1. 在市场营销发展进程的生产导向阶段,企业最关注的问题是生产——如何提高生产效率、降低生产成本。

  2. 答案:对
  3. 理论是在思想的基础上不断丰富、演变、完善二形成的,理论是思想的总结、提炼和升华

  4. 答案:对
  5. 随着全球环境破坏、资源短缺、人口爆炸,企业开始反思传统的营销观念,虽然营销是为了满足顾客的需求,但是存在一些企业一味从自身利益出发,不顾消费者的长期利益、以及社会利益,比如一次性用品,虽然方便但也带来了环境污染,因此出现了社会营销观和道德营销观。

  6. 答案:对
  7. 1960年,哈佛商学院教授西奥多·莱维特在《哈佛商业评论》上发表了成名作《营销短视症》,这篇论文指出,企业衰退的原因在于它们所重视的是“产品”,而不是“顾客”。这一观点推动市场营销进入了“市场导向阶段”。

  8. 答案:对
  9. 在市场营销发展进程的销售导向阶段,大众媒体的繁荣推动了广告业的发展,广告通过对产品和销售信息的创作加工结合大众媒体的普遍传播,解决了产品到消费者之间的信息传达从而促进产品了的销售。

  10. 答案:对
  11. All shareholders in an organisation are stakeholders.

  12. 答案:对
  13. An organisation sets a high price for its product with the aim of communicating a high quality image. This could be described as an example of positioning.

  14. 答案:对
  15. Service should add value to a product.

  16. 答案:对
  17. Services are products, whereas service is the act of delivering a product.

  18. 答案:对
  19. To differentiate a product from competitor's offerings would be a potential function or role of product packaging.

  20. 答案:对
  21. The industrial distributor in channel ‘Producer—industrial distributor—organizational buyer’ takes a commission on sales it secures with industrial distributors.

