1. In contrast to reference, sense may be defined as the semantic relations between one word and another, or more generally between one linguistic unite and another. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Phrases are the smallest meaningful units in syntax. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. The Grammaticalization means that a lexical word becomes a grammatical word throughout the course of history. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. If one language makes distinctions that another doesn’t make, then those who use the 1st language will more readily perceive the differences in their environment. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. The framework proposed by Douglas Fir incorporates social experiences into language learning.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. How does culture influence the perception of politeness and impoliteness in language? ( )

  12. 答案:Politeness norms can vary depending on the social hierarchy and power dynamics in a culture.###In some cultures, direct language is seen as polite, while in others, indirect language is preferred.###Cultural norms dictate when and how apologies are expressed.
  13. Which of the following are examples of language attitudes that can contribute to linguistic prejudice? ( )

  14. 答案:Stereotyping speakers of certain dialects###Valuing one's own dialect as superior
  15. Which sociolinguistic factors are typically examined when studying language and gender? ( )

  16. 答案:Socialization patterns###Differences in phonological features###Variation in syntactic structures
  17. Which of the following are goals of historical linguistics? ( )

  18. 答案:To understand language evolution###To reconstruct proto-languages
  19. Which of the following represent types of sense relations in lexical semantics? ( )

  20. 答案:Hyponymy###Antonymy###Meronymy
  21. How does sociolinguistics contribute to the understanding of language contact and bilingualism? ( )

