  1. Please read the sentences and select no more than four words or phrases that you think better construct the information structure, words or phrases that are so important that an interpreter should write down on the notes. When you concentrate on the music while exercising outdoors, your ability to perceive danger in your vicinity will be compromised, whether hearing a car approaching, or noticing an attacker, or seeing a lamppost in the way. When your brain is preoccupied with music, you are less likely to pick up pain sensations from a minor injury. Exercising to music can also interfere with the quality of your workout. ( )。

  2. A:pain sensation
    B:music while exercising
    C:workout quality
    D:danger perception

    答案:pain sensation###danger perception###music while exercising###workout quality
  3. 以下说法正确的是( )。

  4. A:翻译实践的跨界融合促进了相关认知活动的综合技能和细化技能的相互推进

  5. 以下说法正确的是( )。

  6. A:交替传译第一环节包括听辨分析+笔记+短时记忆+协调


  7. 以下说法正确的是( )。

  8. A:时间限制下的翻译认知活动的过程具备共性,过程都体现更多顺译、断句、冗余整合等技巧


  9. Please read the sentences and select no more than four words or phrases that you think better construct the information structure, words or phrases that are so important that an interpreter should write down on the notes. If you have ever opened the Ikea flat pack and found yourself helpless, a simple solution may soon be at hand. Ikea, the furniture giant, has teamed up with a London start-up that could allow people to scan a product code with a smartphone and receive information, such as instructional videos, which could show people how to make a bed or how to assemble it in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step way. The idea of the app is to co-create with Ikea to make its services more accessible. Ikea believes that service like this has a big potential in creating a better everyday life at home for everyone, which is just the motto of the company.( )。

  10. A:app code
    D:accessible service

    答案:app code; accessible service; motto
  11. Please read the sentences and select no more than four words or phrases that you think better construct the information structure, words or phrases that are so important that an interpreter should write down on the notes. What is welcome is that with the recovery are coming jobs. We saw this week the largest increase in employment in one quarter since record began. We are seeing some signs because not only have we got more jobs, but we are also cutting people’s taxes. So we are seeing some positive signs in terms of take-home pay.( )。

  12. A:taxes

  13. 以下说法正确的是( )。

  14. A:视译中,译员需要有意识地跟源语文本保持一定距离,以避免直译


  15. Please read the sentences and select no more than four words or phrases that you think better construct the information structure, words or phrases that are so important that an interpreter should write down on the notes. High-speed rail is rail transport that operates significantly faster than traditional rail traffic. The first such system began operation in Japan in 1964 and was widely known as the bullet train. HSR is powered almost exclusively by electricity, not diesel. Compared to driving, flying, or riding conventional rail, it is the fastest way to travel between two points that are a few hundred kilometres apart and reduces carbon emissions up to 90 percent. Over time, its energy source is likely to get cleaner as renewables generate a greater share of electricity.( )。

  16. A:Japan 1964

    答案:fastest###Japan 1964###cleaner###electricity
  17. Please read the sentences and select no more than four words or phrases that you think better construct the information structure, words or phrases that are so important that an interpreter should write down on the notes. All hotels do not serve the same clientele. It is possible to place hotels in four broad categories. The first is the commercial hotel, which provides services essentially for transients, many of them traveling on business. The second category is resort hotels. Located in vacation areas, they often provide recreational facilities of their own as well. A third type of hotel aims its services largely at the convention trade, which refers to meetings of various business or professional groups. The fourth category is resident hotels. People who do not wish to keep house themselves can rent accommodations on a seasonal basis or even permanently in many hotels. Not firm distinction exists between the different kinds of hotels. In large cities that are also tourist centers, one hotel may offer all types of service.( )。

  18. A:resort
    C:convention trade

    答案:A: resort B: commercial C: convention trade D: resident
  19. It's a second round of strike for cabin crew of British Airways. This one starts on Saturday morning and goes for four days. British airways news says it has put its contingency plans into effect and that will allow it to continue with most of its flights. Here at Heathrow about 50% of British Airway’s flights will be affected but British Airways says that some cabin crew have been coming to work despite the strike and that together with leasing 11 airplanes on an emergency basis means that they’ve been able to go ahead with some of the scheduled flights here. Nonetheless, it is getting expensive for the company. It’s estimated to cost about 10 million dollars a day for British Airways. Choose from the following choices those that can help summarize the paragraph.( )。

