

  1. “Ships in the Desert” is taken from Al Gore's first book _________.

  2. A:Al Gore: Fighting for a Greener Planet B:An Inconvenient Truth C:An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power D:Earth in the Balance
  3. What is the method of characterization in the sentence "the Duchess looked pointedly at the half-burned cigar in the fat man’s mouth"?

  4. 答案:Physical description
  5. Which of the following is NOT right about the function of dialogues in "Argentia Bay"?

  6. A:Dialogues help for the transition from one part to the next part. B:Dialogues help for the cohesion of plot. C:Dialogues help for the characterization. D:Dialogues help for the recording of the details of the high-profile meeting.
    AI参考:通过对题目进行分析,正确答案是 D:Dialogues help for the recording of the details of the high-profile meeting. 。在《金银岛》中,对话主要帮助实现情节的连贯性(B对),刻画人物(C对)以及推动故事部分之间的过渡(A对),而对话并不能用于记录高调会议的细节(D错)。因此,选择D作为正确答案。'
  7. The Gold Rush was one of the most significant events in ______. It brought people from all over the United States and the world in search for gold.

  8. A:Connecticut B:Florida C:California D:Mississipi
    AI参考:正确选项是C:California。根据题目中的描述,The Gold Rush是一次重要的历史事件,吸引了来自美国和世界各地的人们前来寻找黄金。因此,可以推断出这个事件发生在加利福尼亚(California)这个地方。选项A、B、D都与题目描述不符,因此可以排除。'
  9. Which of the ships is selected as the flagship for American president Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Atlantic Conference?

  10. A:Tirpitz B:Prince of Wales C:Augusta D:Bismarck
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Prince of Wales。在北大西洋会议期间,富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福总统选择了威尔士王子号作为旗舰。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  11. Darrow his spectacles as he pursued the questioning.

  12. A:twirl B:roll C:spin D:turn
    AI参考:正确答案是 D:turn。根据句意“他的眼镜在询问过程中转动”,所以答案是D。这里的“turn”意为转动、转身,符合语境。其他选项的含义不符合句意。'
  13. Anti-climax is a rhetorical device that can be defined as a/an situation, or a sudden transition in discourse from an important idea to a trivial one.

  14. A:happy B:unexpected C:excited D:disappointing
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:disappointing。原文中提到“反高潮”是一种修辞手法,可以定义为一种情况或话语中的突然过渡,从重要的想法到一个琐碎的想法。而disappointing表示失望的,符合这种情况或过渡的定义。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项happy、unexpected、excited都不符合语境。'
  15. Which of the following is not one of the stylistic features of political speech?

  16. A:lexical feature B:textual feature C:stylistic feature D:syntactical feature
    AI参考:正确选项是B:textual feature。在政治演讲中,lexical feature(词汇特征)、stylistic feature(文体特征)和syntactical feature(句法特征)都是常见的语言特征,而textual feature(文本特征)不是政治演讲的文体特征之一。因此,根据题目中的描述,需要选择不是政治演讲的文体特征的选项。B选项不符合这个条件,因此是正确答案。'
  17. According to the author, _______ is the worst among the following problems.

  18. A:the contamination of underground aquifers B:large oil spills C:acid rain D:global warming
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:global warming。文章主要讲述了环境问题,全球变暖作为最严重的环境问题被提到,所以答案为D。其他选项污染地下含水层、大量漏油和酸雨在文章中没有提到。'
  19. In "Mark Twain—Mirror of America", what was missing in American ambition according to Mark Twain?

  20. A:Health B:Thought C:Knowledge D:Energy
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:Thought】。 在《马克·吐温——美国的镜子》中,马克·吐温认为美国缺乏思想。根据问题中的描述,选项B“思想”最符合原文意思。其他选项如健康、知识和能量都不符合原文。"
  21. The towns in _______ are rich and ugly, according to the writer, Mencken.

  22. A:Arizona B:Pittsburgh C:Utah D:Pennsylvania
  23. "A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air." What kind of rhetorical device is used in the above sentence?