  22. 答案:错
  23. Adjusting the marketing mix for a product may allow an organisation to reposition it in the minds of consumers.
  24. Premium offers are always free.
  25. The consumer decision-making process ends with the consumer's purchase of the product.
  26. 'Grey Nomads' (the market segment of retired baby boomers who like to travel) are an example of a market segment that could only be identified by demographic segmentation.
  27. The market coverage decision takes into account __________.
  28. Which elements of a person's attitude should a marketing campaign attempt to positively influence?
  29. What does the 'P' stand for in the INPLCF model of personal selling?
  30. Marketing is an approach to business that puts ______ at the heart of business decisions.
  31. Which of the following statements relating to the retailers is incorrect?
  32. Calculate the break-even point for an organisation for which you have the following information: Fixed costs 100 dollars, price per unit 10 dollars, variable cost per unit 5 dollars.
  33. A customer can best be described as ______.
  34. Transferring an internal function to an external provider is an example of _________.
  35. In an unusually warm winter, the Snowy Mountains receives relatively little snow and ski resorts suffer a severe downturn in bookings. In response, the resorts order less ski gear from their suppliers. The ski gear suppliers are suffering due to ________.
  36. Evaluating and selecting market segments is part of the ______________ stage of the target marketing process.
  37. The four major types of business markets are ________.
  38. Which of the following best describes the concept of marginal analysis?
  39. A service organisation that shifts some of its activities that are not part of its core business to a specialist external provider is ________.
  40. Which of the following depicts the phases of the product life cycle in the correct chronological order?
  41. The internal and external forces that affect a marketer's ability to create, communicate, deliver and exchange offerings of value occur in _________.
  42. ‘Inelastic demand’ describes demand that is ________.
  43. Product competition can best be described as a level of competition in which _________.
  44. Henry Ford's famous statement that 'any customer can have a car painted any colour he wants, so long as it is black' reflected a ______ orientation.
  45. Attitudes and beliefs are generally slow or difficult to change.
  46. Cognitive dissonance occurs in the post-purchase evaluation stage of consumer decision-making.
  47. A person's demographic characteristics would be best described as an individual influence on their behaviour as a consumer.
  48. Distributing a product exclusively to a limited number of organizations can help prevent a company’s brand from damaging, or losing value.
  49. Situational analysis could influence an organisation's marketing planning.
  50. In a SWOT analysis, an organisation's core competencies and competitive advantages would be classified as opportunities.
  51. The micro-environmen _________.
  52. Which of the following services would likely have been negatively impacted by the effects of the global financial crisis?
  53. A teenager purchases clothing that will enable her to "fit in" with the fashion style favoured by her friends. In a marketing sense, this could best be described as an example of the teenager's purchase being influenced by ________.
  54. From lowest to highest, which of the following accurately describes Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
  55. Which of the following statements is correct?
  56. When the Heart Foundation publicises the health risks associated with a poor diet, this is an example of how the organisation can ______________ external environment.
  57. A protective seal on the bottle of a liquid container, designed to stop a product's contents from leaking is an example of ________.
  58. Retailers that sell manufacturers' 'seconds' or superseded products are best described as ________.
  59. The term used to describe the analysis of the behaviour of individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption is known as _________.
  60. Milk could best be described as a product that is __________ distributed.
  61. Lost revenue from empty seats on an aeroplane flight or vacant seats at a rock concert best illustrate the service characteristic of ________.
  62. A family branding strategy may be an effective way of introducing new products via trading off the established reputation of a brand.
  63. A brand can be important in both high-involvement and low-involvement purchases.
  64. Service-dominant logic embraces concepts of value-in-exchange and embedded value.
  65. The markets for non-public, not-for-profit organisations are government markets.
  66. Marketers of medical insurance could be best categorised as responding to physiological of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
  67. Augmented product is a marketer most likely to be able to differentiate a product.
  68. Promotional activities can attempt to influence consumer awareness, attitudes and behaviours.
  69. Business purchases usually take the form of a straight rebuy, a modified rebuy or a new task purchase. The form depends on ___________.
  70. Which of the following statements regarding value is incorrect?