  20. A:英国航空已经部署了应急方案,许多航班不会受到罢工影响
  21. When we advocate greater public access to universities, we tend to hear skeptics assume that . This is short-sighted. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  22. A:expanding quantity of higher education does not necessarily mean lowering the quality
    B:expanding quantity of higher education necessarily must mean lowering the quality
    C:we should sacrifice quality for quantity
    D:we should sacrifice quantity for quality
  23. When you get to the fish counter, should you buy wild-caught or farm-raised fish? Actually, the nutritional differences between wild and farmed fish are . What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  24. A:significant
    B:not as great as you might imagine
    C:as great as you might imagine
    D:so great that people always know what to choose
  25. 请用阿拉伯数字加单位缩写的形式,将下面的数字翻译出来,500万( )。

  26. A:5 m
    B:500 t
    C:500 m
    D:50 t
  27. Talking about the effect of the weather on our feelings, why do people say they feel more cheerful when the sun shines, and miserable when it’s raining? Why do some people suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), which makes them feel depressed during long dark winters? Can the weather really affect our mood, or is it ? What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  28. A:absolutely true
    B:just in our imagination
    C:a fact
    D:a science-based statement
  29. Scientists study specific cells from targeted cells in order to understand their biological function. For these studies, cells are usually isolated from tissue and maintained in culture. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  30. A:Scientists
    B:targeted cells
    C:these studies
  31. The world is rapidly aging. A whopping two billion people will be 60 years and older by 2050, more than triple the number in 2000, according to the World Health Organization. This demographic change has major implications for the global economy. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  32. A:the World Health Organization
    C:the global economy
    D:This demographic change
  33. And because he was not only a leader of a movement but a skillful politician, the Constitution for South Africa that emerged was worthy of this multiracial democracy, true to his vision of laws that protect minority as well as majority rights, and the precious freedom of every South African. What is the best generalization of the above statement?( )。

  34. A:We should protect minority rights rather than majority rights.
    B:Due to his skills as a political leader, he was able to negotiate a constitution which protects the rights of every South African.
    C:Because he was not a skillful leader, he could not protect the majority.
    D:Freedom of every South African is precious.
  35. The communities often have organized activities, in addition to shopping trips during the day. In many cases the residents organize their own clubs and activities, so , and can still lead an active life. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  36. A:there is no feeling of restriction
    B:they enjoy privacy
    C:they may feel lonely occasionally
    D:there is feeling of restriction
  37. What is the development of retirement care like in China? China’s one-child policy has skewed its population toward the grey end, presenting a for the eldercare industry. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  38. A:requirement
    B:demographic opportunity
    C:big increase
  39. Before the late 20th century, drawings were usually made manually, but the widespread use of computers has now enabled the creation of drawings and designs using computer-aided design (CAD) programs. Modern CAD programs allow engineers to produce three-dimensional models, which can be used directly in the manufacture of the devices depicted. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  40. A:computers
    B:the late 20th century
    C:drawings and designs
    D:manufacture of the devices
  41. 请用阿拉伯数字加单位缩写的形式,将下面的数字翻译出来,6000万( )。

  42. A:6000 t
    B:60 m
    C:600 m
    D:600 t
  43. 以下关于“视译”的正确说法是( )。

  44. A:视译的原文对于视译译员来说是一种妨碍
  45. What’s more, in their traditional idea, Chinese people enjoy elderly care at home, and many people believe it is not filial to send an elder to a place such as eldercare home. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  46. A:traditional idea
    B:elderly care at home
    C:elderly care
    D:it is not filial to send an elder to a place such as eldercare home
  47. The first impression may not always be reliable. , many times, first impressions are so important that it is to our benefit to think about how to make a good first impression. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  48. A:Moreover
  49. A pressure screen is a piece of equipment used for fibre fractionation to produce pulp of a high, uniform quality. A typical pressure screen consists of a cylindrical casing, containing a screen basket and a rotor. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  50. A:A typical pressure screen
    B:A pressure screen
    C:fibre fractionation
    D:a cylindrical casing
  51. The perceived exertion when walking briskly should cause the walker to begin to sweat and to breathe slightly more heavily, but he or she should still be able to talk easily. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  52. A:the walker
    B:he or she
    C:to sweat and to breathe
    D:talk easily
  53. 请用阿拉伯数字加单位缩写的形式,将下面的数字翻译出来,650亿( )。

  54. A:650 t
    B:65 m
    C:65 b
    D:65 t
  55. Please interpret the following sentence into the target language: 他总是喜欢班门弄斧!( )。