  22. 答案:By exploring how language contact affects language maintenance and change###By analyzing how languages influence each other in multilingual communities###By studying the cognitive processes involved in language switching
  23. Which of the following factors can lead to language change according to variationist theory? ( )
  24. What is the term for the process by which languages influence each other and gradually become more similar due to contact? ( )
  25. What is not the implied suggestion regarding the use of pair and group work in language learning? ( )
  26. What is the significance of the concept of linguistic prestige in sociolinguistics? ( )
  27. The famous saying—there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes can be best explained by under the framework of Cognitive Linguistics. ( )
  28. Which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to language variation in sociolinguistics? ( )
  29. What is the primary focus of parents when interacting with children regarding language learning? ( )
  30. Which aspect of language learning might learners with strong language analysis skills perform better in? ( )
  31. The concept of "linguistic relativity" suggests that: ( )
  32. Which term describes the process of adopting elements of one culture's language or behavior by another culture? ( )
  33. How does meaningful interaction contribute to language learning in the scientific research ? ( )
  34. What should teachers consider when providing corrective feedback in the classroom teaching? ( )
  35. Cognition of Language is not the system, it is related with other cognitive mechanisms.( )
  36. Which syntactic bracketing represents the sentence "The cat chased the mouse" according to IC analysis? ( )
  37. What is the primary function of syntax in language? ( )
  38. Image schemas are deeply-rooted in our embodied experiences, they are the bridges between _____and_______. ( )
  39. In the context of second language acquisition, when errors occur in language learning, what might be indicated about the learners?( )
  40. In semantics, what do homonyms refer to? ( )
  41. Which type of sentence structure involves a subject, verb, and direct object? ( )
  42. Which of the following is an example of a belief about language learning? ( )
  43. What is the primary focus of historical linguistics? ( )
  44. What does developmental sequence refer to in the context of second language acquisition? ( )
  45. Grammaticalization can be interpreted into two dimensions. The first one is that a lexical word becomes a grammatical word, and the second one is that a concrete expression becomes .( )
  46. Which term describes the unique strengths in specific cognitive areas that different learners possess? ( )
  47. Conceptual metaphors are different from metaphorical choices, for the former are______ and the latter are______. ( )
  48. Which of the following is NOT a type of linguistic variation typically studied in sociolinguistics? ( )
  49. Which term describes the study of the relationships between languages and their common ancestry? ( )
  50. Which of the following is an example of interaction activity in Interaction Hypothesis in the field of second language acquisition ? ( )
  51. is the fundamental level of categorization in one’s mind.( )
  52. In many Western cultures, a firm handshake is often seen as a sign of: ( )
  53. What is a notable advantage of using RECASTS in language teaching according to the theory of second language acquisition? ( )
  54. Which linguistic phenomenon is often used as evidence in historical linguistics to trace language evolution? ( )
  55. What term describes a semantic relationship where one word is more general than another, such as "animal" being more general than "dog"? ( )
  56. What are the two conceptual metaphors in the sentence: She encounter an insurmountable impediment at the dusk of her life ? ( )
  57. How can teachers in the classroom teaching contribute to creating a motivating environment for language learning according to what you have learned in this section?( )
  58. What is NOT the typical language learning outcome for adult L2 learners compared to children in L1 acquisition according to the theory in second language acquisition?( )
  59. What is formulaic language in native and second language speakers and why is it important in the process of language learning?( )
  60. How do parents typically correct their children's speech when the children are very young according to the theory in the field of second language acquisition?( )
  61. Spolsky’s general model of L2 learning encapsulates the overall relationship between contextual factors, individual learner differences, learning opportunities and learning outcomes. ( )
  62. Learners with higher intelligence always outperform others in language learning. ( )
  63. What is the primary focus of content-based instruction (CBI) in language teaching ?( )
  64. Which of the following is an example of a cognitive L2 strategy in language learning in the field of second language acquisition? ( )
  65. Which of the following is FALSE according to what you have leaned?( )
  66. According to Douglas Fir's framework on The Multifaceted Nature of Language Learning and T, how is the individual positioned in relation to others in the process of language learning?( )
  67. Which of the following choices is not the characteristics of basic category under the framework of prototype theory? ( )
  68. When half of a bottle of water is left during hiking, some may be disappointed to say that the bottle is half empty, while others will be blissful to say that the bottle is half full. Which of the following linguistic theories can best explain this linguistic phenomenon? ( )
  69. Which of the following linguistic phenomenon will best exemplify the attentive view of Cognitive Linguistics? ( )
  70. Which of the following linguistic phenomena has illuminated the iconicity of Language? ( )
  71. is the intrinsic feature of semiotic system, while it is that determines the cultural value and linguistic value of Cognitive Linguistic research. ( )
  72. What is the apparent difference between CA analysis in structural semantics and the cognitive analysis of semantics? ( )
  73. The theory of modularity, which considers language capabilities to be autonomous modulars, comes from .( )
  74. Grammaticalization can be applied to explain a certain historical change that a concrete word becomes a grammatical marker. ( )
  75. Which of the following choices is not the major topic of interest in Cognitive Linguistics? ( )
  76. It is the that differ Cognitive Linguistics from other schools of modern linguistics.( )
  77. In all human languages, as a defining property of a noun, GENDER is always identical to the natural distinction between two opposite sexes.( )
  78. In many Asian cultures, the use of honorifics and titles in language is a sign of: ( )
  79. How does cultural context impact the interpretation of a spoken statement? ( )
  80. Language is intertwined with culture and thought, and it plays an important role in building and maintaining culture as well as shaping thoughts. ( )
  81. Which of the following best defines the relationship between language and culture? ( )
  82. Which linguistic feature is often influenced by cultural norms and taboos? ( )
  83. Which of the following are ways in which language and culture can mutually influence each other over time? ( )
  84. What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? ( )
  85. In many cultures, the use of formal language is associated with: ( )
  86. Which term refers to the phenomenon where a word or concept exists in one language but lacks an equivalent in another? ( )
  87. Which term describes the tendency of individuals to modify their speech to resemble that of their conversational partner? ( )
  88. A language has more speakers than a dialect. ( )
  89. What role do "linguistic ideologies" play in sociolinguistic research? ( )
  90. People’s speech tends to become more standard when context of situation becomes more formal. ( )
  91. In an overall sense, a language is more prestigious than a dialect. ( )
  92. It is impossible to tell about an individual’s education or social status according to his/her accent or dialect. ( )
  93. Sociolinguistics examines how language varies: ( )
  94. Which of the following are factors that can influence an individual's language variation in a speech community? ( )
  95. Which linguistic concept refers to the social status, power, and prestige associated with a particular dialect or way of speaking? ( )
  96. One way for people to construct their identity is using regional dialect. ( )
  97. How is rhythm achieved in English? ( )
  98. The step of evaluation is the foundation in the procedure of stylistic analysis. ( )
