1.There are some outdoor household chores, such as( ).
A:washing the car B:mopping the floor C:raking the leaves D:mowing the lawn
答案:raking the leaves###mowing the lawn###washing the car
2.Which of the following jobs have been done by Barrington Irving? ( )
A:Explorer. B:Artist C:Entrepreneur. D:Astronaut.
3.The extended family is composed of( ), either by blood or marriage, living in the same home .
A:children B:grand-parents C:parents D:cousins
4.Positive impacts of tourism on local culture and community contain( ).
A:invasion of privacy B:promoting cultural understanding C:removing misconceptions and prejudices D:preserving tourist attractions
答案:promoting cultural understanding###removing misconceptions and prejudices###preserving tourist attractions
5.Which of these sentences are correct to express “你妈妈怎么样?你爸爸呢”?( )
A:How about your mom? And your dad? B:How about your mom? How about your dad? C:How’s your mom? Your dad? D:How’s your mom doing? And how about your dad?
答案:How’s your mom doing? And how about your dad?; How’s your mom? Your dad?
6.If the dog barks, the baby _____ wake up. ( )。
A:might B:is likely C:will D:may
7.When we are telling a story or recalling a situation from a long time ago, we often use( ) to describe repeated behaviour in the past.
A:used to + infinitive B:would + infinitive C:could + infinitive D:be used to + gerund
答案:would + infinitive###used to + infinitive
8.The synonyms of holidaymaker are ( ).
A:travel agent B:vacationer C:tourist D:guest
9.Which of these sentences are correct to express “你的英语老师怎么样”?( )
A:What do you think of your English teacher? B:How’s your English teacher like? C:What’s your English teacher like? D:How do you think of your English teacher?
答案:What do you think of your English teacher?; What’s your English teacher like?
10.Which of the following are common job suffixes? ( )
A:-er B:-ness C:-ist D:-ian
11.When being asked, “How do you like your steak cooked?” you may answer “( )”
A:Medium rare. B:Blue rare. C:Red rare. D:Well done.

12.Moon cakes have various fillings with artistic character patterns on the surface representing ( ).
A:longevity B:harmony C:good fortune D:unity 13.Which of these sentences are correct to avoid “Chinglish”?( )
A:I have ever been to America. B:Have you ever been to America? C:I went to America last year. D:I have been to America three times. 14.Chinese people use ( ) to make liquor.
A:rice B:sesame seeds C:wheat D:barley 15.“What do you think of this painting? ”“______.”( )
A:I love it! B:I’m good at painting. C:I’m not really into abstract art. D:I don’t get it. 16.The pungency and spiciness of Sichuan cuisine come from the wide use of ( ).
A:garlic B:spring onions C:chilli peppers D:bell peppers 17.Which of the following titles belong to the board of director? ( )
A:CEO. B:COO. C:Finance director. D:Marketing manager. 18.Every time I give a presentation, I get nervous. ( )。
A:Try it again. B:Try to memorize your speech. C:Try not to worry. D:Try memorizing your speech. 19.What is a cover letter?
20.What are the ways of talking about your interests?
21.Flu ( ) include a headache and a runny nose.
A:cold B:diagnosis C:symptoms D:disease 22.We can( )by doing exercise.
A:keep health B:gain weight C:make fit D:keep fit 23.She's( )several languages.
A:proficient with B:proficiency with C:proficiency in D:proficient in 24.Man:Mr. Smith is not in. Could I ( )for you?Woman: Sure. please tell him the order is ready.
A:take a message B:leave a message C:give a message D:write a message 25.She got a job as a sales( )selling handbags.
A:secretary B:assist C:assistant D:position 26.What does the( )say? Is it going to rain?
A:news B:weather forecast C:talk show D:TV series 27.If you don’t want to go out, you can buy things ( ).
A:abroad B:in the mall C:online D:outside 28.Give me the phone number and I'll put the call for you.
A:up B:through C:on D:over 29.You need to take Bus No. 616 and at the third stop.
A:set off B:get off C:leave D:take off 30.Jack:( ) is your major? Paul: My major is engineering design.
A:What B:How C:When D:Why 31.If you have any questions at all, please( )ask me.
A:feel free to B:feel free C:feel free with D:feel free of 32.Doctor: What’s the( )?Patient: I have got a stomachache.
A:matter B:wrong C:disease D:thing 33.Receptionist:Good evening, welcome to Royal Hotel. May I help you? Guest:Good evening. I want to ( ).
A:check out B:check in C:check on D:check off 34.Aunt Mary( )to clean up the kitchen.
A:will B:volunteer C:volunteered D:voluntary 35.First pick up the telephone , and then you can( )the number you want to call .
A:take down B:dial C:input D:push 36.Diner: Is there any table( )in your restaurant? Receptionist: Sorry. It is fully booked.
A:vacant B:free C:booked D:available 37.How do you say this phone number “234 3558”?
