1. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.The transition to some schools from high school to college is monumental turning point, and it's more important to focus on how a young adult is moving on to a new stage than where that stage happens to be. This is the moment when parents should mark the success of their children and rejoice in the excitement that the next four years will bring. And that leads to my final point: Education is what a student makes of it. Of course, certain schools have resources that others don't, but all offer opportunities to learn and to grow.Question: By saying "Education is what a student makes of it" the author means that . ( )

  2. 答案:individual efforts are as important as being admitted by a good university
  3. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.The most remarkable thing about daydreaming may be its usefulness in shaping our future lives as we want them to be. Industrialist Henry J. Kaiser believed that much of his success was due to the positive use of daydreaming. He maintained that "you can imagine your future." Florence Nightingale dreamed of becoming a nurse. The young Thomas Edison pictured himself as an inventor. For these notable achievers, it appears that their daydreams came true.Question: The example of Thomas Edison is used to show ( ).

  4. 答案:daydreaming can shape our future
  5. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.Managers who remember to say “thank you” to people who work for them may find that those employees feel motivated to work harder. Researchers at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania randomly divided university fund-raises into two groups. One group made phone calls to solicit alumni donations in the same way they always had. The second group--signed to work on a different day, received a pep talk from the director of annual giving, who told the fund-raisers she was grateful for their efforts. During the following week, the university employees who heard their message of gratitude made 50% more fund-raising calls than those who did not.Question: According to the study at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, it can be known that ( ).

  6. 答案:superiors’ expressions of gratitude can make employee feel motivated
  7. The message “Gratitude enables people to concentrate on what’s at hand rather than what’s beyond reach.” can be found in ( ) in the following.

  8. 答案:Gratitude is a way for people to appreciate what they have instead of always reaching for something new in the hopes it will make them happier, or thinking they can’t feel satisfied until every physical and material need is met. Gratitude helps people refocus on what they have instead of what they lack. And, although it may feel contrived at first, this mental state grows stronger with use and practice.
  9. It is possible to imagine scenarios ( ) one of these forces comes out on top.

  10. 答案:in which
  11. She was ( )Queen at the age of 13 after the sudden death of her father.

  12. 答案:proclaimed
  13. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.Being patient will help you to keep your perspective. You'll see even a difficult situation, say your present challenge, isn't "life or death" but simply a minor obstacle that must be dealt with. Without patience, the same scenario can become a major emergency complete with yelling, frustration, hurt feelings, and high blood pressure. It's really not worth all that. Whether you're needing to deal with children, your boss, or a difficult person or situation — if you don't want to "sweat the small stuff, improving your patience level is a great way to start.Question: With patience, ( ).

  14. 答案:we will see a difficult situation as a minor obstacle
  15. The President made a sudden ( ) of his army.

  16. 答案:withdrawal
  17. The governor is popular, but not ( ) criticism.

  18. 答案:immune from
  19. The country is ready to help ( ) the economic fortunes of its neighbors.

  20. 答案:revive
  21. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.Old Japanese living alone can now hire a “family” for lunch and a few hours’ pleasant talk. Just give them a telephone call and ask for, say, a daughter, son-in-law and grandchild. They will show up at your door, and greet you emotionally as if they hadn’t seen you for years.Some 15 couples have so far hired “families”. We have nearly 80 people on the waiting list,”said the president of the company that offers such services,“What is common about these senior citizens is that they are thirsty for human love. We are helping them make their dreams come true.”Question: Old couples in Japan hire family members ( ).

