1. Zotye Automobile’s lack of originality and blind imitation lead to its bankruptcy. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. What are the punitive measures for the students who were found guilty of violating the honor code at Duke?( )

  4. 答案:Being suspended for one year###Receiving an F for the course###Being expelled from the university###Receiving an F for the class
  5. The nonfiction narrative genres may include . ( )。

  6. 答案:autobiography###biography###memoir###anecdotes
  7. The Chinese corn as a gift from heaven. ( )。

  8. 答案:revered
  9. The armies were , challenging the enemy’s advance. ( )。

  10. 答案:afield
  11. Many people vocalized how the retailer only wanted their information to them with marketing messages they didn't want. ( )。

  12. 答案:pester
  13. By far, the most important effect of cultural globalization is the commercialization of culture. ( )。

  14. 答案:far-reaching
  15. There is a genuine cause for concern about the rate which cultures are being undermined in a world that is bound together by ever-stronger economic ties. ( )。

  16. 答案:at
  17. We have all the latest safety features into the design. ( )

  18. 答案:incorporated
  19. We've developed a reputation for being and original. ( )。

  20. 答案:quirky
  21. Unemployment may be an cause of the rising crime rate. ( )

  22. 答案:underlying
  23. The government that all who wanted to live and work in Kenya must hold Kenyan passports. ( )。
  24. If she had only my warnings, none of this would have happened. ( )
  25. Now I began to the words mentioned above in a different sense from what I had ever done before. ( )
  26. If you try to too much one day, your body and mind will fight it with procrastination. ( )。
  27. The statistics are a clear of the point I am trying to make. ( )。
  28. The factory is due to be next year. ( )。
  29. She made strenuous efforts to her anger. ( )。
  30. Norway has used government and subsidies to promote electronic vehicle purchases – offsetting the relatively high cost of the vehicle. ( )
  31. The law companies to pay decent wages to their employees. ( )。
  32. You can only use the books on this shelf with agreement.( )
  33. The government its original plan in spite of the resistance. ( )
  34. in societies will be the rule in the 21st century, and failure to recognize and plan for such diversity can lead to serious crime problems. ( )
  35. From this material we can hundreds of what you may call direct products. ( )
  36. Los Angeles has the world as supreme creator of the Hollywood legend, immortalizing glamor and feeding the minds of 20thand 21st century filmgoers. ( )。
  37. One of the most important tools for organizational improvement is the performance . ( )
  38. He is a household figure. ( )。
  39. With a degree in Physiology & Developmental Biology, I have gained a deep understanding of the human body and appreciate the of life. ( )
  40. In Text III: Corruption From A Cross-cultural Perspective, the author divides cultures into two kinds: rule-based culture and relationship-based culture. ( )
  41. The word “subvert” means to try to destroy an authority system by attacking it secretly or indirectly. ( )
  42. According to the author Jeremy Brotton, the important developments in and , as well as contact with far-flung empires, were the real causes of the European renaissance. ( )
  43. What were the characteristics of the 19th century world? ( )
  44. Robyn was well aware that clothes do not merely serve the practical purpose of covering our bodies, but also _____ messages about who we are, what we are doing, and how we feel. ( )
  45. We have to tolerate each other's little . ( )。
  46. Television prolongs the life of some language by in minority tongues. ( )。
  47. In the sentence “He sat down, purposely avoiding her gaze”, the word “purposely” means( )。
  48. In the sentence“He was found guilty of embezzling $150 000 of public funds.”, the word “embezzle” means . ( )
  49. In the phrase “to file an appeal”, the word “appeal” means . ( )
  50. The new manager was to reorganize the department( )。
  51. The CEO of the company says if it goes as well as expected, decisions will have to be made this year on how best to the operation and where to site the next expansion. ( )。
  52. In the sentence“ graduate business-school students are inundated with handbooks on business ethics...” the phrase“are inundated with” can be paraphrased into . ( )
  53. The need to produce the most exciting newspaper story most journalists. ( )。
  54. The online retailers are driving physical stores business. ( )
  55. Jumpstart Ventures will _____ another $70 million and expects to raise more capital. ( )
  56. With the dollar close to its lowest level of the year, the fall in the prices of staples constitutes a from the historical trading pattern. ( )。
  57. He her across the dance floor. ( )。
  58. Though a talented player, he was completely by his brother. ( )。
  59. Financial institutions act as between lenders and borrowers. ( )
  60. The _____ at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it. ( )
  61. You should invest wisely and your portfolios. ( )
  62. He most of the prizes. ( )。
  63. The British are the most of all the peoples of the EU. ( )。
  64. The Secretary of State and his Russian met to try to nail down the elusive accord. ( )。
  65. That is to say, they should know their merits and demerits and their choices must give play to their strengths whilst weaknesses. ( )
  66. The public the president's ability to remain calm in such a crisis. ( )
  67. While certainly not a pattern followed by extraordinary executives, many people have advanced their careers by playing internal politics . ( )。
  68. Western adventurers had imposed western religions and cultural practices those with a different way of life. ( )。
