

  1. Which one of the following works is written by Anne Bronë?

  2. A:Agnes Gray B:Villette C:Wuthering Heights D:Jane Eyre
    答案:The Lady of the Lake
  3. What were various colleges of Oxford originally for?

  4. A:accommodation for commoners B:leisure gardens for aristocrats C:boardinghouses for scholars D:lecture halls for students
    AI参考:正确答案是C:boardinghouses for scholars。各个学院最初是为学者提供宿舍,即“学者的寄宿所”,因此选项C是正确答案。其他选项都与事实不符。选项A的“为平民提供住宿”与历史事实不符;选项B的“为贵族提供休闲花园”也不是学院的原始功能;选项D的“为学生提供讲座厅”与事实也有出入,学院主要是教授学生知识的地方。'
  5. Dickens' first novel( ) brought him instant success at the age of twenty-five.

  6. A:The Pickwick Papers B:David Copperfield C:A Tale of Two Cities D:Oliver Twist
    答案:The Pickwick Papers
  7. The second Globe Theatre was destroyed by ( )

  8. A:King James I B:The Puritans C:The Catholics D:an accidental fire
    答案:The Puritans
  9. Where is the Lake District?

  10. A:Scotland B:Southwest England C:Northeast England D:Northwest England
    答案:错AI参考:正确选项是【D:Northwest England】。原文中提到“Where is the Lake District?”,根据常识和地理知识,湖区位于英格兰西北部,因此选项D是正确答案。选项A是苏格兰,选项B是西南英格兰,选项C是东北英格兰,都与湖区地理位置不符。'
  11. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is set in the ( ) Edinburgh.

  12. A:1930s B:1950s C:1940s D:1920s
    答案:ming years
  13. Septimus Warren Smith suffers from

  14. A:none of above B:a serious wound he got from fighting in WWI C:post-traumatic stress disorder D:a depressing unhappiness in marriage

  15. The most controversial topic Miss Jean Brodie taught the girls which eventually led to her being expelled from the school was

  16. A:her personal romantic history B:religion C:poetry D:fascism

  17. Who is Nicholas in "The Miller's Tale"?

  18. The political and cultural capital of Scotland is ( )

  19. A:Inverness B:Glasgow C:Aberdeen D:Edinburgh

  20. Sandy’s remark on Miss Brodie “she thinks she’s the God of Calvin” means that ( ).

  21. A:Miss Brodie was a devoted Calvinist B:Miss Brodie liked to preach C:Miss Brodie tried to manipulate the fates of the Brodie Set girls D:Miss Brodie was a wonderful teacher
    AI参考:正确选项为C:Miss Brodie tried to manipulate the fates of the Brodie Set girls。原文中Sandy对Miss Brodie的评价“她认为她是Calvin的上帝”暗示了Miss Brodie试图操控Brodie Set girls的命运,因此选项C是正确的解释。选项A、B、D与原文意思不符。'
  22. Much of Naipaul's writing blends fact and fiction, making use of ( ) material to provide overlapping accounts of his life.

  23. A:poetic B:surrealistic C:Gothic D:autobiographical
  24. In Naipaul's eye, this rural county in Wiltshire is an embodiment of ( ).

  25. A:his hometown B:the pastoral beauty C:the imperial past D:his immigration

  26. The government deploys the slums as a ( ) meant to enclose the poor at the desolated, neglected corners of London in Oliver Twist.

  27. A:prison B:reeducation camp C:concentration camp D:dumping ground

  28. Which city in England does the quotation "the great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained" describe?

  29. A:Edinburgh B:London C:Brighton D:Cambridge
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:London。原文中描述的是英国一个像巨大的下水道一样的地方,里面满是所有浪费时间、游手好闲的人,这句话直接对应伦敦这座城市。选项中只有B选项伦敦符合。其他选项A、C、D分别位于苏格兰、英吉利海岸的布赖顿、和剑桥,这三个地方都没有与之相关的描写。'
  30. Dickens' depiction of those ruinous slums in London can find expression in (), the most notorious gutter alongside The Thames.

