  1. This very palpable reality should bring us to focus in a timely way on building a sustainable future. The World Cities Summit 2018, July 9 through 11 in Singapore, a regular event, focuses this year on "Livable and Sustainable Cities: Embracing the Future through Innovation and Collaboration." I am speaking at the Springer Nature "'Science and the Sustainable City" summit, which is co-located with the World Cities event, on July 11, and has a special focus in connecting researchers with practitioners to help tackle the challenges faced by cities. I head a project on "The Future of Cities" in the Lee Kuan Yew Center for Innovative Cities and have worked on the topic of "Asia's Future Cities: Sustainable, Live able, Loveable?"
    In which city was The World Cities Summit 2018 held?( )。

  2. A:Singapore B:Pennsylvania C:Washington D:London
  3. This very palpable reality should bring us to focus in a timely way on building a sustainable future. The World Cities Summit 2018, July 9 through 11 in Singapore, a regular event, focuses this year on "Livable and Sustainable Cities: Embracing the Future through Innovation and Collaboration." I am speaking at the Springer Nature "'Science and the Sustainable City" summit, which is co-located with the World Cities event, on July 11, and has a special focus in connecting researchers with practitioners to help tackle the challenges faced by cities. I head a project on "The Future of Cities" in the Lee Kuan Yew Center for Innovative Cities and have worked on the topic of "Asia's Future Cities: Sustainable, Live able, Loveable?"
    Which one is the synonym of disparate?( )。

  4. A:identical B:Different C:similar D:diverse
  5. Classify the italicised words in the following sentences according to how they are formed: affixation, conversion, compounding, shortening, acronyms or blending.
    We won't be able to run an EEG to evaluate her brain activity until she's a lot warmer.( )。

  6. A:Acronyms B:shortening C:affixation
  7. Decide whether the following sentence is fact or opinion.
    Changing ocean chemistry thus has complex and unpredictable effects on global climate and even the air we breathe.( )

  8. A:Fact B:Opinion
  9. The firm also employs adaptation in its marketing communication strategies through promotional attributes to challenge the differences in individual market. The elements commonly used are consumer's attitude towards its product, usage patterns, ethics, religious and moral consideration that justifies a consumer's purchasing power. This explains why in the United Kingdom, the firm uses Alan Shearer, the famous England Captain,to promote their hamburgers whereas in France, Fabian Barthez is used for promotions.McDonald's also ventures out with Walt Disney to produce toys in their happy meal sets based on movies produced by the film giant. Moreover, MeDonald's also portrays itself as champion in public welfare by advocating on behalf of under-privileged children by setting up Ronald McDonald's House Charities. By adding a human touch to its promotion agenda,McDonald's surely is a hit among all its consumers regardless of age, gender, or even location.
    This paragraph is mainly about( )

  10. A:marketing promotion B:product standardization C:personnel management D:price setting
    答案:marketing promotion

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