

  1. Which of the following two sentences is better? ( )

  2. A:A man is judged not only by what he says but also by what he does. B:A man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds.
  3. The following aspects can be used in the evaluation of the book report except ________. ( )

  4. A:commenting on whether the book is worth reading B:picking out flaws in the book C:commenting on the author’s personal life D:commenting the strengths of the book
  5. Which of the following sounds more authentic? ( )

  6. A:first-person narrative B:third-person narrative
  7. Which of the following two sentences is better? ( )

  8. A:A slowly-moving train crawled into the station. B:A train crawled into the station.
  9. Amy wrote a letter to her classmate Jane, telling her how to prepare for TEM 4. Which type of letter does this one belong to? ( )

  10. A:invitation B:application C:suggestion D:complaint
    答案:TROUBLEDAI参考:这道题中,根据题目中的描述,Amy写了一封信给她的同学Jane,告诉她如何准备TEM 4考试,因此这是一封建议信,建议Jane如何准备TEM 4考试。所以正确答案是C:建议信。'
  11. In narration, actions or events are usually presented in the natural sequence of time. What’s this method of organization? ( )

  12. A:special order B:flashback C:chronological order D:Narration interspersed with flashback
    AI参考:正确答案是C:chronological order,即时间顺序。在叙述中,行动或事件通常按照自然的时间顺序呈现,这种方法就是按照时间顺序来组织材料,即时间顺序。因此选项C是正确答案。选项A的“特别顺序”与原文不符;选项B的“闪回”指的是回忆过去的情景,与题干描述不符;选项D“叙述中插有闪回”并非特定的组织方法,因此也不符合题意。'
  13. What figures of speech is used in the following sentence? The sea is singing and the forest is dancing. ( )

  14. A:personification B:simile C:metonymy D:metaphor
  15. What figure of speech is used in the following sentence? If dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. ( )

  16. A:metaphor B:euphemism C:simile D:parallelism
  17. Which figures of speech is used in the following sentence? Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. ( )

  18. A:parallelism B:hyperbole C:metaphor D:euphemism
    AI参考:选项C:metaphor,比喻,这个句子使用了比喻的修辞手法。句子的意思是:研究对于愉快,对于装饰以及对于能力都是有用的。在这里,“serve for”是一个比喻,意思是“对……有作用”。其他选项如parallelism(平行结构)、hyperbole(夸张)、euphemism(委婉语)在这个句子中没有使用。'
  19. In argumentative writing, the writer's opinon is usaually restated in the ________ part.  ( )

  20. A:concluding B:transitional C:introductory D:body  

  21. Which of the following sentence is irrelevant to the sentence “Different people spend their weekends in different ways”? ( )

  22. A:Some enjoy going to the mountains to hike, ski or just relax. B:Others prefer going to the beach to enjoy the seashore activities and to get a suntan. C:Water skiing is much more difficult than snow skiing. D:Still others like to relax by staying home and reading a good book.

  23. Which of the following strategy is proper in an argumentative writing? ( )

  24. A:Concluding paragraph is not necessary in an argumentative essay. B:Use sufficient evidences to support topic sentences of paragraphs in the body part. C:Since sufficient evidences are vital to an argumentative essay, one can make up evidences to reinforce the writing effect if there’s few evidence. D:To rebut the claim means to acknowledge the opposite claim.

  25. Which of the following is not the method of writing an expositive essay? ( )

  26. A:classification B:comparison and contrast C:listing D:putting forward the author’s viewpoint

  27. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good summary? ( )

  28. A:relevance B:wordiness C:objectivity D:logic
  29. Which of the following sentences is irrelevant to the topic sentence?
    Topic Sentence: Ever since my childhood my father taught me the value of education. ( )

  30. A:He worked hard to save money for my college education. B:He read me the stories of famous scientists who contributed to society. C:He took me to visit the wonderful buildings and bridges. D:He encouraged me to participate in the contest of encyclopedic knowledge.
  31. Which developing method is used in the following paragraph?

    There are lots of people who try to get benefits by dishonest means. For example, many students copy the papers written by others or cheat at examinations in order to get higher marks. The same thing may be true to some manufacturers who try to get rich by making fake and poor products. Those people may succeed for a time, but sooner or later, they will acquire nothing but a bad reputation.( )

  32. A:cause and effect B:exemplification C:comparison and contrast D:classification
  33. What figures of speech is used in the following sentence? I was bored to death. ( )

  34. A:hyperbole B:personification C:pun D:irony
    AI参考:在句子“I was bored to death.”中使用了“反语”这种修辞手法,选项D正确。bored to death是英语中的一种常见表达,表示非常无聊到极点,其中包含了说话者的讽刺或不满情绪。因此,D选项“irony”是正确答案。'
  35. When writing a bilateral discussion, one should ____________. ( )

