A:独立结构 B:独立意义 C:独立成分 D:独立概念
A:“把”“使”“由”这三种句式也可以用在被动语态的视译中。 B:可以译为汉语主动语态的句子。 C:带有实施方的被动语态句子,一般来说,先将by前面的部分作为一个独立的部分译出。 D:在被动语态句子的视译中一定要避免重复原句中的任何一个部分。
3.In doing simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter must be focused totally on _____.
A:The speaker’s linguistic idiosyncracies B:The speaker’s accent C:What the speaker and they themselves are saying D:The visual details of the booth
答案:What the speaker and they themselves are saying
4.Talking about the effect of the weather on our feelings, why do people say they feel more cheerful when the sun shines, and miserable when it’s raining? Why do some people suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), which makes them feel depressed during long dark winters? Can the weather really affect our mood, or is it ? What can be filled in the blank,according to your anticipation?
A:a fact B:just in our imagination C:a science-based statement D:absolutely true
答案:just in our imagination
5.对于句子“As for the story behind the painting, we need to ask Ms. Jones, head of the National Museum of Fine Arts.”,以下哪种译法更符合视译的习惯?
A:说到这幅画背后的故事,我们需要问问琼斯女士,国家美术博物馆馆长。 B:说到这幅画背后的故事,我们需要问问琼斯女士,她是国家美术博物馆馆长。 C:我们需要问问琼斯女士,国家美术博物馆馆长,才能知道这幅画背后的故事。 D:说到这幅画背后的故事,我们需要问问国家美术博物馆馆长琼斯女士。
6.Today we are going to talk about English and it has lots of words. The Collins English Dictionary includes around 260,000 words! What is worth mentioning is that many of these words come from other languages. We call these “loanwords” or “borrowings”, which are derived from other languages. An example is “coffee” which comes from Arabic. Another example is “pyjamas”, which comes from Hindi. We also have “pizza” from Italian, and some sports words like “karate” and “kung fu” are borrowed from Japanese and Chinese respectively. What is a better generalization for the above statement?
A:English has a lot of words and many of them are borrowed from other languages. Examples are “coffee” from Arabic, “pyjamas” from Hindi, “pizza” from Italian, “karate” from Japanese, “kung fu” from Chinese and many others. B:Today we are going to talk about English and it has lots of words. C:English has borrowed a lot of words from other cultures. D:All languages borrow words from other cultures.
答案:English has a lot of words and many of them are borrowed from other languages. Examples are “coffee” from Arabic, “pyjamas” from Hindi, “pizza” from Italian, “karate” from Japanese, “kung fu” from Chinese and many others.
7.Which of the following involves the least efforts in coping with multiple tasks?
A:SI with text B:SI without text C:Whispering interpreting D:Sight translation
答案:Sight translation
8.So, we gave the facilitator a chance, more time, to consult with the other interested parties, and, by the way, also to collect the necessary funds, because he did not have enough money. Because, we agreed to meet for 45 days, for the dialogue, but he did not have enough money to convene a dialogue for 45 days. So, he will have additional time to collect money, and also to consult with the other interested parties. That’s when South Africa came up with the idea that: “Look, we will be ready to pay for food and accommodation. We can provide the facilities in South Africa. Let all the participants come to South Africa, and we’ll pay for everything.” So, I think in a month’s time or so, we will be meeting in South Africa for dialogue per se. What is a better generalization for the above statement?
A:We can provide the facilities in South Africa. B:So, we gave the facilitator another chance, more time, to seek the opinion of the other interested parties and also to collect the needed funds. Because when we decided to convene a 45-day dialogue, he did not have enough money to cover this period. South Africa expressed its readiness to host and cover the expenses of the dialogue, which will be convened in a month’s time. C:45 days are needed for everything to be accomplished. D:I think in a month’s time or so, we will be meeting in South Africa for dialogue per se.