  71. Corporate Express provides office supplies and equipment from a variety of manufacturers to businesses in Australia and New Zealand. Corporate Express could best be described as a(n) ________.
  72. _________ accounts for the majority of business-to-business product transactions.
  73. While creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings of value, an organisation can control its _________.
  74. To effectively implement the marketing concept, the marketing department in an organisation needs to work with _________.
  75. A hi-fi retailer that customises and installs a home theatre system to suit a customer's needs could best be described as providing ________.
  76. Promotion includes ________.
  77. The objectives of the buying organisation could affect business buying decisions.
  78. If the price of a product decreases by 10 per cent and sales increase by 5 per cent, demand for that product would be said to be price inelastic.
  79. Transactions in producer markets may be for raw materials, components or daily operational supplies.
  80. Culture and social are all examples of which broad influence on consumer behaviour?
  81. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
  82. __________ has greater influence than the other three elements in promotional mix.
  83. Supermarkets offering reusable bags for shoppers to pack their groceries could best be described as ______.
  84. Woolworths donating a day's profits to the 2009 Victorian bushfire appeal is an example of ______.
  85. 消费者平时的很多行动往往是无意识的,他们甚至不了解自己这么做的动机,因此在了解消费者需求的时候,直接询问目标消费者的方式是没有意义的。
  86. 整合营销沟通策略致力于将各种营销传播手段一元化,追求“同一个重心,同一个形象,同一声音,同一画面”。
  87. 认知有限理论因为我们的认知和记忆是有限的,所以我们了解信息的时候会喜欢“走捷径”。
  88. 整合营销传播综合应用
  89. “Win explosion is wining impression” 这句话遵循的原理是
  90. 借势营销是将销售的目的隐藏于营销活动之中,将产品的推广融入到一个消费者喜闻乐见的环境里,使消费者在这个环境中了解产品并接受产品的营销手段。
  91. 关于借势营销下面哪个说法不正确
  92. 借势营销是通过顺势、造势、借势等方式,以求提高企业或产品的知名度、美誉度,树立良好的品牌形象,并最终促成产品或服务销售的营销策略。
  93. 国庆借势可以提取哪些关键词?
  94. 产品的包装只是进行产品宣传的要素,只要足够新奇就是成功的包装设计。
  95. 并不是所有人都可以有私域流量。
  96. KOL对某类产品较之群体中的其他人有着更为长期和深入的介入,因此对产品更了解,有更广的信息来源、更多的知识和更丰富的经验。
  97. 关于KOL的特征下面哪个说法不正确
  98. 4C理论Customer、Cost、        和
  99. 营销2.0时代的核心标志是“以产品为中心”的营销导向。
  100. 完全理性的经纪人不可能存在,因为人们的各种经济行为必然会受各种“非理性”的影响。
  101. 能解释“卖主的估价总比买主高”的现象的效应是___
  102. 非理性消费一般表现为消费者不按追求效用最大化进行消费。
  103. 免费的真正诱惑力是与“占便宜”的心理动机联系在一起。
  104. 下面的情况可以用宜家效应解释的是___
  105. Group influences on consumer behaviour comprise social and cultural factors.
  106. About the markup pricing, which of the following statement are correct?
  107. Which of the following promotional methods would be most suitable for low-involvement, impulse products?
  108. Convenience/corner stores can generally be characterised as having ________.
  109. Which of the following options best describes the target marketing concept?
  110. The interactions with others at the time a consumer's purchase decision is made are known as ________.
  111. The marketing department of a large retail company assesses their current situation in order to clearly state where the company is now. This is an example of the company conducting situational analysis.
  112. Discounting would not be beneficial for an organisation to use for a product with an inelastic demand.
  113. Which of the following price situations is illegal?
  114. Services are usually provided to physical object. For example, medical services are provided to objects.
  115. An individual branding strategy may assist in reducing the cost of promoting the new product.
  116. Psychographic variables is more likely to be difficult to measure and obtain accurate data.
  117. The sales volume and satisfied customers alone can guarantee profitability.
  118. In B2B markets, the demand for coffee beans is related to the demand for coffee machines. This example reflects elastic demand.
  119. The airline Jetstar charges passengers extra for meals, in-flight entertainment and additional baggage. Jetstar would be best described as focusing on its core service.
  120. Once the potential customer has tried the product, they are in a better position to decide whether to purchase
  121. Those factors that affect how much people and organisations can spend and how they choose to spend can best be described as economic forces.
  122. Positioning is based on customer perceptions as well as reality.
  123. When Woolworths Supermarkets introduces brands such as Woolworths Fresh, Woolworths HomeBrand, and Woolworths Select onto its shelves, these are examples of manufacturer brands.
  124. Not-for-profit organisations do not participate in marketing.
  125. A merchant wholesaler takes ownership of products from the producer/manufacturer.
  126. Cheaper fares offered by airlines during off-peak times attempts to smooth service demand.
  127. Marketing can be practised by governments.
  128. A government department would potentially be not-for-profit organisations.
  129. Market potential refers to the minimum possible sales in the total market for a product category, by all organisations.
  130. Woolworths donating a day's profits to the 2009 Victorian bushfire appeal is an example of corporate social responsibility.
  131. _________ can be distributed via every suitable intermediary.
  132. It’s not quite right to assume that the price should aim to maximize the profits.
  133. An organisation recognising the ageing population and offering a 'Seniors' discount for older customers is most likely to be responding to sociocultural forces.
  134. Factors that are beyond the organisation's direct control, but require an effective response by an organisation are _________.
