1. Globalization is not a historical process.

  2. 答案:错
  3. "Only two kinds of daughters," she shouted in Chinese. "Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind! Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter!" These words clearly reveal the mother’s firm belief in parental authority.

  4. 答案:对
  5. Pecola is invisible in that her beauty is not perceived, the eye is a natural symbol for perception or seeing.

  6. 答案:对
  7. In The Bluest Eye, characters in the black community accept their status as the Other, which has been imposed upon them by the white community.

  8. 答案:对
  9. A fallacy is an error in reasoning.

  10. 答案:对
  11. T. S. Eliot considered that “But look, the morn in russet mantle clad/ Walks o’ver the dew of yon high eastward hill” are the most beautiful lines in the English language, which are written by William Shakespeare.

  12. 答案:对
  13. In order to prove fusion is the trend, the author used Tom Sloper and mah-jongg as an example.

  14. 答案:对
  15. To the author, it is far more difficult to deal with a phantom than a reality.

  16. 答案:对
  17. The legend of Devil’s Tower shows the Kiowa people’s unique imagination.

  18. 答案:对
  19. To the author, reducing everyday life to unchanging routines avoids having to pay much attention to the people or the events.

  20. 答案:对
  21. Modern technology makes the connections and changes faster and more complicated.

  22. 答案:对
  23. The poem The Angel in the House is an account of the Queen Victoria whom Patmore believed to be the perfect Victorian wife.
  24. Erla Zwingle thinks that globalization means Americanization and a variety of cultures will not continue to exist.
  25. Auntie Lindo is one of the four women members of the Joy Luck Club. The narrator's mother's close friend and rival since they compared their daughters all the time.
  26. King Lear is a tragedy of _____, _____ & _____ and it reveals the serious struggle for property and fame.
  27. Some characters do not change in a story: these characters are called _________. The characters that change or grow are called ____________.
  28. _________is one of the prominent Chinese American writers that have emerged since the 1980s and her representative novel is The Joy Luck Club.
  29. Which is not the portrayal of the brown girl?
  30. Erla Zwingle was born in _____.
  31. In The Bluest Eye actually Tony Morrison deeply concerned about the feeling of being ugly, she portraits a little hurt black girl because they are concerned less.
  32. This idea of "I am what I am. I'll always be myself" reflects American individualism which is an important aspect of American values.
  33. William Shakespeare’s four great comedies are A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, The Merry Wives of Windsor and Romeo and Juliet.
  34. Frank Chin’s play, The Chickencoop Chinaman (1971) became the first play by an Asian American to be produced as a major New York production.
  35. “But, beautiful as it is, one might have the sense of confinement there. …There is a perfect freedom in the mountains, but it belongs to the eagle and the elk, the badger and the bear”. Here the birds and other animals enjoy themselves freely in the nature while the Kiowas had a need for space, and the expanses in the Southwest satisfied the Kiowa's spatial imagination.
  36. Yellowstone, it seemed to me, was the top of the world. The underlined part means Yellowstone is the highest place in the world.
  37. Jade Snow Wong, writing as Sui Sin Far, was one of the first Chinese American authors to publish fiction in English
  38. Oppenheimer always interrupted the speakers including his teacher, Prof. Born in the seminar.
  39. Sesame Street is popular television show in the U.S.
  40. The moving of goods and people, comes change in ideas and in culture.
  41. Modernization brings beauty and convenience to the people in Shanghai.
  42. Sula, which appeared in 1973, was more successful, earning a nomination for the National Book Award.
  43. The sentence, "I rubbed the old silk against my skin, and then wrapped them in tissue and decided to take them home with me", has symbolic meanings. It tells us that she loved and missed her mother and she decided to keep those typical Chinese dresses as part of her Chinese heritage.
  44. God help the child is Toni Morrison’s last novel which was published in 2016.
  45. An argument consists of one or more premises and two conclusions.
  46. “To look upon that landscape in the early morning, with the sun at your back, is to lose the sense of proportion”. The sentence means the bright morning sunlight makes objects seem to be out of proportion, either larger or smaller than they really are.
  47. Toni Morrison seldom pays attention to the African-American culture.
  48. The ties that bind people around the world are not merely technological or commercial. They are the powerful cords of the heart.
  49. Spender led a poor life because of his huge expense on his public life.
  50. According to Emily Frost, the way for her and Jim to solve arguments is not to carry it throught the night and talk about it later.
  51. First-person narration can make the writing more objective and shorten the distance between the author and the reader.
  52. Auden’s Dirac-like lucidity, the sheer wonder of the language, and the sense of fun about serious things….
  53. What is the meaning of "down" in the sentence,"You could buy a house with almost no money down".
  54. The sun is at home on the plains. The underlined part means ______.
  55. So, to cheer her up, I suggested attending this conference, ….
  56. "If we ban guns, then we might as well ban knives." is an example of:
  57. … she had resigned a lucrative job with an advertising agency….
  58. “Let's not take Bill on our picnic. Every time we take him out with us, it rains." This statements commits the fallacy of:
  59. "We should hire Mr. Brown; after all, he has a crippled mother, a retarded son, and his wife just died." is an instance of:
  60. “The sun follows a long course in the day, and the sky is immense beyond all comparison ” and “The skyline in all directions is close at hand”. The above two sentences form a ______.
  61. Wishing to remain as_____ as possible so that nothing may disturb or disquiet the imagination, the author is thrown into a state of the most acute and difficult distress by the conflict between her own approach to art and the conventional approach which male critics expect her to take.
  62. “If Madame Curie had not happened to leave a photographic plate in a drawer with a chunk of pitchblende, the world today would not know about radium." The statement commits the fallacy of:
  63. Changes in the life of ordinary people can be seen in the amount of money spent on food, on clothes and in money spent on new items, such as_____.
  64. The excerpt is chosen from The Bluest Eye which can be divided into three parts.
  65. Chinese American literature deals with many topics and themes. A common topic is the challenges, both inner and outer, of assimilation in mainstream, white American society by Chinese Americans.
  66. The Bluest Eye depicts the pernicious psychological impact that the dominant white cultural values have had on black people. It gives voice to the experience of growing up black in a society dominated by white, middle-class ideology.
  67. Woolf uses a figure of speech “killing the Angel in the house” in describing her determination to get rid of the conventional role of women in her writing.
  68. Gish Jen won the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1976 for The Woman Warrior: Memoir of a Childhood among Ghosts.
  69. “I wanted to see in reality what she (my grandmother) had seen more perfectly in the mind’s eye.” Here, “the mind’s eye” means “imagination”.
  70. Fiction is prose writing about imagined events and characters. Novels are another example of fictional prose and are much longer than short stories. Some short stories, however, can be quite long. If a short story is a long one, say fifty to one hundred pages, we call it a novella.
  71. Virginia Woolf was regarded as one of the pioneers of women’s liberation from patriarchy.
  72. The idea that one’s fate is in one’s own hands is alien to Japanese corporate culture, but appropriate to American culture with its emphasis on individualism.
  73. Once I looked at the moon and caught sight of a strange thing. Here the moon symbolizes homesickness and nostalgic feelings as well as the beautiful and tranquil night.
  74. Tar baby came out in 1981. Unlike her previous novels, this book had characters both black and white.
  75. At the beginning of the story, "Two Kinds",the author gives the background information to the readers.
  76. Teenagers are one of the powerful engines of merging global cultures.
  77. Globalization is not the result of modern industry and world markets.
  78. Song of Solomon was a greater success than her previous novels. Set in Michigan in the early 1930s, the novel is narrated from a female point of view.
  79. Amanda Freeman has her eyes on fusion because nowadays blending has become the trend.
  80. To Woolf, other professions, such as science, medicine, law, are newer for women, and therefore the road is harder for them, with more experiences peculiar to them.
  81. According to Dr. Wood, love only refers to the emotion we feel toward people.
  82. The conflict in Hamlet is _____.
  83. _____is a tragedy of wild or blind ambition.
  84. At the beginning of the excerpt, the author mentioned several places like Marietta, Meridian and so on, which of the following statement is not true?
  85. “ You have won rooms of your own in the house hither to exclusively owned by men….But this freedom is only a beginning, the room is your own, but it is still bare. It has to be furnished, it has to be decorated , it has to be shared.”---by Virginia Woolf In this sentence, which figure of speech has been used?
  86. In the sentence, "I would be beyond reproach", "beyond" can be replaced by _______.
  87. The instructor of the beauty school had to lop _________ these soggy clumps.
  88. What did Dobie want to do with Polly to smarten her up?
  89. As I recall, the honorarium offered would have barely covered the expense.
  90. Professions for Women written by Virginia Woolf was a ______.
  91. According to Dr. Drohan, when we believe everything from nature is good for us, we are tempted to commit a fallacy called:
  92. The pen is mightier than the sword. In this sentence, which figure of speech has been used?
  93. It felt like worms and toads and slimy things crawling out of my chest, but it also felt good, as if this awful side of me had surfaced, at last. Here the author uses a ________ to describe her feeling vividly.
  94. Toni Morrison’s contribution is unique in America, not only for her unique writing talent but also for the historical reason African-american culture in America.
  95. The mother in "Two Kinds" is an immigrant from China in 1949 before the foundation of New China.
  96. “Not yet would they veer southward to the caldron of the land that lay below…a while longer in their view” .This sentence means they would not yet change the direction southward to the land lying below which was like a large kettle. First, they must give their bodies some time to get used to the plains. Secondly, they didn’t want to move to other places since they were tired of migration.
