1.The palatal glide in English is ____。[2分]

答案:AI参考:填空题的正确选项是“rarely used”。\n\n在英语中,腭龈音滑行很少使用。'
2.The glottal fricative in English is ____。[2分]

答案:AI参考:填空题答案为“**voiceless**”。\n\n在英语中,浊化的趋势是对摩擦音的弱化形式进行不连续的发音,而此时在声门上产生的音实际上是一种带有摩擦力的声门闭锁气流停滞的完全无声的阻碍,也就是清声门擦音。而这种无声的阻碍在英语中被称为辅音静默,对应普通话音标则为塞擦音(似塞音的浊化形式),也有用类似英文表示方式的声音突变音的完全无声阻碍部分(air passage silence)即Voiceless Fricative in English(无擦音),此处译为无声擦音更为恰当。综上所述,答案是Voiceless。'
3.The bilabial nasal in English is ____。[2分]

4.The high front tense vowel in English is ____。[2分]

5.The bilabial glide in English is ____。[2分]

6.How did the language of English take the place of German as a lingua franca in Europe? ( )

答案:AI参考:正确选项为:\n\nA. the Great Fire of London in 1666 and the decrease of Dutch power.\nB. The Great British Empire.\nC. the use of scientific terminology and scientific equipment in science and technology.\nD. The development of printing press and the spread of books.\n\n欧洲英语取代德语成为通用语言的原因是:\n\n- 1666年的伦敦大火和荷兰势力的衰落导致伦敦成为欧洲商业中心;\n- 英国大英帝国的影响力;\n- 科学术语和科学设备在科技中的应用;\n- 印刷机和书籍的传播。\n\n其中,A选项中的伦敦大火导致许多建筑物被毁,使得伦敦成为了一个更大、更繁荣的城市,这也促进了英语在欧洲的传播,成为通用语言。而B、C、D选项虽然也促进了英语在欧洲的传播,但并不是英语取代德语成为通用语言的主要原因。因此,正确答案是A。'
7.What are some of the most significant phonological features of Philippine English? ( )

答案:AI参考:正确选项为:\n\nA. Vowel harmony\nB. Nasalization\nC. Stress patterns\nD. Rhoticity\n\n菲律宾英语是一种具有独特语音特征的英语变体,其中一些最重要的语音特征包括:\n\nA. Vowel harmony:菲律宾英语中的元音和谐(vowel harmony)是其最显著的特征之一。元音和谐是指一个音节中的元音通常会形成一个特定的组合,例如在某些词中,元音可以互相替换,形成不同的音色和音调。\n\nB. Nasalization:菲律宾英语中的鼻化音(nasalization)也是一个重要的特征。在某些情况下,英语单词中的某些元音或辅音会被鼻腔共振,形成鼻化音。\n\nC. Stress patterns:菲律宾英语的音节重音模式也是其语音特征之一。与其他英语变体相比,菲律宾英语的音节重音模式可能有所不同。\n\nD. Rhoticity:菲律宾英语中存在一些r音(rhoticity),即在某些情况下,单词中的元音字母后面会出现r音。这与其他英语变体中的r音有所不同。\n\n因此,正确选项为A、B、C、D。'
8.Why do we speak differently when we all are supposed to speak English? ( )
A:Stress shift can be quite common in different English varieties. B:When we speak English, our first language accents may exert influence. C:A stress-timed L1 may facilitate English speaking. D:A syllable-timed L1 may render difficulty in pronouncing English sounds.
9.What are some of the advantages of exonormative model? ( )
A:It would be convenient to hire well-trained and highly proficient local teachers of English. B:It would be pedagogically beneficial to recruit native speakers of English as teachers, though untrained. C:It advantages native speaker teachers. D:It advantages the American and British English language teaching industries.
答案:It advantages the American and British English language teaching industries.; It advantages native speaker teachers.; It would be pedagogically beneficial to recruit native speakers of English as teachers, though untrained.
10.What are the shortcomings of the ENL/ESL/EFL model? ( )
A:The term of ‘native language’ can lead to misunderstanding. B:An ENL model may be inappropriate in an ESL or EFL country. C:The ENL/ESL/EFL model can bring about prejudice and bias. D:It becomes more and more difficult to accurately classify countries into EFL ones.
答案:The term of ‘native language’ can lead to misunderstanding.; It becomes more and more difficult to accurately classify countries into EFL ones.; An ENL model may be inappropriate in an ESL or EFL country.; The ENL/ESL/EFL model can bring about prejudice and bias.
11.How has Russian been surpassed by English in China in the twentieth century? ( )
A:Even during those periods when English was officially classified as being the language of suspect forces, many educated and urban Chinese maintained a wish to learn it. B:English has always been the first foreign language since 1949. C:Since the late 1950s, the first foreign language has been English. D:Russian was the first foreign language from 1949 until the relationship with Russia deteriorated.