  135. The market segment profile is ___________.
  136. If a consumer is prepared to spend time comparing competing offerings before making a purchase decision, the product is most likely to be a(n) ________.
  137. Which of the following concepts forms the basis of target marketing?
  138. According to the total product concept, a product can be thought of as consisting of levels. These levels, in order, are ________.
  139. Which of the following statements is false?
  140. Service-dominant logic focus on ______.
  141. The three main stages of the targeting process, in chronological order, are ________.
  142. In the 7Ps framework, distribution is known as ________.
  143. Ernst & Young is a supplier of tax and audit services to many of the world's largest corporations. What business markets do Ernst & Young operate in?
  144. Which of the following statements best describes the concept of a price floor?
  145. Market segmentation variables should always ________.
  146. Anti-smoking, bowel cancer screening and responsible drinking campaigns can be described as examples of ________.
  147. The main benefit of advertising is __________.
  148. Which of the following statements provides the best description of the marketing concept of positioning?
  149. A warranty provided to accompany a physical good could be described as ________.
  150. Soft drinks, water, alcohol, coffee and juice are all beverages that people could purchase to drink; this is an example of _________.
  151. Strengths are the attributes of an organisation that _________.
  152. Which of the following describes the affective component of a person's attitude towards a product?
  153. Customers learn to anticipate the annual sales and to defer their purchase until they can buy at reduced priced. This reminds us that we should pay attention to ________ when we often lower the price to generate the profit during the slow periods of the year.
  154. Which of the following best describes the concept of a break-even point for an organisation?
  155. A target market can best be described as ________.
  156. An air conditioning manufacturer that offers free ceiling insulation to consumers who purchase an air conditioner during a winter sale could best be described as implementing a/n __________ strategy.
  157. Which of the following should be a part of the new product development process?
  158. Vouchers that offer consumers a discounted price on a product or service could be best described as a sales promotion strategy.
  159. Henry Ford's famous statement that 'any customer can have a car painted any colour he wants, so long as it is black' reflected a market orientation.
  160. A marketer cannot influence how a product is positioned in a consumer's mind.
  161. There does not need to be a direct connection between the products of the sponsor and the event sponsored – for example, fast food chain KFC sponsors youth cricket in Australia.
  162. Bunnings Hardware advertises that if a customer happens to find a cheaper price on one of their stocked items at a competing store, they will beat that price by 10 per cent. A higher break even point allows Bunnings to compete on price in this way.
  163. A successful advertising campaign needs to be based on broader specific communication objectives.
  164. Wholesalers act as the connection between retailers and customers.
  165. Value is the overall assessment of the utility of an offering based on customers’ perception.
  166. Market share refers to the proportion of the total market held by an organisation.
  167. Advertising agency would not potentially be a stakeholder in an organisation.
  168. A customised strategy may entail higher costs than an undifferentiated strategy.
  169. To stimulate demand on certain 'quiet' days, many cinemas offer cheap movie tickets to customers. This could be described as an attempt by the cinema to overcome the inseparable nature of its service offering.
  170. If in doing a SWOT analysis an organisation identified that its retail store site was poorly located, this would be an example of a threat.
  171. In a marketing sense, demand means requirements that consumers do not have the resources to satisfy.
  172. Return on investment would not be a consideration of a pricing objective based on profitability.
  173. It is impossible to act unethically and within the law.
  174. Markets made up of buyers with diverse needs are said to be target markets.
  175. The order of the stages in the typical consumer decision-making process is: need/want recognition; information search; evaluation of options; purchase; post-purchase evaluation.
  176. Customers' willingness to pay would not be likely to influence an organisation's pricing decision for its products.
  177. Marketers focused on increasing profit through advertising and one-to-one selling at the stage of market orientation.
  178. Chris is a journalist who writes and sells articles to newspapers and magazines. He decides to buy a high-end digital camera to try to expand his services and generate more income. His purchase is an example of a new task purchase.
  179. Factors that are beyond the organisation's direct control, but require an effective response by an organisation are strengths and weaknesses.
  180. Without a competitive assessment, sales estimate can be misleadingly optimistic, especially where an organization is entering an established competitive market.