  22. 答案:to seek love and comfort
  23. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.Being happy can come down to whether or not the majority of your time is spent doing things you have to do, or if it’s spent doing the things you want to do. Sometimes you have to do both to get the things you want, but that’s OK. The world doesn’t care about what you want, or what I want.Question: If a person spends the majority of his time on things he has to do, he is probably ( ).
  24. He showed an ( ) indifference to the matter.
  25. In the sentence “Dr. Emmons’ research shows that Group A tend to be more creative, bounce back more quickly and have a stronger immune system, and have stronger social relationship than Group B.”, the underlined part is a(n) ( ).
  26. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.Old Japanese living alone can now hire a “family” for lunch and a few hours’ pleasant talk. Just give them a telephone call and ask for, say, a daughter, son-in-law and grandchild. They will show up at your door, and greet you emotionally as if they hadn’t seen you for years.Some 15 couples have so far hired “families”. We have nearly 80 people on the waiting list,”said the president of the company that offers such services,“What is common about these senior citizens is that they are thirsty for human love. We are helping them make their dreams come true.”Question: In the sentence “what is common about these senior citizens is that they are thirsty for human love” Paragraph 2, “senior citizens” could best be replaced by ( ).
  27. The message "The idea of 'yin and yang' is deeply rooted in almost every aspect of Chinese people's life." can be found in ( ) in the following.
  28. His ( ) for membership of the organization was rejected.
  29. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.“I have never been an ordinary or common person since I was young,”notes Liu. When he was 18, his work was neither busy nor challenging. Liu, then an energetic youth, was unfulfilled and started a small, side business for fun. He caught small fish in a river behind his factory and sold them every weekend morning. Compared with his fixed monthly salary of 39.8 yuan, the earnings from this small business-around 40 yuan per morning, were rather considerable. As others followed him to sell fish, Liu turned to making and selling fish bowls in the mid-1970s, which was also profitable. The second occupation helped Liu get married and buy a house in Xuanwumen, southern downtown Beijing, in 1978.Question: Why did Liu start his business when he was 18? ( )
  30. Some markets are local while others are national or international ( ).
  31. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.There are some notable exceptions to the generally positive results in research on gratitude. One study found that middle-aged divorced woman who kept gratitude journals were no more satisfied with their lives than those who did not. Another study found that children and adolescents who wrote and delivered a thank-you letter to someone who made a difference in their lives may have made the other person happier--but did not improve their own well-being. The finding suggests that gratitude is an attainment associated with emotional maturity.Question: Some studies mentioned above indicate that ( ).
  32. I have over 20 blog posts ( ) that I'm working on tweaking to perfection.
  33. Your question is beyond the ( ) of this book.
  34. In the sentence “The ultimate cause of what's happened seems to have been the advertising campaign.”, “ultimate”means ( ).
  35. My manager will make the ( ) decision about who to employ.
  36. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.But parents also have a right to expect that society and its entertaining industries accept responsibility for not harming children by allowing the creation of a cultural environment which can endanger children in their formative years. An African proverb states: “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” We are all responsible for the cultural environment in which today’s children are growing up. That includes the media makers and media owners who control what goes out over the public airwaves or floods our cultural landscape in the image of pop culture. They must behave responsibly as good corporate citizens. And they need to be steadfastly challenged when they do not.Question: The African proverb "It takes a whole village to raise a child.”is quoted to ( ).
  37. He worked very long hours, to the ( ) of his marriage.
  38. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.Colors are also loaded with cultural meanings that need to be analyzed in website localization. Choosing the wrong color for your logo or background will not always have disastrous consequences, but avoiding them is always advisable.For example, in Japan, white is commonly associated with mourning. In China, red is auspicious. In Africa, certain colors represent different tribes. For more information visit “Colour in Web Design”.Question: Which of the following is the right topic for the above paragraphs? ( )
  39. Children spend too much time on schoolwork, ( ) other activities.
  40. What if political methods existed ( ) business?
  41. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.Native Chinese speakers tend to repeat the terms of thanks many times. For them it is to show their courtesy and heartfelt thanks, especially to those with whom they are not familiar and for what they think are important favors. But this practice which is not done in the West may give Westerners the sense of empty thanks and insincerity, and make them uncomfortable. For example, If an American advisor has spent half an hour helping you edit some letters, you will, of course, want to say, “thank you, I really appreciate your time.” That is enough. More statements of thanks would embarrass him or her.Question: According to the passage, repeating words of gratitude many times in Chinese culture makes Westerners ( ).
