第一章 Interpreting Skills:Brain-memory training:Interpreting Skills:Brain-memory training1.1Brain-memory training I:One of the essential interpreting skills is brain-memory training. After studying this unit, you could understand the features of brain-memory in interpretation, the three stages of brain-memory and the tactics to improve your interpreting performance, such as visualization, chunking.
1.2Brain-memory training II:In this lecture, we will find ways to develop and expand our short-term memory by doing some memory training exercises, such as memorizing by logical links, retelling in the source language and retelling in target language.
1.1Brain-memory training I:One of the essential interpreting skills is brain-memory training. After studying this unit, you could understand the features of brain-memory in interpretation, the three stages of brain-memory and the tactics to improve your interpreting performance, such as visualization, chunking.
1.2Brain-memory training II:In this lecture, we will find ways to develop and expand our short-term memory by doing some memory training exercises, such as memorizing by logical links, retelling in the source language and retelling in target language.
[多选题]Which of the following stages are involved in the memory process?( )。 选项:[storage
, encoding
, retrieval
, note-taking
[判断题]In the course of interpreting, you should improve your passive listening skills. ( )选项:[对, 错]
[多选题]What are the three phases involved in human memory? ( )选项:[Brain memory
, Long-term memory
, Short-term memory
, Instant memory
[判断题]The memory of the content will be largely improved by the tactic of chunking : grouping pieces of data into units. ( )选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]The technique of ____________ means creating a mental picture or to visualize what you hear in your mind. ( )选项:[visualization
, generalization
, categorization
, comparison
[单选题]An average person can remember about ______chunks within 30 seconds. ( )选项:[8
, 9
, 6
, 7
[单选题]The tactic of _______ refers to working out some headings to embrace the supportive details and drawing special conclusions from the particular examples or messages ( )选项:[visualization
, generalization
, comparison
, categorization
[判断题]A good memory must be acquired through lots of training and practice. ( )选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]You may memorize the information by the following memory links: time as links , places as links, numbers as links, names as links and causes as links etc. ( )选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]For consecutive interpreting, long-term memory plays a greater important role compared with short-term memory in interpreting process. ( )选项:[错, 对]

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