1. Huge government deficits make the medical care programs unaffordable for the public in America. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. A country can shut its borders to the forces of globalization. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. ”Revere” is the synonym of “venerate”.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Many proponents of liberal economics believe that the slow economic growth and political stalemate in France are the results of the excessive expansion of the welfare state. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. People do not feel happy as they achieve a better standard of living because they come to take for granted the things they could not afford before.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Ed Zuckerberg does not work as a dentist any longer because his son Mark gave him a lot of money after he became successful.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Market capitalism is an economy that operates by involuntary exchange in a market and is planned or controlled by a central authority.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. The Movie The Social Network based on Zuckerberg and the founding years of Facebook。( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. The author believes that medical tourism is completely enjoyable. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. Edward Zuckerberg predicted that Mark Zuckerberg would become a a computer programmer in the future.( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. ”Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and sedan chair. “ In this sentence there are rhetoric devices_____. ( )

  22. 答案:zeugma###hyperbole
  23. Which of the following sentences are descriptions of fact? ( )
  24. What are true about Edward Zuckerberg? ( )
  25. According to W.J. Bryan, destiny is___? ( )
  26. The antonym of a bed of roses is a bed of __( ).
  27. Which word refers to a person who supports a political party or set of ideas? ( )
  28. The of copyright will depend on whether the journalist was a staff reporter or a freelancer. ( )
  29. They were coerced negotiating a settlement. ( )
  30. Rank in the is related to an individual's income, social prestige, and quality of life. ( )
  31. Irrigation methods should take into consideration of the water sources and the quality of the water. ( )
  32. I enjoyed the meal in such a cozy restaurant, _______ the conversation with the novelist. ( )
  33. After all the delays, we were anxious to make up____ lost time.( )。
  34. Which word refers to unnecessary excitement, worry or activity? ( )
  35. You should be fully aware that if the secret _______, there will be trouble. ( )
  36. The nice-looking young man with soft features and polished manners evidently considered himself a celebrity but out of politeness modestly placed himself ________ the circle in which he found himself. ( )
  37. He rewrote the book in light further research. ( )
  38. Emergent democracies created markets that were exploitation. ( )
  39. Her friends are all amazed at her rapid ascent_____power. ( )
  40. China will ramp ____ efforts to nurture a fairer environment for market competition and will bolster intellectual property rights protection to attract more foreign investment. ( )
  41. I am always wary men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority. ( )
  42. There has been a lot of advance for her new film. ( )
  43. l simply could not associate a beautiful maiden of the most delicate disposition a name like Black Jade. ( )
  44. Under stress these people will appear to be superficial, over-eager and . ( )
  45. China must rely itself to address and resolve problems arising in the process of its peaceful rise. In other words, China's modernization must bear its own unique characteristics. ( )
  46. Quota systems were set up to the depletion of fish stocks. ( )
  47. The tall rectangular buildings may well give way ________ a more complex and exciting shape. ( )
  48. Everything was going really well until he came along and fouled things . ( )
  49. Vitamins and minerals are essential to any diet, and research suggests they may help prevent cancer and heart disease, not ______ mention other health problems. ( )
  50. They suspected that the former sales manager had traded secret information ____ money. ( )
  51. He decided to quit his job in that company where efficiency is in a jungle of red tape. ( )
  52. Some animals in factory farms spend their lives _______ concrete stalls and metal cages, terrified and suffering in such unnatural conditions. ( )
  53. Companies are increasingly keen to contract peripheral activities like training. ( )
  54. Drunken drivers a serious threat to other road users.( )
  55. If you sow seeds of satisfaction and pleasure by giving to others and the garden of your soul, there will be flowers in your heart. ( )
  56. An IRA leadership has called a(n) ________ to its campaign of violence. ( )
  57. Taking your friend for granted is typically associated with stability and confidence in the _______, which can lead to the assumption that no further effort or resources need to be invested. ( )
  58. It took her six years to pay ________ her student loan. ( )
  59. He is now very rich but his allegiance his working-class origins is still strong. ( )
  60. The new catalogue will open the market for our products. ( )
  61. The mother _______ the hope that she might see her son again one day. ( )
  62. Physicians abroad are less accessible than their American counterparts. ( )
  63. Concerns over job security are confined to France and other parts of Europe. ( )
  64. If they travel abroad for treatment, patients can realize 15 to 85 percent saving over the cost of treatment in the United States. ( )
  65. French President Jacque Chirac stood firmly against strong public pressure and withdraw the First Employment Contract.( )
  66. The public protest against the reforms to labor laws in France reveals the deep anxieties held by most European welfare states.( )
  67. The cost of a hip replacement in the United States is about $40,000. ( )
  68. The recent federal government budget has put limit on the investments in areas to generate productivity, which has worsen the problem, and also made it possible for a further decline of 45% to happen in the next 10 years. ( )
  69. Countries such as Indian and Thailand have made efforts to attract the international health travelers. ( )