  42. Once in court, he ( ) the statement he'd made to the police.
  43. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.There are few things in this life that are universal and bring people together, and one of my favorite is eating great food. Food reminds me to savor the little things in life. I think if you can learn to view the beauty in ordinary moments, you will lead a happy life. Children know this best, and we can learn a lot from them. They haven’t seen a butterfly a million times, so they will stop to cherish the simple beauty and ease as in flutters in a soft breeze, or laugh out loud at a silly dog chasing its tail in a park or share a cookie with a beautiful stranger.Question: According to the author, what is the key to leading a happy life? ( )
  44. Directions: The message “People have realized that pictures with negative connotation to some cultures may be a problem to the localization of a website.” can be found in ( ) in the following.
  45. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.Being patient will help you to keep your perspective. You'll see even a difficult situation, say your present challenge, isn't "life or death" but simply a minor obstacle that must be dealt with. Without patience, the same scenario can become a major emergency complete with yelling, frustration, hurt feelings, and high blood pressure. It's really not worth all that. Whether you're needing to deal with children, your boss, or a difficult person or situation — if you don't want to "sweat the small stuff, improving your patience level is a great way to start.Question: If we have no patience, the same difficult situation might turn into ( )
  46. The color of your eyes is ( ) by the colors of your parents’ eyes.
  47. She had to ( ) from the competition because of a leg injury.
  48. Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the question or unfinished statement after reading the passage.As with pictures, symbols can cause problems in localization. Icons using fingers such as an OK sign or V-sign may mean different things to different cultures. Our Western symbols do not always mean the same abroad. An often cited example is the representation of the house referring to a home page, or a letterbox to mail. The use of animals in logos can cause embarrassment and further problems. For example, pigs are considered unclean in the Middle East and cows as holy in India.Question: Which of the following is the main idea of the above paragraph? ( )
  49. Interest in classic music ( ) recently.
  50. I'd never seen or heard of anything _______ grew that fast, and the idea of building an online bookstore with millions of titles—something _______ simply couldn't exist in the physical world—was very exciting to me. ( )
  51. ( ) in that light, it really was a difficult choice, but ultimately, I decided I had to give it a shot.
  52. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.What does the woman think of friendship?
  53. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.According to the conversation, what is the difference between romantic love and friendship?
  54. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.According to the woman, what is important in finding someone to be friends with?
  55. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.What are children expected to learn about their allowances?
  56. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.When do children usually learn a hard lesson with their money?
  57. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.Why is it a good idea to give children allowances?
  58. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.Which statement is TRUE according to the news report?
  59. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.What are the people of the Island District doing to prepare for floods?
  60. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.What is an even greater challenge than defining “globalization” ?
  61. Directions: Listen to the material and choose the best answer.Which of the following is mentioned as a proof to the statement “people around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before?”
  62. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer.Which of the following statements is NOT true about globalization?
  63. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer.What is an even greater challenge than defining “globalization” ?
  64. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer.What term is used frequently to describe the current times?
  65. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the proof to the statement “people around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before?”
  66. Choose the best answer to each of the questions or unfinished statements after reading the passage.Colors are also loaded with cultural meanings that need to be analyzed in website localization. Choosing the wrong color for your logo or background will not always have disastrous consequences, but avoiding them is always advisable.For example, in Japan, white is commonly associated with mourning. In China, red is auspicious. In Africa, certain colors represent different tribes. For more information visit “Colour in Web Design”.Question: Which of the following is the right topic for the above paragraphs? ( )