  97. The author mentioned his grandmother’s face was that of a child in her death. Then he said, “I like to think of her as a child”. The author mention the word “child” twice, he seems to say that life is but a circle-one begins as a child and ends like a child, and in death, one returns to where he or she begins.
  98. Nigger was originally a variant of Negro but is now a taboo, an extremely offensive word for a black person.
  99. Both Dirac and Oppenheimer like physics and writing and that makes them become friends.
  100. According to Dr. Drohan, there are lots of logical fallacies in today's media.
  101. According to Dr. Drohan, the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy means people only select what they need from a large body of evidence to support their own position.
  102. A symbol is something that stands for, represents, or suggests another thing, especially an object used to represent something abstract.
  103. Among these early writers was Lin Yutang, whose autobiography, My Life in China and America, was published in 1909.
  104. Now there is a funeral silence in the rooms, the endless wake of some final word. From the three underlined words, we can see that the wake is not for his grandmother, who died and was already buried, but for something abstract, maybe the dying culture of the Kiowas.
  105. Polly became good at analyzing statements using logic.
  106. Compared with Spender, the author was much more fascinated with W. H. Auden.
  107. The Chinese culture in the information age cannot be the same as the culture in Confucian times.
  108. The most recent term “African-American” is precise in meaning and connotes no prejudice.
  109. Young people are the source of fashion and fashion knows no national boundaries.
  110. Petey is a rational person.
  111. Dirac seldom spoke and when he did, his words were extraordinarily accurate and clear-cut.
  112. She believes that sex-consciousness is not a great hindrance to women’s writing.
  113. Globalization will result in a cultural merging.
  114. In summer, the prairie is an anvil’s edge. The underlined part means the earth of the prairie is extremely hard in summer.
  115. The conflict is developed gradually and intensified. The crisis, also referred to as the climax, is that moment at which the plot reaches its point of greatest emotional intensity.
  116. The author and his girlfriend enjoyed Spender’s lecture very much.
  117. William Shakespeare’s four great tragedies are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Richard III.
  118. The Bluest Eye is Toni Morrison’s first novel which won a great success after being published.
  119. Jim considers arguments with Emily as a way of communication.
  120. The Way to Rainy Mountain offers examples of every major traditional and modern form of Indian literature. There are descriptions of ceremonies and sacred objects like Tai-me, and ancient myths.
  121. Toni Morrison never ceases to challenge racial justice and her innovative techniques during her life in writing.
  122. The sentence, "I wasn’t her slave. This wasn’t China", shows that this mother-daughter conflict was not only between two generations but also between two cultures.
  123. Globalization is something that you can accept or reject.
  124. In Woolf’s novels, emphasis is not on plot or action but on the psychological realm of her characters and the moment-by –moment experience of living which are depicted by the techniques of interior monologue and______.
  125. "Columbus is the capital of the United States." is an example of:
  126. Which of the following are the woman's qualities in Victorian era?
  127. 10.The attitude of the people toward globalization is to a great extent determined by whether they are in the _____ or not and whether they are among the haves and have-nots.
  128. "Every time I forget my umbrella, it rains, therefore I cause the rain by leaving my umbrella at home, and I can guarantee a nice day by bringing my umbrella." is an instance of:
  129. In fact, it got so bad that Oppenheimer’s fellow students in the seminar petitioned Born to put a stop to it.
  130. What are the four tragedies by William Shakespeare?
  131. Which is not the theme of The Bluest Eye?
  132. To Emily Frost, it was O.K. and fun to resolve a problem by:
  133. Virginia Woolf is an outstanding____ author who made an original contribution to the form of the novel.
  134. What role does the cat play in the novel?
  135. Peter Pan is a fictional character in Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up (1902) created by ________ novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie.
  136. Why does Pecola want to have blue eyes?
  137. ________ is the controlling idea or the insight that the author wants the reader to understand at the end of the story. It is the author's underlying meaning or main idea that he is trying to convey.
  138. T. D. Lee is an American-_________ physicist who won the 1957 Nobel Prize together with Frank Yang.
  139. The author of Believe It or Not, Robert L. Ripley (1890-1949) was a famous __________ cartoonist.
  140. “You have won rooms of your own in the house hitherto exclusively owned by men.” Here a room is compared to_____ , while the house is compared to the whole society.
  141. Erla Zwingle is currently living in _____.
  142. Woolf employs a striking symbol--- the angel in the house--- to represent the traditional woman’s role imposed by _____values.
  143. "Senator X just divorced his wife. How can his proposal be any good?" is an instance of:
  144. If an argument is based on a strong appeal to emotion, it is called:
