

  1. As social media and user-generated reviews , the power of negative feedback will only increase--- making it even more imperative that products be ready before they hit the market. ( )。

  2. A:leverage B:stagnate C:proliferate D:diminish
    答案:anxious because of difficulties in your life.AI参考:正确答案是C:proliferate。原文中提到随着社交媒体和用户生成的评价的增多,负面反馈的力量只会增加,因此产品在上市前需要更加准备充分。proliferate表示“增殖、增加”,符合句意。leverage是“利用”的意思,与句意不符;stagnate是“停滞、停顿”的意思,与句意不符;diminish是“减少、削弱”的意思,与句意不符。因此,答案是C。'
  3. Helping your child a budget based on his income provides him with a realistic outlook on what is costs to be homeowner. ( )

  4. A:draw back B:draw on C:draw up D:draw in
    答案:错误AI参考:正确答案是B:draw on。根据句意“帮助你的孩子根据他的收入制定一个预算,为他提供了一个对成为房主所需费用的现实看法。”可知,这里需要一个表示“利用”的词,而选项B“draw on”恰好符合此意,因此B为正确答案。其他选项的意思分别为:A“后退”,C“起草”,D“拉进”。'
  5. Western adventurers had imposed western religions and cultural practices those with a different way of life. ( )。

  6. A:in B:to C:on D:from
    答案:错误AI参考:正确选项是C:on。句子中的“imposed western religions and cultural practices on those with a different way of life”表示“将西方的宗教和文化习俗强加给那些有着不同生活方式的人”。其中,“on”表示“在……之上,向……施加”,符合句意。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  7. The situation, although made worse by the war, was a problem dating from the period of colonial dependency. ( )。

  8. A:added B:cumulative C:excessive D:additional
  9. The _____ at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it. ( )

  10. A:confinement B:discipline C:principle D:convention
    答案:objectivity;explicitness;formality;responsibility AI参考:正确答案是B:discipline 。句子意思为:军校的管理是如此严格,学生几乎无法忍受。Discipline“纪律”,指军校对学生的严格管理,符合句意。Confinement“监禁”;Principle“原则”;Convention“惯例”均不符合句意。故选B。'
  11. Though a talented player, he was completely by his brother. ( )。

  12. A:extended B:eclipsed C:dismissed D:surpassed
  13. We've developed a reputation for being and original. ( )。

  14. A:humdrum B:quirky C:dull D:imitative
    答案:ESTABLISHEDAI参考:正确答案是B:quirky。 句意:我们因独特而出名。A.humdrum单调乏味的;B.quirky古怪的,独特的;C.dull单调乏味的;D.imitative模仿的。根据句意,故选B。"
  15. We have to tolerate each other's little . ( )。

  16. A:foibles B:strength C:courage D:extravagance
    AI参考:单选题答案:A:foibles原文中"little foibles"意为“小缺点、小毛病”,因此应选择A项“foibles”(缺点、毛病)。句子意思为“我们必须容忍彼此的小缺点”。B项“strength”(力量)、C项“courage”(勇气)、D项“extravagance”(浪费)与原文不符。'
  17. The effect of westernization in the case of Africa, was untold damage to the African . ( )。

  18. A:psyche B:attitudes C:physics D:feeling
  19. The British are the most of all the peoples of the EU. ( )。

  20. A:monopolistic B:elastic C:monoglot D:multilingual
  21. What other traditions do you think are also to be lost ( )。

  22. A:in jeopardy B:for reason C:on danger D:by far
    答案:传统,习俗AI参考:正确答案是A:in jeopardy 。该题是英语选择题,介词搭配的题。其他选项在语法上不正确,与上下文不搭。只有in jeopardy符合语境。这句话的意思是:你认为还有哪些传统也处于危险之中?因此,答案为A。'
  23. China's demand for oil, iron ore and other raw materials is pumping money into developing economies as as Angola and Kazakhstan that supply them. ( )。

  24. A:faltering B:fabulous C:far-flung D:far-fetched
    AI参考:C:far-flung 答案C中的far-flung指的是广泛的,全球化的意思,非常符合这里的情况,指的是中国对石油、铁矿石和其他原材料的需求带动了非洲、中东等地区的资源型国家的发展。选项A中的faltering意为“摇晃的;蹒跚的”,不符合语境;选项B中的fabulous意为“极好的;极有价值的”,与句子意思不符;选项D中的far-fetched意为“牵强的;歪曲的”,也不符合语境。'
  25. The government that all who wanted to live and work in Kenya must hold Kenyan passports. ( )。

  26. A:decreed B:deceived C:detached D:declined
    答案:正确答案:nation nationAI参考:正确答案是A:decreed。这道题考查的是动词辨析。decreed表示“宣布,决定”,符合句意。deceived表示“欺骗”,detached表示“分离的,中立的”,declined表示“拒绝”。根据句意可知,政府决定所有想要在肯尼亚生活和工作的人必须持有肯尼亚护照。因此,答案为A。'
  27. In the sentence“ graduate business-school students are inundated with handbooks on business ethics...” the phrase“are inundated with” can be paraphrased into . ( )

