1.The recognized head of the family in Indonesia is the .
A:strongest male B:eldest male C:husband D:richest man
答案:eldest male
2. separated peacefully from Slovakia in 1993.
A:Myanmar B:Czech C:Cambodia D:Thailand
3.In Russia, the name Red Square originates from ( ) .
A:the link between the colour red and communism B:the link between the colour red and revolution C:the beautiful square D:the pigment of the surrounding bricks
答案:the beautiful square
4.St. Petersburg was founded by Tsar __________ in 1703.
A:Ivan The Terrible B:Alexander I C:Peter the Great D:Cathrine the Great
答案:Peter the Great
5.The climate of Indonesia is tropical with( ).
A:a wet season B:a hot and a dry season C:a wet and a dry season D:a hot season
答案:a wet and a dry season
6.In , an independent Polish republic was established.
A:1918 B:1920 C:1921 D:1919
7.Father of the Turks, was responsible for creating modern Turkey.
A:Mustafa Kemal Ataturk B:Namik Kemal C:Mesut Yılmaz D:Binali Yıldırım
答案:Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
8.Which city is considered a holy city by the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims. ( )
A:Acre B:Jerusalem C:Tel Aviv D:Haifa
9.How many official "major national ethnic races" in Myanmar?
A:12 B:8 C:56 D:135
10.Soups have always played an important role in the Russian meal. The most famous Russian soup is ( ).
A:shrimp soup B:beet soup C:beef soup D:borscht
11.Which ethical group accounts for the largest part of Israel’s population?( )
A:Jewish B:Druze C:Armenian D:Arab

12.Which one of the following museums is in Russia?
A:Hermitage B:Louvre C:British Museum D:Metropolitan Museum of Art 13.The Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood was built on the spot where Emperor __________ was assassinated.
A:Nicholas II B:Alexander I C:Alexander II D:Nicholas I 14.The Mekong River flows through eastern Cambodia from in the north.
A:Laos B:Vietnam C:Thailand D:China 15.For those used to other parts of the Middle East the greatest culture shock in Saudi Arabia is the absence of .
A:parties B:social space C:drinks D:shops 16.The two largest national universities in Vietnam are( ).
A:Vietnam National University, Hanoi B:The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology C:Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City D:British University Vietnam 17.Russia, officially the Russian Federation, is a sandwitched between ( ) and ( ), with the Ural Mountains serving as the geographical divide. ( )
A:Europe B:Asia C:America D:Africa 18.Myanmar lies at the crossroads of Asia’s greatest civilizations( ).
A:China B:India C:Thailand D:Malaysia 19.Which states of the following are right about the language in India?
20.When passing things to other people in Indonesia, use( ).
A:a plate B:the left hand C:the right hand D:both hands 21.If a Thai woman wishes to hand a gift to a monk, she can .
A:place it on the ground before him B:wrap it C:ask a man to hand it to him D:hand it to him directly 22. have all fought over the land of Poland.
A:Prussians B:Russians C:Austrians D:Germans 23.Which of the following are in Egypt?
A:Pyramids B:Pharaoh C:Sphinx D:the River Nile 24.Vietnam's Tet is a time for .
A:pardoning the sins of others B:correcting all faults C:forgetting past mistakes D:ensuring no further enmity, grudges, envy, or malice exist 25.There are some superstitous beliefs by Russian about what may bring them misfortune. Which of the following statements are true?
A:Never leave an empty bottle on the table. B:Never shake hands by a doorway. C:Don’t whistle in the house. D:Don’t buy any baby presents before the baby is born. 26.Turkey is bordered by( ).
A:The Mediterranean B:The Aegean Sea C:The Black Sea D:The Red Sea 27.Czechs have three Christmas treasures: , , .
A:eggs B:Christmas trees C:gifts D:carp 28.On first meeting a stranger, especially without a personal introduction from a mutual acquaintance, Poles are often .
A:guarded B:distant C:insincere D:warm 29.The Czech Republic is a temple of architectural art, historic buildings are well preserved and style covered .
A:baroque(巴洛克式) B:renaissance(文艺复兴) C:neoclassical(新古典主义) D:gothic(哥特式) 30.Iran is the largest producer of ( )in the world.
A:Pistachio B:Mutton C:Crude Oil D:Saffron 31.In Egypt, to the following greetings,which are appropriate?
32.Most true caviar is produced in Russia and Iran, from fish taken from  __________ and__________ seas.
A:the Caribbean Sea B:the Mediterranean Sea C:the Caspian sea D:the Black sea 33.What is the Silk Road Spirit?
A:Mutual learning B:Mutual benefit C:Peace and cooperation D:Openness and inclusiveness 34.Which of the following is/are the most typical Russian foods?
A:Pickled or preserved vegetables B:Foie gras C:Borscht D:Caviar and blini 35.Political correctness is a big deal in Poland as much as it is in Western Europe.
A:对 B:错 36.Russians may raise direct questions about your salary. ( )
A:对 B:错 37.You should remove your shoes when entering a Cambodian house, but you don’t have to remove your hat.( )
A:错 B:对 38.Saudi Arabia bans non-Muslim from their mosques.
A:对 B:错 39.Egyptians think that people are more important than time or money.
A:对 B:错 40.Burmese curries are the milder than those in other countries of Asia.
A:错 B:对 41.Turks like to do things in groups, not individually or in pairs; they believe “the more the merrier.”
A:对 B:错 42.One can wear shoes to enter into a temple in Thailand.
A:对 B:错 43.The most famous Russian soup is borscht, which is beet soup.
A:错 B:对 44.It is common to greet Iranian ladies by shaking their hands.
A:对 B:错 45.The Kremlin has always functioned as the administrative center of Russia.
A:对 B:错 46.If you feel too uncomfortable or make too much of a mess eating with your fingers, feel free to ask for a spoon.
A:错 B:对 47.Russian children have the freedom to do things according to their own will. ( )
A:错 B:对 48.All Vietnamese want to pay off their debts, as it is bad luck to enter the New Year owing money.
A:错 B:对 49.Russian companies usually start their meetings at 10:00 a.m. ( )
A:对 B:错

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