

  1. In_______, the corporations have more democratic management.

  2. A:China B:Japan C:Germany D:America
    答案:July 4AI参考:正确答案是D:America。句子中提到“在……中,公司有更多的民主管理”,根据常识和语境,应该是美国的公司有更多的民主管理,因此答案为D。其他选项中,中国、日本和德国的公司通常也有民主管理,但与美国的情况有所不同。'
  3. How long does Coca-Cola Japan introduce a new product?

  4. A:6 months B:one year C:3 months D:a month
    答案:lack of respectAI参考:正确答案是C:3个月。根据问题描述,日本可口可乐公司推出新产品的时间是多久,选项中只有C选项“3个月”符合题意,因此答案为C。其他选项的时间长度均不符合实际情况。'
  5. While selecting your career options, you should take into account your skills and your interests as well as your _______

  6. A:work responsibility B:roles C:type of training D:weaknesses
    答案:your weaknesses
  7. Which of the following statements is true about Sir Arthur Currie?

  8. A:He was a great man of the day. B:He shared his plans with his enlisted men in the war. C:He knew what he was doing and why he needed to do it D:He always acted independently in the war.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  9. Before you choose an occupation, you need to_______

  10. A:analyze your career and life expectations B:know well about your capacities C:make a good self-assessment D:find out your interests and preferences
    答案:Remove toxicantAI参考:正确答案是C:make a good self-assessment。句意:在选择职业前,你需要做一个良好的自我评估。选项A是“分析职业生涯和人生期望”,与题目要求不符;选项B是“了解你的能力”,而这里并不只是要了解自己的能力,还包括自我认知、性格特点等;选项D是“找出你的兴趣和偏好”,虽然与职业选择有关,但不够全面。只有选项C“做出良好的自我评估”符合题意。因此,答案为C。'
  11. Different personalities, without complementing and balancing each other, may_________.

  12. A:block the communication B:not trust each other C:build up conflicts D:argue each other
    AI参考:正确答案是C:build up conflicts。句意:不同性格的人,如果不相互补充和平衡,可能会产生冲突。A.阻碍沟通;B.不信任对方;C.产生冲突;D.相互争论。根据句意可知,故选C。'
  13. At the age of 19, Bill Gates and _______wrote an interpreter for the programming language used by MITS Altair.

  14. A: Steve Ballmer B:Steve Jobs C:Mary Maxwell D:Paul Allen
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Paul Allen。本题中需要选择的是比尔·盖茨的合作者,根据句意可知,是19岁时比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦一起为MITS Altair编程语言编写了一个解释器,因此答案为D。其他选项与句意不符。'
  15. To make teamwork happen, executive leaders should clearly convey ___________________to the team members in .

  16. A:work requirements B:specific arrangemnts C:expectation of teamwork and collaboration D:expectation of success
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:expectation of teamwork and collaboration】。在句子中,执行领导应该向团队成员明确传达团队合作和协作的期望,以促进团队合作。选项A中的“工作要求”可能过于具体,而选项B中的“具体安排”与上下文不符。选项D中的“期望成功”虽然与团队合作有关,但不够具体明确。因此,选项C“期望团队工作和协作”最符合上下文。'
  17. Recognition need be______.(Text A)

  18. A:fancy B:formal C:sincere D:informal
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:sincere】原文中提到“Recognition need be sincere”,意思是认可需要是真诚的。因此,选项C“sincere”符合语境。选项A“fancy”表示喜欢、爱好,与原文意思不符;选项B“formal”表示正式的,与原文意思相反;选项D“informal”表示非正式的,与原文意思也不符。'
  19. All successful businesses keep detailed records. By keeping detailed records, you'll know where the business stands financially and what potential ______ you could be facing.

  20. A:competition B:actions C:pressures D:challenges
  21. ___ is both situational and personal.

  22. A:Communication B:Business C:Information D:Administration
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Communication (沟通)既是情境性的也是个人的。句子中提到了“situational and personal”,表明句子中表达的是一个情境性的(situational)并且具有个人(personal)特性的概念。因此,选项中只有“Communication”符合这个描述,因为沟通通常涉及到情境和个人的因素。其他选项“Business”(商业)、“Information”(信息)和“Administration”(管理)都与句子中的描述不符。'
  23. Which of the following statements is true? _____

  24. A:It’s quite ok to gossip about your coworkers. B:You should constantly disagree with your boss to show you are smarter. C:Being a yes man is good. D:Be professional and have the confidence and smarts to agree and disagree with your boss when the time is right.