  24. A:personification B:metaphor C:simile D:parallelism
    AI参考:答案选B:metaphor。原文中“in one mighty swipe”是运用了比喻的手法,将飓风拟人化,描述了飓风强大的力量以及破坏力。其他选项personification(人化)、simile(比喻)和parallelism(平行结构)在原文中均未体现。因此,答案为B。'
  25. " I feel sure it is a decision in which the great Dominions will in due concur." What does "concur" mean?

  26. A:defer B:confer C:agree D:refer
    AI参考:正确答案是C:agree。句子中“in due concur”表示“会适当的同意”,因此“concur”在这里的意思是“同意”。选项C“agree”符合语境。选项A“defer”表示“推迟”,选项B“confer”表示“协商”,选项D“refer”表示“参考”,都不符合语境。因此,答案为C。'
  27. Have you ever seen a lame animal, perhaps a dog run over by some careless
    person. The underlined word "lame" can be replaced by ______.

  28. A:plight B:crippled C:derelict D:delude
  29. The racial stalemate begins from paragraph ______.

  30. A:Para. 37 B:Para. 4 C:Para.7 D:Para. 27
    AI参考:正确答案是D: Para. 27。原文中提到“The racial stalemate begins from paragraph 27”,即种族僵局从第27段开始,因此答案为D。'
  31. In "Ships in the Desert", Gore writes “A useful system comes from the military, which frequently places a conflict in one of three different categories, according to the theater in which it takes place. There are 'local' skirmishes, 'regional' battles, and 'strategic' conflicts." Which expository techniques does the author use in the above sentences?

  32. A:comparison B:explanation C:definition D:analogy
  33. Casually he debunked revered artists and art treasures, and took unholy verbal shots at the Holy Land.

  34. A:retell B:unveil C:diminish D:describe
  35. "Here was a scene so dreadfully hideous, so intolerabley bleak and forlorn that it reduced the whole aspiration of man to a macabre and depressing joke." Which of the following words can fully express the meaning of "hideous"?

  36. A:secret B:concealed C:ugly D:outstanding
  37. What rhetorical device is used in "Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh"?

  38. A:Metaphor B:Personification C:Simile D:Antithesis
  39. "Here was a scene so dreadfully hideous, so intolerabley bleak and forlorn that it reduced the whole aspiration of man to a macabre and depressing joke." Which of the following words can fully express the meaning of "forlorn"?

  40. A:deserted B:liberal C:movable D:divided
  41. A novel is a fictional narrative prose with ____ words

  42. A:20,000 to 40,000 B:more than 100,000 C:more than 40,000 D:500 to 15,000

  43. The antagonist in the story is _____.

  44. A:John Koshak B:the neighbor C:Charlie Hill D:the hurricane

  45. Twelve state legislatures sent 55 delegates to meet at a convention in during the sultry summer of 1787.

  46. A:San Francisco B:Washington C:Philadelphia D:Chicago

  47. "The human habitations were so abominable that they would have disgraced a race of alley cats." Which of the following expressions can fully express the meaning of "disgrace"?

  48. A:have responsibility to B:bring shame on C:commit to fulfill D:take the grandeur away from

  49. Mark Twain is a typical representative of ______.

  50. A:Romanticism B:Local colorism C:Naturalism D:Transcendentalism
  51. "This 'noctilucent cloud' occasionally appears when the earth is first cloaked in the evening darkness; shimmering above us with a translucent whiteness, these clouds seem quite unnatural." Which of the following words can fully express the meaning of "shimmer"?

  52. A:blot B:beam C:trap D:glimmer

  53. "The past, with its crimes, its follies, and its tragedies, flashes away." This sentence uses__(rhetorical device).

  54. A:alliteration B:simile C:synecdoche D:parallelism

  55. Hitler was __enlisting capitalist and Right Wing sympathies in this country and the U. S. A.

  56. A:to count on B:counted on C:count on D:counting on
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:counted on】。句子中使用了固定短语“be counted on”,表示“指望,依赖”的意思。根据句意和语法结构,选项B“counted on”符合语境,因此是正确答案。其他选项不符合语法和语境,因此排除。'
  57. V. Sackwille-West is a prolific writer. Which is her last novel in the following works?