  67. Choose the best answer to each of the questions or unfinished statements after reading the passage.Old Japanese living alone can now hire a “family” for lunch and a few hours’ pleasant talk. Just give them a telephone call and ask for, say, a daughter, son-in-law and grandchild. They will show up at your door, and greet you emotionally as if they hadn’t seen you for years.Some 15 couples have so far hired “families”. We have nearly 80 people on the waiting list,”said the president of the company that offers such services,“What is common about these senior citizens is that they are thirsty for human love. We are helping them make their dreams come true.”Question: Old couples in Japan hire family members( ).
  68. The message “A failed website localization usually results from poor linguistic and cultural input.” can be found in ( ) in the following.
  69. Choose the best answer to each of the questions or unfinished statements after reading the passage.As with pictures, symbols can cause problems in localization. Icons using fingers such as an OK sign or V-sign may mean different things to different cultures. Our Western symbols do not always mean the same abroad. An often cited example is the representation of the house referring to a home page, or a letterbox to mail. The use of animals in logos can cause embarrassment and further problems. For example, pigs are considered unclean in the Middle East and cows as holy in India.Question: Which of the following is the main idea of the above paragraph? ( )
  70. The message “People have realized that pictures with negative connotation to some cultures may be a problem to the localization of a website.” can be found in ( ) in the following.
  71. The sentence “None of his friends will call him.”can be rewritten with inversion (倒装) structure as ( ).
  72. In the sentence “A further prediction is that, as people rely more on connected devices to explore the physical world, digital information will have a growing influence on how they see the physical realm and on how they move through it.”, the underlined part is a(n) ( ).
  73. The euro has ( ) the realms of theory into reality.
  74. The message “People can feel gratitude by recalling good memories of their childhood.” can be found in ( ) in the following.
  75. Listen to the news report and choose the best answer.Which of the following is NOT true about the café according to the news report?
  76. Listen to the news report and choose the best answer.Why do people not have to worry about the payment?
  77. Listen to the news report and choose the best answer.What does the Eggs & Bread Café offer?
  78. So it would seem that this virus would still be able to grow and damage ( ) cells in his body.
  79. In the sentence “Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present.”, the underlined part is to ( )“the abundance”.
  80. The senior members of the group appeared to be immune from arrest.What does the underlined part mean? ( )
  81. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.But there are still some positive uses of daydreaming. The most remarkable thing about daydreaming may be its usefulness in shaping our future lives as we want them to be. Industrialist Henry J. Kaiser believed that much of his success was due to the positive use of daydreaming. He maintained that “you can imagine your future.” Florence Nightingale dreamed of becoming a nurse. The young Thomas Edison pictured himself as an inventor. For these notable achievers, it appears that their daydreams came true.Question: The example of Thomas Edison is used in the passage to show ( ).
  82. Oil is found ( ) abundance here.
  83. Friends will show their true colors in times of ( ).
  84. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.There are some notable exceptions to the generally positive results in research on gratitude. One study found that middle-aged divorced woman who kept gratitude journals were no more satisfied with their lives than those who did not. Another study found that children and adolescents who wrote and delivered a thank-you letter to someone who made a difference in their lives may have made the other person happier--but did not improve their own well-being. The finding suggests that gratitude is an attainment associated with emotional maturity.Question: Some studies mentioned above indicate that ( ).
  85. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.Managers who remember to say “thank you” to people who work for them may find that those employees feel motivated to work harder. Researchers at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania randomly divided university fund-raises into two groups. One group made phone calls to solicit alumni donations in the same way they always had.The second group--signed to work on a different day, received a pep talk from the director of annual giving, who told the fund-raisers she was grateful for their efforts. During the following week, the university employees who heard their message of gratitude made 50% more fund-raising calls than those who did not.Question: According to the study at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, it can be known that ( ).
  86. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer.In what way is the Internet different from TV or radio?
  87. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer.Compared with TV, radio is ______________.
  88. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer.As advocacy tools, mass media ______________.
  89. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer.The major functions of mass media are ______________.
  90. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.Research indicates that the effects of viewing media violence can be lessened in all age groups by learning and applying critical viewing and media literacy skills. Media literacy curricula provide a variety of teaching tools to deconstruct the techniques used to stage violent scenes and decode the various depictions of violence in different media genres—news, cartoons, drama, sports and music. It is important for children to learn early on the difference between reality and fantasy and to know how costumes, camera angles and special effects can fool or mesmerize(迷惑)them. Research shows that critical skills of media analysis can be taught from the earliest years and, through guided practice, can become everyday habits for both children and adults.Question: Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? ( )