  56. A:He always likes teaching the green hand.
    B:He always likes teaching Lu Ban.
    C:He always likes playing axes in front of Lu Ban.
    D:He always likes teaching fish to swim.
  57. The surface of the brain is called the cerebral cortex. It is the part of the brain that makes us intelligent, and it consists of four parts called lobes. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  58. A:intelligent
    B:the part of the brain
    D:cerebral cortex
  59. As well as the physical benefits of walking, there’s another side to the sport that is equally important, and that’s the opportunity of meeting other people. The regular sessions are the perfect opportunity to share and discuss anything and everything — almost like walking therapy. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  60. A:the perfect opportunity to share and discuss anything and everything
    B:the opportunity of meeting people
    D:equally important
  61. 请用阿拉伯数字加单位缩写的形式,将下面的数字翻译出来,222万( )。

  62. A:2.22 t
    B:2.22 m
    C:222 m
    D:222 t
  63. Your brain is packed with 100 billion brain cells called neurons. They send information to your body telling it what to do, and they receive information from each of your senses, what you see, feel, taste, hear and touch. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  64. A:neurons
    B:brain cells
    C:your senses
    D:what you see, feel, taste, hear and touch
  65. Hunger is still one of the most urgent development challenges, yet the world is producing more than enough food. Up to one third of all food is before it is consumed by people. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  66. A:processed and stored
    B:distributed and shared
    C:spoiled or squandered
    D:produced and transported
  67. There are different places such as street markets and shopping malls where customers can go and do their shopping. Although the consumers’ aims are basically similar, there are between street markets and shopping malls. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  68. A:common ground
    B:significant differences
    C:no big differences
    D:many similarities
  69. 请用阿拉伯数字加单位缩写的形式,将下面的数字翻译出来,二十三万六千( )。

  70. A:236 S
    B:236 m
    C:236 b
    D:236 t
  71. Now, as I just mentioned, coworking as a trend started happening in the US and Europe because many more people were becoming entrepreneurs and freelancers. This same thing is happening today, when many of the talents come back from overseas, they are also becoming entrepreneurs. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  72. A:the US and Europe
    B:in other parts of the world
    C:my hometown
    D:in Asia and in China
  73. Certainly from the World Bank side, we’ve been very interested in trying to take the results of this workshop and the various studies from the government and see if we can establish them and practice on the ground. But we can see after the workshop how we want to follow up. So I spending the whole day here and hearing from the different parties and continuing to pursue this activity. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  74. A:sincerely hope
    B:call on
    C:look forward to
    D:will work together with all colleagues
  75. Many methods are used for separating precipitated flocs. The most frequently used methods are flotation and settling. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  76. A:The most frequently used methods
    B:Many methods
    C:flotation and settling
    D:separating precipitated flocs
  77. Napster is a high-profile P2P network that gives its members the revolutionary ability to connect directly to other members computers and search their hard drives for digital music files to share and trade. In addition to file sharing, computing power can be shared by P2P networks. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  78. A:digital music files
    C:file sharing
    D:P2P network
  79. With the Kyoto Protocol, commitments were made not to actions but to results that were to be measured after a decade or more. This approach has several disadvantages. An obvious one is that it is difficult determine, until close to the target date, which nations are on course to meet their goals. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  80. A:the target date
    B:This approach
    C:after a decade or more
    D:the Kyoto Protocol
  81. Leadership style consists of the behavior pattern of a person who attempts to influence others. It includes both directive (task) behaviors and supportive (relationship) behaviors. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  82. A:Leadership style
    B:supportive behaviors
    D:directive behaviors
  83. Mechanical engineering is the application of science to the creation of useful devices to meet the needs of society. Mechanical engineers focus on the design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of a wide variety of machinery. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )。

  84. A:maintenance
    B:Mechanical engineering
    D:Mechanical engineers
  85. 以下说法正确的是( )。

  86. A:上面三种说法都正确
  87. The biggest hurdle to shared parking is of information. Technology gives us new ways to think about how to make shared parking more efficient. Apps or other technological platforms should help match supply with demand, and facilitate payments between the two. When we can all start to understand how much parking we really need, and the minimum amount of parking we need, we can then make better decisions about the best use of our valuable land. And the big empty parking lot downtown will become a thing of the past. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?( )。

  88. A:uncertainty and lack
    D:the access
  89. 请用阿拉伯数字加单位缩写的形式,将下面的数字翻译出来,3650万( )。

  90. A:3650 t
    B:36.5 m
    C:365 t
    D:3.65 m

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