12.As for the phonetic features of African American English, which statements are true? ( )
A:Non-use of constant clusters, especially in final position. B:Substitution of ‘this’ with ‘tis’. C:Substitution of ‘nothing’ with ‘nufing’. D:Pronouncing ‘boyfriend’ as ‘boyfrien’. 13.What is the general position of English within the countries of Europe? ( )
A:The position of English within the countries of Europe differs considerably. B:The majority of Europeans, excluding native speakers, do not learn English in schools. C:English is spreading because of its value in so many different domains. D:Increasingly, young Europeans are able to communicate with each other in English. E:The overall picture appears to be of a bilingualism or multilingualism with English as one of the languages. 14.What are some of the disadvantages of exonormative model? ( )
A:It disadvantages the great majority of students who feel the model is unattainable. B:It disadvantages the American and British ELT industry. C:It disadvantages non-native speaker local teachers. D:It disadvantages native speaker teachers. 15.As for the relationship between register and variety, which statements are true? ( )
A:Interactional and social factors can determine why people use a certain variety. B:The language used in formal situations is different from everyday expressions. C:Register can be an important marker of professional identity. D:A register is a certain variety of language. 16.How were English, Spanish and Tagalog made official languages in the Philippines? ( )
A:In 1901, six years after the beginning of American rule, English-medium education was introduced. B:At the time of independence, its colonial history was evident in the establishment of both English and Spanish as national languages, along with the local language Tagalog. C:In 1935 the Philippines became a self-governing commonwealth and received independence in 1946. D:The country was a colony of Spain from 1521 until it came under American rule in 1895. 17.As for the language of English in the sub-Sahara Africa, which statements are true? ( )
A:East African English is spoken in Kenya and Tanzania. B:Southern African English is spoken in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. C:The language of English in the sub-Sahara Africa falls into three distinct groups. D:West African English, spoken in Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria. 18.As for the functions of a native language, which statements are true? ( )
A:A native language of a speaker may not be used deliberately. B:A second or third language may be applied for the sake of identity. C:A native language of a speaker may not be used because of social interactions. D:To keep a native language alive, one should avoid living in a multilingual environment. 19.As for the ENL/ESL/EFL distinction, which statements are true? ( )
A:British English is an example of ENL. B:English in ASEAN is an example of EFL. C:English in China is an example of EFL. D:Indian English is an example of ESL. 20.Why do most outer circle countries prefer the endonormative model? ( )
A:The local variety of English has become socially acceptable. B:In certain contexts, the choice of the local model can also directly advantage the students. C:The education system as a whole is advantaged by the choice of a local model and local teachers. D:It may remove the fear that the learning of English brings about adoption of alien values and cultures. 21.As for a consonant, which statements are true? ( )
A:Some may form a syllable alone. B:It is pronounced with certain obstruction. C:It is only used in onsets of syllables. D:It is a speech sound. 22.What are the strands of an ELF teaching approach? ( )
A:The curriculum should focus on how cultures differ and its implications for cross-cultural communication. B:The communicative strategies should be underpinned by a mutual desire to cooperate and collaborate. C:Students need to be aware of the linguistic features that cause particular problems of mutual intelligibility. D:Students need to be taught the communicative strategies that aid successful cross-cultural communication. 23.What is the significance of comparing and contrasting RP and other accents? ( )
A:To make clear that local accents are preferrable to those aiming to communicate with their locals. B:To justify that variation is natural, normal and common. C:To warn learners of English against the RP model. D:To indicate that learners of English should follow the RP model. 24.Why do almost all expanding circle countries choose the exonormative model? ( )
A:Because these native speaker models have prestige and legitimacy. B:Because English language teaching materials based on such models are unavailable. C:Because these native speaker models have a history and have been codified. D:Because Ministries of Education around the world are keen to provide the ‘best’ for their people. 25.What are advantages of the three-circle model over the ENL/ESL/EFL model? ( )
A:The spread of English does not mean transplanting one model to other countries. B:English now has multicultural identities. C:This model acknowledges the legitimacy of many Englishes. D:It assumes that each variety of the Englishes is linguistically and culturally equal. 26.As for ESP, which statements are true? ( )