  70. The government believed that France’s labor laws served as an obstacle to hiring young workers and contributed to the ever-increasing unemployment rates.( )
  71. The proposed law made student groups and labor unions feel less control over their jobs.( )
  72. What treatments might be excluded from the health insurance plans? ( )
  73. What factors will affect job security?( )
  74. What are the reasons the author lists for international medical travel? ( )
  75. What steps should the American government take in order to support the growing elderly population and maintain steadily rising living standards? ( )
  76. According to the French government, who would benefit from the First Employment Contract?( )
  77. What are the major forces that help to reshape labor market around the world?( )
  78. What are the functions of pun? ( )
  79. Why dose the author think it is important that economic gains should be widely shared by all workers?( )
  80. What kind of threats do the high costs of Social Security and Medical pose? ( )
  81. Which of the following seem very essential to university graduates in job hunting? ( )
  82. An X-rays technician is refusing to do her job until the firm agrees to replace its out-dated _______. ( )
  83. With a host of technologies borrowed from higher models now ________ as standard, we look forward to exceeding consumer expectations, setting new standards in the segment and truly changing the game. ( )
  84. Health plans that _______ services used only by women constitute a form of discrimination. ( )
  85. Green party leader Elizabeth May said bringing in _______ representation would likely increase the Green Party’s share of the popular vote. ( )
  86. Whites continue to be _______ represented in thee voting booth: 47% of whites are regular voters, compared with 29% of non-whites. ( )
  87. His fans, those who blog about him and follow his tweets, also _______ abut those jeans he wears in the pages of Us Weekly. ( )
  88. Even when they understand lessons from the best available research, it can be hard to change _______ beliefs and routines. ( )
  89. Tourism benefits not only airlines, hotels, restaurants, and taxi drivers among others, but also many commercial _______ and even the manufacturers of tourist commodities. ( )
  90. Though made in China, and for Chinese _______, the All New C-Class also presented Mercedes’ global standard. ( )
  91. She is making an effort to change her tendency that _______ seeks to keep everything in place. ( )
  92. This report explores the relationship between pay status, work _______ and outcomes such as work-family conflict and work stress. ( )
  93. This system proves to be really _______ in a fast-changing and increasingly mobile society, so a reform is badly needed. ( )
  94. An Asian security expert pointed out that she saw the United States making an “unfortunate departure” from the _______ position in its Aug 3 statement on the South China Sea issue. ( )
  95. The providers must tell you about the possible benefits and harms that a reasonable person in your situation would want to know to make an _______ decision. ( )
  96. We think that the court consisting of arbitrators from both sides must be fair and able to handle the dispute without bias or _______. ( )
  97. With the _______ of Harry Potter novels, the number of children applying to boarding schools has risen. ( )
  98. Many of Britain’s beaches fail to meet the ________ standards of cleanliness.( )
  99. Rusty’s market analysis reached conclusions that are both _______ and instructive for anyone in need of a greater understanding of the North American energy market. ( )
  100. China plans to _______ consumer fiance companies across the country that offers small loans with no collateral to encourage more spending, especially from lower-income groups, amid sluggish demand. ( )
  101. Many of these problems can be ________ by sensible planning.( )
  102. The police were shocked by the intensity and _______ of these assaults.( )
  103. What is true about Bhutan?( )。
  104. ______ is the unpleasant situation experienced by people working in big cities, when they continuously compete for success and have a lot of stress in their lives. ( )
  105. In general, positional goods cannot be created,only redistributed, while material goods can be created with time and effort.( )
  106. He worked _____ to earn the money for his son's education. ( )
  107. The term "Wall Street”is now used as a metonymy for the financial markets of the United States as a whole. ( )
  108. What is true about Dobbs Ferry?( )。
  109. The local tax authorities clarified that mooncakes given as gifts by employers to staff members are taxable as part of employees'_____ income. ( )
  110. Some parents still believe the_____methods can help turn their children into "winners”. ( )
  111. There is a(n)____Jewish community living in this area. ( )
  112. According to Text I, to deal with the challenges of modern science, we may resort to ethical principles established two or three thousand years ago.( )
  113. According to Text I, Science, ethics and philosophy are different means to gain understanding, but they all develop in a cumulative way.( )
  114. According to Text I, science is so effective and successful in answering critical questions about the natural world that we tend to apply the scientific mindset to social, political and moral questions.( )
  115. According to Text I, it is a profound misunderstanding that science is inherently progressive.( )
  116. According to Text I, Francis Bacon maintained that any earthly goods could be used for evil purposes.( )
  117. According to Text I, the ability to alter the environment has enhanced man's conceit and left him blind to the laws of natural systems, their awe-inspiring interconnectedness, and our total reliance on natural services.( )
  118. According to Text I, the accelerating human transformation of the Earth's environment is not sustainable.( )
  119. According to Text I, during the long history of the Earth, environmental changes have always been occurring.( )
  120. According to Text I, among the six main problems that have pushed the environment to the edge, energy production and use has gained the least public attention.( )
  121. According to Text I, the tightly linked living organisms on the Earth's surface work as a self-regulating system, which can always counteract the unfavorable influence and keep the environment intact.( )
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