  1. Gossip will keep you from falling into the negativity that is so pervasive in many organizations

  2. A:错 B:对
    答案:A: 错
  3. Reputation matters to Buffett more than money earned.(Text C)

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. The secret of maintaining a great network is knowing the business needs of customers.

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. In China, business management is not affected by interpersonal connections at all.

  8. A:对 B:错
    答案:B: 错
  9. A manager should celebrate the success of the company and the department,but not the individuals

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. A communicator sends messages to his audience, expecting no responses.

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. Authoritarian leadership style is the management style in Germany.

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Interest plays the most important part in choosing a career

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. Try to find fault often, this will keep your team motivated.

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. Buffett firmly believes that the rewards of the CEOs should be tied to the achievements of their own businesses. (Text C)

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. Discipline is the triggering factor behind the failure of most failed establishments.

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. Making a conscious effort to be pleasant in every situation will help clear your mind and permit you to do a better job than if you are feeling anger, bitterness and resentment.

  24. A:错 B:对
  25. One outstanding value of high-performance teams is to set a right value.

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. Success in our life only depends upon our ability and hard work.

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. With a small team, every contribution is essential. You may be required to put in a lot more effort and hours, which mean your work eats into your after-hours life at times.

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. If you want to change your job, you_______.

  32. A:should make good use of your contacts to get a best job. B:would be better leave right away C:would be sad D:should finish all incomplete tasks at your current job before you leave
  33. _____ and financial projections cannot be released until the financial controllers have substantiated them.

  34. A:cash flow statements B:budgets C:asset statements D:Balance sheets
  35. The Wal-Mart Stores Inc. grew to be the world’s largest corporation by ______ as well as the biggest ______ in the world.

  36. A:business financing B:revenue C:supply chain management D:private employer
  37. what were the methods that Bill Gates used to run his company?

  38. A:reviewing data while conducting a meeting using a videophone B:meeting top management panel C:batting out e-mail messages D:holding two or three small review meetings a day
  39. Most employers care more about your work-related experience, for

  40. A:internships B:your part-time jobs C:major D:the skills
  41. Sometimes, all you need to do is just talk with a _____ at work about what all problems you are facing.

  42. A:superior B:any reliale person C:college D:family member
  43. Walton is remembered as an innovator in ______, discount retailing, ______, and ______.

  44. A:business growth B:business financing C:snacks supply D:supply chain management
  45. A business plan may include the following elements: ____.

  46. A:revenue streams B:target market C:Marketing activities D:company description
  47. The first set behavior pattern concerns interpersonal roles, and Mintzberg identifies these three roles as ___.

  48. A:negotiator B:organizational figurehead C:liaison D:leader
  49. The message is the subject of the communication. It can be ___.

  50. A:suggestion B:feelings, C:opinion D:an order,
  51. To set a right professional value, an employee should ________

  52. A:obey the leader B:be loyal to the company C:have commitment to work D:learn to appreciate others
  53. A good administrator should have other qualities, such as ___, etc.

  54. A:being imaginative in a practical way B:trusting people C:striving for the best D:keeping his commitments
  55. You can do a self-assessment of your strength and weaknesses by _____. (Text B)

  56. A:conducting an informal survey of others you have worked with over the last few years B:asking people for frank comments on your strength and weaknesses C:reflecting on your work with others over the last few years D:looking for a prime candidate for supervision
  57. A self assessment should include a look at the following_______

  58. A:personality B:interests C:values D:skills
  59. Why does Harvey say that networking is a lifelong practice?

  60. A:It provides you with new knowledge. B:It provides you with the strength of the group. C:It provides you with new experiences. D:It provides you with job security.
  61. Which of the following statements is not true?

  62. A:If the projected profitability of a consumer product is too low, its production may be accepted by a Japanese firm. B:After most firms manufacture a product, they will engage in periodic cost reductions. C:Japanese look at profit in terms of individual goods rather than product lines. D:In contrast to western firms, many Japanese companies use a “target cost” approach.
  63. The number one mistake leaders make is ____.(Text A)

  64. A:motivating the team to reach higher B:not complimenting employees C:uplifting a pat on the back D:showing the praise
  65. For the owner of the _________ , the government offered him a fitting position in a firm

  66. A:fishing B:fish C:fisher D:fishery
  67. ________that’s fast and friendly has always been a foundation for success at McDonald's.

  68. A:Sales B:Benefit C:Service D:Culture
  69. Managers are considered as negotiators because ___.

  70. A:they have to allocate scarce resources among operating units B:they want to satisfy their superiors C:they need to negotiate in many managerial activities D:they usually have conflicts with their subordinates
  71. Still a young boy, he took up a variety of ______ in order to contribute to his family’s income and this taught him the value of hard work and determination at a young age.

  72. A:jobs B:opportunities C:plans D:chances
  73. Different personalities, without complementing and balancing each other, may_________.

  74. A:argue each other B:build up conflicts C:not trust each other D:block the communication
  75. Smart people _____ those they don’t like.

  76. A:dismiss B:ignore C:fire D:bear with
  77. Are you able to provide the product displayed in the _______?

  78. A:confecting B:confection C:confectionery D:confections
  79. Personality not only effects one's choice of career, but also directly effect_______

  80. A:friends B:happiness C:the fate of specific jobs D:locations
  81. ___ is both situational and personal.

  82. A:Business B:Communication C:Information D:Administration
  83. The result from the apathetic attitude of the leaders would be____. (Text A)

  84. A:effective performance B:decrease in number of staff C:poor performance D:increase in profits
  85. What can help you have a more successful career and life? ______

  86. A:Gossiping about your co-workers B:Being a yes man C:Developing a good relationship with your boss D:Plastering your walls with comics or internet jokes
  87. He took the basket in his mouth and trotted down the street to the ______.

  88. A:baker B:bake C:bakery D:baking
  89. What helped Mary Kay's products become the big sellers?

  90. A:The tremendous fomular and high-quality packaging. B:Her ambition and determination. C:Strong customer service D:Unique organizational structure and corporate culture.
  91. The first step in problem solving is to ___. (Text A)

  92. A:find out what the real problem is B:believe the blamers C:make quick decision D:find out who is to blame
  93. Self-confidence is a_____ in yourself and your abilities, a mental attitude of trusting or relying on yourself.

  94. A:perception B:trust C:belief D:ability
  95. ________belongs to the invisible corporate culture?

  96. A:the dress code B:titles in the company C:work environment D:the value standard
  97. Which of the following is not the reason for Sony to decide to build a smaller version of its compact personal stereo system and market it to older consumers?

  98. A:the product would strengthen its reputation B:the product would provide another market niche for the firm C:a side benefit is that once a product is out there, it may appeal to an unanticipated market D:the profitability of the unit would be high
  99. The price of the cup is ______.

  100. A:changeable B:reasonable C:movable D:reliable

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