  25. Your coworkers play a(an) _____ role in your happiness and engagement at work.

  26. A:huge B:large C:small D:petty
  27.         will keep you competitive in your career path

  28. A: Accepting advice from your colleagues, boss and other superiors B:Regularly updating your skills and knowledge C:Joining training programs D:Developing a good rapport with others in your job
    AI参考:正确选项是【B】Regularly updating your skills and knowledge。句子中提到了“将使你在职业道路上保持竞争力”,而选项B中的“定期更新你的技能和知识”与这一表述相符合。其他选项A、C、D虽然也与职业发展有关,但与句子中的“竞争力”这一主题不太相关。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  29. The price of the cup is ______.

  30. A:changeable B:movable C:reasonable D:reliable
    AI参考:正确选项【C】The price of the cup is reasonable。解释:四个选项中,A. changeable 可变的,B. movable 可移动的,D. reliable 可信赖的,只有C. reasonable 合理的符合句意,因为句子的意思是“杯子的价格是合理的”,即杯子价格合适。所以选择C。'
  31. Smart people _____ those they don’t like.

  32. A:dismiss B:ignore C:bear with D:fire
    AI参考:正确答案是B:ignore。这句话的意思是“聪明的人会忽视他们不喜欢的人”,dismiss“解雇、解散”;ignore“忽视、忽略”;bear with“忍受、容忍”;fire“解雇”。故选B。'
  33. The number one mistake leaders make is ____.(Text A)

  34. A:showing the praise B:uplifting a pat on the back C:not complimenting employees D:motivating the team to reach higher
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:not complimenting employees。根据题干中的关键词“number one mistake leaders make”可知,领导们最常犯的错误是……,因此本题考查的是领导们最常犯的错误。A项“表扬”和B项“拍拍后背”都与领导们最常犯的错误无关,D项“激励团队达到更高的目标”也不符合题意。C项“不表扬员工”符合题意,因此正确答案为C。'
  35. If your office culture allows casual conversation during the day, you can make an effort to have a talk with your boss about their _________

  36. A:hobbies B:families C:all of the above D:the things they are interested in
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:the things they are interested in】。原文中提到“your office culture allows casual conversation during the day”,说明办公室文化允许在白天进行轻松的交谈。因此,可以推断出问题是在询问老板的兴趣爱好,而选项D中的“the things they are interested in”恰好符合这个意思。选项A的“hobbies”是指爱好,而选项B的“families”是指家庭,与问题中的交谈主题不符。选项C的“all of the above”是一个不具体的问题,不能作为答案。因此,正确答案是D。'
  37. If a leader expects the whole team to involve in the decision making process, he can _____

  38. A:set a group goal B:hold a group sessions C:hold a collective discussion D:All other options are correct.

  39. Managers are considered as negotiators because ___.

  40. A:they need to negotiate in many managerial activities B:they usually have conflicts with their subordinates C:they want to satisfy their superiors D:they have to allocate scarce resources among operating units
    AI参考:正确选项是【A】: they need to negotiate in many managerial activities。在管理活动中,管理者通常需要谈判。这是管理者被视为谈判者的原因。其他选项中,B选项通常与管理者与下属之间的冲突有关,C选项涉及到满足上级的需求,D选项与分配稀缺资源有关,这些因素虽然也可能在某种程度上与管理者有关,但都不是管理者被视为谈判者的主要原因。因此,答案为A。'
  41. To set a right professional value, an employee should ________

  42. A:have commitment to work B:obey the leader C:be loyal to the company D:learn to appreciate others
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:have commitment to work】。在句子中,要设置正确的职业价值,员工应该对工作有承诺,这意味着他们应该专注于工作,努力工作,并尽最大努力为公司做出贡献。选项B、C和D虽然也是正确的职业价值观的一部分,但不符合句子中的语境。选项B指的是服从领导,选项C指的是对公司忠诚,选项D指的是学会欣赏他人,这些选项都与句子中的“设置正确的职业价值”这一主题不符。因此,选项A“对工作有承诺”是唯一符合句子语境的选项。'
  43. what were the methods that Bill Gates used to run his company?