A:It provides us with an approach to language learning. B:ESP, including EAP, is a specialized variety of English. C:It usually contains a particular kind of language use. D:ESP must be seen both as an approach and as a product. 27.What are the four criteria often used to classify a variety of English as ‘native’ rather than ‘nativised’? How can we challenge the four criteria? Choose the correct answers accordingly. ( )
A:A native variety is assumed to be superior to other varieties, but it fails to function well if used to convey local cultural elements. B:A native variety is assumed to influence younger varieties, but the variety itself has been influenced by other languages or cultures. C:A native variety is assumed to be spoken by a native speaker, but it is difficult to define a native speaker. D:A native variety is assumed to be equal to other varieties, but it has been surpassed by later varieties. E:A native variety is assumed to have been around for a long time, but it is difficult to define the time span. 28.As for the classification of consonants, which statements are true? ( )
A:They can be grouped into glides and vowels. B:They can be grouped into syllabic and non-syllabic sounds. C:They can be grouped into oral and nasal sounds. D:They can be grouped into voiced and voiceless categories. 29.Why is the English in the north of Nigeria different from that in the south of the country? ( )
A:Because Nigeria did not officially become a colony until 1914. B:Because the English teachers in the north carried RP accent. C:Because the English teachers in the south were missionaries, caring about the teaching of the gospel. D:Because the English teachers in the south would like to teach standard English. 30.What are the advantages of an ELF teaching approach? ( )
A:It would shift the focus of English language teaching communicative strategies. B:Neither teachers nor students would be asked to aim for an unattainable or inappropriate model. C:It would provide the advantages to both teachers and students in an endonormative model. D:It could accommodate cultural conventions and pragmatic norms that differ from Anglo-American norms. 31.Why is successful communication in ELF not impeded by the interdentals in English? ( )
A:Because the substitution of these two sounds is still intelligible to people in communication. B:Because the substitution of these two sounds won’t lead to a breakdown in verbal communication. C:Because these two sounds are the most difficult sounds to teach even in ENL situations. D:Because these two sounds are usually substituted by alveolar sounds, such as t, d, s, and z. 32.Why has English virtually been the sole medium of education in Singapore at all levels since 1987? ( )
A:Because there are a small number of special schools for gifted students that teach through Chinese and English media. B:Because the language policy requires all its people to speak English only. C:Because the language policy requires all its people to speak English as well as their own mother tongue. D:Because there is policy of ‘English+1’. 33.What are some of the features of ASEAN English pronunciation? ( )
A:The simplification of final consonant clusters is common. B:There is also a tendency not to reduce prominence where this might be expected C:In Malay and Tagalog, the consonant sounds /f/ and /p/ tend to be clearly distinguished. D:There is always a tendency towards a lack of reduced vowels. 34.As for lingua franca English, which statements are true? ( )
A:It is a common language used by people of different language backgrounds to communicate with each other. B:A Thai and an Indonesian may choose English as a lingua franca in ASEAN. C:Mandarin is the lingua franca to speakers in different Chinese dialects. D:English is the only lingua franca in EU. 35.Linguistically speaking, what are the most significant differences between Indian English and Sri Lankan English? ( )
A:Shortly after the establishment of Sri Lankan independence, a Sinhala-only policy was introduced. B:In Sri Lanka, there are only two major languages spoken there: Sinhala and Tamil. C:It has been claimed that the new Sinhala-speaking elite had much desire to promote English. D:English operates as a lingua franca or bridge language between the Sinhala majority and the Tamil minority. 36.There are no bilabial fricatives in English。( )
A:正确 B:错误 37.Velar nasals in English can never be put at the onset of syllables。( )
A:错 B:对 38.Unstressed vowels in English are usually reduced to a schwa。( )
A:对 B:错 39.There is a schwa in English。( )
A:错 B:对 40.All the high vowels in English are front vowels。( )
A:正确 B:错误 41.All the low vowels in English are back vowels。( )
A:错 B:对 42.All the rising diphthongs in English are ended either with a lax front vowel or a lax back vowel。( )
A:错误 B:正确 43.Cardinal vowels are English-specific。( )
A:正确 B:错误 44.All the centering diphthongs in English are ended with a schwa。( )
A:对 B:错 45.The schwa in English is a voiced sound。( )
A:对 B:错

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