1.Which one belongs to the positive effects of stimulus generalization
A:Family branding B:Product line C:Because I like Coca-Cola, I chose to try new products of this brand D:Look-alike
答案:Family branding; Product line; Because I like Coca-Cola, I chose to try new products of this brand
2.Marketing applications of classical conditioning include
A:repetition B:stimulus generalization C:look alike D:conditioned product association
答案:conditioned product association###repetition###stimulus generalization
3.Children make up three distinct markets:
A:Current market B:Influence market C:Primary market D:Future market
答案:Future market###Influence market###Primary market
4.Families make two basic types of decisions:
A:implusive consumption B:accommodative purchase decision C:consensual purchase decision D:unplanned consumption
答案:consensual purchase decision; accommodative purchase decision
5.Types of Message Appeals include
A:Sexual appeals B:Fear appeals C:Emotional Appeals D:Humorous Appeals
答案:Emotional Appeals; Fear appeals; Sexual appeals; Humorous Appeals
6.Which ways reference groups influence us ?
A:Informational B:Itilitarian C:Feedback D:Value-expressive
答案:Informational; Itilitarian; Value-expressive
7.Marketing message always has three basic components:
A:an interpretant B:an object C:an sign D:an image
答案:an interpretant###an object###an sign
8.Which one belong to the element of the communications model
A: consumer B: marketer C:Source D: message
9.A consumption situation includes
A:a service B:a seller C:a product D:a buyer
10.Limitations of E-Commerce include
A:Can’t touch items B:Lack of security C:Expensive to order and then return D:Exact colors may not reproduce on computer monitors
答案:Lack of security; Can’t touch items; Exact colors may not reproduce on computer monitors; Expensive to order and then return
11.Which kind of message can be used in the communication model?
A:Sexual appeals B:Emotional appeals C:Humorous appeals D:Fear appeals

12.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs include
A:Belongingness B:Ego needs C:Safety D:Physiological 13.Motivation occurs when a need is aroused that the consumer wishes to satisfy. This need may be utilitarian or it may be hedonic
A:错误 B:正确 14.Authoritarian parents are hostile, restrictive, and emotionally uninvolved.
A:错误 B:正确 15.The motivation that consumer is willing or able to express is called recessive motivation.
A:错误 B:正确 16.Rational appeals emphasize the negative consequences that can occur unless the consumer changes a behavior or an attitude.
A:对 B:错 17.Third-party response means that consumer can appeal directly to the retailer for redress.
A:错误 B:正确 18.The Simple additive rules belongs to the non-compensatory decision rules.
A:错误 B:正确 19.Loss aversion means we emphasize our losses more than we gains.
A:正确 B:错误 20.The depth interview for motivational research is lack of sufficient rigor and validity(可靠性) and subjective
A:正确 B:错误 21.Cultural differences show up all kinds of daily activities.
A:正确 B:错误 22.Motivational research is more expensive to conduct than large-scale, quantitative survey data collectiong.
A:错 B:对 23.Crowding is equal to density.
A:正确 B:错误 24.pre-purchase search means an explicit search for information.
A:错 B:对 25.The desire to satisfy the expectations that others have of him or her has an impact on the individual’s brand choice, belongs to informational influence
A:正确 B:错误 26.Compliance helps us to gain rewards or avoid punishment
A:正确 B:错误 27.Unplanned buying experiences a sudden urge we simply can't resist.
A:正确 B:错误 28.Time pressure belongs to a purchase environment
A:正确 B:错误 29.The so-called impulse buying, refers to the purchase based on a moment of emotion of a product carried, containing more emotional than rational or non-rational buying ingredients, including unplanned purchase.
A:正确 B:错误 30.Group cohesiveness means the degree to which members of a group are attracted to each other and how much each values his or her membership in this group
A:错误 B:正确 31.Free is a basic characteristic of communication platforms
A:正确 B:错误 32.A style begins as a risky or uinque statement by a big group of people.
A:错误 B:正确 33.Wear masks belongs to which hierarchy of needs?
A:Security needs B:Social needs C:Physiological needs D:Esteem needs 34. What does the Sunk-cost fallacy (沉没成本谬论) means for?
A: Having paid for something makes us willing to waste it B:Having paid for something makes us unwilling to waste it. C:People pay more attention on what they got D:People pay more attention on what they are lost 35.a woman wearing perfume and receiving a compliment belongs to
A:Behavioral learning B:Negative reinforcement C:Punishment D:Positive reinforcement 36.Which kind is not belong to memory?
A:long term memory B:sensory memroy C:short term memory D:durable memory 37.The ability of a sensory system to detect changes or differences between two stimuli belong to
A:Absolute threshold B:Subliminal perception C:Differential threshold 38.Think-Feel-Do belongs to
A:High-involvement hierarchy B:Low-involvement hierarchy C:Experiential hierarchy D:Standard learning hierarchy 39.The attitude hard to change once formed by
A:Classical conditioning B:Observational learing C:Cognitive learing D:Instrumental conditioning 40.Which part reflect the relative priority of an attribute to the consumer
A:Attributes B:Beliefs C:Alternatives D:Important weights 41.US car company survey found that two-thirds of new car buyers have been around a friend's recommendation and suggestion in the purchase process, this belongs to the type of ( ) information search
A:Internal information search B:Both internal information search and external information search C:  External information search D: Experience information search 42.Which consumption describes objects and event that are ordinary or everyday
A:Profane consumption B:Sacred consumption 43.A person must choose between two desirable alternatives belongs to
A:Approach avoidance conflict B:multiple conflict C:Avoidance avoidance conflict D:Approach approach conflict 44.“I feel safe in the garden.”belongs to which Hierarchy of Needs
A:Physiological B:Esteem C:Safety D:social

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