1.The sentence“What she wanted to do was stay at home reading Chinese novels.”contains a cleft sentence. ( )
A:对 B:错
2.The sentence “Isn’t a love day? functions as an exclamative. ( )
A:错 B:对
3.The following two sentences have exactly the same idea:(1) There is nothing to see.(2) There is nothing to be seen. ( )
A:错 B:对
4.The sentence “I had intended to meet you at the airport, but I...” expresses an unrealized desire or intention. ( )
A:错 B:对
5.In the same passage, it is a good idea to use a variety of pronouns even when referring to the same person(s). ( )
A:错 B:对
6.It is grammatically correct to say that “Home is home, be it ever so homely.” ( )
A:对 B:错
7.The expressions of “male or female” and “husband and wife” are both coordinate constructions. ( )
A:对 B:错
8.The sentence “ You will wait outside.” means “ You must wait outside.”. ( )
A:错 B:对
9.In the system of grammar, morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit. ( )
A:错 B:对
10.In the sentence “The teacher asked us to describe the pictures.”, “asked” and “describe” are verbal processes.( )
A:对 B:错
11.In the middle of the 21 century, the vast majority of the world’s population _____ cities rather than in the country. ( )
A:are living B:have lived C:will have lived D:will be living

12.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? ( )
A:Mumps is a kind of infectious disease. B:The United States borders Canada. C:The Niagara Falls is in North America. D:Physics is an important school subject. 13.Mr. Wells, together with all the members of his family, ( ) for Europe this afternoon. ( )
A:are to leave B:leave C:are leaving D:is leaving 14.Which of the following prepositional phrases is an adverbial of concession? ( )
A:The parents bought a birthday cake . B:, I still like him. C:I stepped aside to get in first. D:They used the box . 15.Which of the following reflexive pronouns is used as an appositive? ( )
A:I have nothing to say for myself. B:The manager herself will interview Mary. C:He promised himself rapid progress. D:I now feel quite myself. 16.Which of the following underlined verbs is a transitive verb? ( )
A:He down on the chair and fell asleep. B:We were going to the tickets first. C:They’ve already down there. D:She was when the teacher came near. 17.All my assignments ( ) , I saw a movie with my friends. ( )
A:having finished B:were finished C:had finished D:finished 18.We should open the window often to let ( ) in . ( )
A:a fresh air B:fresh air C:fresh airs D:fresh the air 19.The idea of traveling through ______space to other planets interests many people today. ( )
A:∕ B:the C:one D:a 20.He is ____ of a scholar than his brother. ( )
A:more B:enough C:little D:much 21.There has been an increasing number of ( ) in primary schools in the past few years. ( )
A:men teachers B:men teacher C:man teacher D:man teachers 22.Which of the following sentences contains an adverbial clause of cause? ( )
A:I got a job as soon as I left university. B:Wealthy as he is, Mark is not a happy man. C:As there was no answer, I wrote again. D:You must do the exercises as I show you. 23.Which of the following underlined parts is a complement? ( )
A:Autumn brings the harvest time. B:What I need is . C:I met her . D:is believing. 24.Which of the following sentences follows the principle of notional concord? ( )
A:Neither Jane nor I am going to the party. B:Ten years is not a short time. C:The students are busy taking notes. D:There is a pen and two books on the table. 25.It is essential that heall the facts first. ( )
A:examine B:is examining C:examines D:will examine 26.A: Don’t forget to lock the car, ( )? ( )
A:do you B:may you C:don’t you D:will you 27.The Great Wall is the place( ) almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to China. ( )
A:in which B:where C:to which D:which 28.The following determiners can be used with plural and uncountable nouns EXCEPT ( ). ( )
A:such B:more C:enough D:many 29.Which sentence indicates CONTRAST? ( )
A:Victoria likes music and Sam is fond of sports. B:She opened the door and quietly went in. C:Think it over again and you’ll get an answer. D:He is somewhat arrogant, and I don’t like this. 30.( ) your advice, I would have made the wrong decision. ( )
A:Had not it been for B:Hadn’t it been for C:Had it been for D:Had it not been for 31.Which of the following is a complex sentence? ( )
A:The weather has been fine except in the north. B:When I came back, my daughter had already finished her homework. C:They followed close behind me. D:John rushed into the room and slammed the door. 32.I’m sure your suggestion will _______ the problem.( )
A:contribute to solving B:contribute to solve C:be contributed to solve D:be contributed to solving 33.She is a better speaker than ( ) in the class. ( )
A:all the girls B:the other boys C:any boy D:other any girl 34.you say is of no use. ( )
A:No matter what B:No matter which C:Whatever D:Which 35.I wish you ( ) her off at the station, but you didn’t. ( )
A:had seen B:saw C:should see D:would see 36.By the next month we ( ) this assignment.( )
A:will finish B:will have finished C:will be finishing D:have finished 37.It is futile to discuss the matter further, because ( ) going to agree upon anything today.( )
A:neither you nor I am B:neither me nor you are C:neither you nor I are D:neither you nor me is 38.Which of the following is INCORRECT? ( )
A:Tom suggested that we leave earlier. B:Tom suggested leaving earlier. C:Tome suggested that we should leave earlier. D:Tom suggested us to leave earlier. 39.It is unbelievable that he ( ) be working so hard. ( )
A:shall B:will C:may D:should 40.Which of the following sentences expresses obligation? ( )
A:I will come to see you soon. B:She might be in the dormitory. C:You must stay indoors. D:She can be ill. 41.Which of the following is an individual noun? ( )
A:police B:artist C:hope D:paper 42.Facing the board of directors, he didn’t deny ( ) breaking the agreement. ( )
A:him B:his C:it D:its 43.How can I concentrate if you ( ) continually ( ) me with silly questions? ( )
A:are…interrupting B:have…interrupted C:were…interrupting D:had…interrupted 44.Which of the following reflective pronouns is used as an object ? ( )
A:You must pull together. B:Linda will play the violin. C:I spoke to the president. D:Frank is not quite today. 45.Which of the following words is a reflexive pronoun? ( )
A:that B:me C:herself D:his 46.I’d sooner you ( ) deliver the sofa tomorrow. ( )
A:wouldn’t B:didn’t C:mustn’t D:shouldn’t 47.Let’s discuss our group presentation, ( )? ( )
A:can we B:don’t we C:shall we D:won’t we 48.Xinchun returned from abroad . The underlined part functions as a(n)( ) in the sentence. ( )
A:appositive B:adverbial C:complement D:object

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