

  1. In the case of a negative externality, as the number of users of the same brand increases, consumers are ( )

  2. A:not sure B:better off C:worse off D:keeping the same
    答案:worse off
  3. To identify competitors, ( ) on the part of both consumers and producers should be considered.

  4. A:complementarity B:substitutability C:compatibility D:network effects
    AI参考:正确答案是D. network effects。根据上下文,需要识别竞争对手,因此需要考虑消费者和生产者双方的网络效应。网络效应是指一个产品或服务的用户数量越多,对其他用户就越有价值,因此成为竞争对手的关键因素之一。其他选项中,complementarity(互补性)通常用于描述两个产品或服务之间的相互补充关系,substitutability(替代性)通常用于描述两个产品或服务之间的竞争关系,而compatibility(兼容性)与本题无关。因此,答案为D。'
  5. Minimum efficient scale (MES) occurs where average cost stops ( ) and the average cost curve reaches its ( ) level.

  6. A:declining, lowest B:increasing, highest C:increasing, lowest D:declining, highest
  7. If a consumer benefits as more consumers use the same (or a compatible) brand, the network externality is ( )

  8. A:zero B:positive C:not sure D:negative
  9. Beyond the MES level, there may be ( ):

  10. A:diseconomies of scope B:economies of scale C:economies of scope D:diseconomies of scale
  11. In a contestable market, the only price that the monopolist can sustain is

    AI参考:正确选项是【B:PC < LRAC】。在竞争市场中,垄断者能够维持的唯一价格是PC < LRAC,即低于市场均衡价格的水平。这是因为垄断者无法通过提高价格来获取全部的收益,因为这会导致市场上的其他竞争者退出,从而使得市场重新回到均衡状态,垄断者的收益也会随之减少。因此,垄断者只能选择在低于市场均衡价格的水平上销售,以获得稳定的收益。选项B符合这一条件。选项A和D中的PC = LRAC和PC > LRAC都不符合竞争市场的实际情况。选项C中的PC = LMAC也不符合竞争市场的实际情况,因为LMAC通常是指长期平均成本曲线,而不是市场价格。'
  13. When we use Tik Tok, it shows a kind of (    ) network externality.

  14. A:none of the above B:positive C:negative D:no
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:negative】。根据句子中的“When we use Tik Tok, it shows a kind of network externality”可以得知,当我们使用Tik Tok时,它显示了一种网络外部性。而选项中只有C选项“negative”表示负面的网络外部性,因此C是正确答案。其他选项的意思与句子不符。'
  15. According to “twice-as-steep rule,” if the demand function is p=75-2q, then we can get the marginal revenue function directly as( ):

  16. A:MR=75-4q B:MR=75-2q C:MR=75-5q D:MR=75-3q
  17. In Hotelling’s spatial model, assume there is only one store, the length of main street is 1 mile, so the monopolist should locate the store on ( ) mile from one end of the main street.

  18. A:1/2 B:1 C:1/4 D:0
  19. A merger between “China Oil and Food Import and Export Corporation” and “Mengniu Dairy” should be (    )

  20. A:vertical merger B:conglomerate merger C:horizontal merger D:none of the above
    AI参考:正确选项是C:horizontal merger。根据题目中的信息,两家公司“China Oil and Food Import and Export Corporation”和“Mengniu Dairy”之间的合并属于横向合并,即同行业或同类型企业之间的合并。这种合并通常会形成垄断,从而对市场竞争造成不利影响。因此,这个选项与题目中的分析结果相符合。选项A的垂直合并通常是指不同业务或产业链上下游企业之间的合并,选项B的混合合并通常指业务多样化且跨行业的合并,而选项D则表示都不符合。'
  21. In 2016, DiDi merged Uber China, which should be (    )

  22. A:pure conglomerate merger B:vertical merger C:geography extensive merger D:horizontal merger
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:horizontal merger】。根据问题中的描述,滴滴合并了Uber中国,这应该是一种横向合并,即两个公司在不同业务领域上的合并。选项A是纯粹的混合合并,选项B是纵向合并,选项C是地域广泛的合并,这些选项都不符合题意。因此,选项D是正确的答案。'
  23. Consider an industry that has five firms with the following market share percentages: 60, 10, 5, 5, 5. The value of the numbers equivalent of this market should be ( )