  58. A:All Passion Spent B:Family History C:The Edwardians D:No Signposts in the Sea

  59. "Wind and rain now whipped the house." What is the rhetorical device used in the expression "whip"?

  60. A:metonymy B:synecdoche C:metaphor D:similie

  61. Who became the first sitting United States president to visit Hiroshima since the atomic bombing

  62. A:Donald Trump B:George W. Bush C:Jimmy Carter D:Barack Obama

  63. Of Churchill's books,which one won Nobel Prize for Literature?

  64. What rhetorical device is used in the underlined part of the sentence "Until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of sixteenth century"?

  65. A:Oxymoron B:Sarcasm C:Metaphor D:Irony

  66. means a decision reached by a jury on a question of fact in a law case.

  67. A:Verdict B:Sentence C:Prosecution D:Cross-examination

  68. I found another Twain as well — one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night.

  69. A:perfect B:deep C:proud D:desirable
  70. On the river and especially with Huck Finn, Twain found the ultimate expression of escape from the pace he lived by and often deplored, from life’s regularities and the energy-sapping clamor for success.

  71. A:claim B:criticize C:plead D:demand
  72. Please decide which of the following basic beliefs held by a fundamentalist is NOT correct.

  73. The Nazi regime is __of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination.

  74. A:void B:devoid C:default D:avoid

  75. Antagonist is also called _______ who may be a character or force that opposes the protagonist.

  76. A:heroine B:antihero C:hero D:main character

  77. In literature, casts away all the traditional elements and takes irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base, represented by Lawrence and James Joyce.

  78. A:realism B:modernism C:regionalism D:naturalism
  79. "The Libido for the Ugly" is typical of ________ writing.

  80. A:descriptive B:expository C:narrative D:argumentative

  81. Which of the following is the subplot in the story Everyday Use?

  82. AI参考:正确答案是:D. The moral dilemma of the story.根据题目中提到的“subplot”可以推断,这是指故事中的次要情节。而在给出的选项中,D选项“故事的道德困境”与次要情节最为相关,因此正确答案是D。'
  83. N. Scott Momaday is a recipient of the first Pulitzer Prize for Fiction awarded to a _________ writer.

  84. A:Asian American B:Chinese American C:Native American D:African American
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Native American】。根据题目中的描述,N. Scott Momaday是一位获得普利策小说奖的作家,而这个奖项是授予土著美国作家的第一个奖项。因此,选项中只有Native American符合描述,表示他是土著美国作家。其他选项中的Asian American(亚裔美国人)、Chinese American(美籍华人)和African American(非裔美国人)与题目描述不符。'
  85. "Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart as if by a gigantic fist, and 26 people perished." Which of the following words can fully express the meaning of "perish"?

  86. A:increase B:die C:incarnate D:submit
    AI参考:正确选项是“die”。根据句子中的描述,“Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart as if by a gigantic fist,and 26 people perished.”可以得知公寓被巨大的拳头打成了碎片,26人因此丧生。因此,“perish”的意思是“死亡”,与选项B“die”的意思相符。其他选项的意思与句子不符。'
  87. Global warming became the dominant popular term in __________.

  88. A:1975 B:1988 C:1880 D:1978
    AI参考:正确答案是D: 1978。全球变暖成为在1978年流行的术语。这个问题的正确答案很容易得出,因为它要求你找出全球变暖在哪个年份开始成为流行术语。因此,我们只需要从选项中找到一个年份,全球变暖在这个年份开始流行即可。四个选项中,只有D选项中的1978年符合这个条件,因此答案为D。需要注意的是,题目中提到的是“popular term”,因此我们可以推断出全球变暖已经存在一段时间,并且在1978年成为了主流的流行术语。而其他选项的时间段都不符合这个描述。'
  89. For eight months he flirted with the colossal wealth available to the lucky and the persistent, and was rebuffed.

