1. The acute stress disorder(急性应激障碍)is of interest because it may provide the basis for a subsequent posttraumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍). ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. The need for competence reflects the desire to experience a sense of connectedness with significant others and to maintain good social relations and feel accepted.( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. In general, humanistic psychologists assume that the whole person should be studied in their environmental context.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. The humanistic approach armed to investigate all the uniquely human aspects of experience such as love, hope, creativity, etc. and emphasized the importance of the individual 's interaction with the environment.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Psychology, in short, is not only about martyrs(烈士)and murderers(谋杀者); it is also about you (everyman). ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The spinal cord(脊髓)is just an extension of the brain.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Freud believed that children develop through several formative psychosexual stages(形成性的心理阶段), which he labeled the oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages (口腔期、肛门期、性器期、潜伏期和青春期).( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Bem and Allen concluded that most of us do have some traits that we display fairly consistently, but those traits differ among people. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. The involuntary muscles(非自主肌) include muscles that control glands and internal organs.( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Biologically orientated psychologists assume that it is useful to study why human behavior has evolved in the way it has, the subject of evolutionary/sociobiological theory(进化论/社会生物学).( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Indeed people may show contrast effects such that specific contextual cues may lead to or activate patterns of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are inconsistent with the context. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Anthropologists(人类学家)typically focus on a large social unit—a tribe, a community or even an entire society. ( )
  24. The interaction between traits and situations is often very simple. ( )
  25. Anxious persons are more likely to interpret ambiguous sentences as being threatening.( )
  26. In general, sociologists(社会学家) pay less attention than psychologists(心理学家) do to personality traits and individual differences. ( )
  27. We all perceive the visual stimuli of a knife in pretty much the same way because of the inborn ways we organize visual information.( )
  28. Which concepts below are the clearly defined by a unique set of properties of features? ( )
  29. Which of the following are the objectives of psychologists?( )
  30. Human aggression(攻击)is influenced by group-level factors(群体水平的因素), such as___ and ___. ( )
  31. Which of the following are the most common techniques for biological methods? ( )
  32. Which of the following are the basic assumptions of Humanistic Psychology(人本心理学)? ( )
  33. The forms of concepts include( )
  34. Beliefs and attitudes have always intrigued psychologists because of these concepts presumed close relation to a host of important social behaviors, including ___, ___, ___, and ___. ( )
  35. The brain integrates vital functions, such as circulation(循环)and .( )
  36. ( )involves brief periods of exceptionally intense spontaneous anxiety. These periods come and go suddenly, usually lasting only a few minutes, and their occurrence is unpredictable.
  37. Children with social anxiety are often ___, have fewer friends than other children their age, and report symptoms of depression. ( )
  38. The cauliflower-like(菜花的)cerebrum(大脑)is divided into two separate halves or cerebral hemispheres, connected by a large band of fibers called ( ).
  39. We are aware of an outside world and the internal world of our own bodies only because we have a number of ___able to receive messages. ( )
  40. ( ) is the master information-processing, decision-making organ of the body. ( )
  41. A(n) ___ , a kind of mental model or theory that people hold, contains the information we have about social groups and social settings, and even about ourselves. ( )
