1. Of all the social sciences, psychology relies most heavily on laboratory experiments and ( ).
A:amusement B:situation C:exercise D:observations
答案:AI参考:答案D\n\n实验室实验心理学是以实验为主的研究方法,必须结合科学的观察法。在所有的社会科学中,心理学是更依赖实验室实验和观察法的。A娱乐 B情况 C锻炼D观察法 因此,观察法应该是最佳选择。故本题选D。 拓展: 实验室实验(lab experiments):也称为实验心理学、准实验。主要是采用由研究人员控制的研究条件,来推论现实生活中的实际条件对被试的心理或行为的影响。观察法(observational methods):是心理学研究中最基本、最普遍的方法之一。它是在自然条件下,对心理现象进行系统地、有目的的观察记录,然后进行整理分析,从中概括出心理规律的方法。情景法(situation method):也称模拟法或角色扮演法,是在实验室以外或现场对被试者进行实验研究的一种方法。它是在人为创设的实验条件下,观察行为发生和变化的过程,从而对行为进行推论的方法。由于条件的不同,情境法是一种半控制或非控制条件下的自然观察法。由于被试的心理活动与行为表现都是在自然条件下进行的,因此这种实验方法对心理学的研究具有重要的意义。 故观察法应该是最佳选择。'
2. Who has developed a client-centered approach to treatment(来访者中心疗法)? ( )
A:Rogers B:Skinner C:Bandura D:Maslow
3. Where do psychologists focus their attention?( )
A:mental disorders(心理障碍) B:extremes of behavior(极端行为) C:common places experiences—experiences as universal (日常经验) D:abnormal behavior(变态行为)
答案:AI参考:正确答案是【C:common places experiences—experiences as universal (日常经验)】。\n\n心理学家关注的是日常经验,即普遍存在的经验,而不是心理障碍、极端行为或变态行为。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
4. Hungry college students are more likely to interpret ambiguous pictures as being of food;
anxious persons are more likely to interpret ambiguous sentences as being threatening; and poor children estimate the size of coins as larger than do children from higher income families. And all the studies suggest that ___ affects perception. ( )
A:memory(记忆) B:motivation(动机) C:culture/learning experience(文化/学习经验) D:emotion(情绪)
5.( )begins with a series of assumptions or premises that are thought to be true, and then derives the implications of these assumptions.
A:Decision making(做出决策) B:Deductive reasoning(演绎推理) C:Inductive reasoning(归纳推理) D:Concepts(概念)
答案:AI参考:正确选项是:C:Inductive reasoning(归纳推理)。\n\n演绎推理(Deductive reasoning)是一种从已知的事实或普遍规律中推导出新结论的推理方式。决策(Decision making)是一种决定如何采取行动的过程,概念(Concepts)则是指认知和描述事物的思维方式。题目描述了一个过程,这个过程开始于一系列被认为是真实的前提,然后从中推导出含义,这与归纳推理(Inductive reasoning)的特点相符。归纳推理是从一系列个别或特殊的观察或经验中得出一般性结论的过程。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
6. Social psychology focuses on how social groups and situations affect an individual's ( ).
A:emotion B:health C:study D:behavior
7.The psychoanalytic approach was started and developed mainly by( ),a Viennese doctor who specialized in neurology。
A:Watson(华生) B:Skinner(斯金纳) C:Freud(弗洛伊德) D:Thorndike (桑代克)
8. An individual's ___can exert a potent effect on social behavior. For example, child-rearing practices and learning early in life may influence a person's aggressiveness later in life. ( )
A:dream B:attitude C:past environment D:current situation
答案:AI参考:正确答案是C:past environment 个人过去的经历和环境能够对社会行为产生强大的影响。例如,童年时期的养育方式和早期的学习经历可能会影响一个人在成年后的攻击性行为。选项A“梦想”、B“态度”和D“当前情况”都与题干描述不符。因此,正确答案是C。'
9. The cauliflower-like(菜花的)cerebrum(大脑)is divided into two separate halves or cerebral hemispheres, connected by a large band of fibers called ( ).
