  1. The effectiveness of language learning varies due to individual differences, without a fixed learning pattern. ( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. Chomsky believes that every speaker of a language has mastered and internalized a generative grammar that expresses his knowledge of language. ( )

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. The linguistic branch which was predominant in the American continent from the 30s to the 50s of the 20th century is generative linguistics. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. Traditional grammar focuses on the study of written form of language but neglects the spoken form. ( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. The iconicity of syntactic structures can be classified into iconicity of quantity, iconicity of sequence, iconicity of distance and iconicity of marker. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. Which of the following can contribute to language endangerment and loss in minority cultures? ( )

  12. A:Lack of intergenerational transmission of language B:Government language policies promoting bilingualism C:Cultural assimilation and globalization D:Economic pressures to use a dominant language
    答案:Economic pressures to use a dominant language###Lack of intergenerational transmission of language###Cultural assimilation and globalization
  13. Which of the following are examples of extralinguistic factors that can influence language variation in sociolinguistics? ( )

  14. A:Ethnicity B:Education level C:Vocabulary size D:Age
    答案:A: Ethnicity B: Education level D: Age
  15. Which of the following aspects of language can be influenced by syntax? ( )

  16. A:Pronunciation B:Language acquisition C:Word meanings D:Sentence structure
    答案:Sentence structure###Language acquisition
  17. Which of the following are examples of semantic ambiguity? ( )

  18. A:"He took a bite out of the apple." B:"She sang a beautiful song." C:"The bank is on the corner." D:"I saw her duck."
    答案:C: "The bank is on the corner." D: "I saw her duck."
  19. Which of the following linguistic phenomena are associated with language contact and borrowing? ( )

  20. A:Syntactic complexity B:Phonological shifts C:Lexical borrowing D:Morphological leveling
  21. Which of the following are examples of factors that can contribute to linguistic accommodation? ( )

  22. A:A desire to distance oneself from a group B:A sense of linguistic pride C:A desire to express solidarity with a group D:A need for clear communication
  23. Which of the following are examples of language attitudes that can contribute to linguistic prejudice? ( )

  24. A:Viewing all dialects as equally valid B:Promoting linguistic diversity C:Valuing one's own dialect as superior D:Stereotyping speakers of certain dialects
  25. Which of the following are examples of syntactic ambiguity? ( )

  26. A:"Leave the book on the table." B:"He ate the pizza." C:"The cat chased the mouse." D:"I saw the man with the telescope."
  27. Which of the following are examples of linguistic innovations that can lead to language change? ( )

  28. A:Syntactic simplification B:Preservation of archaic forms C:Phonetic shifts in pronunciation D:Borrowing of words from other languages
  29. What is not the primary intention behind using the technique of RECASTS in language learning? ( )

  30. A:To confuse learners and challenge their understanding. B:To immediately discourage learners from making errors. C:To encourage learners to memorize new vocabulary. D:To indirectly model the correct language form for learners.
  31. What is the primary focus of parents when interacting with children regarding language learning? ( )

  32. A:Correcting every grammatical mistake B:Emphasizing the importance of written communication C:Prioritizing understanding and communication D:Ensuring flawless pronunciation
  33. Iconicty is the principle that holds that there is an relationship between the signifier and signified.( )

  34. A:conventionalized B:intrinsic C:casual D:arbitrary
  35. The concept of "bidialectalism" refers to individuals who: ( )

  36. A:Avoid speaking in any dialect B:Speak only one dialect fluently C:Are fluent in two or more dialects or languages D:Are unable to speak any dialect fluently
  37. The the idea of interplay in the process of language learning, according to Douglas Fir, refers to: ( )

  38. A:The individual's competition with peers B:The process of memorization and repetition C:The dynamic interaction between cognitive abilities and social experiences D:The exchange of resources within a community
  39. is the fundamental level of categorization in one’s mind.( )

  40. A:subconscious level B:superordinate level C:basic level D:subordinate level
  41. Which of the following is an example of nonverbal communication that varies across cultures? ( )

  42. A:Verb conjugation B:Noun declension C:Syntactic rules D:Facial expressions
  43. Advocates of early L2 instruction in language learning might argue that: ( )

  44. A:Learning a second language later is more effective due to cognitive development. B:Early exposure leads to a greater resistance to language learning. C:Starting early helps learners attain native-like pronunciation. D:Early L2 instruction hinders the development of first language skills
  45. The concept of "style shifting" in sociolinguistics refers to: ( )