  42. Between the 1920s and the 1950s, many psychologists tend to define their discipline as the study of ( ).
  43. Social psychology focuses on how social groups and situations affect an individual's ( ).
  44. Fortunately, now that panic attacks(惊恐障碍) are recognized as a psychological disorder, they receiving widespread attention in the medical and public press, and the likelihood of misdiagnosis has been greatly reduced. ( )
  45. The brain receiving messages from the receptors(感受器), it integrates the information with past experiences, evaluates the data, and makes the plans that guide our actions.( )
  46. Political science(政治学)is the study of political behavior and the establishment and conduct of government.( )
  47. The phenomena that loud sounds and offensive odors seem more intense as time goes by are due to sensory adaptation.( )
  48. . Social psychologists have studied intensively a number of cognitive mediators of social behavior. For example, the concept of cognitive schemas(认知图式)has recently been at the forefront of social psychological theory and research. ( )
  49. Because of the physical symptoms, an individual who is having a panic attack(惊恐障碍)may think that he or she is having a heart attack(心脏病). ( )
  50. Both of anger and fear are negative and both are high in arousal, so they are quite the same emotional experiences.( )
  51. An individual's sensitivity(敏感性) to a stimulus differs from time to time.( )
  52. Deci and Ryan contend that children are active, inquisitive, and curious from birth and are constantly in need for stimulation.( )
  53. Psychologists, take as their subject the entire spectrum of brave and cowardly, wise and silly, intelligent and foolish, beautiful and brutish things that human beings do. ( )
  54. Anne Frank was despaired or lost her sense of wonder at life's joys when she dodged the German Army. ( )
  55. Anne was a gifted writer and astute observer. ( )
  56. In general, most psychologists(心理学家)study behavior only in their own society. ( )
  57. Primary drives are based on physiological need states, and secondary drives are acquired or learned through their association with primary drives.( )
  58. Stereotypes(刻板印象)are useful in social situations because knowing a person's category membership suggests what we should look for (or look out for) in them, enables us to predict what they will be like and how they will behave, and helps us to remember their characteristics. Stereotypes also affect our interpretations of others' behavior. ( )
  59. Murry specified a set of innate physiological needs (e.g., food, water, sex) whose deficit activates drive states, and that must be met for the organism to remain physically healthy.( )
  60. The hippocampus(海马体)is larger in human beings than in any other species.( )
  61. The obsessive-compulsive(强迫的)person sees the irrationality of the behavior and derives some particular pleasure from the behavior. ( )
  62. In a variation of the fundamental attribution error(基本归因错误), we attribute ingroup members' successes to their personal qualities and ascribe their failures to situational factors beyond their control. ( )
  63. Biologically orientated psychologists assume that much behavior will have a genetic basis.( )
  64. There are many ways to categorize others--for example, by their ___ (extroverts, approval seekers), by their ___(mothers, lawyers), or by their membership in large social categories defined by ___ (race, gender, age). ( )
  65. The main goal of psychology is? ( )
  66. The traumatic events that precipitate this disorder are extreme; they include ____ (floods, earthquakes), ____ (plane crashes, fire), and ____ (wars, torture, death camps, rape, assaults). ( )
  67. Pathways to and from upper areas of the brain pass through its two main structures. They are: ( ).
  68. For example, in one study, subjects learned that a person had been successful at a stereotypically masculine task(典型的男性化任务). When the person was described as male subjects tended to attribute his success to___, whereas when the target was described as female, they attributed her success to luck or ___. ( )
  69. What does Freud(弗洛伊德) think personality consists of? ( )
  70. Which of the following are the main research contents of economics(经济学)? ( )
  71. One approach taken by cognitive psychologists in their efforts to understand decision making is to examine how people use formal reasoning procedures. Two major forms exist: ___ and ___. ( )
  72. Which of the following structures make up the limbic system of the brain(大脑的边缘系统)? ( )
  73. Social anxiety sufferers(社交焦虑症者)often experience ___ thought patterns that contribute to and ___ their anxiety. ( )
  74. The cerebral cortex (大脑皮层)can be divided into ( ).
  75. According to behaviorists(行为主义学家), the reasons why they conduct experimentation on animals is mainly ( )
  76. Which of the following options make up the brain(脑)? ( )
  77. Stereotypes are useful in social situations because knowing a person's category membership ( ).
  78. What do biologically orientated psychologists assume psychology should study? ( )
  79. What's the biggest part of the brain? ( )
  80. ( ) is the systematic use of a stepwise approach to answering complex questions or addressing difficult issues.
  81. plays a leading role in coordinating and conducting. ( )
  82. ____, according to one classic definition, represents “an attempt to understand and explain how the thought, feeling, and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others". ( ).
  83. ( ) propose that the behavior of the individual depends on its physical state.
  84. Freud paid attention to the ( )
  85. There is some evidence that males, perhaps in part because of the effects of male hormones(荷尔蒙), are on average more ___ than females. ( )
  86. Hungry college students are more likely to interpret ambiguous images as food; anxious persons are more likely to interpret ambiguous sentences as being threatening; and poor children estimate the size of coins as larger than do children from higher income families. These studies suggest that ___ affects perception. ( )
  87. The need for ( ) refers to the desire for choice and volition over one's activities and goals, without externally-referenced pressures and threats, actively engaging in the process of decision-making and attaining a sense of agency in one's environment.
