

  1. Which one is the abstract word? ( )

  2. A:science B:book C:desk D:basketball
    答案:正确AI参考:正确答案是A: science。科学是抽象名词,而其他选项都是具体的实物名词。因此,答案是A。'
  3. Where should you use to keep the main ideas ? ( )

  4. A:computers B:your mind C:transcript D:notebook
  5. The first step in speechmaking is to ( ).

  6. A:write an outline B:write an introduction C:analyze the audience D:choose a topic  
  7. Which one is NOT the way to achieve appropriateness? ( )

  8. A:appropriateness to the weather B:appropriateness to the topic C:appropriateness to the audience D:appropriateness to the speaker
    AI参考:单选题[正确答案是] A: appropriateness to the weather。这个问题是要判断哪一个选项不是实现得体性的方法。根据情境的不同,得体性是需要考虑的方面,例如对天气、话题、听众、讲话者等因素。其中,对于听众的因素是比较关键的,因为它涉及到了听众的兴趣和经验背景等,对讲话的理解和接受程度有很大影响。其他选项,如对天气、话题和讲话者,也涉及到讲话的具体情境和目的,有助于提高讲话的得体性。因此,正确答案是A,即“与天气相适应”。其他选项B、C、D都是有助于实现讲话得体性的方式。'
  9. Going studying abroad can ( ).

  10. A:prolong your life time. B:improve your language skills. C:ensure you a good future. D:make you feel less confident.
    答案:they could make more money in the futureAI参考:正确答案是B:improve your language skills.根据题目中的描述,出国学习可以改善语言技能,所以选项B符合题目要求。其他选项中,延长寿命与语言技能的提高无关;确保有一个美好的未来也需要一个综合的条件和多种技能;使人感觉不自信的表述与此处情境不符。因此,正确答案为B。'
  11. Which sentence does NOT contain 'simile'? ( )

  12. A:Love is a battlefield. B:Virtue is like a strong and hardy plant. C:She sings like a bird. D:A word once spoken is like an arrow shot.
    答案:错AI参考:正确答案是A:Love is a battlefield。句子A中没有使用比喻修辞手法,而其他句子中都使用了比喻修辞手法,如B句中的“strong and hardy plant”是比喻,C句中的“sings like a bird”是比喻,D句中的“once spoken is like an arrow shot”也是比喻。因此,句子A不包含“simile”。'
  13. Which of the following is NOT a basic function of an introduction? ( )

  14. A:To establish credibility. B:To attract attention. C:To inspire interest. D:To conduct a  survey.
    AI参考:D: To conduct a survey.介绍的基本功能包括:建立可信度、吸引注意力、激发兴趣,但不包括进行调查。选项D是无关选项,因此是正确答案。'
  15. A successful speech is a form of communication with the audience, so preparing a strong delivery should involve a significant amount of attention to the needs and interests of the ( ).

  16. A:speaker B:organizer C:audience D:reporter
  17. Here my objective is "I want to educate foreigners how to make Jiaozi". What kind of speech is it? ( )

  18. A:Agitational B:Persuasive C:Inspirational D:Informative
    AI参考:正确选项是D:Informative。原文中提到了“Here my objective is to educate foreigners how to make Jiaozi”,说明说话者的目的是向外国人传授如何制作饺子的知识,因此属于提供信息的演讲,即informative speech。其他选项A、B、C都不符合原文描述。A选项agitational通常指煽动性的演讲,B选项persuasive指说服性的演讲,C选项inspirational指鼓舞人心的演讲,这三者都不符合题干中所述的情况。'
  19. You can never succeed to achive the goals of the speech if you don't ( ) it.

  20. A:eccerpt B:abstract C:fail D:logicalize
  21. Which way can make your speech more interesting? ( )

  22. A:Using language inclusively B:Using language vividly C:Using language accurately D:Using language clearly
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Using language vividly。在演讲中,使用生动的语言可以使演讲更有趣。选项A、C、D在表达方面也有一定意义,但在吸引听众方面不如B选项生动有力。因此,答案是B。'
  23. While you may need to move around while speaking for different reasons, you should have ( ) that you return to.

  24. A:a suitable place B:a home position C: a desk D:a seat

  25. Choose the best word to complete the sentence. The illness ( ) him and recovery took several weeks.

  26. A:disguised B:desired C:demoralized D:demanded

  27. Stage fright, as an internal sense,is (  ).

  28. A:obscure B:visible C:vague D:invisible

  29. The speech on the topic 'How to speak so that people want to listen 'will help you to improve your ( ).

  30. A:learning ability B:health awareness C:interpersonal skill D:creativity

  31. In a cross cultural context, you should avoid ( ).

  32. A:slang B:familiar words C:idioms D:jargon

  33. If you think your topic is not likely to arouse great interest, you must develop interest in your topic by ( ).

  34. A:dynamic delivery B:using vivid language C:an arresting introduction D:interesting supporting materials
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:an arresting introduction】。在题目中,要求选择一种方法来激发人们对主题的兴趣。选项A、B和D都是可以用来增强话题吸引力的方法,但只有选项C——一个引人入胜的介绍——能够直接引起人们对主题的兴趣,因为它能够在一开始就抓住听众的注意力。因此,如果认为自己的主题不太可能引起大的兴趣,那么一个引人入胜的介绍是必要的。'
  35. You will never offend people by using ( ).