  181. Brokers are intermediaries to represent buyers or sellers in negotiations.
  182. Organizations may have less engagement in ____________ for the modified rebuy compared to the new task purchase.
  183. Marketing can be practised by ______.
  184. Marketers can use means such as advertising, personal selling or product packaging in an attempt to stimulate a consumer's recognition of a need or want.
  185. The main limitations of personal selling are __________.
  186. Choose the best answer from the options below to complete the following sentence. Law firms and accounting firms can provide ________.
  187. The main benefits of sales promotions are _________.
  188. The steps common to most business buying decisions are ________.
  189. Shining Lights Pty Ltd purchases several thousand lightbulbs each year to install in its light fittings. Which approach is Shining Lights likely to take?
  190. Social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook could best be categorised as responding to which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
  191. A toy manufacturer who enters into an agreement with the owners of 'The Simpsons' brand name to sell Simpsons toys and associated merchandise would most likely be in a __________ agreement with the Simpson's brand owner.
  192. Which strategy would most accurately describe the marketing efforts of a major car manufacturer such as Toyota?
  193. Smith's Snackfood Company has a number of brands, including Doritos, Twisties and Burger Rings. This is an example of ________.
  194. Customers are a part of an organisation's _____________environment.
  195. Michael Hill Jeweller, a chain of retail stores in Australia and New Zealand offering a wide variety of jewellery items, could best be described as ________.
  196. Choose the best option. Consumer products include ________.
  197. The main limitation of public relation is __________.
  198. When a wholesaler purchases a good from a producer and then sells it to a retailer, the transactions have taken place in ________.
  199. A service's intangibility can best be described as ________.
  200. The broad market segments of 'Baby Boomers', 'Generation X', 'Generation Y' and Generation Z' have been created primarily based upon ________.
  201. Which of the following best describes Hofstede's 'power distance' dimension of culture?
  202. Which of the following markets is generally characterised by having comparatively few buyers and sellers?
  203. The low-cost airline operations have used aggressive pricing to grow sales volumes. In this case, ______ is their pricing objective.
  204. McDonald's 'golden arches', Nike's 'tick', Qantas's 'flying kangaroo' and the International Olympic Committee's 'olympic rings' are examples of ________.
  205. Which of the following is an objective that can be influenced by product pricing?
  206. Despite seemingly ever-increasing diesel prices, Linfox continues to buy the same quantity of diesel to fuel its trucks. This example demonstrates which aspect of demand for business products?
  207. In a marketing sense, demand means ______.
  208. _________ are designed to encourage repeat purchases by rewarding consumers based on the amount they spend.
  209. The Virgin Group's forays into music, air travel, mobile phones and credit cards could be best described as a(n) ________.
  210. _________ requires a thorough understanding of how consumers’ sensitivity to prices varies over time.
  211. When comparing the services marketing mix to the physical goods marketing mix in terms of the "Ps" framework, which of the following is not one of the additional three "Ps" of services marketing?
  212. The influence of children on their parents' purchasing decisions has come to be known as ________.
  213. Governments undertake social marketing activities to ________.
  214. Which one of the following is not an essential characteristic of a successful marketing exchange?
  215. ‘Producer—agent—wholesaler—retailer—consumer’ is common choice for _______.
  216. An organisation that segments its market by offering rewards based on the amount of points accumulated on its loyalty card would be best described as utilising ________.
  217. Large retailers often choose ________.
  218. Which of the following could potentially reduce the heterogeneous nature of a service product?
  219. In order to reduce consumer feelings of uncertainty prior to purchasing a service, marketers can use _________.
  220. Which of the following statements are correct?
  221. Which of the following would be classed as physical evidence in terms of the tangible cues that customers may use to evaluate a service?
  222. Which of the following statements are false?
  223. Which of the following statements are incorrect?
  224. Which of the following statements regarding services are correct?
  225. Which of the following characteristics distinguishes a service from a physical good?
  226. Which of the followings are forms of direct marketing?
  227. A benefit that retailers offer in the distribution channel is exchange efficiency. This means that _________.
  228. Discount stores are characterised by _________.
  229. Which of the following would be relevant considerations for the location of a retail store?
  230. Best Western allows people to book a motel room by contacting them, or via retail travel agents or online services such as wotif.com. Which of the following options best describes this distribution model?