  31. Sandy Stranger betrayed Miss Brodie because ( )

  32. A:she was angry about her teaching fascism. B:none of the above, as the novel is not clear about Sandy’s intention. C:she held a grudge against Miss Brodie because she was partial to other girls. D:she was jealous that Mr. Lloyd loved Miss Brodie.

  33. Where was William Wordsworth born?

  34. A:Oxford B:Sussex C:Cumbria D:London

  35. One fatal weakness of Hamlet is his ( )

  36. A:disloyalty B:indecision C:greed D:cruelty
  37. The Globe Theatre is ( )

  38. A:Square B:Circular C:Octagonal D:Rectangular

  39. The founding father of modern psychology who inspired people to notice the vast territory of human unconscious was ( )

  40. A:William James B:Carl Jung C:Sigmund Freud D:Arthur Schopenhauer

  41. Which of the following writers is considered as “Father of Modern Historical Novel”?

  42. A:Johnathan Swift B:Charles Dickens C:Walter Scott D:Robert Burns
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Walter Scott。Walter Scott被认为是“现代历史小说的鼻祖”,因此选C。其他选项中,Johnathan Swift是英国文学大师,但他的作品主要是讽刺小说;Charles Dickens是英国文学巨匠,但他的作品更偏向于现实主义;Robert Burns是苏格兰诗人,与现代历史小说无关。'
  43. European Modernism lasted from the end of 19th century to ( )

  44. A:the 1960s B:the 1970s C:the breakout of WWII D:the breakout of WWI

  45. Shakespeare was a contemporary of ( ).

  46. A:King Charles II and Queen Victoria B:King George IV and Queen Elizabeth II C:Queen Elizabeth I and King James II D:Queen Elizabeth I and King James I

  47. Muriel Spark was raised as a ( ) but later converted to a ( )

  48. A:Catholic … Presbyterian B:Jewish … Catholic C:Presbyterian … Catholic D:Catholic … Protestant

  49. What does "quite" mean in middle English, especially in "The Miller's Tale"?

  50. A:pay back B:rather C:quit D:go
  51. Which of the following characters do you think would most likely to arise from the trapdoor underneath the stage?

  52. A:the witches in Macbeth B:King Richard II C:Juliet in Romeo and Juliet D:a godly spirit

  53. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote almost all his major works in ____

  54. A:the English vernacular B:Spanish C:Latin D:French

  55. How many times has the Globe Theatre been destroyed in history?

  56. A:1 B:4 C:3 D:2
    AI参考:正确选项是D:2。文章中提到,“the Globe Theatre has been destroyed twice in history”,意思是“环球剧院在历史上被摧毁过两次”。因此,答案为D,即2次。'
  57. Whose statue occupies the centre of Westminster Abbey’s Poets’ Corner?

  58. A:Charles Dickens B:Samuel Johnson C:Geoffrey Chaucer D:William Shakespeare

  59. Which one(s) of the following is(are) the initial faculties of the University of Oxford?

  60. A:theology B:medicine C:law D:liberal arts
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:liberal arts】。Oxford University(牛津大学)的初始学科包括文法学、修辞学、哲学等,故选D。而神学(theology)、医学(medicine)、法律(law)是大学教育中更为专门、细化的一类学科。因此不是牛津大学的初始学科。'
  61. The Edinburgh born writers include ( )

  62. A:Robert Louis Stevenson B:J. M. Barrie C:Conan Doyle D:Walter Scott

  63. What are the characteristics of the Inklings Group and its members?

  64. A:formal literary group associated with Oxford B:enthusiastic about writing fantasy C:literary enthusiasts D:university academics

  65. Which of the following is true about a traditional ballad?

  66. A:It can have many viarations. B:It should be a narrative song. C:It did not have an original composer. D:It is passed on orally from generation to generation.
  67. Burns Night celebration includes ( )