A:two three four, three two five eight B:two three four, three fifty-five eight C:two three four, three double five eight D:two three four, three triple five eight 38.I don’t like my major. How about you?
A:So do I. B:Neither do I. C:I do. D:No, I don’t. 39.Mary: May I speak to Dr. Smith? Lawrence:Dr. Smith is not ( ) now. He goes outside.
A:occupied B:available C:busy D:prensent 40.What are the typical flavors of Sichuan dishes in China?
A:sweet B:sour C:hot D:spicy 41.which of the following activities belong to typicalourdoor activities?
A:playing cards B:hiking C:camping D:scuba diving 42.When our friends try on new clothes which fit them well, how can we can also praise them?
A:You look charmingin this dress. B:You look nice in this color. C:You look fashionable in this style. 43.If you try to make your emotion stronger to express your favorite leisure activities, which of the following words can be used?
A:absolutely B:really C:sometimes D:very much 44.What do you need to do in order to make a better impression?
A:To arrive ahead of time B:To dress appropriately for a job C:To behave confidently and politely D:To make a full preparation. 45.What can we say when we compliment one's clothes?
A:I like the fit. B:It looks good on you. C:You look very smart. D:It makes you look slimmer. 46.Falling tone is used in _________?
A:Exclamations B:Commands C:Statements D:Wh-questions 47.What kind of questions are you going to answer in an interview?
A:Experience and education B:Weak and strong points C:Your personal story D:Reasons you apply for the job 48.Which of the following words are used to describe a woman who is thin in an attractive way?
A:slim B:skinny C:bony D:slender 49.Waiter: How would you like to pay the bill? Guest: I would like to pay ?
A:with money B:in cash C:by credit card D:by cheque 50.Find out the word which has the consonant [n] from the four items.
A:Novel B:Thence C:Account D:Lung 51.Which sports in the following items are mentioned in today’s video lesson talking about Sports ?
A:Aerobics B:Yoga C:Weightlifting D:Running 52.How to ask for price when you buy an item? 
A:How much do I have to pay for it? B:What’s the price for this suit? C:Do you have this dress in a larger size? D:How much does it cost? 53.British pronunciation for job is [dʒɑːb]. The vowel sound is much more relaxed.
A:错 B:对 54.In the noun "record", the second syllable gets the stress.
A:对 B:错 55.There are 4 common intonation patterns in English, namely, rising, falling, rising-falling and falling-rising.
A:错 B:对 56.Function words include nouns, adverbs, auxiliary verbs, conjunctions and so on.
A:对 B:错 57.In the word "instruction", the second syllable gets the stress.
A:错误 B:正确 58.white, grey and black are the colors which can always help you if you are hesitant which color is more suitable.
A:对 B:错 59.Yogurt is increasing becoming one of the most popular sports for people to calms and vitalizes body and mind.
A:对 B:错 60."To decline the invitation" means the refusal of other's invitation.
A:错 B:对 61.In words daughter, authority and better, British will use a tap to change T sound to D sound.
A:对 B:错 62.The word "consonant" has four syllables.
A:错 B:对 63.The tips of using knives and forks in dinner is to Start from the outside and work your way in.
A:错 B:对 64."Dr. " is an abbreviation for "Dorm".
A:对 B:错 65.It’s all right to use personal pronouns like “I”
A:对 B:错 66.A dessert is a small dish that you eat at the beginning of a meal to stimulate one’s appetite such as soups, chowder, salads, broth, chicken wings and so on.
A:对 B:错 67.The term Liaison refers to the ways of linking for English words.
A:对 B:错 68.If you use ( ), you can get a higher quality picture.
A:slides B:shame C:goose D:wax 69.He designed an experiment in order to ( ) his theory.
A:demonstrate B:defense C:grasp D:proof 70.The author was required to submit an ( ) of about 200 words together with his research paper.
A:edition B:editorial C:article D:abstract 71.The nuclear family consists of ( ).
A:two parents and children B:one parent raising one or more children C:two partners D:a couple, their children, and children from their previous marriages 72.The police are inquiring ( )into the murder.
A:into B:of C:about D:after 73.Which of the following departments take care of production and quality control? ( )
A:Advertising Department. B:Human Resources Department. C:Production Department. D:Management Service Department. 74.“Would you like me to show you around?” “( ).”
A:That’s very kind of you. B:Yes, you could. C:Good idea D:With great pleasure 75.When you say that something takes you back, you mean that( ).
A:it makes you recall something from the past B:you suddenly remember it C:something affects you deeply D:you can’t quite remember it 76.If you often sneeze with an itchy, running nose and itchy, red, watering eyes, you probably( ).
A:suffer an asthma attack B:catch a cold C:have a particular allergy D:catch pneumonia 77.( )is considered particularly important when a whole fish is served.
