

  1. Some characters do not change in a story: these characters are called _________. The characters that change or grow are called ____________.

  2. A:flat; round B:round; flat C:antagonist; protagonist D:protagonist; antagonist
    答案:f lat;round
  3. The sun follows a long course in the day, and the sky is immense beyond all comparison and The skyline in all directions is close at hand. The above two sentences form a ______.

  4. A:transition B:contrast C:emphasis D:comparison
  5. " I once met a professor at Harvard who was very cold and arrogant. Therefore, all professors at Harvard are cold and arrogant." This statement commits the fallacy of:

  6. A:Hasty Generalization B:Dicto Simplicitor C:Poisoning the Well D:Post Hoc
    答案:so late thatAI参考:根据题目中的陈述,“我曾经在哈佛遇到一位非常冷漠和傲慢的教授,因此哈佛的所有教授都是冷漠和傲慢的。”这种推理错误属于Hasty Generalization,即仓促的概括。这种推理错误是在没有足够的信息或证据的情况下,对一个群体或事物进行快速和简单的概括或判断。而其他选项,如Dicto Simplicitor、Poisoning the Well和Post Hoc,并不符合这个陈述的逻辑错误。因此,正确答案是A:Hasty Generalization。'
  7. Peter Pan is a fictional character in Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up (1902) created by ________ novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie.

  8. A:American B:Italian C:French D:Scottish
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Scottish】。原文中提到了Peter Pan是一位虚构人物,而这个人物出自Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up这本小说,这本小说是由苏格兰小说家和剧作家J. M. Barrie创作的。因此,可以得出答案为D,即苏格兰。'
  9. “ You have won rooms of your own in the house hither to exclusively owned by men….But this freedom is only a beginning, the room is your own, but it is still bare. It has to be furnished, it has to be decorated , it has to be shared.”---by Virginia Woolf
    In this sentence, which figure of speech has been used?

  10. A:Metonymy B:Metaphor C:Synecdoche
    AI参考:答案:B分析:句子中提到了“But this freedom is only a beginning,the room is your own,but it is still bare. It has to be furnished,it has to be decorated ,it has to be shared.”,这里用到了隐喻修辞手法。作者把房子比作一个人自己的家,进一步将“房间”比喻成人的“家”,进而讨论如何为房间添置家具、装饰、分享等问题。所以选择B项“隐喻”。'
  11. “If Madame Curie had not happened to leave a photographic plate in a drawer with a chunk of pitchblende, the world today would not know about radium." The statement commits the fallacy of:

  12. A:Post Hoc B:Hasty Generalization C:False Analogy D:Hypothesis Contrary to the Fact
    答案:to have discoveredAI参考:正确答案是A:Post Hoc。题干中的陈述句“如果居里夫人没有碰巧把一块沥青铀矿放在一个抽屉里,今天就不会有镭的存在。”属于后设谬误中的“Post Hoc”,即“事后原因”。它是指两个事件发生的时间顺序被颠倒了,但实际上两个事件之间并没有因果关系。其他选项B、C、D均不符合题干中的陈述。因此,答案为A。'
  13. Auden’s Dirac-like lucidity, the sheer wonder of the language, and the sense of fun about serious things….

  14. A:logic B:clarity C:reason D:wisdom
    答案:正确AI参考:正确答案是B:clarity。根据句子中的“Auden’s Dirac-like lucidity”可以得知,句子表达的是清晰的意思,而选项B“clarity”正是表示清晰的意思,因此B是正确答案。其他选项与句子意思不符。'
  15. 10.The attitude of the people toward globalization is to a great extent determined by whether they
    are in the _____ or not and whether they are among the haves and have-nots.

  16. A:developed countries B:European countries C:A.developing countries D:Asian countries
    答案:It can be good and bad.AI参考:正确选项是【C:A.developing countries】。原文中提到“The attitude of the people toward globalization is to a great extent determined by whether they are in the _____ or not and whether they are among the haves and have-nots”,这句话的意思是人们对全球化的态度在很大程度上取决于他们是否处于发展中国家,以及他们是否属于富人和穷人之间的阶层。因此,选项C“发展中国家”符合题意。选项A、B、D与原文不符。'
  17. Which is not the portrayal of the brown girl?