  88. We would assume that it might be appropriate to pet an animal after determining that it is in fact a dog, suggesting that concepts influence ___. ( )
  89. The major symptom of the posttraumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍)is the reexperiencing of a ___ event. ( )
  90. Who has developed a client-centered approach to treatment(来访者中心疗法)? ( )
  91. Where do psychologists focus their attention?( )
  92. Sigmund Freud's treatment of emotional disorders led him to believe they resulted from( ).
  93. Of all the social sciences, psychology relies most heavily on laboratory experiments and ( ).
  94. An individual's past environment can exert a potent effect on social behavior. One explanation for the observed tendency for women to be less aggressive than men is that girls and women are consistently taught to be less aggressive by___, ___, and ___. ( )
  95. In Armenia(亚美尼亚) and Azerbaijan(阿塞拜疆), residents may have learned during their childhoods ethnic prejudices(种族歧视) that later ___ aggressive behaviors. ( )
  96. Human aggression is influenced by individual-level factors, such as___ and ___. ( )
  97. Research on conformity(从众) investigates how pressures from groups of people induce individuals to shift their stated ___ and ___. ( )
  98. The factors that a social scientist might use to explain human behavior, including ( )
  99. The explanatory variables cannot be directly observed, but rather must be inferred from ___. For example, we may infer that our friend has the trait of aggressiveness because he always gets into fights. ( ).
  100. ______ comprise the cognitive information people hold about various people and things. ( )
  101. A(n) ___--a kind of mental model or theory that people hold--contains the information we have about social groups and social settings, and even about ourselves. ( )
  102. ______ are evaluative responses (that is, reactions of liking or disliking) to people and things. ( )
  103. Each person we meet is a unique individual, a fact that makes our social world extremely varied and complex. Consequently, we simplify matters by forming ___representations(表征) of types of people on the basis of important or noticeable similarities and differences between them. ( )
  104. When it comes to the posttraumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍), in addition to the reexperiencing, there is often a general numbing ___ involvement with the ___world. ( )
  105. The _____ has undoubtedly existed through history, but it has only gained widespread attention since it was observed in veterans of the Vietnam conflict. The major symptom of this disorder is reexperiencing of a traumatic event. ( )
  106. The _____ involves general, persistent anxiety that lasts for at least a month and is not associated with any particular object or situation. ( )
  107. A(An) ____ involves brief periods of exceptionally intense spontaneous anxiety, and they are unpredictable. They seem to come "out of the blue" and can even appear during sleep. ( ).
  108. ____, also called social phobia, is defined as an overwhelming and disabling fear of scrutiny, embarrassment, or humiliation in everyday social situations which leads to avoidance of potentially pleasurable and meaningful activities. ( )
  109. Most kinds of abnormal behavior are far less dramatic than the symptoms of the wall-pounding schizophrenic(精神分裂症), in fact, most people with psychological disorders seem "normal” most of the time. ( )
  110. It is important not to confuse panic attacks(惊恐障碍)with the intense periods that are associated with physical exertion and the stress of real life-threatening situations. ( )
  111. According to the Social Phobia/ Social Anxiety Association (SP/SAA), people with social phobia usually find their anxiety triggered by situations such as: ( ).
  112. The ____ is a new disorder that made its first appearance in DSM-IV and involves a period of intense anxiety that lasts for one month or less. ( )
  113. For panic disorder, between attacks, the individual is often___ about possible impending attacks, therefore causing an___ general level of anxiety. ( )
  114. To nurture growth in others, what did Carl Rogers advise(卡尔 罗杰斯)? ( )
  115. Rather than explain the hidden aspects of personality, trait theorists have explained the predispositions that underlie our actions. ( )
  116. Humanistic psychologists(人本主义心理学家) assess personality through questionnaires that rate self-concept and by seeking to understand others' subjective personal experiences in therapy. ( )
  117. Many times our behavior is quite predictable from one context to another, suggesting that ______, as well as ______, influence how we act. ( )
  118. Beholders are prone to many perceptual biases. ( ) is a tendency to maintain our first impression of a person even if her or she acts quite differently later.
  119. When James Conley measured the traits of several hundred adults at three different times in their lives, he discovered that ( ), ( ), and ( ) in particular remained remarkable stable even over a forty-five-year period. ( )
  120. ( ) in Bicultural Identity Integration (BII; that is, how bicultural experience their dual culture identities) may moderate the relationship between culture-based variability in personality and well-being. ( )
  121. Granted, ( ) can encourage or discourage the expression of a given trait. An aggressive person, for example, is more likely to display aggressiveness on a tennis court than in church.
  122. Because we tend to want consistency in our ( ) and ( ), we often discount information that doesn't fit our initial view. ( )
  123. In order to deal with the anxiety caused by the tense relationship between ID(本我)and superego(超我), what is the most basic defense mechanism? ( )
  124. Darwin's theory of evolution emphasized the continuity between people and other species.( )
  125. An emotion is a pattern of responses to an event that is relevant to the goals or needs of the organism. The responses include: ( ).
  126. According to self-determination theory, basic psychological needs are defined as innate psychological nutriments, the satisfaction of which is essential for the process of ( ).
