1.To set a right professional value, an employee should ________
A:have commitment to work B:obey the leader C:be loyal to the company D:learn to appreciate others
答案:have commitment to work###be loyal to the company###obey the leader###learn to appreciate others
2.what were the methods that Bill Gates used to run his company?
A:meeting top management panel B:holding two or three small review meetings a day C:batting out e-mail messages D:reviewing data while conducting a meeting using a videophone
答案:batting out e-mail messages###meeting top management panel###holding two or three small review meetings a day
3.Which of the following are Walton’s characteristics according to text B?
A:stingy B: shrewd and energetic C:contumacy and doughty D:value interpersonal relationship
答案:contumacy and doughty; stingy; value interpersonal relationship; shrewd and energetic
4.When a good corporate culture is founded, it brings ___________.
A:sales B:the spirit of collaboration C:fresh vitality D:a group wisdom
答案:a group wisdom; the spirit of collaboration; fresh vitality
5.Walton is remembered as an innovator in ______, discount retailing, ______, and ______.
A:business growth B:business financing C:snacks supply D:supply chain management
答案:business growth###supply chain management###business financing
6.According to Henry Mintzberg, managers have three general “sets of behaviors”, which are ___.
A:decisional roles B:interpersonal roles C:informational roles D:communicative roles
答案:interpersonal roles; informational roles; decisional roles
7.Compensation, bonuses, and rewards given to team members should depend on __________
A:individual contribution B:experiences C:achievement D:collaborative practices
答案:collaborative practices; individual contribution; achievement
8.Walmart is notoriously stingy in the following ways:
A:To offer low-benefit healthcare plans to its employees B:To push wages down as far as legally possible C:Its executives do not enjoy the many perks typically offered to high-ranking executives at other large corporations. D: To endow a charitable foundation
答案:To push wages down as far as legally possible; To offer low-benefit healthcare plans to its employees; Its executives do not enjoy the many perks typically offered to high-ranking executives at other large corporations.
9.The strengths that might help a new supervisor are ______. (Text B)
A:Aggressiveness B:Ability to listen C:Flexibility D:Decisiveness
答案:Ability to listen###Decisiveness###Flexibility
10.It’s worthwhile exercise to regularly review and segment your client base according to _____ and _____.  
A:revenue B:promotion activities C:profitability D:debt
答案:revenue; profitability
11.HUAWEI corporate culture mainly consists of _______.
A:the customer uppermost B:the innovation C:the efficient management D:the wolf culture

12.McDonald's corporation built its fortune training people on how to be ___________.
A:fast B:kind C:precise D:effective 13.All businesses require _______ to legally operate.
A:cash B:licenses C:assets D:permits 14.In_______, the corporations have more democratic management.
A:China B:Japan C:Germany D:America 15.How long does Coca-Cola Japan introduce a new product?
A:6 months B:one year C:3 months D:a month 16.Before you choose an occupation, you need to_______
A:analyze your career and life expectations B:know well about your capacities C:make a good self-assessment D:find out your interests and preferences 17.Different personalities, without complementing and balancing each other, may_________.
A:block the communication B:not trust each other C:build up conflicts D:argue each other 18.At the age of 19, Bill Gates and _______wrote an interpreter for the programming language used by MITS Altair.
A: Steve Ballmer B:Steve Jobs C:Mary Maxwell D:Paul Allen 19.To make teamwork happen, executive leaders should clearly convey ___________________to the team members in .
A:work requirements B:specific arrangemnts C:expectation of teamwork and collaboration D:expectation of success 20.Recognition need be______.(Text A)
A:fancy B:formal C:sincere D:informal 21.All successful businesses keep detailed records. By keeping detailed records, you'll know where the business stands financially and what potential ______ you could be facing.
A:competition B:actions C:pressures D:challenges 22.___ is both situational and personal.
A:Communication B:Business C:Information D:Administration 23.Your coworkers play a(an) _____ role in your happiness and engagement at work.
A:huge B:large C:small D:petty 24.

        will keep you competitive in your career path

A: Accepting advice from your colleagues, boss and other superiors B:Regularly updating your skills and knowledge C:Joining training programs D:Developing a good rapport with others in your job 25.The price of the cup is ______.
A:changeable B:movable C:reasonable D:reliable 26.Smart people _____ those they don’t like.
A:dismiss B:ignore C:bear with D:fire 27.The number one mistake leaders make is ____.(Text A)
A:showing the praise B:uplifting a pat on the back C:not complimenting employees D:motivating the team to reach higher 28.If your office culture allows casual conversation during the day, you can make an effort to have a talk with your boss about their _________
A:hobbies B:families C:all of the above D:the things they are interested in 29.Managers are considered as negotiators because ___.
A:they need to negotiate in many managerial activities B:they usually have conflicts with their subordinates C:they want to satisfy their superiors D:they have to allocate scarce resources among operating units 30.The key to buidling a strong relationships with both customers and employees is the effective use of financial support.
A:错误 B:正确 31.Too much money, too soon, can put the new enterprise in financial distress, create a competitive advantage.
A:错误 B:正确 32.Making a conscious effort to be pleasant in every situation will help clear your mind and permit you to do a better job than if you are feeling anger, bitterness and resentment.
A:错 B:对 33.The word “in-crowd” probably means “too many people
A:错误 B:正确 34.Interest plays the most important part in choosing a career
A:正确 B:错误 35.People usually choose a career based on their salary.
A:错 B:对 36.Team Leaders should seize the opportunities to empower your employees and show appreciations of your team player's work.
A:对 B:错 37.As a business, your budget should always strive to be in a surplus state
A:正确 B:错误 38.QSC&V, the McDonald's corporate culture, forms the basis of all company decisions.
A:正确 B:错误 39.Learning to control your emotions will help you keep our job.
A:错 B:对 40.A manager should celebrate the success of the company and the department,but not the individuals
A:错误 B:正确 41.Buffett firmly believes that the rewards of the CEOs should be tied to the achievements of their own businesses. (Text C)
A:对 B:错 42.If you are struggling to have a good relationship with your boss, then you should stew in silence.
A:错 B:对 43.To properly manage financing, the entrepreneur must analyze the amount of money required on a five-month rather than a five-year basis.
A:错 B:对 44.With a small team, every contribution is essential. You may be required to put in a lot more effort and hours, which mean your work eats into your after-hours life at times.
A:对 B:错 45.Which of the following are the ways to improve your work relationship?
46.While selecting your career options, you should take into account your skills and your interests as well as your _______
A:work responsibility B:roles C:type of training D:weaknesses

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