1. When should CSN3104 descend to 6000m?

  2. 答案:when ready.
  3. In this dialogue, which of the following would not be the reason of passengers' madness?

  4. 答案:Flight plan has been cancelled.
  5. According to the exchange, which of the following information is not clear for UAL 673?

  6. 答案:altitudes, departure frequency and transponder code
  7. Where is the pilot supposed to taxi to?

  8. 答案:holding point runway 23
  9. How many miles does the controller ask pilots to offset right of track?

  10. 答案:5m
  11. Which taxiway is NW968 going to use?

  12. 答案:Taxiway J
  13. What did the controller mean?

  14. 答案:Current slot time for CCA101 will be expired 15 minutes later.
  15. If you decide to approach and land on runway 02R, which of the following statements is not correct?

  16. 答案:You are expected to perform ILS approach.
  17. What happened to CCA5062?

  18. 答案:They asked for emergency assistance
  19. What flight level should CCA1662 descend to?

  20. 答案:4200m
  21. What should CES2163 do next?

  22. 答案:climb to 300m and turn left to CGT
  23. Q What is the pilot’s intention?
  24. We have notified the Guangzhou Approach about your situation, maintain 4,800 metres and contact Approach on 126.55翻译:我们已告知广州进近你的情况,保持4800米,联系广州进近126.55. ( )
  25. Why did controller instruct the aircraft to face west?
  26. When the wind is too slow, we can use the phrase “wind calm” to describe the wind speed. ( )
  27. If pilot finds there is a mistake in his/her own transmission, he/she should use “correction” to rectify. ( )
  28. What does controller mean by saying “go ahead”?
  29. Pilots can perform a low pass to have the undercarriage checked if they are not sure if the landing gear is fully extended. ( )
  30. An intersection take off is a take off that starts at  the beginning of a runway.
  31. In order to increase the airport capacity and runway utilization, all of the aircrafts should make intersection departure rather than using full length of runway. ( )
  32. At the very beginning of a flight, pilots should contact controller and ask for ATIS. ( )
  33. STAR stands for Standard Instrument Arrival. ( )
  34. You can taxi as rapidly as you want as long as you can keep a good separation with other aircraft.
  35. P: Ground, BAW212, ready for push-back and start-up, stand 219.C: BAW212, stand by for push-back, a Boeing 737 is taxiing behind you from left to right, call you back when the traffic is clear.P: Roger, standing by, BAW212.C: BAW212, the traffic is clear, push-back and start-up approved.Which of the following translation is correct for “the traffic is clear”?( )
  36. Which of the following translation is correct for “your transmission is cut in and out”?( )
  37. Which of the following phrases has the similar meaning to “fire trucks”? ( )
  38. Which of the following phrases has the similar meaning to “when ready, descend to 9000 feet” ( )
  39. Choose the right word for the blank.P: CCA1534, take-off abandoned due to tyre blowout on the right main gear, we seem to have ______  slightly off the runway.
  40. What does “CPDLC” mean?( )
  41. Which of the following words indicates the separation between messages transmitted to different aircraft in a busy environment?
  42. Which of the following phrases are not used to describe the devices that keep the birds off the airport environment?
  43. Which Air Traffic Control Unit should pilot contact to apply for route clearance?( )
  44. Traffic ahead can also be expressed as ( )
  45. P: Engines start completed, you may disconnect.G: Disconnecting, stand by for visual at your left.P: Roger, good bye.What is “disconnected” in the dialogue between pilot and ground crew?( )
  46. Choose the right words for the blank.Line up, be ready for _______  ________.
  47. What should CCA4161 do next?
  48. Why should CCA1662 maintain high speed?
  49. What are the taxi routes?
  50. What is the frequency of Westking Control?
  51. Why does the controller ask the pilot to taxi slower?
  52. In this ATIS, what is the initial altitude for runway 36R?
  53. According to this ATIS, at which altitude would pilot be likely to encounter icing?
  54. When was the flight supposed to arrive?
  55. What is the squawk number?
  56. What should CES5137 do right now?
  57. In this ATIS, centerline lights for which operation area is not available?
  58. According to this exchange, which of the following time might be actual departure time of CES5228?
  59. According to the exchange, who is talking with the flight crew?
  60. Which flight level did ATC instruct CES9266 to descend to
  61. When could CSN3103 start up engines?
  62. What is Departure frequency in this dialogue?
  63. At airports with an operating control tower, pilots must not exit the landing runway onto another runway unless authorized by ATC.
  64. What happened to the aircraft?
  65. Why does the controller ask the pilot to stop the aircraft?
  66. Weather forecasts can report the weather condition like wind shear accurately in every condition. ( )
  67. During pushback, if you scape with another aircraft, you should stop immediately and report the situation to controller in no time.( )
  68. What happened to the aircraft?
  69. “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Shanghai Control, CES5124. We have fire in the rear toilet. Request emergency landing at Changzhou. Position 50 miles north of Changzhou. Maintaining 8,900 metres.” It is a distress call. ( )