  36. A:only discuss the side that one agrees to. B:discuss both views and state one’s stand. C:oppose both views and put forward a new claim. D:discuss both views only.
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:discuss both views and state one’s stand.在写双边讨论时,应该讨论两种观点并表明自己的立场。所以答案为B。'
  37. Which part of the narration do we usually put the following sentence?
    The story you are about to read is almost unbelievable, but it is true. It happened in… ( )

  38. A:opening paragraph B:transitional paragraph C:Closing paragraph D:body paragraph
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Closing paragraph。在文章中,通常在结尾段落(Closing paragraph)中加入一些总结性的语句,如“这个故事几乎令人难以置信,但它是真实的”这样的表述。因此,选项C“Closing paragraph”是正确的答案。其他选项A(opening paragraph)、B(transitional paragraph)和D(body paragraph)在文章中并不是放置后续句子的常见位置。'
  39. Which of the following cannot be used to show the cause? ( )

  40. A:on the contrary B:since C:now that D:in that
    AI参考:正确答案是:A:on the contrary。on the contrary表示相反,而since,now that,in that都表示原因,因此只有A项不能表示原因。故选A。'
  41. Topic sentence can help readers master the main idea of the whole paragraph. ( )

  42. A:错 B:对
  43. You can choose the order of impression when you want to highlight the most important details in a description. ( )

  44. A:错 B:对

  45. The form English letters. is not important. ( )

  46. A:错 B:对

  47. Whether the sentence is correct or not.
    It is proposed that effective measures are taken to solve the problem. ( )

  48. A:对 B:错

  49. The concluding sentence is absolutely necessary in a paragraph. ( )

  50. A:对 B:错
  51. Whether the sentence is correct or not.
    Smoking cigarettes is harmful to people’s health. ( )

  52. A:错 B:对

  53. Business correspondence tend to be more informal than other forms of communication. ( )

  54. A:对 B:错

  55. An argumentation usually has a debatable topic. ( )

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. The sequence of details is not important in descriptive writing. ( )

  58. A:错 B:对
  59. In the opinion-illustration pattern of argumentation, the writer’s opinion is often put in the opening paragraph. ( )

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. Whether the sentence is correct or not.
    The form of Chinese letters is the same as that of the English letters. ( )

  62. A:对 B:错

  63. Narration interspersed with flashback is one of the narrating orders. ( )

  64. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:对。narration interspersed with flashback是叙事中穿插闪回的一种叙述方式,属于叙事顺序之一。因此,答案是A(对)。'
  65. When describing an object, the writer should focus on a particular, probably the most important characteristic of the things.( )

  66. A:错 B:对

  67. Exposition is the same as argumentation because both of them consist of three parts. ( )

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. Narration and description are two different writing styles. ( )

  70. A:对 B:错

  71. The first paragraph of a letter should be brief and clear.( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. You can choose the spatial order if you want readers to visualize details as they truly exist in relation to one another. ( )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. The writer should choose multiple relevant details and facts to describe and illustrate the theme in body part of a descriptive essay. ( )

  76. A:错 B:对
  77. Formal letters do not have a designated format or a pattern. ( )

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. A successful setting can contribute to the success of the whole narrative writing. ( )

  80. A:对 B:错
  81. Deductive reasoning starts from some specific analysis and then comes to the conclusion. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错

  83. ‏66. The expression “compared with …” is a typical signpost in a contrast essay.( )

  84. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。表达“compared with …”在对比论文中是一个典型的标志性短语。但是这个判断题中的选项是错误的,因为该表达并不是对比论文的典型标志。在对比论文中,常见的标志性短语有“in contrast”、“in comparison”等。因此,这个表达不适用于对比论文,而是其他类型的论文中的标志性短语。'
  85. Whether the sentence is correct or not.
    How to succeed? ( )

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. Summary and comment are the same. ( )

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. A descriptive essay often resorts to five senses——sights, smells, sounds, touch, and tastes, creating a clear mental picture in readers’ mind. ( )

  90. A:对 B:错

  91. The introductory part of an argumentative writing should not be very long. ( )

  92. A:对 B:错

  93. You could divide your classmates into intelligent ones and good-looking ones.( )

  94. A:错 B:对
  95. The following sentence belongs to complex sentence. The man whose smartphone was stolen looked upset. ( )

  96. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。这句话属于复杂句,主语是The man,定语从句whose smartphone was stolen修饰这个主语,表示这个人的智能手机被偷了,因此这句话属于复杂句。因此,答案是B。'
  97. Accuracy in a summary means to present the information clearly and accurately. ( )

  98. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是A。Accuracy in a summary means to present the information clearly and accurately. 总结中的准确性意味着清晰准确地呈现信息。因此,这个判断题的答案是A,即“对”。'
  99. Whether the sentence is correct or not.
    Some people think we should help strangers, others hold an opposite opinion. ( )

  100. A:对 B:错

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