  18. A:These sugar-brown girls are from better-off families. B:They have same right and background with those white girls. C:They marry successfully, and live in their own inviolable world in quiet and black neighborhoods. D:They go to land-grant colleges and learn how to do the white mam’s work with refinement.

  19. The pen is mightier than the sword. In this sentence, which figure of speech has been used?

  20. A:Metaphor B:Synecdoche C:Metonymy

  21. Madame Butterfly is an opera composed in 1904 by _____ operatic composer Giacomo Puccini.

  22. A:Chinese American B:British C:Italian D:Canadian

  23. Changes in the life of ordinary people can be seen in the amount of money spent on food, on clothes and in
    money spent on new items, such as_____.

  24. A:draw B:sing C:travel D:study
    AI参考:答案为 C:travel这句话的意思是:人们生活的变化可以在花费在食品、衣物和新物品上的金钱的数量中看到,新物品,比如旅游费用等。故选C。'
  25. In fact, it got so bad that Oppenheimer’s fellow students in the seminar petitioned Born to put a stop to it.

  26. A:punish B:make a request C:forbid D:repeat
    AI参考:答案为 C:forbid分析文中语句:在事实课上它糟到很严重,以至于玻恩的同学联名要求他阻止这一切。在这里要求表达出对一些学生发出的指令、制止请求的含义,C项“forbid”表示制止某人某事的发生。punish 处罚、报复,make a request提出请求,重复的意思与句意不符。故选C。'
  27. With the publication of the following books Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and The Waves , Woolf established herself as one of the leading writers of_____.

  28. A:romanticism B:modernism C:realism
    AI参考:答案:B推理过程:题干中提到Mrs. Dalloway,To the Lighthouse 和The Waves这三本书,而这三本书的作者均为Virginia Woolf,她是一个现代主义作家,所以她以此确立了自己在文学界的地位。所以正确选项为B,modernism。'
  29. …driving across the entire state of New Jersey to deliver a lecture was repellent.

  30. A:sad B:repel C:sullen D:unattractive
  31. At the beginning of the excerpt, the author mentioned several places like Marietta, Meridian and so on, which of the following statement is not true?

  32. A:The author gives a general picture of who these girls are, what they are like and how they live. B:There is no special meaning about those places. C:They are all towns in Deep South. D:The descriptions show that those girls are thoroughly assimilated into the white, middle-class way of life.

  33. What is the meaning of "down" in the sentence,"You could buy a house with almost no money down".

  34. A:into a weaker, smaller, or quieter state B:from top to bottom C:in cash when bought D:at or towards a lower level
    AI参考:正确答案是C:in cash when bought。这句话的意思是“你可以用几乎不需要钱来买房”,所以“down”在这里的意思是“在购买时现金支付”。因此,选项C“在现金支付时”是正确的答案。选项A、B、D都不符合句子的意思。'
  35. The instructor of the beauty school had to lop _________ these soggy clumps.

  36. A:out B:off C:down D:to

  37. T. D. Lee is an American-_________ physicist who won the 1957 Nobel Prize together with Frank Yang.

  38. A:Black B:Indian C:Chinese D:Jewish
    AI参考:正确答案是C. Chinese。根据题干中的信息,T. D. Lee是一位与Frank Yang一起获得1957年诺贝尔奖的美国物理学家。根据常识和语境,可以推断出他是一位华裔物理学家,因此答案为C。其他选项中,Black(黑人)和Indian(印度人)与物理学家的身份不符;Jewish(犹太人)一般指犹太教徒,与物理学家的身份也不符合。因此,正确答案为C。'
  39. Geraldine’s life in the excerpt indicates that__

  40. A:they detest blackness, and project their hatred and contempt for it onto Negroes with darker skins. B:they are superior to those darker people. C:they are able to establish healthy relationships with their own people. D:they blindly believe in the mainstream white cultural values and imitate the white middle class in every possible way.

  41. "Senator X just divorced his wife. How can his proposal be any good?" is an instance of:

  42. A:Post Hoc B:Poisoning the Well C:Hasty Generalization D:Hypothesis Contrary to the Fact

  43. "We should hire Mr. Brown; after all, he has a crippled mother, a retarded son, and his wife just died." is an instance of:

  44. A:Appeal to Authority B:Appeal to Pity C:Post Hoc D:Poisoning the Well
    AI参考:根据上下文,这个句子中提到Mr. Brown的母亲、儿子和妻子都处于困境,是在通过怜悯的方式来诉求他人的同情,进而使得听众认为应该雇佣他。因此,正确答案是B:Appeal to Pity。'
  45. Wishing to remain as_____ as possible so that nothing may disturb or disquiet the imagination, the author is thrown into a state of the most acute and difficult distress by the conflict between her own approach to art and the conventional approach which male critics expect her to take.