  70. we have discharged the fire extinguisher and the fire is under control now, cancel distress, but we still want to come back to land. 翻译:我们打开了灭火器,火情得到了控制,取消遇险报告,但是我们仍然希望返回落地( )
  71. When controller says “the departure interval is 20 minutes”, it means that the separation for aircrafts’ departure should be 20 minutes. ( )
  72. What caused the aircraft to become unstable and stall?
  73. The word "immediately" should only be used when immediate action is required for safety reasons.
  74. Weather forecasts can report the weather condition like clear air turbulence accurately in every condition. ( )
  75. Which of the following phraseologies is not used by pilots? ( )
  76. Another way of saying Information B is void is Information B is expired. ( )
  77. If a pilot cannot comply to controller’s instruction, he/she should use standard word “negative” or “unable” and also add the reason for refusing. ( )
  78. Which of the following reply is not correct for controller’s “CCA1271, Delivery, here is your route clearance”?( )
  79. Which of the following has a different meaning with others?( )
  80. If there are smoke and flames coming out of engine during start-up, you need shut down engine at once firstly. ( )
  81. When taxi into a wrong taxiway, pilots need to report to the controller to get a new taxi instruction.
  82. During pushback application, how should pilot reply to controller’s “expect 20 minutes due flow control”? ( )
  83. Which of the following is not the go-around instruction by ATC? ( )
  84. P: CSN3413, request 10 miles deviation to the right to go round the weather.C: CSN3413, 10 miles deviation to the right approved, report clear of the weather.What does “clear of the weather” mean?( )
  85. The backup hydraulic system is operational but we still want to divert.What does “backup” mean?( )
  86. C: CCA1886, maintain 1,800 metres. There is a B777, 11o’clock, 10 miles, opposite direction, descending to 2,100 metres.P: Maintaining 1,800 metres, we have the traffic shown on our TCAS, CCA1886.What does “TCAS” in the exchange mean?( )
  87. Which speed refers to the maximum speed at which the pilot can stop the aircraft on the runway in case of a canceled takeoff, after acceleration.
  88. Read the following go-around instructions or reports, find out which of the following go-around is caused by weather conditions ( )
  89. Choose the right work for the blank.Pull in to the right, there is an Airbus __________  you on your left.
  90. How to readback controller’s instruction: “CSN3104, descend to and maintain 2,400 metres on QNH 1006.”? ( )
  91. Choose the right word for the blank.QFA285, taxi _____ caution, previous aircraft reported ice patches on taxiway M.
  92. C: CCA981, I’ll try my best. But delay is building up. Expect at least 30 minutes’ delay.P: Thanks a lot, CCA981.What does controller mean by saying “delay is building up”?( )
  93. Which of the following abbreviations cannot be used to describe the trend for weather change?( )
  94. Which of the following instructions for initial altitude is not correct?( )
  95. How should pilot reply controller’s instruction “stand by”?( )
  96. PDC is available, please set the transponder on mode S while taxiing.What is the full spelling of PDC ( )
  97. Which of the following instructions has similar meaning to “CES2163,speed not less than 250 knots”? ( )
  98. How should pilots make a report when the aircraft has captured the signal of localizer of runway 01.( )
  99. When pilot is making an initial contact with Beijing Approach, which of the following sentence is correct? ( )
  100. C: CES5106, climb to 5,700 metres on standard, no speed restrictions.P: Climbing to 5,700 metres on standard, no speed restrictions, CES5106.What does “on standard” in the exchange mean?( )
  101. Which of the following words can be filled in the blank?CES9067, we’ve just been _______ that your destination airport is unfortunately closed, which means you have to taxi back to the apron.
  102. Which of the following sentence has a similar meaning to “burn off some fuel”( )
  103. which of the following phrases has a similar meaning to ”an airspeed increase of 20 knots”. ( )
  104. The word ”Advise”in the sentence“BAW697, we’ll keep you advised.” means suggest( )
  105. If the aircraft is higher than normal descent profile during approach, ATC may instruct pilot to ( )
  106. What is the landing runway for BAW697?
  107. How should CCA1140 vacate runway?
  108. “All stations, distress traffic ended” means”全体注意,停止发话”( )
  109. What is the surface wind of runway 23?
  110. What is the meaning of the word “advised” in these two sentences?
  111. Q what is the reason for missed approach?
  112. Which of the following statement is correct?
  113. When replying to controller’s approach clearance, runway number can be omitted. ( )
  114. What do you learn from the conversation
  115. What should CCA4171 do next?
  116. Which ATC unit issues approach clearance?  (  )
  117. Where should CCA4171 make an orbit?
  118. “The passenger has probably got an asthma with difficulties in breathing.”(  )Q: Which of the following translation of the sentence is correct?
  119. “Delay is not determined” means ATC is not sure how long the delay will be. ( )
  120. What is ILS?  (  )
  121. If pilots encounter severe icing at 8400m, which method pilots always use to deal with the turbulence? ( )
  122. What happened in the exchange?
  123. “P: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Shanghai Control, CES5124. We have fire in the rear toilet. Request emergency landing at Changzhou. Position 50 miles north of Changzhou. Maintaining 8,900 metres.” It is an urgency call. ( )