  36. A:full names B:traditional standards of correctness C:official titles D:casual names

  37. Whose ideas can applied when you try to persuade some people? ( )

  38. Good topics should meet at least three criteria. Good speech topics should be about things that ( ).

  39. A:interest you B:you want to know more C:interest your audience D:you know a lot

  40. What are features of "antithesis"? ( )

  41. A:Similar ideas B:Contracting ideas C:Paralleled structure D:Loose structure

  42. Why should we present the most important point first? ( )

  43. A:First impressions are most unforgettable. B:Some of the audience may neglect the introduction. C:If I can’t finish my presentation, I’ve told you, the most important. D:I don’t have to tell you it is the most important.
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:First impressions are most unforgettable.】原文中提到“Why should we present the most important point first?”,并给出了解释:“第一印象是最难忘的”。因此,正确选项应该是强调第一印象的重要性,也就是A选项“First impressions are most unforgettable.”。其他选项B、C、D都没有直接与“为什么应该首先呈现最重要的观点”相关联,因此不是正确答案。'
  44. You should think about the following things when choosing your home position.( )

  45. A:make sure it is convenient for you B:make sure all the members of your audience will be able to see you easily C:make sure you are close enough to anything you need to use during your presentation D:make sure you do not stand in front of any visual aids
    AI参考:正确选项是:C:make sure you are close enough to anything you need to use during your presentation原文中提到“You should think about the following things when choosing your home position.”,接下来列出了需要考虑的几件事情,其中最后一个事情是“确保你在演讲时足够接近需要使用的任何东西”。选项C中的“确保你离需要使用的任何东西足够近”符合这个要求,因此是正确选项。其他选项A、B、D与原文中的提示不符。'
  46. Nervous presenters will do the following things ( ).

  47. A:changing position frequently B:moving constantly from foot to foot C:twisting their body from side to side D:returning to home position

  48. If you are interested in health and looking for some fresh knowledge, you may find the talks like ( ) most exciting.

  49. A:Future of Early Cancer Detection B:How to Spot a Liar C:3 Ways to Measure Your Adaptability D:What Noise is Bad for Your Health

  50. The five senses include ( ).

  51. A:smell B:touch C:hearing D:sight

  52. In what ways can you get people's attention? ( )

  53. A:Being apologetic. B:Showing them stories. C:Relating the topic to them. D:Using startling statistics.
    AI参考:正确选项是:C:Relating the topic to them.在吸引人们注意力的方式中,将话题与他们相关联是一个有效的方法。其他选项中,道歉、展示故事和运用令人震惊的数据虽然也可能引起人们的兴趣,但它们并不是唯一或最有效的方式。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  54. As a speaker, you should use language( ).

  55. A:inclusively B:appropriately C:accurately D:vividly
  56. The effect of a speech is strongly influenced by listeners’ traits which include ( ).

  57. A:age B:education C:cultural background D:gender

  58. Which of the following scenarios is a case of being stilted? ( )

  59. A:Doing a speech to freshmen using a PHD paper B:Doing a speech to little kids using terminology C:Doing a speech to teenagers using video clips D:Doing a speech to physicists using terminology.

  60. Concrete words refer to tangible objects such as “ carrot”, “pencil”, “ nose” and “door”. ( )

  61. A:错 B:对

  62. Metaphor is an explicit comparison between things that are essentially different yet have something in common. ( )

  63. A:错 B:对

  64. If you are an extrovert, let yourself speak slowly and deliberately and thoughtfully.

  65. A:对 B:错
  66. For a 3-minute prepared speech, you are supposed to write about 400-450 words.( )

  67. A:对 B:错

  68. According to Kelly's TED Talk "How to Make Stress Your Friend, stress" is entirely bad for us. ( )

  69. A:对 B:错
  70. Exclusive language is language that avoids placing any one group of people above or below other groups while speaking. ( )

  71. A:错 B:对

  72. Every member of the audience applauded and learnt a lot from the speech. Although it did meet its goal, it's still a very successful one. ( )

  73. A:对 B:错

  74. Various and constant body language will  be good for your speech. ( )

  75. A:对 B:错
  76. When you say a funny thing, but your audience say, “Oh, that's terrible”, you should NOT keep on trying. ( )

  77. A:错 B:对

  78. Your voice always sounds louder to you than to your listeners.( )

  79. A:错 B:对

  80. When you want to emphasize an idea, you can use your hand to slash.( )

  81. A:对 B:错
  82. Starting your speech with the most important points is a good idea. ( )

  83. A:对 B:错

  84. Don't allow the quirky aspects of your personality to be a part of your speaking or performing style. ( )

  85. A:错 B:对

  86. It is appropriate to use "hey, guys" in a very formal speech. ( )

  87. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。根据常识和语境,在非常正式的演讲中使用“hey, guys”是不合适的,因为它带有非正式和口语化的语气。因此,答案是B:对。'
  88. You can state your specific purpose in more than one infinitive phrases that indicates what you hope to accomplish with your speech.( )

  89. A:对 B:错

  90. Many people would like to take pictures of food to show how good it is. That can also be used to convince people. ( )

  91. A:错 B:对
  92. A golden voice is an asset for any public speaker, so every public speaker should have a golden voice.( )

  93. A:错 B:对

  94. If there is podium in front of you should rest your hands on the podium. ( )

  95. A:对 B:错

  96. Public speaking is a vital means of communication of expressing ideas.( )

  97. A:对 B:错

  98. Novelty is the most effective way to capture a person’s attention.( )

  99. A:错 B:对

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