening

  79. Intonation makes our utterances meaningful.

  80. A:对 B:错

  81. Pardoning turkey, one of the funniest celebrations American people enjoy began in 1957.

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. Sound changes only provide us with an alternative, but not a must.

  84. A:错 B:对

  85. The actual birthday of Jesus is the 25th December.

  86. A:错 B:对

  87. Diogenes and Alexander the Great were free in the same sense.

  88. A:对 B:错

  89. The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in 1622.

  90. A:对 B:错
  91. English rhythm has neither vowel reduction nor vowel duration.

  92. A:对 B:错

  93. There is a famous prank in 1957 made by the BBC News.

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. English is stress-timed while Chinese is syllable-timed.

  96. A:错 B:对

  97. Stress of spoken English not only determines the rhythmic flow of words, but also the quality of the vowels.

  98. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:B:错。 虽然口语英语的发音压力会影响单词的节奏和语流,但是元音的质量并不完全由发音压力决定,还受到其他因素的影响,如口型、舌位等。因此,该说法是不准确的。'

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