  46. A:conscious B:alert C:unconscious

  47. To Emily Frost, it was O.K. and fun to resolve a problem by:

  48. A:arguing with Jim B:blaming Jim C:talking to Jim D:fighting with Jim
    AI参考:正确答案是C:talking with Jim。Emily Frost认为和Jim谈话解决问题是OK的,而且也很有趣。A、B、D都是和Jim吵架或者打架的方式,而C是与Jim谈话的方式,符合题目中的要求。因此,正确答案是C。'
  49. "Columbus is the capital of the United States." is an example of:

  50. A:syllogism B:factual error C:logical fallacy D:nonsense
    AI参考:答案:B推理过程:Columbus is the capital of the United States.这个句子中,Columbus被错误地用作美国的首都,这是事实上的错误。syllogism是三段论,逻辑谬误是"因为所有苹果都是水果,所以所有苹果树都是水果",而这个句子并没有任何逻辑推理或谬误。D选项中的“nonsense”这个词用在这里不太准确,因为句子中确实有某种意义,尽管这个意义是错误的。所以答案是B:事实上的错误。'
  51. What did Dobie want to do with Polly to smarten her up?

  52. A:To teach her philosophy B:To teach her math C:To teach her logic D:To teach her music
    AI参考:正确答案是C:To teach her logic。题目中说多比想用波利来教逻辑,因此选项C符合题意。其他选项都不符合题目中的描述。'
  53. … she had resigned a lucrative job with an advertising agency….

  54. A:tedious B:profitable C:attractive D:lucky

  55. What was Dobie's initial reaction toward a raccoon coat?

  56. King Lear is a tragedy of _____, _____ & _____ and it reveals the serious struggle for property and fame.

  57. A:hypocrisy B:reputation C:vanity D:flattering

  58. What are the four tragedies by William Shakespeare?

  59. A:Macbeth B:Othello C:King Lear D:Hamlet
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Othello C:King Lear D:Hamlet】。这四部悲剧分别是《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》和《哈姆雷特》。'
  60. Virginia Woolf began her literary profession by writing a novel.

  61. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A。Virginia Woolf是一位著名的英国女作家,她的文学职业生涯是从创作小说开始的。因此,答案是A,即“对”。'
  62. The Way to Rainy Mountain offers examples of every major traditional and modern form of Indian literature. There are descriptions of ceremonies and sacred objects like Tai-me, and ancient myths.

  63. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。根据问题描述,The Way to Rainy Mountain这本书提供了各种主要的传统和现代形式的印第安人文学的例子,包括对仪式和神圣物品(如Tai-me)的描述以及古老的传说。因此,选项B“对”是正确的答案。'
  64. The most common deductive reasoning takes the form of syllogism.

  65. A:对 B:错

  66. To Woolf, other professions, such as science, medicine, law, are newer for women, and therefore the road is harder for them, with more experiences peculiar to them.

  67. A:错 B:对

  68. To the author, it is far more difficult to deal with a phantom than a reality.

  69. A:对 B:错
  70. Modern technology makes the connections and changes faster and more complicated.

  71. A:错 B:对

  72. The excerpt is chosen from The Bluest Eye which can be divided into three parts.

  73. A:对 B:错

  74. The author and his girlfriend enjoyed Spender’s lecture very much.

  75. A:对 B:错

  76. In The Bluest Eye, characters in the black community accept their status as the Other, which has been imposed upon them by the white community.

  77. A:错 B:对

  78. God help the child is Toni Morrison’s last novel which was published in 2016.

  79. A:对 B:错

  80. Polly finally decided to date Dobie as a token of appreciation.

  81. A:对 B:错

  82. The unconscious (or somebody’s unconscious)” is a term of psychoanalysis, referring to the sum of all thoughts, memories, impulses, desires, feelings, etc. of which the individual is not conscious but which influence the emotions and behavior; that part of one’s psyche which comprises repressed material of this nature.