  28. A:Are given too few handbooks B:Are provided with too many handbooks C:Are expelled from business courses D:Are warned too frequently
    AI参考:在句子“graduate business-school students are inundated with handbooks on business ethics…”中,“are inundated with”可以被意译为“被大量的商业道德手册所包围”。因此,选项B:“被提供的商业道德手册过多”最符合原文意思。其他选项A、C、D与原文意思不符。因此,正确答案是B:Are provided with too many handbooks。'
  29. Few businesses are in the present economic climate. ( )

  30. A:flushing B:flourishing C:flashing D:flustering
    答案:THANAI参考:正确选项是 B:flourishing。根据题干中的句子“Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.”可以得知,在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业繁荣发展。因此,选项B“flourishing”符合语境,表示繁荣发展的意思。选项A“flushing”表示冲洗,与句子意思不符;选项C“flashing”表示闪光,与句子意思无关;选项D“flustering”表示慌乱,也不符合句意。因此,正确答案是B。'
  31. Her assistant was of theft and fraud by the police. ( )

  32. A:caught B:condemned C:accused D:cheated
    AI参考:正确答案是C: accused。选项中,A表示抓捕,B表示判决,C表示指控,D表示欺骗。根据句子意思,她的助手被警方指控盗窃和欺诈,所以正确答案是C。因此,答案为C。'
  33. That is to say, they should know their merits and demerits and their choices must give play to their strengths whilst weaknesses. ( )

  34. A:cycle B:circulate C:get around D:circumvent
  35. You can only use the books on this shelf with agreement.( )

  36. A:prior B:first C:preliminary D:total
  37. At that time, George was money and power exclusively. ( )。

  38. A:susceptible to B:paradoxical for C:concerned with D:complacent about
    答案:forgotten aboutAI参考:正确答案是D:complacent about。根据题干中的句子结构分析,空格处应填入一个形容词,表示“对金钱和权力感到满意的”。选项A“易受……影响”不符合语境;选项B“矛盾的”与语境不符;选项C“与……有关”也不符合语境。因此,答案为D。解析中还提到,空格后的money and power是并列关系,所以需要用同义词来表达对金钱和权力的满意。而complacent about正是表示“对……感到满意”的同义词,因此选D。'
  39. Throughout our lives, mothers are there with an encouraging word, a sympathetic ear, and a(n)____ heart. ( )

  40. A:tender B:obedient C:temperate D:tame
  41. If you try to too much one day, your body and mind will fight it with procrastination. ( )。

  42. A:emerge into B:cram into C:build in to D:dig into
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:dig into。\r根据题意可知,这句话的意思是如果你试图一天挖掘太多,你的身体和心灵会用拖延来反抗。A项emerge into表示“出现到…里面”;B项cram into表示“塞进”;C项build in to表示“把…加到…里面”;D项dig into表示“挖掘”。根据题意可知,这里用dig into最符合语境。故选D。'
  43. Their tanks would be to attack from the air. ( )。

  44. A:impressionable B:vulnerable C:conspicuous D:fierce
  45. While certainly not a pattern followed by extraordinary executives, many people have advanced their careers by playing internal politics . ( )。

  46. A:assembly B:actively C:astutely D:astonishingly
  47. As a language with many origins, English was to be a mess. ( )。

  48. A:bond B:bound C:binding D:broad
    AI参考:正确答案是B:bound。\r英语是一种拥有多种起源的语言,因此它注定会变得混乱无序。在这个句子中,“be bound to be”是一个常用的表达,意思是“注定会…”,因此选项B“bound”是正确答案。其他选项A、C、D在这个句子中不合适。'
  49. The origin of the custom is . ( )。

  50. A:objective B:obscure C:insecure D:indiscriminate
  51. The Boston-owned software company became a wholly-owned of IBM ( )。

  52. A:department B:subsidiary C:sub-company D:branch
  53. With a degree in Physiology & Developmental Biology, I have gained a deep understanding of the human body and appreciate the of life. ( )

  54. A:complication B:complex C:implication D:intricacy
  55. She is a nationwide campaign against domestic violence. ( )。

  56. A:sprucing B:sprinkling C:mingled D:spearheading
    AI参考:正确答案是D:spearheading。分析句子的成分可知,“She”为动作的执行者,“a nationwide campaign against domestic violence”是宾语,“She is spearheading”表示领导、牵头。A项“使……漂亮”、B项“散播”和C项“混合”与句意不符,因此,本题选D。故填spearheading。'
  57. The committee's style of campaigning has made it unpopular. ( )。

  58. A:contradictory B:confident C:conciliatory D:confrontational
    AI参考:正确答案是C: concilatory 委员会的和平竞争风格使得它不受欢迎。在原文中,“ ”是用来表示某种风格或行为的,而选项中只有concilatory符合这个意思,即“和缓的,和解的”。因此,答案为C。其他选项的意思与原文不符。A项“矛盾的”与原文意思相反;B项“自信的”与原文无关;D项“对抗性的”与原文意思相反。"
  59. He her across the dance floor. ( )。

