

  1. null

  2. AI参考:很抱歉,您没有提供任何听力训练的内容,这让我无法为您提供正确的选项。如果您有听力训练的需求,请提供相关题目或内容,我将尽力回答您的问题。'
  3. He was appointed chairman of the department in _____ to Mr. Chan.

  4. A:recession B:succession C:concession D:confession
  5. They are such beautiful vases everybody wants to buy they are sold out in less than half an hour.

  6. A:which; that B:that; as C:as; that D:as; as
  7. We met a large of whales on our voyage to Australia.

  8. A:school B:flock C:swarm D:herd
  9. Bobby was so fat that he could only just ______ through the door.

  10. A:squeeze B:appear C:assemble D:gather
  11. Counsel for the defence submitted that his client was clearly________.

  12. A:innocent B:naive C:liable D:simple
  13. The magazine is edgy, while still being down to earth. The underlined word means________.

  14. A:well-organized B:pointless C:boring D:fashion forward

  15. People who don't regularly drink caffeine tend to be more to its negative effects.

  16. A:sensitive B:sentimental C:sensational D:sensible

  17. The________ made slow but sure progress along the main street.

  18. A:process B:profession C:procession D:procedure
    AI参考:正确答案是C:procession。 根据题意可知,这个“过程”在主街上取得的是缓慢但稳步的进步。因此,正确答案为C,procession,意为“过程、队伍”。其他选项A(process)表示过程、工序;B(profession)表示职业;D(procedure)表示程序,都与题意不符。"
  19. Those cut-throat competitions may do harm to the whole society. The underlined part means________.

  20. A:fashion B:fierce C:killing D:cooperative

  21. The novel contains some marvelously revealing_______of rural life in the 19th century.

  22. A:glares B:glimpses C:glances D:gleams
    AI参考:正确选项是B:glimpses。 句子中提到“小说包含了一些揭示19世纪农村生活的惊人片段”,其中“片段”与“glimpse”的意思最为相近,因此B选项是正确答案。A选项“glares”意为“瞪视、怒视”,C选项“glances”意为“一瞥、扫视”,D选项“gleams”意为“闪烁、闪耀”,这三个选项都不符合句意。"
  23. Most mathematicians trust their in solving problems and readily admit they would not be able to function without it.

  24. A:audition B:illusion C:delusion D:intuition

  25. I’d like to ________ 100 dollars from my savings account and put it in my cheque account.

  26. A:revoke B:extract C:withdraw D:shrink
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:withdraw。 句子中的“I’d like to”表明这是一个想要做某事的主观意愿,而选项中只有“withdraw”符合这个意思,表示从储蓄账户中取出钱,存入支票账户。其他选项“revoke”意为撤销、取消,与句子意思不符;“extract”意为提取、拔出,也不符合语境;“shrink”意为缩小、收缩,更不符合句意。因此,选项C“withdraw”是正确答案。"
  27. ______from the top of hill, the city takes the round shape with a flowing river through it.

  28. A:To be viewed B:Viewed C:Viewing D:To be viewing
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Viewed】。 句子中使用了被动语态,需要使用过去分词形式的动词作定语,表示被观察或看到的对象。因此,选项B中的“Viewed”符合语法要求。而选项A中的“to be viewed”是错误的,因为不定式不能作定语;选项C中的“Viewing”虽然也是动词形式,但是它是一个现在分词,不符合句子的语境;选项D中的“to be viewing”同样是错误的语法结构。"
  29. A nurse has to take care not to_____air into the bloodstream of her patients.

  30. A:reject B:subject C:inject D:eject
    AI参考:正确答案是B:subject。 句子意思是“护士必须小心避免把空气注射进病人的血液中”。四个选项的含义分别为:A.拒绝,排除;B.使遭遇;C.注射;D.喷射。只有B项符合语境,因此B是正确答案。"
  31. Four years of service entitle Jack a pension.

  32. A:in B:on C:to D:at

  33. Several of his proposals about reforms in the company simply don't hold water. The underlined part means________.

  34. A:stand up to test B:sound realistic C:gain support D:get passed
    AI参考:答案为 C:gain support 根据上下文理解这句话的意思是,关于公司改革的几个建议根本没有获得支持。而获得支持应该是他们没有被通过,并且可以判断几个建议并不切实际或需要经过测试,所以只有选项C符合语境。因此,正确答案是C。"
  35. This ware is suitable for decorative purpose but is not suitable for________.

  36. A:utility B:benefit C:convenience D:merit

  37. The boy was to speak louder in the class when answering the teacher’s questions.

  38. A:enough of coward B:too much the coward C:a coward enough D:too much of a coward
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:too much of a coward。 句子中使用了“too much of”结构,表示“太多的……”,而后面的“coward”是名词,表示“胆小的人”。因此,正确答案是D,即“太多的胆小的人”。整个句子的意思是“这个男孩在回答老师的问题时,需要在课堂上说得太大声,因为他太胆小了”。"
  39. He also suggested that Congress speed the process of obtaining ________resident status for highly skilled workers.

  40. A:perpetual B:eternal C:everlasting D:permanent

  41. In the sentence “The basket full of some fruits belongs to the old woman”. the italicized part is_______.

  42. A:an appositive B:an adverbial C:an object D:an attribute

  43. She went through the documents again carefully for fear that she______ some mistakes.

  44. A:overlooks B:overlooked C:should overlook D:will overlook
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:overlooked】。 句子中使用了过去时态,表示过去的动作或情况,因此选项B的“overlooked”符合语境。句子意思是“她再次仔细检查了文件,害怕会犯错”。其他选项不符合语境,不符合语法规则。"
  45. The new folk song on really quickly.

  46. A:took B:got C:carried D:caught
    AI参考:正确选项为 C: carried。 在英文中,“the new folk song”应该是在极短的时间内快速地流传开来,而“carried”这个词正好符合这个意思,表示通过各种途径快速地传播、流传开来。其他选项“took”、“got”、“caught”都不能准确表达这种快速流传的意思。因此,答案为C。"
  47. It's my position that gentlemen should reason thing out rather than ________ force.

  48. A:resort to B:propose to C:resist to D:respond for

  49. Equipment and technology upgrades do not ________solve the problem either.

  50. A:virtually B:practically C:necessarily D:rarely

  51. He will never be bullied into any change of his________.

  52. A:status B:standpoint C:sympathy D:tendency

  53. Book publishers may modify or______a work with the permission of the copyright owner.

  54. A:shorten B:abridge C:reduce D:abbreviate

  55. If you shut your door to all errors, truth will be________.

  56. A:shut in B:shut down C:shut up D:shut out

  57. Control of these emissions by adequate gas-cleaning processing is essential. The underlined part means________.

  58. A:accurate B:sufficient C:abundant D:satisfactory

  59. When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually from other people.

  60. A:divided B:insulated C:isolated D:segregated

  61. My sister is always building castles in the air. The underlined part means .

  62. A:using imagination B:creating a work of art C:daydreaming D:bragging about herself

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