1.The Chinese writing system integrates ( ).
A:sound B:image C:rhyme D:idea
2.( ) was frequently used in preparing official records and documents.
A:regular script B:seal script C:cursive script D:clerical script 3.The author of 兰亭序, the masterpiece of Chinese running script calligraphy is ( ).
A:王羲之 B:柳公权 C:颜真卿 D:张旭 4.“好”falls within the category of ( ).
A:指事字 B:象形字 C:形声字 D:会意字 5.( )facilitated the mass education in China after the 1950s, and contributed a lot to its modernization.
A:the simplification of traditional Chinese characters. B:The creation of pinyin C:Reform and Opening up D:The Great Leap Forward 6.One of the fundamental Confucian values that ensures the integrity of ritual performance is ( ).
A:filial piety B:etiquette C:benevolence D:wisdom 7.According to Confucius, filial piety as an essential quality of a man demands unconditional submissiveness to parental authority. ( )
A:对 B:错 8.During the ( ) , poems with five characters to a line in imitation of the yue fu style appeared.
A:Pre-Qin Period B:Eastern Han Dynasty C:Western Han Dynasty D:Qin Dynasty 9.It was ( ) who imbued the writing of ci with heroic characteristics.
A:Su Shi B:Li qingzhao C:Xin Qiji D:Ouyang Xiu 10.( )and( )were novel writers of the Ming Dynasty.
A:Wu Cheng’en B:Luo Guanzhong C:Shi Nai’an D:Cao Xueqin

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