  68. A:a Selkirk Grace B:recitals of Burns’s poems C:a ballet D:a meal with haggis

  69. What are the two main communities in the town of Oxford?

  70. A:aristocrats B:commoners C:gown D:town

  71. In The Enigma of Arrival, Naipaul gives a meticulous and detailed account of this rural county, including ( )

  72. A:clusters of vegetation B:farm houses C:routes D:tourist attractions

  73. The characteristics of the late eighteenth century in England include:

  74. The development of the Scots language has been influence by ( )

  75. A:the Germanic languages B:the Scandinavian languages C:the Cyrillic languages D:the Romance languages

  76. The social changes from the end of 19th to the beginning of the 20th century included:

  77. A:the upheavals in politics B:the rapid speed of urbanization C:the blooming consumerism D:the fast development in science and technology
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:the fast development in science and technology题目中提到的是社会变革,而选项D中的科学技术发展是社会变革的一个重要方面,也是从19世纪末到20世纪初社会变化的重要因素之一。其他选项中,政治动荡、城市化的快速进程和消费主义的繁荣都不是这个时间段内的主要社会变革。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  78. Which of the following writers had been influenced by Freudian theories?

  79. A:James Joyce B:Franz Kafka C:Marcel Proust D:Virginia Woolf
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Marcel Proust】。Marcel Proust是意识流文学的代表人物,他的作品《追忆似水年华》深受弗洛伊德精神分析学的影响,因此C选项是正确答案。其他选项中,James Joyce的《尤利西斯》和Virginia Woolf的《一间自己的房间》虽然都有意识流文学的特点,但并没有明确提到受到弗洛伊德理论的影响。Franz Kafka的作品则更多地受到存在主义和荒诞主义的影响。'
  80. Which one(s) of the following place(s) is/are where the Inklings held their meetings?

  81. A:All Souls College B:the Eagle and Child C:Magdalen College D:Radcliffe Camera
    AI参考:【答案】B:the Eagle and Child。推理过程:根据题目中的描述“Inklings held their meetings”,可以推断出这些人物在某个地方开会。选项中只有B选项“the Eagle and Child”与开会有关,因为“Eagle and Child”是一家咖啡馆,被认为是J.R.R.托尔金、C.S.路易斯等“创意写作学会”成员的开会地点。因此,正确答案是B选项“the Eagle and Child”。'
  82. “The Miller's Tale" has the following characteristics:

  83. A:hilarious B:fabliau C:aristocratic D:tragic

  84. Which of the followings are likely to be a Regency social event in Bath?

  85. A:a ball B:a dinner party C:a concert D:a cricket match

  86. The aftermath of the Jacobite’s defeat on Culloden Moor includes:

  87. A:the restriction of foreign travel B:the taboo on wearing tartan C:the decline of the Gaelic language D:the dying of the clan system

  88. The slums in Oliver Twist are generally ( ).

  89. A:decayed B:organized C:dark D:windowless

  90. The following passage shows that the moor is a place of ___ in Wuthering Heights: "About midnight, while we still sat up, the storm came rattling over the Heights in full fury. There was a violent wind, as well as thunder, and either one or the other split a tree off at the corner of the building; a huge bough fell across the roof, and knocked down a portion of the east chimney-stack, sending a clatter of stones and soot into the kitchen fire".

  91. A:desolation B:disaster C:happiness D:violence

  92. In the repulsive yet impressive descriptions of the streets in Oliver Twist, London's ( )environment has been rendered immediately perceptible.

  93. A:cosmopolitan B:squlid C:developed D:chaotic
  94. The moor in Wuthering Heights serves to ___

  95. The Wordsworths have a close connection with the following poets and writers:

  96. A:Mary Wollstonecraft B:Thomas De Quincey C:Samuel Taylor Coleridge D:George Gordon Byron

  97. Jane Austen lived in an era different from her novel characters'.

  98. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:这个问题的正确答案是B:错。问题中提到简·奥斯汀生活在一个不同的时代,而她的小说中的角色也处于不同的时代,因此选项B是正确的。选项A是错误的,因为Jane Austen的小说中的角色和她的生活时代是相同的。'
  99. We now know that Shakespeare had started to write plays in London because Robert Green critically attacked Shakespeare and called him an “upstart crow” in a review.