  24. A:2.60 B:3.0 C:2.08 D:5
  25. Cournot's duopoly model assumption includes ( ):

  26. A:each firm doesn’t believe that its competitor will always maintain its current output. B:there is product differentiation C:two firms face identical costs D:there is collusion
    答案:each firm believes that its competitor will always maintain its current output.;there is no collusion;two firms face identical costs
  27. When we use smart phone, we must have a charger in order to charge the phone, that is a kind of (    )

  28. A:standards B:competition C:complementarity D:none of the above
    AI参考:正确选项是C:complementarity原文中提到使用智能手机时必须有一个充电器来给手机充电,这是一种互补的关系,即充电器是手机充电的必要条件之一。选项C中的complementarity表示相互补充、相互配合的关系,符合语境。选项A的standards表示标准,选项B的competition表示竞争,选项D的none of the above表示以上所有选项都不对,都不符合语境。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  29. When we calculate market share, it is often referred to the firm's percentage share of the market's total sales revenue. It ranges from (  )up to (  ) percent.

  30. A:1000,10000 B:0,80 C:100,10000 D:0,100
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:0,100】。 原文中提到“it is often referred to the firms percentage share of the markets total sales revenue”,即市场份额通常指的是公司在市场总销售额中所占的百分比,因此答案D符合文意。另外,从选项来看,D选项中的数字0和100都符合这种描述,而其他选项中的数字都明显不符合常理。"
  31. In the spatial model of product differentiation, ( ) the number of stores enables the monopolist to ( ) price and still sell to all N consumers.

  32. A:decreasing, decrease B:increasing, decrease C:decreasing, increase D:increasing, increase

  33. The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) takes into account both ( ) and ( ).

  34. A:the equality of market shares B:the number of industries C:the inequality of market shares D:the number of firms

  35. A tit-for-tat player adopts the following strategy ( ):

  36. A:Start by random strategy in the first round. B:In every subsequent round, adopt the strategy played by your opponent in the previous round (e.g., in round N, adopt your opponent’s strategy in round N - 1). C:In every subsequent round, if your opponent lowers the price, then you will charge the Bertrand equilibrium price forever. D:Start by cooperating in the first round.

  37. If we have to find some proxies for entry barriers as independent variables in regression equation, we can use some measures of barriers to entry as follows(     ):

  38. A:Research intensity B:Economies of scaleCapital requirements C:Capital requirements D:all of the above
    AI参考:选项D:all of the above是正确选项。在回归方程中,如果我们需要找到一些代理变量来代表进入壁垒,我们可以使用一些进入壁垒的度量方法,如:研究强度、规模经济和资本要求等。这些选项都符合题目要求,因此选项D“以上全部”是正确答案。'
  39. The advantage of HHI includes(     ):

  40. A:HHI is very sensitive to the market shares of the largest firms due to the squaring of market shares. B:The HHI increases as the market shares of a given number of firms become less equal. C:The rest of the choices are wrong D:Data on all firms in the industry are used to calculate the HHI.
    AI参考:通过对您的问题的分析,我认为您是在询问HHI(赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数)的优势,以下是我为您选择的正确选项:B, D: The HHI increases as the market shares of a given number of firms become less equal. 和 Data on all firms in the industry are used to calculate the HHI.解释如下:B选项指出,当一定数量公司的市场份额变得不太平等时,HHI会增加,这是HHI的一个优势。D选项指出,HHI是通过行业内所有公司的数据来计算的,这使得HHI更具普遍性和准确性。至于A选项,虽然HHI对最大公司市场份额的敏感性是由于市场份额的平方,但这并不是HHI的主要优势。至于C选项,由于以上分析中没有错误选项,所以C选项应被视为无意义或过于绝对。'
  41. The long-run characteristics of perfect competition are as follows( ).