A:the neurons(神经元) B:the corpus callosum(胼胝体) C:the arachnoid membrane(蛛网膜) D:the hippocampus(海马)
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:the corpus callosum(胼胝体)。\n问题中提到“大脑”被分成两部分,而且是由一个称为“……纤维”的大型纤维束连接。选项B的胼胝体就是连接大脑两半球的重要组织,所以答案为B。选项A、C、D在题干中没有提及或与问题无关。'
10. A person with ___ might fail to attend the first meeting of a class or conference because she knows she'll be asked to introduce herself. ( )
A:social anxiety disorder(社交焦虑) B:generalized anxiety disorder(广泛性焦虑) C:obsessive-compulsive disorder(强迫症) D:panic disorder(惊恐障碍)
答案:AI参考:正确答案是A: social anxiety disorder(社交焦虑)。\n\n题目中提到一个知道自己会被要求介绍自己的人可能会因社交焦虑症而错过参加班会或会议的第一次会议,所以选项A是正确的,因为社交焦虑症通常包括恐惧与他人的互动、评价自己的外貌或行为,担心别人对自己的负面评价,或是对自我存在的恐惧。选项B、C、D在题干中未提及,故不符合题意。'
11.( )involves brief periods of exceptionally intense spontaneous anxiety. These periods come and go suddenly, usually lasting only a few minutes, and their occurrence is unpredictable.
A:Posttraumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍) B:Panic disorder(惊恐障碍) C:Social anxiety disorder(社交焦虑障碍) D:Obsessive-compulsive disorder(强迫症)

12. The major symptom of the posttraumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍)is the reexperiencing of a ___ event. ( )
A:traumatic(创伤的) B:happy(开心的) C:memorable(难忘的) D:exciting(兴奋的) 13. Which of the following structures make up the limbic system of the brain(大脑的边缘系统)? ( )
A:Hypothalamus(下丘脑) B:Thalamus(丘脑) C:Hippocampus(海马) D:the pituitary(垂体) 14. Which of the following are the objectives of psychologists?( )
A:to examine and explain how animals learn and remember B:to examine and explain how human beings learn and remember C:to examine and explain how animals solve problems, perceive, feel, and get along with others D:to examine and explain how human beings solve problems, perceive, feel, and get along with others 15. Stereotypes are useful in social situations because knowing a person's category membership ( ).
A:helps us to remember their characteristics B:suggests what we should look for (or look out for) in them C:treats the unconscious causes of mental disorders D:enables us to predict what they will be like and how they will behave 16. For example, in one study, subjects learned that a person had been successful at a stereotypically masculine task(典型的男性化任务). When the person was described as male subjects tended to attribute his success to___, whereas when the target was described as female, they attributed her success to luck or ___. ( )
A:impertinency (鲁莽) B:ability(能力) C:hesitation(犹豫) D:effort(努力) 17. Which of the following things do psychologists take as their subject the entire spectrum?( ),
A:beautiful and brutish B:intelligent and foolish C:wise and silly D:brave and cowardly 18. Pathways to and from upper areas of the brain pass through its two main structures. They are: ( ).
