  1. The Globe Theatre was burnt in 1613 during a performance of Henry VII.

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. Shakespeare got his fame at early stage of his life.

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. Freud and literature mutually influenced each other.

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. Shakespeare’s times is considered as the English Renaissance.

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. Dickens harbors a strong sense of localism rooted in the modes of existence and landscape of the countryside.

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. It is in St. Bartholomew’s Hospital that the legendary first meeting between Holmes and Dr. Watson takes place.

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. “The Miller’s Tale” concerned with order, love and fraternity parodies "The Knight’s tale" that involves deception and body.

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Robert Burns was not actually a heaven-taught ploughman but he carefully marketed this image in Edinburgh.

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. In the Regency Era, Bath’s social hierarchy could be reflected by the different carriages arriving at ballrooms such as the Pump Room.

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. Commentators from the Third World hail Naipaul as "far and away the most talented, the most truthful, the most honorable writer of his generation".

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. The protagonist of The Enigma of Arrival is widely accepted to be Naipaul.

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. The critical comments received by The Enigma of Arrival are conflicting.

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. The naming of Britain probably has to do with King James II.

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. J.R.R. Tolkien taught English language and literature at the University of Oxford.

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. The meeting with Oscar Wilde probably has influenced Conan Doyle's creation.

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. Albert Einstein’s “theory of relativity” undermined the traditional understanding of truth and certainty.

  32. A:错 B:对
  33. In the Medieval hierarchical system of England, the church was supposed to do the work that provided for the physical needs of the body politic.

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. Wuthering Heights portrays a very much isolated environment, showing no engagement with wider social issues.

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. In The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo Baggins inherits the One Ring from Bilbo Baggins, his cousin and guardian.

  38. A:错 B:对
  39. The Globe Theatre was technological advanced of its time.

  40. A:对 B:错
  41. Charles Dickens is a novelist of critical realism in the Victorian era.

  42. A:对 B:错
  43. In addition to the destruction of the manor, Naipaul emphasizes the solidity and durability of its structures.

  44. A:错 B:对
  45. The Hobbit was originally a story Tolkien created for his wife.

  46. A:错 B:对
  47. British and American critics describe him as "a despicable lackey of neo-colonialism," "a cold and sneering prophet," "a smart restorer of the comforting myths of the white race," and the like.

  48. A:对 B:错
  49. Before Modernism, art converted the unexplainable to a very abstract form.

  50. A:错 B:对
  51. Charlotte Brontë is best known for her Jane Eyre.

  52. A:对 B:错
  53. Jane Austen never married in her life but she gave all her heroines a happy ending in Marriage.

  54. A:错 B:对
  55. Great Britain is a landmass.

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. Shakespeare was buried in Westminster Abbey.

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. V. S. Naipaul is a travel writer.

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. The Lord of the Rings involves the following creatures:

  62. A:humans B:orcs C:dwarves D:hobbits
  63. Geoffrey Chaucer's close connection to the ruling class in his times is manifest in his posts, which include:

  64. A:diplomat to France B:diplomat to Spain C:controller of customs D:page of the aristocratic household
  65. The Edinburgh born writers include ( )

  66. A:Robert Louis Stevenson B:Walter Scott C:Conan Doyle D:J. M. Barrie
  67. Dickens witnessed the rise of London as one of the largest metropolises in the European continent because it ( ).

  68. A:erected all sorts of facilities B:attained great achievements of industrialization and urbanization C:built intricate sewer and street systems D:constructed railways
  69. Which of the following Austen novels are set in Bath?

  70. A:Emma B:Persuasion C:Northanger Abbey D:Pride and Prejudice
  71. The slums in Oliver Twist are generally ( ).

  72. A:windowless B:decayed C:organized D:dark
  73. The streets in Oliver Twist are marked by ( ).

  74. A:darkness B:cleaness C:narrowness D:muddiness
  75. What are the two main communities in the town of Oxford?

  76. A:aristocrats B:gown C:commoners D:town
  77. In The Enigma of Arrival, Naipaul gives a meticulous and detailed account of this rural county, including ( )

  78. A:tourist attractions B:routes C:clusters of vegetation D:farm houses
  79. Who are the Brontë sisters?

  80. A:Charlotte Brontë B:Emily Brontë C:Anne Brontë D:Branwell Brontë
  81. In Shakespeare’s life, he had been ( ).

  82. A:a theatre manager B:an actor C:a playwright D:a poet
  83. The moor in Wuthering Heights serves to ___

  84. A:intensify the atmosphere B:show the characters' emotions C:contextualize the novel D:push forward the plotline
  85. A dialectic between ___ is a recurrent feature of The Canterbury Tales.

  86. A:styles B:classes C:genres D:rhetorics
  87. Which of the following statements is/are true about Bath’s social geography in the Regency Era?

  88. A:The poor population lived in the north of the city. B:The upper class people lived in the south of the city. C:The rich population lived in the north of the city. D:The lower class people lived in the south of the city.
  89. In terms of narrative structure, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie uses (     )

  90. A:



    linear chronology




    All the other choices are correct

  91. In "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud", what words does the poet use to convey a tranquil image?

