

  1. Which statement regarding reentry shock is incorrect?

  2. A:For the expatriates, transition to home culture is short and usually problem-free. B:This phase may also be called reverse cultural shock. C:Children of expatriates may encounter readjustment problems when they find that the education they received abroad is not comparable to that of U.S. schools. D:Reentry shock is typically shorter than cultural shock, but may vary depending on the adjustment made in the foreign country.
    答案:lled reverse cultural shock.
  3. Which statement about values is incorrect?

  4. A:People in various cultures have basically similar values. B:Values are learned by contacts with family members, teachers, and religious leaders. C:Values are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. D:Values will be influenced by what is seen on television or read in newspapers.
    答案:People in various cultures have basically similar values.
  5. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect?

  6. A:Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning. B:When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goes to generalizations. C:Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with different cultures. D:Thought patterns impact oral communication.
  7. Which statement about nonverbal behaviors and culture is incorrect?

  8. A:They both involve shared understandings. B:They will not change. C:They are similar in that both are learned. D:They are passed from generation to generation.
    答案:l behaviors can be ambiguous.
  9. Nonverbal messages are not communicated by:

  10. A:means of general appearance B:your language ability C:facial expressions D:body movements

  11. According to Kohls, the dominant American cultural patterns do not include:

  12. A:individualism B:collectivism C:privacy D:equality
    AI参考:根据Kohls的观点,美国的主导文化模式不包括:正确答案是B:collectivism(集体主义)。在原文中提到,Kohls认为美国的主导文化模式是以个人主义和自由主义为基础的,强调个人权利和自由,同时也注重平等和隐私。因此,选项B collectivism(集体主义)不属于美国的主导文化模式。其他选项A individualism(个人主义)、C privacy(隐私)和D equality(平等)都是美国文化中的重要元素。'
  13. Which statement related to work attitudes is incorrect?

  14. A:U.S. attitudes toward work are more relaxed than those in Europe. B:In the United States, the attitude toward work is ingrained from an early age. C:In the United States, hard work is applauded and often rewarded. D:The Japanese attitude toward work is very group oriented.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The Japanese attitude toward work is very group oriented。根据问题中的选项,需要选择与工作态度不正确的陈述。选项A表示美国人对工作的态度比欧洲人更放松,选项B表示在美国,对工作的态度是从很小的时候就开始形成的,选项C表示在美国,努力工作通常会受到赞赏并得到回报,这些选项都是正确的。而选项D表示日本人对工作的态度非常注重团队合作,这与工作态度无关,因此是错误的。所以,答案是D。'
  15. Some international firms spend much time in college recruiting because

  16. A:they are looking for young, naive individuals who are less likely to experience stress when leaving their home country. B:they are looking for candidates who already have such qualifications as language proficiency and overseas experience. C:college students are more likely to have characteristics such as adaptability, flexibility and empathy than older persons. D:students lack negative experiences that would influence their decisions about going abroad for business.

  17. Which statement does not reflect the intimate zone?

  18. A:Less than 18 inches B: Entered when shaking hands C:The most formal zone D:Reserved for very close friends
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The most formal zone。亲密区域指的是身体接触的范围,通常指的是小于18英寸的距离,通常在握手时进入。而最正式的区域指的是礼仪上的区域,通常与亲密区域相反,需要保持一定的距离和礼貌。因此,选项C“最正式的区域”不符合亲密区域的定义。'
  19. Which statement of the following is incorrect?

  20. A:Cultures differ in their perception of furniture arrangement. B:Cultures differ in their perception of personal space. C:Cultures differ in the basic needs of human beings. D:Cultures differ in their use of seating.

  21. Which statement regarding the acceptance stage of cultural shock is correct?

  22. A:You feel at home in the new culture. B:You respect their customs but realize you will forget about them as soon as you return to your home country. C:You adapt to and become involved in activities of the culture. D:You cultivate friendships among the nationals.
  23. Nonverbal communication is important to the study of intercultural communication because 

  24. A:people use nonverbal communication to regulate interaction, repeat messages B:people use nonverbal communication to create identity C:people use nonverbal communication to express internal states D:people use nonverbal communication to substitute actions for words

  25. Cultural adaptation strategies include:

  26. A:Working to maintain contact with your own culture B:Guarding against ethnocentrism C:Hire a tour guide D:Learning about the language of the host culture

  27. Which of the following are functions of the family?

  28. A:Economic function B:Identity function C:Offering a job D:Reproductive function
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Economic function】家庭的功能包括经济功能,即提供经济支持和生活来源,这是家庭最基本的功能之一。其他选项B、C、D都不符合家庭的功能。B选项Identity function指的是家庭成员之间的认同和归属感,而C选项Offering a job与家庭无关,D选项Reproductive function是指家庭的人口再生产功能,虽然也是家庭的重要功能之一,但与题目中的“Which of the following are functions of the family?”(以下哪项属于家庭的功能)不符。因此,只有A选项经济功能是符合题意的正确选项。'
  29. The elements that compose culture include:

  30. A:values B:history C:language D:social organizations,

  31. While black symbolizes mourning in the United States, white is often worn to Chinese funerals.

  32. A:对 B:错

  33. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation.

  34. A:错 B:对

  35. A culture’s sense of time can not be understood by learning how members of that culture view informal time and whether or not their orientation toward time is monochromic or polychronic

  36. A:对 B:错
  37. Cultures do not exist in a vacuum.

  38. A:错 B:对

  39. Nonverbal messages can work alone or in tandem with verbal messages

  40. A:对 B:错

  41. People who experience cultural shock can become homesick and even develop physical ailments.

  42. A:错 B:对

  43. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is associated with linguistic determination.

  44. A:错 B:对

  45. Culture is learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols, and is a dynamic and integrated system

  46. A:对 B:错

  47. A typical stereotype of U.S. people is that they place great importance on the family.

  48. A:对 B:错
  49. Schools are the primary means for pass a culture’s history and traditions from generation to generation

  50. A:错 B:对
  51. Learning a second language does not distort or change a person's perspective.

  52. A:错 B:对

  53. Most people in China use the indirect method of reasoning to solve problems.

  54. A:错 B:对

  55. People in the United States are more formal when compared to people of other cultures.

  56. A:对 B:错

  57. You can live a day without the influence of culture.

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. All of the major institutions of a culture are linked.

  60. A:对 B:错

  61. The body is a major source of nonverbal messages

  62. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:对。这个句子提到了“The body is a major source of nonverbal messages”(身体是无声信息的主要来源)是对的,所以答案为A,即“对”。'
  63.  Cultural values can not be reflected in the language used by a culture

  64. A:错 B:对
  65. People from countries with strong uncertainty avoidance are more likely to have shorter employment time with employers.

  66. A:对 B:错

  67.  Cultural diversity leads to differences in beliefs about the causes and treatment of illness

  68. A:对 B:错

  69. Signs are usually simpler than symbols.

  70. A:对 B:错

  71. The communication context is the socio-cultural environment in which communication takes place.

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. Nonverbal communication is not culture-bound

  74. A:错 B:对

  75. Collectivism emphasizes common interests, conformity, and independence.

  76. A:对 B:错

  77. Ethnocentrists believe that their cultural background is the correct way to analyze problems.

  78. A:错 B:对

  79. Communication behavior is born.

  80. A:对 B:错

  81. Empathy is important communicator quality for educators working in a multicultural classroom.

  82. A:错 B:对

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