  44. A:meeting top management panel B:holding two or three small review meetings a day C:batting out e-mail messages D:reviewing data while conducting a meeting using a videophone
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:holding two or three small review meetings a day】。文章中提到Bill Gates每天都会召开两到三次小型会议来讨论公司事务,因此选项B“每天召开两到三次小型会议”是正确的。选项A“召开高管管理小组会议”与文章内容不符;选项C“发电子邮件”不符合Bill Gates的风格;选项D“使用视频电话进行会议时审查数据”在文章中没有提到。'
  45. Which of the following are Walton’s characteristics according to text B?

  46. A:stingy B: shrewd and energetic C:contumacy and doughty D:value interpersonal relationship
    AI参考:正确选项是【B: shrewd and energetic】。根据文本B中的描述,沃尔顿的特点包括“shrewd and energetic”(精明而精力充沛),而选项B恰好符合这一描述。选项A中的“stingy”意为吝啬的,与文本描述不符;选项C中的“contumacy and doughty”在文本中没有提及;选项D中的“value interpersonal relationship”与沃尔顿的特点无关。'
  47. When a good corporate culture is founded, it brings ___________.

  48. A:sales B:the spirit of collaboration C:fresh vitality D:a group wisdom

  49. Walton is remembered as an innovator in ______, discount retailing, ______, and ______.

  50. A:business growth B:business financing C:snacks supply D:supply chain management

  51. According to Henry Mintzberg, managers have three general “sets of behaviors”, which are ___.

  52. A:decisional roles B:interpersonal roles C:informational roles D:communicative roles

  53. Compensation, bonuses, and rewards given to team members should depend on __________

  54. A:individual contribution B:experiences C:achievement D:collaborative practices
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:collaborative practices】。在团队成员的薪酬、奖金和奖励中,应该基于协作实践来给予,因此选项D“collaborative practices”是正确的。选项A“individual contribution”强调了个人的贡献,而选项B“experiences”和选项C“achievement”都过于单一,不足以全面衡量团队成员的表现和贡献。因此,D选项是最佳选择。'
  55. Which of the following are the ways to improve your work relationship?

  56. AI参考:正确选项为: A. Be honest and open with your coworkers. B. Respect your coworkers time and privacy. C. Understand the workload of your coworkers and support them when necessary. D. Get to know each other well to build a sense of teamwork and mutual understanding. 上述工作关系提升方式,基于你所提供的选项: A. Be honest and open with your coworkers - 与同事保持诚实和开放的态度有助于建立信任和尊重,有利于提升工作关系。 B. Respect your coworkers time and privacy - 尊重同事的时间和隐私,这是建立良好工作关系的基础,可以减少不必要的冲突和误解。 C. Understand the workload of your coworkers and support them when necessary - 理解同事的工作负担并在必要时提供支持,有助于增强团队间的合作和凝聚力,提升工作关系。 D. Get to know each other well to build a sense of teamwork and mutual understanding - 通过深入了解彼此,建立团队意识和相互理解,可以增强团队凝聚力,从而提升工作关系。 因此,以上四个选项都是改善工作关系的方法。"
  57. Walmart is notoriously stingy in the following ways:

  58. A:To offer low-benefit healthcare plans to its employees B:To push wages down as far as legally possible C:Its executives do not enjoy the many perks typically offered to high-ranking executives at other large corporations. D: To endow a charitable foundation
    AI参考:正确选项为B:To push wages down as far as legally possible。原文中提到沃尔玛以尽可能合法的方式压低工资,这符合选项B的描述。选项A、C、D与原文描述不符。选项A提到沃尔玛提供低福利的医疗计划,但原文中并未明确提到这一点;选项C提到高管没有享受到其他大公司高层通常享有的许多特权,但与原文中描述的方式没有直接关系;选项D提到捐赠慈善基金会,与原文中描述的吝啬特点不符。'
  59. The strengths that might help a new supervisor are ______. (Text B)

  60. A:Aggressiveness B:Ability to listen C:Flexibility D:Decisiveness
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Ability to listen】原文中提到:“新主管可能有的优势是他们能倾听,而他们往往会将员工的意见作为改进决策的依据。”因此,选项B“能够倾听”是正确答案。其他选项在文中没有提到或与原文不符。'
  61. It’s worthwhile exercise to regularly review and segment your client base according to _____ and _____.  