  83. A:错 B:对
  84. Jade Snow Wong, writing as Sui Sin Far, was one of the first Chinese American authors to publish fiction in English

  85. A:对 B:错

  86. An argument consists of one or more premises and two conclusions.

  87. A:对 B:错

  88. The conflict is developed gradually and intensified. The crisis, also referred to as the climax, is that moment at which the plot reaches its point of greatest emotional intensity.

  89. A:对 B:错

  90. Sula examines the friendship between two black women Sula and nel, and depicts how they have grown up together but taken different roads of life in their maturity.

  91. A:对 B:错
  92. Amanda Freeman has her eyes on fusion because nowadays blending has become the trend.

  93. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B题目中提到Amanda Freeman对fusion很感兴趣,因为blending已经成为趋势。根据常识和语境,fusion是一种将不同类型的食物或饮品混合在一起的做法,是一种时尚和潮流,因此可以判断答案为B,表示正确。A选项与题目描述不符,因此不正确。'
  94. Petey is a rational person.

  95. A:对 B:错

  96. Modernization brings beauty and convenience to the people in Shanghai.

  97. A:错 B:对

  98. The legend of Devils Tower shows the Kiowa peoples unique imagination.

  99. A:对 B:错

  100. “But, beautiful as it is, one might have the sense of confinement there. …There is a perfect freedom in the mountains, but it belongs to the eagle and the elk, the badger and the bear”. Here the birds and other animals enjoy themselves freely in the nature while the Kiowas had a need for space, and the expanses in the Southwest satisfied the Kiowa's spatial imagination.

  101. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。 原文中提到“But, beautiful as it is, one might have the sense of confinement there”,说明作者认为虽然环境很美,但人们可能会感到拘束。因此,原文中的表述并不符合“自由”的主题,与选项A相反。所以答案是B,即“错”。"
  102. According to Emily Frost, the way for her and Jim to solve arguments is not to carry it throught the night and talk about it later.

  103. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A。根据Emily Frost的观点,她和Jim解决争论的方式不是把争论带过夜,等以后再说。因此,答案是A。'
  104. At the beginning of the story, "Two Kinds",the author gives the background information to the readers.

  105. A:错 B:对

  106. Sesame Street is popular television show in the U.S.

  107. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:A解释:正确答案是A,Sesame Street是一个在美国非常受欢迎的电视节目。这是因为题干中明确说明了该电视节目在美国受欢迎,因此答案是肯定的。而B选项“错”是不符合事实的,因为Sesame Street的确是一个广受欢迎的电视节目。'
  108. Not yet would they veer southward to the caldron of the land that lay belowa while longer in their view .This sentence means they would not yet change the direction southward to the land lying below which was like a large kettle. First, they must give their bodies some time to get used to the plains. Secondly, they didnt want to move to other places since they were tired of migration.

  109. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:这个问题的正确答案是A. “错”。句子中提到的"Not yet would they veer southward to the caldron of the land that lay below... a while longer in their view"的意思是他们还没有改变向南的方向,继续停留在他们视野中的那个热锅一样的土地上。这表明他们还没有准备好改变方向,因为他们需要一段时间来适应平原,并且他们不想迁移到其他地方,因为他们已经厌倦了迁移。因此,这个句子表达的意思是错误的。'
  110. The plot of a traditional short story consists of three parts: beginning, middle and end. It often moves through five stages: exposition, rising action, crisis (climax), falling action and resolution.

  111. A:对 B:错

  112. The idea that one’s fate is in one’s own hands is alien to Japanese corporate culture, but appropriate to
    American culture with its emphasis on individualism.

  113. A:对 B:错
  114. Globalization is a world movement and a movement of reformation of cultures.

  115. A:对 B:错

  116. W. H. Auden’s poetry is always hard to understand and difficult to imitate.

  117. A:错 B:对
  118. Erla Zwingle thinks that globalization means Americanization and a variety of cultures will not continue to exist.

  119. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。Erla Zwingle的观点是全球化意味着美国化,各种文化将不再继续存在,这是一个错误的观点。全球化是一个涉及全球范围的经济、文化、政治等方面的交流和融合过程,它并不意味着单一的文化或价值观的普及,而是多种文化共存和交流的过程。因此,这个观点是错误的。'

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