  92. A:wander B:flutter C:lonely D:float
  93. “The Miller's Tale" has the following characteristics:

  94. A:tragic B:fabliau C:hilarious D:aristocratic
  95. Robert Burns’s education include ( )

  96. A:folksongs and tales from his mother and nanny B:his father’s teaching him to read from The Bible C:school and a private tutor D:the University of Edinburgh
  97. What does the word "inklings" mean in the name of the Inklings Group?

  98. A:people who dabble in ink B:people with vague or half-formed intimations and ideas C:people who are enthusiastic about writing D:people who are passionate for fantasy
  99. Shakespeare first started to publish poetry because ( )

  100. A:he needed financial security B:theatres were closed due to an outbreak of the plague C:his plays were not popular D:their theatre was burnt down
  101. Which one of the following works is the result of the cooperation between William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge?

  102. A:Don Juan B:Confessions of an English Opium-eater C:Lyrical Ballads D:Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  103. “A wee bairn” in Scots means ( ) in English:

  104. A:a small child B:a small dog C:a big dog D:a big child
  105. Which one of the following settings is the counterpart of Wuthering Heights in the eponymous novel?

  106. A:Dove Cottage B:Lowood C:Keswick House D:Thrushcross Grange
  107. The Moonstone is written by ___.

  108. A:Wilkie Collins B:Sherlock Holmes C:Charles Dickens D:Arthur Conan Doyle
  109. What is included in Jane Austen's landscapes?

  110. A:Ireland B:Wales C:Scotland D:England
  111. In the book The Enigma of Arrival, Naipaul confirms his long-held theory that England is ( ), and Wiltshire rehearses the process.

  112. A:decaying B:standing still C:making progress D:flourishing
  113. Which one of the following is a nickname for the town of Oxford?

  114. A:the river Cam B:the Hobbinton C:the city of dreaming spires D:the Middle-earth
  115. In The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Baggins grows up in ___.

  116. A:Mordor B:the Ash Mountains C:Lothlorien D:the Shire
  117. The 18th century Ayrshire was dominated by ( ).

  118. A:none of above B:the Orthodox Church C:Protestantism D:Catholicism
  119. The “prime” of Miss Jean Brodie, according to herself, referred to ( )

  120. A:her coming years B:her school years C:her current teaching career D:her past youth
  121. Which one is the opening tale after "The General Prologue" in The Canterbury Tales?

  122. A:The Reeve's Tale" B:"The Miller's Tale" C:"The Knight's Tale" D:"The Wife of Bath's Tale"
  123. The setting of The Moonstone is located in ___.

  124. A:Brighton B:church C:Oxford D:the Verinders' house
  125. A university was already established in Oxford by the end of the ___ century.

  126. A:10th B:12th C:13th D:11th
  127. How many times did Walter Scott meet Robert Burns?

  128. A:1 B:3 C:2 D:4
  129. Hamlet is a prince of ( )

  130. A:Scotland B:England C:Denmark D:France
  131. The political and cultural capital of Scotland is ( )

  132. A:Inverness B:Glasgow C:Edinburgh D:Aberdeen
  133. Which one of the following works is written by Emily Bronë?

  134. A:Villette B:Wuthering Heights C:Agnes Gray D:Jane Eyre
  135. The famous journal Edinburgh Review founded in the 19th century promoted the literary trend of ( )

  136. A:Romanticism B:Futurism C:Realism D:Symbolism
  137. Calvinism is a religious branch of ( )

  138. A:Puritanism B:Catholicism C:Protestantism D:Judaism
  139. "The Journey", the second chapter chronicling Naipaul's immigration into England, is shaped by a narrative of ( ), or at least of preconceptions overturned.

  140. A:expectation B:satisfaction C:regret D:disillusionment
  141. The following passage appears in the novel ___: "London. Michaelmas Term latterly over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincoln’s Inn Hall. Implacable November weather."

  142. A:Bleak House B:A Study in Scarlet C:The Sign of the Four D:Hard Times
  143. Which of the following was once a patron of Shakespeare?

  144. A:Christopher Marlowe B:James V C:The 3rd Earl of Southampton D:Robert Greene
  145. In Naipaul's eye, this rural county in Wiltshire is an embodiment of ( ).

  146. A:the pastoral beauty B:his immigration C:the imperial past D:his hometown
  147. According to Naipaul, Wiltshire rehearses the process of the destruction of ( ).

  148. A:the British colonialism in Trinidad B:the agriculture in England C:the capitalism in Britain D:an illusory conception of England
  149. Who is the most private and reclusive one of the three Brontë sisters?

  150. A:Branwell Brontë B:Anne Brontë C:Emily Brontë D:Charlotte Brontë
  151. What does "quite" mean in middle English, especially in "The Miller's Tale"?

  152. A:quit B:rather C:go D:pay back
  153. How many times has the Globe Theatre been destroyed in history?

  154. A:1 B:4 C:3 D:2
  155. In The Canterbury Tales, a fictitious pilgrimage serves as ____

  156. A:the narrator B:the plot C:the narratee D:a framing device
  157. The estate of Northanger Abbey is owned by ( )

  158. A:Mr and Mrs Allen B:The Morlands C:Henry Tilney D:General Tilney
  159. Which one of the following works is written by Anne Bronë?

  160. A:Villette B:Agnes Gray C:Jane Eyre D:Wuthering Heights

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