  90. A:reprove B:refuse C:oppose D:puff
  91. "We can prop it up with our heads and shoulders!" Which of the following words can fully express the meaning of "prop"?

  92. A:suspend B:support C:propose D:place
  93. What caused the final eruption of the long time clash between fundamentalism and modernism?

  94. A:Clarence Darrow serving as a lawyer for the denfese B:John Scopes Trial C:The arrival of William Jennings Bryan D:Butler Act
    AI参考:B.John Scopes Trial 这个长期的基础主义与现代主义冲突的最终爆发是由约翰·斯考普斯审判引发的。这个审判是历史上一个著名的法庭辩论事件,涉及到基础主义和现代主义的冲突,因此它被认为是这场长期冲突最终爆发的导火索。其他选项中,Clarence Darrow担任律师、William Jennings Bryan的到来和Butler Act都不是引发这场冲突最终爆发的直接原因。'
  95. In the 1850s, before the climax of Westward Expansion, the vast basin drained three-quarters of the settled United States.

  96. A:cover B:feed C:inhabit D:dry up
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:dry up】。原文中提到“在向西扩张的巅峰期之前,这片广大的盆地使四分之三的已定居的美国地区枯竭”,根据上下文可以推断出这里指的是这片盆地使水资源枯竭,因此选项D“dry up”符合语境。选项A“cover”表示覆盖,选项B“feed”表示供给,选项C“inhabit”表示居住,都不符合语境。'
  97. Alice Walker was born into a _____.

  98. A:poor rural family B:rich family C:white family D:urban family
    AI参考:正确答案是A:poor rural family。句子中提到“Alice Walker出生在一个贫困的农村家庭”,所以正确答案是A。B选项“rich family”表示富裕的家庭,与句子意思不符;C选项“white family”表示白人家庭,与句子意思无关;D选项“urban family”表示城市家庭,也不符合句意。因此,正确答案是A。'
  99. The use of pronouns such as we, us, our, I, me, my, belongs to the features.

  100. A:rhetorical B:textual C:lexical D:other
  101. This was not bowing down in the House of __. Mr. Churchill replied, " Not at all".

  102. A:Common B:Dominion C:Rimmon D:Lords
  103. "This is no class war, but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged". Which is a nation of Commonwealth?

  104. A:Italy B:New Zealand C:France D:Swiss
    AI参考:正确答案是B:New Zealand。\r根据题目中的句子“This is no class war,but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged.”可以得知,这句话的意思是“这不是阶级战争,而是一场整个英联邦帝国和英联邦国家都参与的战争。”因此,这个英联邦国家应该是一个国家,根据选项中的国家,只有新西兰符合条件。因此,答案是B。'
  105. "Just as men ear tusks from elephants' hads in such quantity as to threaten the beast with extinction, we are ripping matter from its place in the earth in such volume as to upset the balance between daylight and darkness." Which of the following words can fully express the meaning of "extinction"?

  106. A:laying out B:handing out C:putting out D:dying out
    AI参考:正确选项是“dying out”。原文中提到“men”和“elephants”都有象牙数量多到威胁它们自己和地球之间的平衡,这暗示着数量上的减少或灭绝,因此选项D“dying out”最能表达“灭绝”的意思。而其他选项“laying out”、“handing out”和“putting out”在语境中无法表达灭绝的含义。'
  107. From the other side of the car comes a short, stocky man. The underlined word "stocky" can be replaced by ______.

  108. A:sturdy B:evasive C:alleviate D:brackish
    AI参考:答案:A解析:stocky指矮而粗壮,结实的,身材矮胖。因此选A。B. evasive为避免、逃避的,不合适。C. alleviate减轻、缓解的,一般接副词“up”,而不是在句中位置,同时句中并无要减轻的物体等细节,不合适。D. brackish(咸水或海水中)含盐的、盐浸的,不合适。因此答案为A,sturdy(强健的,结实的)。'
  109. Edmund has changed from being _________ to sentimental and sensitive, from materialism to pantheism.