  99. In English, rhythmic patterning is usually analyzed in terms of meter. ( )
  100. Derivation produces foregrounding by breaking the rules or norms of everydaylanguage.( )
  101. Stylistics is concerned with ____ ( )
  102. What does style refer to in the study of stylistics? ( )
  103. Stylistic analysis is comparative in nature. That is to say, it invites to compare what the author actually says with what could have been said. This is reflected in the view of style as foregrounding. ( )
  104. What does “penta-” in “pentameter” mean? ( )
  105. In historical linguistics, which methods can be used to compare languages and identify their historical relationships? ( )
  106. Which of the following factors can contribute to language change within a speech community? ( )
  107. Which linguistic theory emphasizes the role of cultural and social factors in language change? ( )
  108. What linguistic evidence is often used to establish language families and their historical relationships? ( )
  109. Language variation is diachronic while language change is synchronic. ( )
  110. In historical linguistics, which factors can lead to language change? ( )
  111. Which linguistic term refers to the gradual shift in pronunciation of certain sounds in a language over time? ( )
  112. What is the primary goal of the comparative method in historical linguistics? ( )
  113. Which linguistic approach involves comparing languages to identify shared features and infer their historical relationships? ( )
  114. In historical linguistics, what is the term for the process by which languages split into distinct but related languages? ( )
  115. Real language change can not be observed at all. ( )
  116. Which linguistic phenomenon involves the simplification of language features over time, such as the loss of inflectional endings? ( )
  117. When people give a dispreferred response, they tend to make extra efforts. ( )
  118. Cohesive devices can be broadly divided into grammatical and lexical cohesive devices. ( )
  119. 7The Theme of a clause does not always coincide with given information. ( )
  120. A transition relevance place refers to the recognizable end of a turn unit, a possible completion point. ( )
  121. Everyday casual conversation is totally messy and disorganized. ( )
  122. Zellig Harris first proposed the notion of discourse analysis in 1952. ( )
  123. A text can be coherent without any cohesive devices. ( )
  124. Collocation is one type of grammatical cohesion that is achieved through the association of lexical items that regularly co-occur. ( )
  125. The texture of discourse is identical to the cohesion in discourse. ( )
  126. Thematic structure is speaker-oriented while information structure is listener-oriented. ( )
  127. An utterance like “This is mine. That is yours.” can be totally understood without a context. ( )
  128. The use of different address terms is reflective of different interpersonal relationships. ( )
  129. Cooperative principle explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey more than is literally said. ( )
  130. Syntax studies the relationships between linguistic forms and entities in the world. ( )
  131. John Searle first proposed speech act theory. ( )
  132. In speech act theory, an utterance that can be verified cannot be regarded as a speech act. ( )
  133. For a sentence like “I pronounce you husband and wife!”, it does not state a fact or describe a state, and is not verifiable. ( )
  134. An utterance like “War is war.” is tautological without expressing any additional meaning. ( )
  135. Pragmatics studies the relation of linguistic units to their users. ( )
  136. The same utterance can be understood in very different ways in different contexts. ( )
  137. To some extent, the difference between the gradable and the complementary can be compared to the traditional logical distinction between the contrary and the contradictory. ( )
  138. Pairs of antonyms such as dead and alive, man and woman are called complementary antonyms because the denial of one member of a pair results in the assertion of the other. ( )
  139. The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the referential theory. ( )
  140. Which of the following are aspects of lexical semantics? ( )
  141. What is the term for words that have opposite meanings, such as "good" and "bad"? ( )
  142. One member of a pair, usually the term for the higher degree, serves as the _____ term. ( )
  143. In semantics, which of the following are types of antonymy? ( )
  144. What term is used in semantics to describe the meaning of words in isolation, without considering their use in sentences? ( )
  145. Which of the following are examples of semantic roles typically associated with verbs? ( )
  146. Which linguistic subfield investigates the meaning of words and their combinations within sentences? ( )
  147. What does syntax primarily study? ( )
  148. Which of the following is NOT a syntactic category in language? ( )
  149. In syntax, which of the following are considered constituents? ( )
  150. Before the emergence of structuralist grammar founded by Saussure at the beginning of the 20th century, what was predominant in the linguistic world is generative grammar. ( )
  151. Which linguistic theory emphasizes the importance of phrase structure rules in syntax? ( )
  152. Which of the following are examples of syntactic rules? ( )
  153. Linguistic studies before the 20th century were largely descriptive in the sense that many early grammars were based on “high” (literary, religious) written language. ( )
  154. In syntax, what is the term for the arrangement of words to create well-formed sentences? ( )
  155. According to the regulations of traditional grammar, the sentence Would you mind me sitting here? is ungrammatical. ( )
  156. Which of the following is an example of a syntactic ambiguity? ( )
  157. Inflectional morphemes never change the grammatical category of the stems to which they are attached. ( )
  158. All words may be said to contain a ___ morpheme ( )
  159. Which is the stem of the word “purified”? ( )
  160. A root can always stand alone as a word. ( )
  161. The compound word "bookstore" is the place where books are sold. This indicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meanings of its components. ( )
  162. The morpheme –ed in the word “worked” is a(n) __________ morpheme. ( )
  163. The word “lab” is formed through ____.( )
  164. Most of the derivational prefixes never never change the grammatical category of the stems to which they are attached.( )
  165. Which is the phonetic transcription of the word peak? ( )
  166. Which of the following consonants are alveolar sounds? ( )
  167. English consonant clusters are quite limited in the sounds they may contain. No more than ____ consonants may occur at the beginning of a word. ( )
  168. What organs are involved in speech production? ( )
  169. How many sounds are there in English?( )
  170. Which sound corresponds to the following phonetic description “voiceless alveolar fricative”? ( )
  171. All the front vowels and the central vowels are unrounded vowels and all the back vowels are rounded. ( )(No. All the back vowels, with the exception of /a:/, are rounded.)
  172. A syllable must have a nucleus or peak, which is often the task of a vowel and a consonant after the vowel. ( )
  173. Consonants and vowels are different in terms of __ ( )
  174. Which of the following theories about the origin of language would use examples of words such as “glisten, gleam, glaze, glitter, glow …”as an evidence for the mysterious correspondence between sound and meaning? ( )
  175. The rules in grammar textbooks are guidelines for correct language use and should be followed whenever possible. ( )
  176. Which design feature of human language is reflected in the following remarks by Bertrand Russell:“No matter how eloquently a dog may bark, he cannot tell you that his parents were poor but honest.”? ( )
  177. Which design feature of human language is reflected in the following poem? ( )The song of canariesNever varies
  178. The following are some book titles of linguistics. Can you judge from the titles which book(s) has(have) synchronic orientation? ( )
  179. There are more than 7,000 languages spoken in the world, but 90% of the population speaks only 10% of them. ( )
  180. Which design feature of human language is reflected in the following line from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet:“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”? ( )
  181. There is nothing inherent about most words that gives them heir meaning; any group of speech sounds could have any meaning. ( )
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