  46. A:The use of multiple languages within a conversation B:The historical evolution of a language C:The intentional change in one's speech style depending on the context or interlocutor D:The emergence of new dialects
  47. What term is used in semantics to describe words that have similar meanings and can be substituted for each other in certain contexts? ( )

  48. A:Homonyms B:Antonyms C:Polysemes D:Synonyms
  49. What type of signs does language belong to? ( )

  50. A:symbol B:index C:icon
  51. Which of the following is a key method used in sociolinguistics to collect data on language variation? ( )

  52. A:MRI scans of the brain B:Genetic testing C:Historical documents D:Interviews and surveys
  53. What does developmental sequence refer to in the context of second language acquisition? ( )

  54. A:The predictable order in which learners acquire language features. B:The chronological order of language learning activities. C:A sequence of language assessments used in schools. D:A specific order in which languages should be learned.
  55. Image schemas are deeply-rooted in our embodied experiences, they are the bridges between _____and_______. ( )

  56. A:percepts and senses B:percepts and concepts C:mind and body D:concepts and categories
  57. What role can technology play in accommodating diverse aptitude profiles in language teaching? ( )

  58. A:It discourages collaboration among learners. B:It can personalize instruction based on learners' cognitive strengths. C:It eliminates the need for different learning strategies. D:It replaces traditional classroom instruction entirely.
  59. Which type of sentence structure involves a subject, verb, and direct object? ( )

  60. A:Complex sentence B:Compound sentence C:Simple sentence D:Compound-complex sentence
  61. Which of the following represents a syntactic rule that can be applied to create yes-no questions in English? ( )

  62. A:Pronoun substitution B:Inversion of word order C:Subject-Verb agreement D:Passive voice
  63. In semantics, what is the term for the relationship between words that are opposites in meaning, such as "hot" and "cold"? ( )

  64. A:Antonymy B:Hyponymy C:Polysemy D:Synonymy
  65. Which syntactic bracketing represents the sentence "The cat chased the mouse" according to IC analysis? ( )

  66. A:[[The] [cat]] [[chased] [[the] [mouse]]] B:[The [cat chased] [the mouse]] C:[The [cat [chased [the mouse]]]] D:[[The cat] chased [the mouse]]
  67. Which linguistic theory explores the role of conceptual structures in language understanding? ( )

  68. A:Cognitive semantics B:Generative grammar C:Structuralism D:Pragmatics
  69. What is the term for the process by which languages become more similar to each other over time due to contact and mutual influence? ( )

  70. A:Language standardization B:Language divergence C:Language creolization D:Language convergence
  71. What is the primary focus of historical linguistics? ( )

  72. A:Speech sound production B:Language change over time C:Language acquisition D:Pragmatic communication
  73. Since lexicalization is a process that a word is made to express a concept, it can be derived from the process of .( )

  74. A:fossilization and deconstruction B:conceptualization and coding C:conventionalization and entrenchment D:generation and transformation
  75. What is the term for words with multiple meanings depending on context? ( )

  76. A:Homophones B:Antonyms C:Synonyms D:Polysemes
  77. Which linguistic concept refers to the borrowing of words or linguistic features between languages due to cultural contact? ( )

  78. A:Language divergence B:Language evolution C:Language convergence D:Language diffusion
  79. Cognition of Language is not the system, it is related with other cognitive mechanisms.( )

  80. A:acquired B:universal C:innate D:autonomous
  81. What is a potential disadvantage of an early start for second language learning according to the research in the field of second language acquisition? ( )

  82. A:Increased exposure to multiple languages B:Subtractive bilingualism with lasting negative consequences C:Enhanced self-confidence D:Improved communication skills
  83. Which of the following is an example of interaction activity in Interaction Hypothesis in the field of second language acquisition ? ( )

  84. A:Reading a grammar textbook B:Engaging in a conversation with a native speaker C:Listening to a recorded lecture in the target language D:Writing a journal in the target language
  85. In semantics, what do entailment and implicature refer to? ( )

  86. A:Phonological features B:Sentence structures C:Types of lexical relations D:Inferences drawn from language use
  87. In semantics, what do homonyms refer to? ( )

  88. A:Words with multiple meanings B:Words that sound alike but have different meanings C:Words with similar meanings D:Words with opposite meanings
  89. In many Western cultures, a firm handshake is often seen as a sign of: ( )

  90. A:Weakness B:Indifference C:Disrespect D:Confidence and sincerity

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