第四章 后现代主义小说:后现代主义是20世纪60年代以来西方出现的具有反对近现代哲学体系的思潮,并涉及到建筑、艺术、文学批评、教育学、心理学等领域。本章选取两位诺贝尔文学奖得主——英国的多丽丝·莱辛和加拿大的艾丽丝·门罗的作品,对其中的后现代主义特征进行解读。4.1后现代主义理论:后现代主义者反对形而上,反对统一,认为真理是相对的。后现代主义文学的创作手法有讽刺、黑色幽默、互文性、模仿等,后现代主义文学作品具有碎片化、去中心化、模糊化、断续性、矛盾性、开放性的特点。
[单选题]The author of Passion is ( ).

, Henry James
, Alice Munro
, Doris Lessing
[单选题]The author of To Room Nineteen is Doris Lessing, whose works also include Runaway.( )

选项:[对, 错]
[多选题]Two key figures in the early post-structuralist movement were ( ).

选项:[Roland Barthes
, Kant
, Jacques Derrida
, Plato
[单选题]Temporal distortion in postmodern fiction is used in a variety of ways, often for the sake of ( ).

, irony
, curiosity
, newness
[单选题]Postmodernists describe truth as relative. ( )

选项:[对, 错]
[多选题]( ) are among the most recognizable aspects of postmodernism.

, Intertextuality
, Irony
, Black Humor
[单选题]Works of postmodern literature tend to focus on a centre and an obvious theme. ( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]In To Room Nineteen, Susan had an affair with another man. ( )

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]In Passion, Grace went to hospital for an anti-tetanus shot with ( ).

选项:[Mr. Travers
, Neil
, Ms. Travers
, Maury
[多选题]In Runaway, Carla’s becoming includes ( ).

选项:[becoming Sylvia
, becoming goat
, becoming horse
, becoming dog

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