  127. The characteristics of instincts are ( ).
  128. Virtually all accounts of emotion agree that emotions can be classified two broad dimensions: ( ).
  129. Instinctive behavior is flexible, and it depends on the state of the organism at the time of the behavior.( )
  130. The need for ( ) reflects the desire to experience efficacy, to feel that one is doing things well and achieving one's goals.
  131. If you do not value good performance at tennis, you will be unlikely to practice, even if you have a strong expectation that practice improves performance. This can be explained by ( ).
  132. ( ) proposes that a key driver of motivation is satisfaction of three basic, psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
  133. Biologically, the goal of drive reduction is homeostasis—maintaining a balanced or constant physiological state.( )
  134. When we say that language is generative, we mean that an infinite set of utterances can be made using a finite set of elements and rules. What are these elements and rules? ( )
  135. The following are the so-called Gestalt principles of perception: ( ).
  136. To___, thinking is the manipulation to mental representations to information. ( )
  137. Sensations are in the form of raw neural energy that must be ___ and ___ in the process we call perception. ( )
  138. By employing ___, we are able to organize the complex phenomena into simpler, and therefore more easily usable, cognitive categories. ( )
  139. Sense organs operate through sensory receptor cells, which receive outside forms of ___ (light, vibrations, heat) and translate them into neural ___ that can be transmitted to the brain for interpretation. ( )
  140. The specific learning experiences, ___, ___, and ___ of the individual can influence perception. ( )
  141. Pictures pygmies(俾格米人)draw are flat, two-dimensional renderings without depth cues., and this study suggests that ___ affects perception. ( )
  142. ___ is a symbolic code used in communication. ( )
  143. The process of receiving information from the outside world, translating it, and transmitting it to the brain is called ( ).
  144. Human beings have a communications system ( ). It includes a network of information-carrying cables, or nerves, which connect the various components. ( )
  145. If you have to run across a busy intersection, the ( ) speeds the heart and routes blood to the muscles to supply more oxygen and, consequently, more energy.
  146. The hypothalamus(下丘脑) is important because ( )
  147. Which of the following is the function of the spinal cord? ( )
  148. One of the structures in the forebrain(前脑)is , the busy traffic officer of the brain. ( )
  149. The central nervous system (CNS) was composed of ( ).
  150. Standing on the brain stem and looking toward the back part of the brain, we see a structure about the size of a small fist, bulging out from the pons. It is the cerebellum, or lesser brain.( )
  151. enables us to make voluntary actions(随意动作), to move about and to behave as we choose to. ( )
  152. The pons(脑桥)is involved in activities such as ( ).
  153. Though we may think of the Autonomic Nervous System(ANS) (自主神经系统)as autonomous, it is influenced by ( ).
  154. It developed in America in the early 1960s, and was termed the third force in psychology. What was it? ( )
  155. Who initiated and developed psychoanalytic methods(精神分析法)? ( )
  156. According to the psychoanalytic approach to psychology(精神分析法), behavior is motivated by two basic instinctual drives. They are ( ).
  157. Behaviorists believe that if psychology is to become an objective science, what should only be studied? ( )
  158. The basic assumption of humanistic method in psychology is a proper understanding of human nature can only be gained from studying ( ).
  159. Fraud's psychoanalytic approach had a great impact on psychology and psychiatry, and was developed in different ways by psychoanalysts such as ( ).
  160. The biological approach mainly adopts a(n) ( ) to generalize biological influences on behavior to all humans with similar physiology, but finds the use of particular “special case studies” very useful.
  161. When will cognitive psychology become the dominant paradigm of psychological research? ( )
  162. What do behaviorists(行为主义者)think determines behavior? ( )
  163. According to Galen, a Greek doctor, what can personality and temperament be related to? ( )
  164. Most psychologists resist reaching for conclusions until they have evidence that be ___ and ___ by other. ( )
  165. Which of the following are the main concerns of Anthropology(人类学)?( )
  166. Besides laboratory experiments and observations, psychology also makes more use of ( ) information than the other disciplines do.
  167. Many people, when they hear the word psychology, think immediately of mental disorders and abnormal behavior. But psychologists do not ( ) their attention to extremes of behavior.
  168. When did Watson join the Charles Manson cult?( )
  169. What kind of discipline does psychology belong to?( )
  170. How old was Anne Frank when she started(开始) hiding with her family in a cramped apartment in Amsterdam to avoid the German army occupying the Netherlands? ( )
  171. Which of the following subjects does social science(社会科学)include?( )
  172. Sociology(社会学)is the study of ___ and ___ within society. ( )
  173. Suppose your best friend has nagged you for the 300th time, saying that you tend to eat only pizza, chips and soda. How do you describe this behavior? ( )
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