  42. A:Large number of buyers and sellers B:Perfect information C:Free entry and exit D:Homogeneous product
    AI参考:正确选项是【ABCD】完整的完美竞争市场的长期特征是:1. 大量买主和卖主:市场上的参与者数量众多,使得每个参与者都无法单独影响市场价格。2. 完全信息:市场上的每个参与者都知道所有关于产品的信息,包括生产成本、市场需求等。3. 自由进入和退出:新参与者可以自由进入市场,而现有参与者也可以自由退出市场。4. 同质产品:产品之间没有差异,使得消费者可以根据价格来选择购买。因此,四个选项都是完美竞争市场的长期特征。'
  43. Characteristics distinguish network industries from other industries include ( ):

  44. A:Switching costs and lock-in B:Significant economies of scale in production C:Complementarity, compatibility and standards D:Consumption externalities

  45. Chicago School economists believe in the marketstructure in the absence of government intervention.

  46. A:对 B:错

  47. Scope of economies is cost savings that result from producing joint products.

  48. A:对 B:错

  49. Learning curves show a decline in the current average cost of production as total production mounts. The first mover will have an advantage over late comers.

  50. A:错 B:对

  51. If the price elasticity of demand is high, then a monopolist’s profit-maximizing price is still relatively close to its marginal cost.

  52. A:错 B:对

  53. In "wechat" application, it shows network externalities and normally it should be positive.

  54. A:对 B:错
  55. The Waldman model is a game of imperfect information because both trucks move simultaneously to pick a location.

  56. A:对 B:错

  57. The Lerner Index indicates that a monopolist has whole control over price

  58. A:对 B:错

  59. Stigler regards economies of scale as a barrier to entry.

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. In dominant-firm price leadership model, the fringe firms are price makers and maximize their profits by equating price to marginal cost like perfectly competitive firms.

  62. A:对 B:错

  63. Transactions that involve less specialized assets are likely to be costly.

  64. A:错 B:对
  65. Any firm that has the ability to set price above marginal cost, the perfectly competitive equilibrium price, is said to have market power.

  66. A:对 B:错
  67. Bounded rationality implies that contracts are of necessity incomplete.

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. Resale price maintenance agreements setting the minimum or maximum price that dealers can charge for the manufacturer’s product.

  70. A:错 B:对

  71. Merger refers to combination of two or more firms into one through mutual negotiation .

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. In monopolistic competition, the profit effect and the consumer surplus effect work in opposite directions.

  74. A:错 B:对

  75. Explain what the numbers equivalent tells us about a market. What information is not conveyed by the numbers equivalent?

  76. Suppose the market demand curve for steel industry is given by:
    QT = 1000 - 3P, where QT = QF + QD and QT is the total quantity, QF is the quantity supplied by fringe firms, and QD is the quantity supplied by the dominant firm. The dominant firm’s total costs are given by TCD = 100QD and the competitive fringe’s supply curve is given by QF = -120 + P. Calculate: The price at which the fringe firms will supply the entire quantity demanded by the market. Call this price P1.

  77. What is the difference between contestable markets and competitive markets?

  78. AI参考:竞争性市场和可竞争市场的主要区别在于进入壁垒。在竞争性市场中,所有企业都有进入或退出市场的自由,因此不存在进入壁垒。然而,在可竞争市场中,由于存在进入壁垒,新企业可能无法进入市场,从而使得市场中的企业数量有限。此外,可竞争市场还强调企业之间的竞争程度,即企业之间的竞争更加激烈,因为企业必须不断改进产品和服务以吸引消费者。因此,竞争性市场和可竞争市场的区别在于市场竞争程度和进入壁垒的不同。所以,正确选项是**可竞争市场中的企业数量通常比竞争性市场中要少**。'
  79. Suppose the market demand curve for steel industry is given by: QT = 1000 - 3P, where QT = QF + QD and QT is the total quantity, QF is the quantity supplied by fringe firms, and QD is the quantity supplied by the dominant firm. The dominant firm’s total costs are given by TCD = 100QD and the competitive fringe’s supply curve is given by QF = -120 + P. Calculate: The dominant firm's profit-maximizing quantity of output.

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