  124. Which level does the controller ask pilots to descend to?
  125. What is the possible reason of the fire?
  126. I've lost one of hydraulic systems but I still have the full control of the aircraft. We won't have the nose wheel steering after landing翻译:我的一套液压系统故障了,但仍可以操纵飞机,但是落地后前轮转弯操纵不可用。( )
  127. What is the Mach number?
  128. What is RVSM? ( )
  129. Why cannot CES5130 climb to 10700m?
  130. “We have an anonymous call saying there is a bomb on your aircraft. Suggest you divert to a suitable airport.”.Which of the translation of the sentence is correct? ( )
  131. If pilots encounter severe turbulence at 7500m, which method pilots always use to deal with the turbulence? ( )
  132. Which SID should the pilot need to follow after AA173?
  133. What type of aircraft is possible conflicting traffic at pilots’ 11o’clock?
  134. Our nose gear still can’t be retracted and it appears to be locked down. We want to come back to Hongqiao airport and land, but we have to dump 40 tons of fuel first.翻译:我们前起落架仍然无法收上,似乎是放下锁上了。我们想回到虹桥机场落地,但是我们必须先燃烧掉40吨燃油( )
  135. How did the controller instruct pilot to deviate the weather?
  136. What is SID?
  137. Which altitude does the controller ask pilot to climb to?
  138. Urgency: a condition concerning the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle, or of some person on board or within sight, but which does not require immediate assistance. ( )
  139. “Previous aircraft reported that they had encountered flocks of birds in the vicinity of the runway”.Which of the translation of the sentence is correct? ( )
  140. When the controller says "take off immediately or vacate runway, landing traffic on final", the pilot should reply "wilco".
  141. Why does the controller cancel the take-off clearance?
  142. What do you learn from the statement?
  143. Which of the following words  is not used to describe braking action?
  144. When the pilot is ready for departure, he or she can line up the runway at his or her discretion.
  145. When the pilot says "rolling", what does he mean?
  146. Which air traffic service unit should the pilot contact when the aircraft is airborne?
  147. Why does the controller ask the pilot to wait?
  148. What equipment is used to get rid of birds?
  149. When an arriving aircraft vacated the active runway, does the pilot need to report to the Tower controller?
  150. Where should the pilot hold the aircraft?
  151. When ATC tells you that there are ice patches on the taxiway, what are you supposed to do?
  152. Describe what happened.
  153. When the RVR drops below your company minimum, you must delay the take-off until the visibility improves.
  154. When the controller asks the pilot to expedite taxi, the pilot should reply "roger".
  155. In most cases, which air traffic service unit do pilots contact to get taxi instructions?
  156. What services does the pilot request to get the passengers back to the terminal?
  157. What is the taxi instruction?
  158. What does the speaker mean?
  159. How did they get back to the gate?
  160. If a pilot would like to report that he/she is about to arrive at a point, which of the following statement is correct?( )
  161. Why did controller ask BAW212 to push further back onto A2?
  162. If controller said “push back at own discretion”, pilot can reply only with a standard word “roger”. ( )
  163. Why did control tell BAW212 to stand by for pushback request?
  164. In pushback instruction, controller often provides face direction so as to facilitate the aircraft’s taxi route later. ( )
  165. What is the stand Number for the aircraft in this exchange?
  166. Which of the following structure is correct for pilot making an initial contact? ( )
  167. In this exchange, which of the following SID should AFR501 follow?
  168. Why did pilot cannot receive route clearance for now?
  169. What does pilot mean by saying “you are readable now and then”?
  170. According to this exchange, what is the reason for CES5228 delay?
  171. Which ICAO standard word should be used in this situation?
  172. If you are expected to receive PDC clearance, there is no need for you to repeat the contents of the clearance.( )
  173. Which of the following explanation is correct for “I say again”? ( )
  174. If you have been delayed for a long time, your route clearance would be expired. You need to request a new route clearance from controller. ( )
  175. Which of the following reply is not correct for controller’s “CCA1271, Delivery, here is your route clearance”? ( )
  176. What is the correct translation for “stand by” in radiotelephony communication? ( )
  177. In this ATIS, which of the following runway could be used for take-off?
  178. According to this ATIS, what is current condition for runway 36R?
  179. How much is the range from 270 to 330 degrees?
  180. What does ATIS stand for? ( )
  181. RNAV arrival is available, advise if unable to comply with RNAV procedures.翻译:RNAV进场可用,建议如果不能实施RNAV程序( )
  182. “Advise on initial contact you have information E.”Which of the following translations is correct for this sentence? ( )
  183. If the ATIS you just heard is expired, controller would remind you to monitor the frequency for current ATIS. ( )
  184. Which of the following statements is not correct?
  185. When should pilot report ATIS code before departure? ( )
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