  110. A:practical B:perceptive C:perspective D:perceptual
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:perceptual 】。原文中提到Edmund的性格发生了变化,从实用主义转变为情感和敏感,从唯物主义转变为泛神论,其中perceptual意为“感知的,感觉到的”,符合语境。其他选项practical(实用的)、perceptive(感知的)和perspective(观点、角度)都不符合语境。'
  111. What attitude does Sher Takhi hold towards Mortenson's project of building a school?

  112. A:Hatred B:Indifference C:Approval D:Opposition
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Approval。根据问题中的描述,Sher Takhi对Mortenson建造学校的项目持有何种态度,选项中只有C“Approval”表示赞同或认可,因此答案为C。其他选项A、B、D分别表示憎恨、冷漠和反对,与问题描述不符。'
  113. What is the rhetorical device used in the sentence "Bryan, ageing and paunchy, was assited in the prosecution by his son"?

  114. A:sarcasm B:ridicule C:oxymoron D:irony
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:irony。句子中描述布莱恩年纪大了,身材也有些发福,但是在起诉过程中是由他的儿子协助的,这种描述与实际情况相反,表现出一种讽刺或反讽的意味,因此使用了反语(irony)这一修辞手法。其他选项中,sarcasm是讽刺,ridicule是嘲笑,oxymoron是矛盾修饰,都不符合句子的语境。'
  115. The theme of “Face to Face with Hurricane Camille” is that____.

  116. A:hurricane Camille is the greatest storm ever to hit the United States B:John has learnt a lesson from his own experience C:human being is more important than anything else in the world D:people suffered from such a devastating hurricane
    AI参考:正确答案是D:people suffered from such a devastating hurricane。本文讲述了卡米尔飓风对人们的生命财产的毁灭性影响,所以主题是“人们遭受如此毁灭性的飓风”,所以D是正确答案。其他选项A和B的主题都与文章内容无关,C的主题也不符合文章内容。因此,答案为D。'
  117. Narration is the process of recounting a ______ of events, real or imagined. It's also called storytelling.

  118. A:sequel B:series C:selection D:sequence

  119. What make it beneficial to Hitler’s rise in popularity as the German chancellor in 1933?

  120. A:worsenning economy in Germany B:Non-agression Pact between Russia and Germany C:Great Depression D:Versailles Treaty Harsh terms
    AI参考:正确选项为D:Versailles Treaty Harsh terms。在1933年希特勒作为德国总理崛起的原因中,选项D的凡尔赛条约苛刻条款是有利的因素之一。这个条约的签订是在第一次世界大战后,对战败国德国的经济和政治地位造成了严重的影响,也为希特勒的崛起提供了机会。其他选项中,恶化德国经济(A选项)、德俄之间的互不侵犯条约(B选项)以及大萧条(C选项)虽然对希特勒的崛起产生了一定的影响,但不是最主要的原因。'
  121. Which of the following expressions are right about the rhetorical device "simile"?

  122. A:Similes can emphasize certain characteristics. B:Similes can stir up associated emotions. C:Similes can make language more creative, descriptive, and entertaining. D:Similes can create new connections in the mind.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Similes can make language more creative, descriptive, and entertaining。“比喻”这个修辞手法可以让语言更加生动、形象和有趣,C选项表达了这个意思。A选项说比喻可以强调某些特征,B选项说比喻可以引发相关的情感,D选项说比喻可以在脑海中创造新的连接,这些表述虽然都与比喻有关,但没有全面概括比喻的特点。'
  123. Which of the following description is right about the dynamic and static characters?

  124. A:The features of the dynamic characters can be summarized in one sentence. B:The static characters does not change themselves. C:The features of the static characters can be summarized in one sentence. D:The dynamic characters change themselves in different surroundings.