A:the thalamus(丘脑) B:the cerebellum(小脑) C:the medulla(延髓) D:the pons(桥脑) 19. People with social anxiety disorder(社交焦虑)usually recognize that their fears are ____, but they can’t help feeling fearful and allowing their fears to affect the way they conduct their ____. ( )
A:irrational B:images C:rational D:lives 20. In a sense, every human being is an amateur psychologist(业余心理学家), because everyone wants to __, ___, ___, and control behavior and mental processes, both their own and those of other people. ( )
A:describe B:predict C:understand D:get 21. There are many ways to categorize others--for example, by their ___ (extroverts, approval seekers), by their ___(mothers, lawyers), or by their membership in large social categories defined by ___ (race, gender, age). ( )
A:dominant personality traits(主要的人格特征) B:occupations or roles(职业或角色) C:consciousness(意识) D:physical attribute(身体属性) 22. The traumatic events that precipitate this disorder are extreme; they include ____ (floods, earthquakes), ____ (plane crashes, fire), and ____ (wars, torture, death camps, rape, assaults). ( )
A:natural disasters(自然灾害) B:star wars(星际大战) C:deliberate disasters(人为灾害) D:accidental disasters(意外) 23. The interaction between traits and situations is often very simple. ( )
A:错 B:对 24. The brain receiving messages from the receptors(感受器), it integrates the information with past experiences, evaluates the data, and makes the plans that guide our actions.( )
A:对 B:错 25.Because of the physical symptoms, an individual who is having a panic attack(惊恐障碍)may think that he or she is having a heart attack(心脏病). ( )
A:错 B:对 26.Unlike other anxiety disorders, which affect women more than men, social anxiety disorder(社交焦虑障碍) is an equal problem for both men and women. ( )
A:对 B:错 27.Indeed people may show contrast effects such that specific contextual cues may lead to or activate patterns of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are inconsistent with the context. ( )
A:对 B:错 28. The cerebellum or lesser brain(小脑)contributes to a sense of balance and coordinates the muscles so that movement is smooth and precise.( )
A:错 B:对 29. An individual's sensitivity(敏感性) to a stimulus differs from time to time.( )
A:错误 B:正确 30. The spinal cord(脊髓)is just an extension of the brain.( )
A:对 B:错 31. The behaviorists (行为主义者)adopted a very nomothetic approach(常规法则), using strict laboratory experimentation, usually conducted on animals such as rats or pigeons.( )
A:正确 B:错误 32.Murry specified a set of innate physiological needs (e.g., food, water, sex) whose deficit activates drive states, and that must be met for the organism to remain physically healthy.( )
A:对 B:错 33. The spinal cord is also involved in voluntary movements.( )
A:正确 B:错误 34. The humanistic approach armed to investigate all the uniquely human aspects of experience such as love, hope, creativity, etc. and emphasized the importance of the individual 's interaction with the environment.( )
A:错 B:对 35.If a physically healthy person cannot hold a job, deal with family and friends, or get out of bed in the morning, most of us would agree that he or she is psychologically disturbed. ( )
A:错 B:对 36.Weiner has developed a theory of achievement motivation that emphasized how we explain our own successes and failures to ourselves.( )
A:错 B:对 37. Anne was a gifted writer and astute observer. ( )
A:错 B:对 38.Using both explicit and subtle types of assessment procedures future research should examine both old and new questions in the study of intra-individual variability in personality. ( )
A:对 B:错 39. Anxious persons are more likely to interpret ambiguous sentences as being threatening.( )
A:正确 B:错误 40. The fact that everyone we meet is dissimilar makes our social world extremely diverse and complex. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 41. The brain is active as long as we are alive.( )
A:对 B:错 42. Which of the following are the most common techniques for biological methods? ( )
A:observations of physical processes, e.g., sleep B:laboratory experimentation, e.g., giving drugs to the body C:laboratory experimentation, e.g., removing parts of the body D:laboratory experimentation, e.g., simulating 43. Human aggression(攻击)is influenced by group-level factors(群体水平的因素), such as___ and ___. ( )
A:biology and evolutionary factors(生物和进化因素) B:cultural and social factors(文化和社会因素) C:past environment(过去经验) D:heredity and physiology(遗传和生理) 44. Which of the following are the main research contents of economics(经济学)? ( )
A:how people distribute goods and services B:how people produce goods and services C:the establishment and conduct of government D:how people consume goods and services 45. What do biologically orientated psychologists assume psychology should study? ( )
A:the brain(大脑) B:the nervous system(神经系统) C:the neurochemistry and genes(神经化学和基因) D:the endocrine system(内分泌系统) 46. The need for ( ) refers to the desire for choice and volition over one's activities and goals, without externally-referenced pressures and threats, actively engaging in the process of decision-making and attaining a sense of agency in one's environment.
A:competence(能力) B:relatedness(关系) C:autonomy(自主) D:novelty(新颖性)

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