  100. A:错 B:对
  101. The novel of Miss Jean Brodie is majorly told from the Miss Brodie’s perspective.

  102. A:错 B:对

  103. J.R.R. Tolkien was a fellow and tutor of Magdalen College, Oxford,

  104. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B,即J.R.R. Tolkien was a fellow and tutor of Magdalen College, Oxford是错误的。因为J.R.R. Tolkien是英国文学家、语言学家、牛津大学教授,他并非是牛津大学莫顿学院的研究员和导师。'
  105. In the Medieval hierarchical system of England, the church was supposed to do the work that provided for the physical needs of the body politic.

  106. A:对 B:错

  107. The Globe Theatre was technological advanced of its time.

  108. A:错 B:对

  109. There is a picture of Shakespeare on the front page of The First Folio engraved by someone who knew him.

  110. A:对 B:错

  111. Lyceum Theatre in the East End figures in both Conan Doyle’s real life and his stories.

  112. A:对 B:错

  113. Walter Scott’s editing of the traditional ballads is controversial according to modern standards of folksong and ballad collection.

  114. A:错 B:对

  115. V. S. Naipaul was born in an impoverished rural area of Trinidad.

  116. A:错 B:对

  117. “The Miller’s Tale” concerned with order, love and fraternity parodies "The Knight’s tale" that involves deception and body.

  118. A:错 B:对

  119. Waverley’s publication sought accusation and hositility against the Hangover Dynasty of Britain.

  120. A:对 B:错

  121. Abbotsford built by Walter Scott is a house that bears many special links to English history.

  122. A:对 B:错

  123. Robert Burns was not actually a heaven-taught ploughman but he carefully marketed this image in Edinburgh.

  124. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。根据题干中的信息,Robert Burns实际上并不是一个天生就会耕作的农夫,但是他却精心地在爱丁堡推广这种形象。因此,选项B是错误的。'
  125. Oliver Twist is subtitled The Parish Boy’s Progress.

  126. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错误。根据文本,题目中给出的选项文本指出,《Oliver Twist》被副标题为《教区男孩的进步》,但是这并不是原著的副标题,因此是错误的。'
  127. Robert Burns’s original plan of supporting his family was going to find work in the American colonies.

  128. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。Robert Burns的原始计划是去美国殖民地找工作来养家糊口。因此,答案是B:对。'
  129. Frequent quotation marks are used in Mrs. Dalloway to present people’s dialogues and inner monologues.

  130. A:错 B:对
  131. The character Hamlet has only been acted by male actors.

  132. A:对 B:错

  133. Dickens, like some of his fictional characters, was forced to serve as a child labor in a shoe “blacking factory” to eke out a living at a very young age

  134. A:对 B:错

  135. There is a seven-year-long “lost years” in Shakespeare’s personal history unknown to modern biographers.

  136. A:对 B:错
  137. J.R.R. Tolkien taught English language and literature at the University of Oxford.

  138. A:错 B:对

  139. British and American critics describe him as "a despicable lackey of neo-colonialism," "a cold and sneering prophet," "a smart restorer of the comforting myths of the white race," and the like.

  140. A:对 B:错

  141. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is a biographical work of Muriel Spark’s school teacher Miss Christina Kay.

  142. A:对 B:错

  143. Walter Scott’s Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border encouraged many ballad collectors to follow suit.

  144. A:对 B:错

  145. "The Miller's Tale" shows a tension between social classes.

  146. A:错 B:对

  147. “The Bloomsbury Group” was initiated by Virginia Woolf and her siblings to gather artist, writers, and critics.

  148. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:【判断题】“The Bloomsbury Group”是由Virginia Woolf及其兄弟姐妹发起,旨在聚集艺术家、作家和评论家。答案:A。根据问题描述,Virginia Woolf及其兄弟姐妹是Bloomsbury Group的发起人,并且该组织的目标是聚集艺术家、作家和评论家。因此,答案为A。'
  149. The unconscious means what goes through our mind when we are awake.

  150. A:错 B:对

  151. Albert Einstein’s “theory of relativity” undermined the traditional understanding of truth and certainty.

  152. A:对 B:错

  153. “Tam O’Shanter” blurs the boundary between social morality and one’s desire.

  154. A:错 B:对

  155. Great Britain is a country.

  156. A:对 B:错

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