  231. Intermediaries in a distribution channel can include _________.
  232. Which of the followings are potential benefits provided by wholesalers?
  233. Which of the following distribution channels are correct?
  234. A public relations professional would likely engage in which of the following activities?
  235. A public relations campaign could potentially be used by an organisation for which of the following reasons?
  236. Which of the following are disadvantages of personal selling over other promotional activities?
  237. Which of the following statements are correct in relation to post-purchase dissonance?
  238. Which of the following factors would be likely to influence an organisation's pricing decision for its products?
  239. About the cost-plus pricing, which of the following statement are correct?
  240. Which of the following would likely be flexible cost for an organisation?
  241. Which of the following would be classified as 'non-price' competition?
  242. Which of the following assumptions would support McDonald's decision to charge higher prices at their restaurants that are located in lower income suburbs?
  243. Which of the following statements are likely to be incorrect?
  244. Business-to-business products include_________.
  245. Convenience products include_________.
  246. For which of the following products is a consumer likely to purchase with little or no engagement in the decision-making process?
  247. A brand_________.
  248. Which of the following can influence the market position of an organisation, its products, or its brands in the minds of target consumers?
  249. Which of the following would be considerations for an organisation in evaluating market segments and deciding which to target?
  250. Which of the following would be advantages of a customised marketing strategy?
  251. Guitars usually have ebony or rosewood fretboards. The demand for ebony and rosewood varies with the demand for guitars. This is an example of _________.
  252. High-value purchases are relatively common in which business markets?
  253. In which of the following business markets are high-volume purchases likely to be a characteristic?
  254. Which of the following statements about business-to-business transactions in general are likely to be correct?
  255. Company A buys glue for use in manufacturing its products from companies B, C and D. Which of the following are unlikely to decrease the amount of glue that Company A demands?
  256. Juicy buys sugar from a local factory and sells lollies to department stores and supermarkets. Which markets do these transactions take place in?
  257. Which steps of the business decision-making process may be omitted for the straight rebuy?
  258. Which of the followings are correct?
  259. Institutional markets are distinguished from other business markets by _________.
  260. According to Maslow's theory, which of the following needs would an individual attempt to satisfy before the others?
  261. The broad influences on consumer behaviour can be categorised as _________.
  262. Which countries below would score lower than Australia or New Zealand on Hofstede's 'individualism' dimension of culture?
  263. Which of the following would describe an opinion leader from a marketing perspective?
  264. Demographic characteristics include _________.
  265. Which of the following could be a reference group for an individual?
  266. How can a marketer attempt to reduce the likelihood of a purchaser of their product experiencing cognitive dissonance?
  267. Which of the following statements regarding subcultures are correct?
  268. Which of the following purchase situations would likely be described as high involvement in terms of consumer decision-making?
  269. SWOT includes _________.
  270. Factors those are beyond the organisation's direct control, though the organisation may be able to have some influence over them, are _________.
  271. An organisation that outsources functions that can be done more efficiently by specialist external providers is shifting those functions from _________.
  272. Which of the followings are part of an organisation's macro-environment?
  273. A movie studio lobbying governments to introduce harsher penalties for the mass copying of pirated DVDs is an example of an organisation attempting to influence its _________.
  274. Key environmental factors that marketers need to consider when analysing the marketing environment include political, economic, sociocultural, _________ forces.
  275. The rising use of social networking sites could be attributed to _________.
  276. The macro-environment encompasses _________.
  277. Which of the followings are examples of an economic macro-environmental force?
  278. Which of the followings are demographic characteristics?
  279. Which of the followings are about marketing ethics issue?
  280. A product can be ______.
  281. Stakeholders of an organisation could include: ______.
  282. The traditional 4Ps framework includes ______.
  283. Which of the following are marketing activities?
  284. Which of the following would be considered a partner in the formal definition of marketing?
  285. Which of the followings are potential benefits of an organisation acting in a socially responsible manner?
  286. In marketing, which of the following statements about promotion are correct?
  287. A brand can be ______.
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