A:The place of the dish B:The place of the teapot C:The arrangement of the seats D:The direction of the dish 78.“Would you mind telling him the news?” “_____, but I don’t know if I _____ him these days.” ( )
A:Of course, see B:Of course, shall see C:Of course not, see D:Of course not, shall see 79.In( ), people have lunch after 2 pm and may not begin dinner before 10 pm .
A:Spain and Greece B:Germany and Poland C:France and Poland D:the UK and the US 80.Xihu Longjing, Dongting Biluochun, and Huangshan Maofeng are( ).
A:white tea B:green tea C:black tea D:yellow tea 81.Mr. Brown is a kind person. I like to work with him.” “In fact, everyone _______.” ( )
A:does B:likes C:has D:is 82.She always dreamed of an ( ) job even when she was ten years old.
A:indirect B:absolute C:ideal D:aid 83.A bouquet in a wedding ceremony is( ).
A:a bunch of flowers taken by the bride B:a piece of thin soft cloth the bride wears over her head C:a wedding feast D:an ornament the bride wears on her head 84.By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ( ) opportunity to change his mind.
A:accurate B:urgent C:adequate D:excessive 85.Which of the following might not be used when you make a complaint? ( )
A:I think that you should do something to compensate us. B:I want to express my gratitude for what you have done for me. C:I’d like to see the manager, please. D:The least you can do is give us some money back. 86.“Dumpling wrapper”in Chinese means( ).
A:包饺子机 B:饺子皮 C:饺子馅 D:饺子面团 87.The suggestion that the mayor ( ) the prizes was accepted by everyone.
A:ought to present B:would present C:present D:presents 88.In order to leave a good impression to the interviewer in a job interview, which of the following should you do? ( )
A:Elaborate on your background, including your hometown, your best friends, your hobbies, etc. B:Try your best to speak ill of your former company and boss. C:Tell the interviewer about all your weaknesses, including the fact that you often get up late. D:Show that you have done research about the company beforehand. 89.In England, ( )is a larger meal at 5 or 6 pm, often with hot food, and is served at a table.
A:afternoon tea B:extra tea C:high tea D:brunch 90.( )is a person who repairs and makes locks and supplies keys.
A:A locksmith B:A goldsmith C:A blacksmith D:A silversmith 91.He tried to ( ) with the manager for his salary.
A:bargain B:evaluate C:pause D:object 92.Which of these sentences are correct to avoid “Chinglish”?( )
A:It’s my treat. B:The date was very wonderful. C:The date was wonderful. D:It’s on me. 93.Different cooking styles are influenced by a number of factors such as climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle.( )
A:对 B:错 94.An appetizer is a small portion of a food or drink served before or at the beginning of a meal to stimulate the desire to eat. ( )
A:对 B:错 95.AI is about creating a computer mind that can think like a human. ( )
A:对 B:错 96.祝他人“好梦”,用“Make a sweet dream!”比“Sweet dreams!”更规范。( )
A:错 B:对 97.A swimming pool is an entertainment facility. ( )
A:错 B:对 98.TCM’s view of the human body focuses primarily on body structures. ( )
A:对 B:错 99.The statement “your complaint will be settled when we have time” is a positive response to a complaint. ( )
A:错 B:对 100.Shuttlecock kicking, dragon-boat racing, rope skipping, and drum beating are traditional Chinese exercises.( )
A:对 B:错 101.Helicopter parenting is a style of caring with the intent of the parent and child forming a strong emotional bond.( )
A:对 B:错 102.Chinese dining etiquette involves seating arrangements.( )
A:对 B:错 103.“我缺乏经验”,可以表达为“I have a lack of experience.”。( )
A:对 B:错 104.“我需要一件中码的”,可以表达为“I need a middle-sized one.”。( )
A:错 B:对 105.“I don’t teach because it is easy for me.”一句可以表达为“我不教书,是因为教书对我来说很容易。”( )
A:错 B:对 106.Stress or lack of self-expression can directly impact your kidney function according to TCM theories.( )
A:错 B:对 107.I am more than glad to help you.一句中的more than, 可以译为“多于”。( )
A:对 B:错 108.3-D printing is fast. ( )
A:错 B:对 109.“你的英语老师怎么样?”可以表达为“How’s your English teacher like?”( )
A:错 B:对 110.Your in-laws include your cousins, and second cousins.( )
A:错误 B:正确 111.“教师应当有耐心。”一句可以表达为:“Teacher should have patience in his work.”( )
A:错 B:对 112.“-ist” is a common job suffix. ( )
A:对 B:错 113.Black and White Thinking is also known as polarized thinking.( )
A:错 B:对 114.When we talk about our childhood, we can use “used to” to refer to both states and actions. ( )
A:对 B:错 115.“我会和你联系的”,可以表达为“I’ll touch you.”。( )
A:对 B:错 116.Oolong tea is a kind of black tea. ( )
A:对 B:错 117.HR manager is a member of the board of directors. ( )
A:错 B:对

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