1. The following are not local contraindications of autologous bone transplantation technology ( ).
A:Uncontrolled periodontal disease patients B:Pathological changes of jaw C:Pathological mucosal lesions D:Patients with Shegren syndrome
2. The source of intraoral donor site for autologous bone transplantation technology does not include ( )
A:Nasal fundus B:Mentum C:Outer diagonal line D:Skull 3. The characteristics of vascularized free bone transplantation in autogenous bone transplantation technology include ( ).
A:Strong anti infection ability B:Less bone absorption after operation C:The healing process is the same as fracture healing D:Dependent on basal bone 4. The complications of chin bone extraction include ( )
A:Loss of pulp vitality B:Sensory disturbance C:Clenched jaw D:Mandibular fracture 5. According to the classification of osteogenesis, skull belongs to cartilage osteogenesis. ( )
A:错 B:对

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