  60. A:whittled B:whistled C:whispered D:whisked
  61. The supervisor's presence against a relaxed atmosphere. ( )。

  62. A:mislead B:mingled C:merged D:militated
  63. His total possessions incredibly amounted to little more than the clothes he stood up in. ( )

  64. A:world B:worldwide C:worldly D:world wise
    AI参考:正确答案是C: worldly。世界上的财富和物品是物质财富,所以用worldly表示世俗的、物质的。选项A表示世界,不符合语境;选项B表示世界范围,与语境不符;选项D表示世故的、聪明的,也与题意不符。所以,选项C worldly符合题意,正确答案为C。'
  65. Unemployment may be an cause of the rising crime rate. ( )

  66. A:underlay B:underlie C:underlaying D:underlying
  67. The ability to _____ knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers. ( )

  68. A:impart B:part C:depart D:apart
  69. Each nation seeks to warfare by creating a monstrous image of its enemy. ( )

  70. A:justify B:classify C:clarify D:testify
  71. In many societies women are to men ( )。

  72. A:limited B:subordinate C:constrain D:confined
    答案:deferAI参考:正确答案是D:confined。本题考查固定搭配be confined to表示“局限于”。根据语境,许多社会中的女性是被限制在某些社会角色或位置上的,即“被限制”,故选D。其他选项不符合语境。'
  73. in societies will be the rule in the 21st century, and failure to recognize and plan for such diversity can lead to serious crime problems. ( )

  74. A:Homogeneity B:Differences C:Heterogeneity D:Similarities
  75. He is a household figure. ( )。

  76. A:legislative B:legitimate C:leverage D:legendary
  77. They are far alone in being tempted to enter the property market rather than investing in expanding their own business. ( )。

  78. A:by B:being C:from D:into
    AI参考:答案为B:being根据句子结构和语法规则可知,be far alone表示“远为…孤独的,很孤立的”,后跟形容词作表语,再结合介词短语far from投资在扩大自己的企业可知此处为系表结构,应填being。故选B。'
  79. There is a genuine cause for concern about the rate which cultures are being undermined in a world that is bound together by ever-stronger economic ties. ( )。

  80. A:by B:for C:in D:at
    AI参考:正确答案是B:for。\r句子中需要填入一个介词来引导定语从句,而从句中主语为“the rate”,因此应该填入表示原因的介词“for”。句子意思是“在这个由日益紧密的经济联系所联系在一起的世界中,文化正在遭受破坏的速度令人担忧”。因此,正确答案是B,“for”。'
  81. Don’t be by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead. ( )。

  82. A:overlooked B:overtaken C:overwhelmed D:overlapped
  83. Lack of confidence in the company itself in a fall in the share price. ( )。

  84. A:proves B:indicates C:reveals D:manifests
  85. One of the most important tools for organizational improvement is the performance . ( )

  86. A:appraisal B:afar C:afie D:afraid
    答案:对AI参考:答案为A:appraisal 评估本题为形近题,句子意思是:组织改进的最重要的工具之一是评估,所以答案为A。B、C、D项与句子意思不符。故选A。'
  87. With the dollar close to its lowest level of the year, the fall in the prices of staples constitutes a from the historical trading pattern. ( )。

  88. A:division B:dilemma C:divergence D:diversity
  89. As China becomes an economic , its increasing appetite for scarce natural resources will inevitably extend to the world's most sought-after wines. ( )。

  90. A:collaboration B:coexistence C:colossus D:coalition
    答案:sport industry surveyAI参考:正确答案是C:colossus。句子中提到中国成为经济巨人,对稀有自然资源的渴望将不可避免地扩展到世界最受欢迎的葡萄酒上。colossus意为“巨人”,符合句意。因此,答案为C。A、B、D选项与句子意思不符。'
  91. The armies were , challenging the enemy’s advance. ( )。

  92. A:attendant B:afar C:afield D:afraid
  93. What were the characteristics of the 19th century world? ( )

  94. A:Industrial expansion B:The decline of the church C:A romantic vision of the role of the artist D:European imperialism
  95. What are the punitive measures for the students who were found guilty of violating the honor code at Duke?( )

  96. A:Receiving an F for the class B:Being expelled from the university C:Being suspended for one year D:Receiving an F for the course
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Being expelled from the university】。根据问题中的信息,学生被发现违反杜克大学的荣誉准则,需要采取惩罚措施。选项中只有B“被大学开除”符合惩罚力度较大的情况,而其他选项如A、C、D的惩罚力度相对较小或不明确。因此,B是正确答案。'
  97. Zotye Automobile’s lack of originality and blind imitation lead to its bankruptcy. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
    答案:错AI参考:B. 对 这是一个简单的判断题,根据常识和事实,Zotye Automobile因为缺乏原创性和盲目的模仿,导致破产。因此,答案是B. 对。"
  99. Appropriate intervals to control the speed of talking are very important when delivering a presentation to your customers. ( )

  100. A:错 B:对
    答案:at timesAI参考:正确答案是B:对。 在向客户做演讲时,控制讲话速度的适当间隔非常重要。因此,选项B“对”是正确的。"

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