  125. What historical events of America were associated with Mark Twain's life experiences?

  126. A:The Gold Rush B:The Westward Expansion C:The WWI D:The Civil War

  127. Which of the following descriptions are correct about the literary term "style" ?

  128. A:Style functions as an aid to the creation of setting and atmosphere B:A unique literary style can have great impact on the piece in which it is used, and on the readers. C:Style functions as an aid to characterization D:Style functions as a means of reinforcing the theme

  129. The feature story depends on and .

  130. A:subjectivity B:originality C:creativity D:objectivity

  131. What do verbs like"drawl", "walk slowly", and "twirl" show about the characteristics of Clarence Darrow?

  132. A:shrew B:confident C:calm D:passionate

  133. The conflicts between Mortenson and Haji Ali include _____.

  134. The narrator in Everyday Use, mama, acts as the black working woman, and she is ______.

  135. A:hard-working B:uneducated C:strong and independent D:beautiful
    AI参考:正确选项为C:strong and independent。原文中提到“mama acts as the black working woman”,而后面又提到“她是一个坚强而独立的人”,因此可以推断出mama代表的是黑人劳动妇女,并且她是一个坚强而独立的人。其他选项与原文不符,因此排除。'
  136. Which two rhetorical devices are used in "The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied — a cosmos"?

  137. A:Assonance B:Metaphor C:Simile D:Alliteration

  138. Which of the following description about Al Gore are correct?

  139. A:Earth in the Balance is Al Gore’s first book. B:Gore was part of many initiatives such as the GLOBE program. C:He fightsfor a greener planet. D:He was a strong advocate for the passage of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.

  140. Which of the following are right about the term "crisis"?

  141. A:The choices made during crisis will push the plot to its climax. B:Crisis usually comes when the protagonist faces a choice. C:Crisis refers to a moment of high tension in the plot which may be momentarily resolved. D:Crisis usually comes when the protagonist faces a choice between two terrible ones or between two irreconcilable ones.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Crisis usually comes when the protagonist faces a choice between two terrible ones or between two irreconcilable ones.】 根据问题中给出的选项,我们需要理解“crisis”的含义。选项A表示危机时期的决策将推动剧情的高潮,但这并不是对“crisis”的直接描述;选项B表示危机通常出现在主角面临选择的时候,但这个描述比较模糊,没有明确指出是什么选择;选项C表示危机是指剧情中的紧张时刻,但并没有明确说明这个时刻是否会得到解决,也没有涉及到主角面临选择的情况;只有选项D明确说明了危机通常发生在主角面临两个无法调和或非常严重的选择时,这是对“crisis”最直接和准确的描述。因此,选项D是正确的。"
  142. Which of the following techniques Momaday uses when he describes his grandmother, Aho?

  143. A:free hand method B:carving method C:montage D:close-up

  144. What does the Old World consist of?

  145. A:Asia B:Europe C:Africa D:America
  146. In "The Trial that Rocked the World",when Dudley Field Malone called my conviction "a victorious defeat", what does he mean by "victorious"?

  147. In "The Trial that Rocked the World",what can be shown about William Jennings Bryan from the sentence "Resolutely he strode to the stand, carrying a palm fan like a sword to repel his enemies"?

  148. A:ridiculous B:intelligent C:foolish D:stubborn in his religious belief

  149. In "Ships in the Desert", in order to search for the underlying causes of the environmental crisis, the author has been to ____________.

  150. A:the South pole B:the equator C:the North pole D:the Pacific Ocean
    AI参考:正确选项为D:the Pacific Ocean。在“Ships in the Desert”中,为了寻找环境危机的根本原因,作者去了太平洋。选项A的南极、B的赤道、C的北极都不是作者去的地方,只有D的太平洋是正确的答案。因此,答案为D。'
  151. In English literature,_________ and__________ are the two best-known novelists of the “stream of consciousness” school.

  152. A:James Joyce B:Ezra Pound C:T.S. Eliot D:Virginia Woolf

  153. What are the writing techniques employed in the story "The Trial that Rocked the World"?

  154. A:rhetorical devices B:flash-back C:first-person narrative D:main-plot and sub-plot

  155. According to the lecturer, what makes the arguments more persuasive may include___________.

  156. A:diction B:repetition C:Logical structure D:storytelling

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