  62. A:revenue B:promotion activities C:profitability D:debt
    AI参考:正确选项为 C: profitability根据问题中的描述,应该是指根据客户群的盈利能力和其他因素进行定期的回顾和分类。选项A中的revenue(收入)和选项B中的promotion activities(促销活动)与问题描述不符。选项D中的debt(债务)与问题无关。因此,选项C中的profitability(盈利能力)是最符合问题描述的选项。'
  63. HUAWEI corporate culture mainly consists of _______.

  64. A:the customer uppermost B:the innovation C:the efficient management D:the wolf culture
    AI参考:正确选项为 D:the wolf culture。华为的企业文化主要包含狼性文化,即在市场竞争中的进取、拼搏、团结、协作、组织、高效、顽强的战斗团队的文化。因此,选项D“the wolf culture”是正确的答案。选项A“the customer uppermost”强调客户至上,但并非华为企业文化的核心部分;选项B“the innovation”强调创新,虽然重要但不是华为企业文化的核心;选项C“the efficient management”强调高效管理,虽然重要但不是华为企业文化的特色部分。'
  65. McDonald's corporation built its fortune training people on how to be ___________.

  66. A:fast B:kind C:precise D:effective
  67. Which of the following costs are variable expenses?

  68. A:production costs B:shipping costs C:raw materials D:mailng

  69. All businesses require _______ to legally operate.

  70. A:cash B:licenses C:assets D:permits

  71. The key to buidling a strong relationships with both customers and employees is the effective use of financial support.

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. Too much money, too soon, can put the new enterprise in financial distress, create a competitive advantage.

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. Making a conscious effort to be pleasant in every situation will help clear your mind and permit you to do a better job than if you are feeling anger, bitterness and resentment.

  76. A:错 B:对

  77. The word “in-crowd” probably means “too many people

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. Interest plays the most important part in choosing a career

  80. A:对 B:错
  81. People usually choose a career based on their salary.

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. Team Leaders should seize the opportunities to empower your employees and show appreciations of your team player's work.

  84. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:A:对。Team leaders应该抓住机会赋予员工权力,并展现对团队成员工作的赞赏。这可以增强团队成员的自信心和工作动力,促进团队合作和整体业绩的提升。因此,这是一个正确的做法。'
  85. As a business, your budget should always strive to be in a surplus state

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. QSC&V, the McDonald's corporate culture, forms the basis of all company decisions.

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. Learning to control your emotions will help you keep our job.

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. A manager should celebrate the success of the company and the department,but not the individuals

  92. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。这个问题的正确答案是B,因为管理者应该庆祝公司的成功和部门成功,而不是仅仅关注个人。在团队工作中,成功的关键是团队的合作和努力,而不仅仅是某个个人的表现。因此,管理者应该将成功归功于整个团队,而不是某个个人。因此,选项B是正确的。选项A则表示错误,因为仅仅庆祝公司的成功和部门成功而不归功于个人,会使个人的贡献和努力被忽视,影响团队的工作效率。'
  93. Buffett firmly believes that the rewards of the CEOs should be tied to the achievements of their own businesses. (Text C)

  94. A:对 B:错

  95. If you are struggling to have a good relationship with your boss, then you should stew in silence.

  96. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。这句话的意思是如果你正在努力与你的上司建立良好的关系,那么你应该保持沉默并思考。这表明在这种情况下,沉默和思考可能是解决问题的最佳方式。因此,答案是B,即正确选项为“对”。'
  97. To properly manage financing, the entrepreneur must analyze the amount of money required on a five-month rather than a five-year basis.

  98. A:错 B:对

  99. With a small team, every contribution is essential. You may be required to put in a lot more effort and hours, which mean your work eats into your after-hours life at times.

  100. A:对 B:错

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