  145. …driving across the entire state of New Jersey to deliver a lecture was repellent.
  146. Shirley Temple (1928-2014) was a beloved _________ child movie star, appearing in 43 movies.
  147. In the sentence,"So I could be generous in my comments when my mother bad-mouthed the little girl", bad-mouth means___________.
  148. In the text, the phantom appears to the sight in the form of a(an)____, and also it is a mental representation of the stereotyped Victorian woman.
  149. " I once met a professor at Harvard who was very cold and arrogant. Therefore, all professors at Harvard are cold and arrogant." This statement commits the fallacy of:
  150. What was Dobie's initial reaction toward a raccoon coat?
  151. When a person draws a conclusion about a population based on a sample that is not large enough, the person is likely to commit a fallacy called:
  152. "All Americans are friendly."commits the fallacy of:
  153. Geraldine’s life in the excerpt indicates that__
  154. Which logical fallacy does the follow conclusion commit?All American people can speak EnglishI can speak EnglishI am American
  155. Which is the logical conclusion for the following premises:All students in this university live on campus  Jack is a student in this university
  156. There are two main types of arguments. One is deductive, the other is______?
  157. Why did Polly choose to date Petey at last?
  158. What did Dobie give Petey in exchange for Polly?
  159. Only to please his girlfriend, the author finally accepted the invitation.
  160. The author was very disappointed with the lecture of Spender.
  161. Dirac considered that people can do well both in physics and poetry.
  162. The author is very interested in the topic about the connection between physics and writing.
  163. The author accepted it immediately when he was invited to lecture at a writer’s conference?
  164. As a well-known figure, Spender paid much attention to his dressing.
  165. The author was very frustrated with the conference because only a small number of audiences attended his lecture.
  166. When the author asked Spender what he thought was the most beautiful line in the English language, Spender wrote the line of T. S. Eliot.
  167. The author was very interested in Spender’s poetry, so he finally accepted the invitation.
  168. Because of Oppenheimer’s talent in physics, he was very welcomed by his teacher and fellow students in Germany.
  169. The Kiowas often fought just because they needed extra lands or material gains for the sake of surviving and thriving.
  170. The Kiowa myths reveal the foundations for a cultural value system:one based on reverence for the sun, the horse and the buffalo, which are the fundamental elements required to sustain their lives.
  171. My grandmother experienced the humiliation of those high gray walls for eight or ten years.
  172. The Kiowas came into possession of Tai-me, the object and symbol of their worship-the Sun Dance religion. This object was worshiped by all tribes that regarded the sun as deity.
  173. The mode of writing of this piece is narrative because it shows the three stages of the Kiowas’ history-emergence, evolution and decline.
  174. Which of the following works are written by Virginia Woolf?
  175. In this essay, Virginia Woolf gives a clear and convincing presentation of the ______facing professional women.
  176. Bloomsbury group was a group of associated English writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists who worked together near Bloomsbury, London, during the first half of the 20th century.
  177. What image does the author use in describing her second experience as a novelist ?
  178. In order to understand this essay, it is necessary to know something about Victorian values.
  179. Junior hates the cat because ____.
  180. What does Pecola dream to have?
  181. Which is not Tony Morrison’s work?
  182. In 1993, Tony Morrison won_____.
  183. What is the relationship between Pecola and Junior?
  184. Amy Tan is one of the prominent ____________ American writers.
  185. The time and location in which a story takes place is called point of view.
  186. “Two Kinds” is taken from_____________.
  187. The last sentence of “Two Kinds” is significant because it contains the narrator’s epiphany, a moment of insight, discovery or revelation, by which the character’s view is greatly altered.
  188. In the sentence of paragraph 1, “My mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America”, “you” refers to the narrator.
  189. Since the early 1990s, globalization has developed rapidly and brought great change to the world.
  190. Globalization is inevitable—linking is humanity’s natural impulse.
  191. Significant changes come as a result of conflict.
  192. What are the examples used by the author to prove that cultures are resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable?
  193. The author feels passively towards globalization.
  194. “Two Kinds” “The Bluest Eye” “The Way to Rainy Mountain” are respectively the masterpieces of the Chinese American literature, African American literature, Native American literature.
  195. __________ says, Love is a serious mental disease.
  196. The course consists of ________ units, _________ lectures.
  197. The reading materials of the course include “Goods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change.” “Two Kinds” “The Bluest Eye” “Professions for Women” “The Way to Rainy Mountain” “The Merely Very Good” and “Love is a Fallacy”.
  198. The sentence, “Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”, is spoken by
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