  91. The sentence“I am reporting that I’m still alive and that the past month has been life changing—the most successful month of my existence.” include two ( ).
  92. What I am saying applies only ( ) some of you.
  93. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.There is much denial about the impact of media violence because accepting it as a problem means we might have to make changes in our own lives and values. Accepting it as a problem challenges those adults who unconsciously—or consciously— take pleasure in violent entertainment. Accepting it as a problem means we may have to face the shadow side of our human nature, which most of us want to avoid. Accepting it as a problem means we might have to admit our own complicity in the greedy callousness that can corrupt the human spirit.Question: What is the main idea of the text? ( )
  94. It seems ( ) that no one foresaw the crisis.
  95. In the sentence “A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.”, “forge”means ( ).
  96. In the sentence “Part of me can’t help but think that the mystery of not knowing all the gory details that Facebook provides made them more intriguing to me.”, the underlined part is a(n) ( ).
  97. The message “Watching violent scenes doesn't necessarily make a person become violent.” can be found in ( ) in the following.
  98. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.We will never totally eradicate (去除) violence from our lives or from the media. That is unrealistic. As long as there are human beings on earth, there will be violence among some of them. But enough questions present themselves about the cumulative impact of violence as entertainment in television, movies, video games, music and even advertising, so that I believe we must, as parents and teachers, as citizens and community leaders, look more closely at the issue of media violence and find ways to reduce it, especially in the lives of our children.Question: Which of the following is the author's opinion? ( )
  99. The accident ( ) a close bond between the two families.
  100. The message "The idea of 'yin and yang' is deeply rooted in almost every aspect of Chinese people's life." can be found in ____________ in the following.( )
  101. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.What discount does the man get for each ticket?
  102. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.Which of the following statements is TRUE about advance tickets?
  103. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.Why does the man want to buy advance tickets?
  104. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.How many shows of The Promise are there tomorrow?
  105. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.What will the man do tomorrow?
  106. The message "Different provinces have offered the world their unique ways of cooking." can be found in ____________ in the following.( )
  107. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.Despite the constant media buzz about the turbulent state of youth today, most of the applications I reviewed are truly remarkable. And in most cases, those denied admission to some schools are admitted to others. The transition to some schools from high school to college is monumental turning point, and it's more important to focus on how a young adult is moving on to a new stage than where that stage happens to be. This is the moment when parents should mark the success of their children and rejoice in the excitement that the next four years will bring.Question: According to text, more importance should be attached to ? ( )
  108. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.A dark face with gray hair at the temples, rough hands, and his feet in outdated leather shoes, Mr. Liu looks like a typical factory worker. Yes, Liu once labored in a factory, but his humble appearance belies the fact that for more than twenty years he has designed and manufactured seamless, elegant and expensive Chinese gowns for his Yijue label. As befitting the embroidered lace (or Chinese paper cut-like design) for which Yijue gowns are known, the name means "unique clothing" in Chinese. In a small and quiet tea house arranged by Liu, as his wife carefully puts one of his creations on a dress form, a sparkling full-length embroidered gown, his eyes shine and twinkle like the fabric.Question: Which of the following is TRUE about Mr. Liu? ( )
  109. It ____________to pay off your debts before you start trying to save money.( )
  110. In the sentence“I came across the fact that Web usage was growing at 2,300 percent per year.”, the underlined part is a(n)____________ .( )
  111. She was ____________Queen at the age of 13 after the sudden death of her father.( )
  112. I'd never seen or heard of anything _____ grew that fast, and the idea of building an online bookstore with millions of titles—something _____ simply couldn't exist in the physical world—was very exciting to me. ( )
  113. Children spend too much time on schoolwork, ____________other activities.( )
  114. 30 years after the fire he is still____________by images of death and destruction.( )
  115. My manager will make the____________decision about who to employ. ( )
  116. The course is organized around specific themes, with each unit focusing on a particular topic, and is divided into the following units: ( ).
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