  1. Celtic peoples inhabiting Britain called ().

  2. A:Brown B:Borrow C:Brain D:Briton
  3. Emperor Hadrian built a massive wall right across the country, named ().

  4. A:Hadrian’s Wall B:North Wall C:Great Wall D:Antonine's Wall
    答案:Hadrian’s Wall
  5. The Anglo-Saxon invaders shaped England into () major kingdoms.

  6. A:Eight B:Six C:Five D:Seven
  7. The Anglo-Saxon spoke a language which we now call ().

  8. A:New English B:Half English C:Old English D:Young English
    答案:Old English
  9. Anglo-Saxon couldn’t conquer ().

  10. A:England B:Wales C:Ireland D:Scotland
  11. According to Charles Dickens, the Druids worshiped of (      ). 

  12. A:the Sun and Moon B:the glass C:the sea D:the grass
    答案:the Sun and Moon
  13. Hadrain’s Wall was the (     ) edge of the Roman Empire.

  14. A:northern B:western C:eastern D:southern
  15. (       )lived a happy tribal life in kingdoms since the Iron Age.

  16. A:Celts B:Vikings C:Welsh D:Anglos
  17. The Romans didn't bring (       ) to England.

  18. A:Roman roads B:Roman trees C:Roman food D:Roman coins
    答案:Roman trees
  19. “England” in Old English meant(   ).

  20. A: “the land of the god” B:“the land of the Angles” C:“the land of the hero” D:“the land of the ancient”
    答案:“the land of the Angles”
  21. There are many different ideas about how Stonehenge was formed. Please choose one and explain your opinion.(at least 50 words)


  22. 答案:我的观点是,巨石阵可能是由史前人类所建造的。这一理论基于几个关键证据:首先,考古发现显示,巨石阵周围存在多个史前聚落遗址,这些遗址与巨石阵的建设时间相吻合。其次,通过碳14年代测定法,科学家们确定了巨石阵的某些石头的年龄,结果显示它们至少可以追溯到公元前3000年左右,这正是新石器时代晚期,也是人类社会开始出现复杂建筑结构的时期。 此外,一些考古学家认为,巨石阵的建造可能与当时的宗教或天文活动有关。例如,它的一些排列方式似乎与太阳、月亮和行星的运行轨迹相吻合,这表明它可能被用来进行天文学观测或作为仪式场所。最后,从技术角度来看,史前人类具备了将如此巨大的石头移动并精确放置在特定位置的能力,这主要依赖于集体协作和使用简单的机械工具,比如滑轮和杠杆系统。 因此,综合这些历史、考古学和天文学的证据,我认为巨石阵是由史前人类所建造,用于宗教仪式、天文观测或是两者兼备的复合用途。

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