第三章 Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand:To carry out their analysis, planning, implementation, and control responsibilities, marketing managers need a marketing information system (MIS) to assess information needs, develop the needed information, and distribute it in a timely manner. An MIS has three components: (a) an internal records system, (b) a marketing intelligence system, and (c) a marketing research system. Marketers find many opportunities by identifying trends and megatrends. Within the rapidly changing global picture, marketers must monitor six major environmental forces: demographic, economic, social-cultural, natural, technological, and political-legal. To estimate current demand, companies attempt to determine total market potential, area market potential, industry sales, and market share. To estimate future demand, companies survey buyers’ intentions, solicit their sales force's input, gather expert opinions, analyze past sales, or engage in market testing.3.1Components of a Modern Marketing Information System现代营销信息系统的构成:Components of a Modern Marketing Information System
3.2Analyzing the Macroenvironment宏观环境分析:Analyzing the Macroenvironment
3.3Forecasting and Demand Measurement需求测量与预测:Forecasting and Demand Measurement
[单选题]The ________ begins with sales representatives and dealers sending orders to the firms and is followed by the sales department preparing invoices, and finally generating shipping and billing documents which are then sent to various departments.

选项:[human resources system, payroll system, market research process, expense cycle, order-to-payment cycle]
[单选题]A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors' published reports and stockholder information, the company is using ________ to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence.

选项:[external networks, intermediaries, customer feedback systems, sales-force surrogates, advisory panels]
[单选题]A ________ is unpredictable, short-lived, and without social, economic, and political significance.

选项:[megatrend, fad, style, fashion, trend]
[单选题]Companies can practice targeted marketing by using ________, which are records of Web site usage stored on personal browsers.

选项:[honey-pots, cookies, plug-ins, trolls, black swans]
[单选题]A ________ is a set of procedures and sources managers use to obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment.

选项:[marketing intelligence system, viral marketing campaign, sales information system, data warehousing system, product management system]
[单选题]Which of the following is likely to occur during economic downturns?

选项:[People tend to spend more on luxury goods., Consumption of necessary goods decline., The purchasing power of the population declines., Long-term credit is available at concessional rates of interest., The level of investment in the economy rises.]
[单选题]A ________ is a large social, economic, political, and technological change that is slow to form, and once in place, influences us for some time — between seven and ten years, or longer.

选项:[megatrend, fashion, fad, style, trend]
[单选题]Today, corporations need to make sure that they are good corporate citizens and that their consumer messages are honest in order to positively align themselves with consumers' views of ________.

选项:[organizations, themselves, others, the universe, society]
[单选题]The heart of the internal records system is the ________ because customers favor firms that can promise timely delivery.

选项:[data mining system, data warehouse, information needs probe, sales information system, order-to-payment cycle]
[多选题]The main demographic factor marketers monitor is population, including

选项:[the size and growth rate of population, household patterns., educational levels, age distribution and ethnic mix]
[单选题]There is a global trend toward an aging population.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Households comprised of single, separated, widowed, and divorced individuals generally demand larger apartments and expensive appliances, furniture, and furnishings.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Firms that can develop substitute materials for finite nonrenewable resources have an excellent opportunity.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]A growing population does not mean growing markets unless ________.

选项:[the government has a budget surplus, there is adequate governmental intervention in the market, people have sufficient purchasing power, the people are under a democratic system of government, there is common ownership of all resources]

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