  69. What other traditions do you think are also to be lost ( )。
  70. Her assistant was of theft and fraud by the police. ( )
  71. Delegates with the problems of violence and sanctions. ( )。
  72. He said that developed countries had a responsibility to global economic growth to help new democracies. ( )。
  73. The players of the cultural market place are matched. ( )。
  74. The antonym of the word “utmost” is . ( )
  75. Helping your child a budget based on his income provides him with a realistic outlook on what is costs to be homeowner. ( )
  76. Few businesses are in the present economic climate. ( )
  77. The situation, although made worse by the war, was a problem dating from the period of colonial dependency. ( )。
  78. She is a nationwide campaign against domestic violence. ( )。
  79. The report is being as a blueprint for the future of transport. ( )
  80. China's demand for oil, iron ore and other raw materials is pumping money into developing economies as as Angola and Kazakhstan that supply them. ( )。
  81. She went to Cambridge and rubbed shoulders with the of George Bernard Shaw. ( )
  82. They are far alone in being tempted to enter the property market rather than investing in expanding their own business. ( )。
  83. The document is but it will serve as a guideline for countries and states that fund health care and family planning programs. ( )
  84. In the video clip VW’s ten scandals, the word “hood” means . ( )
  85. As China becomes an economic , its increasing appetite for scarce natural resources will inevitably extend to the world's most sought-after wines. ( )。
  86. Japan recognizes the rise of China. As a warning shot in an intensifying rivalry, Tokyo last week put import tariffs on Chinese steel. ( )。
  87. The supervisor's presence against a relaxed atmosphere. ( )。
  88. Throughout our lives, mothers are there with an encouraging word, a sympathetic ear, and a(n)____ heart. ( )
  89. In many societies women are to men ( )。
  90. What are the characteristics of Rushang?( )
  91. Blockchains lower ____________ and therefore promise to transform the economic systems. ( )
  92. Where is the world’s biggest small commodity wholesale market? ( )
  93. What does Renaissance mean? ( )
  94. What is the core of arguments in Toulmin Model? ( )
  95. The word revoke refers to the act of forcing sb to leave a place. ( )
  96. What can we learn from VW’s scandal? ( )
  97. Plagiarism refers to the adoption or reproduction of original creations of another author. ( )
  98. The time when VW’s scandal was released was . ( )
  99. Academic dishonesty includes . ( )
  100. He claimed that the police had used force. ( )
  101. Globalization may include the following spheres: . ( )。
  102. The radical undermining of people’s existing values and cultures has a corrosive impact on their following senses except ( )。
  103. In a narration, the incidents, change of conflicts, climax and ending are usually described in a order. ( )
  104. The tidal wave of the worst Western culture is creeping the world and brings .( )。
  105. Robber baron is a term applied to a businessman in the 19th century who engaged in practices, wielded widespread political influence, and amassed enormous wealth.( )
  106. Which of the following word is the synonym of the word extravagant?( )。
  107. Which of the following statements about Yiwu is true? ( )
  108. What is the main means Nick Foulkes uses to convince the reader of his main point? ( )。
  109. How does Nick Foulkes feel about plutocrats’ urge to compete? ( )。
  110. are the major processes to complete a bamboo weaving work.( )
  111. If leadership is an art, then surely Welch has proved himself a master painter. Few have corporate leadership more dramatically. ( )。
  112. What is the main writing strategy used in the article How Jack Welch Runs GE? ( )。
  113. are the two main ways to organize a comparison and contrast essay. ( )
  114. EU would rather promote fast-growing enterprises than help small businesses. ( )。
  115. How should we manage cultural diversity in intercultural business communication ? ( )
  116. Alfred North Whitehead is a British mathematician and philosopher. He is one of the most original thinkers and influential educators of the 21th century. Whitehead is probably the most important figure since John Henry Cardinal Newman. ( )
  117. Essay is a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative. ( )
  118. Which conjunctions are commonly used for exemplification?( )
  119. Being a village official, the Yale graduate Qin Yuefei is able to see how people live at the level of society. ( )
  120. In Chinese organizations, superiors are expected to participate in many decisions that U.S. managers might routinely delegate to subordinates. ( )
  121. What are the business practices displaying cultural differences? ( )
  122. The intricacies of Chinese culture in business can be majorly displayed in the . ( )
  123. What can we do to avoid intercultural misunderstanding in Business? ( )
  124. In individualistic cultures, the manager usually empowers his employees in making decisions. However, in collectivistic cultures, it is the group which will make decisions. ( )
  125. However English might be, the real reason for the latter day triumph of English is the triumph of the English-speaking United States as a world power. ( )。
  126. Truly, the tongue spoken back in the 1300s only by the “low people” of England has . ( )。
  127. make your ideas stick together and flow smoothly from one sentence to another. ( )
  128. In 1362, replaced French as the language of law in Britain, and was used in Parliament for the first time.( )。
  129. Open questions may include ( )
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