答案:So, we gave the facilitator another chance, more time, to seek the opinion of the other interested parties and also to collect the needed funds. Because when we decided to convene a 45-day dialogue, he did not have enough money to cover this period. South Africa expressed its readiness to host and cover the expenses of the dialogue, which will be convened in a month’s time.
9.对于句子“This event is taking place at a time when the world is witnessing an unprecedented movement of people from rural areas to cities and other urban centers.”以下哪个意群的划分在视译中更合理呢?
A:This event is taking place at a time// when the world is witnessing an unprecedented movement of people// from rural areas to cities// and other urban centers. B:This event is taking place at a time when// the world is witnessing an unprecedented movement// of people from rural areas// to cities and other urban centers. C:This event is taking place at a time when// the world is witnessing an unprecedented movement of people from rural areas to cities// and other urban centers. D:This event is taking place// at a time when //the world is witnessing// an unprecedented movement// of people from rural areas //to cities and other urban centers.
答案:This event is taking place at a time// when the world is witnessing an unprecedented movement of people// from rural areas to cities// and other urban centers.
10.What will you do if you cannot follow the speaker during the SI with transcript? Which is not correct?
A:Combining the different parts together B:Simplifying it C:Escaping it. D:Sticking to it
答案:Sticking to it
11.It is the succession of ____ that forms the overall meaning of a speech.
A:sentences B:Units of meaning C:dialect D:words

12.Interpretations are different people’s versions of the past. They could be written in history books, turned into documentaries about the past, or even made into fictionalized accounts through novels and films. Different people often give very different interpretations of the same event or person in history — it depends which evidence they choose to use and find important. For example, one historian might call the Black Death a “disaster”, while another might see it as a “turning point in the power of the peasantry”. What is a better generalization for the above statement?
A:One historian might call the Black Death a “disaster”, while another might see it as a “turning point in the power of the peasantry”. B:Different people may have different interpretations of the past. C:Different people may have different interpretations of the past, in history books, documentaries, or fictionalized accounts, by using different historical evidence. For example, the Black Death can be seen as a “disaster” or “turning point in the power of the peasantry” by different historians. D:Interpretations are different people’s versions of the past. 13.The world is rapidly aging. A whopping two billion people will be 60 years and older by 2050, more than triple the number in 2000, according to the World Health Organization. This demographic change has major implications for the global economy. Based on the context, what is the given information?
A:the global economy B:the World Health Organization C:This demographic change D:implications 14.对于句子“How can you expect your children to be truthful when you yourself tell lies?”,以下哪种译法不符合视译的习惯?
A:你怎么能够期待孩子说真话,如果你自己说假话的话。 B:你怎么能够期待孩子说真话,如果你孩子说假话的话。 C:如果你自己说假话,怎么能够期待你的孩子说真话呢? D:你怎么能够期待孩子说真话呢?因为你自己就在说假话。 15.Simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting are the same in a sense except that:
A:Interpreters physically cut-off from the meeting in a sound-proofed booth. B:They are the same in that both mean listening, understanding, analyzing and re-expressing. C:In both cases the interpreter is indulging in the same basic intellectual activities. D:In both cases the interpreter is fulfilling the same function as a conduit for communication. 16.有关视译中词性转换策略,说法错误的是:
A:介词短语也常转化为动词结构。 B:包含动作意义的名词在译文中常转换为动词,尤其是它们后面有较长修饰语的时候。 C:在视译中,转换之后的动词一定要在后面加上“于”“在”“是”等词。 D:英语是名词性语言,汉语是动词性语言,因此名词转换为动词是英译汉中最常见的方式。 17.Which of the following is not correct when you are training your SI with transcript competence ?
A:Trying to balance you read and what you hear. B:Omitting the unclear part. C:Trying your best to reflect all the information. D:Finding out the main information and translating the gist idea. 18.China will make sustained efforts to fulfill the development goals of the UN Millennium Declaration and contribute to the early control of HIV/AIDS epidemics worldwide , the Chinese government has pledged $10 million to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in support of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment efforts in developing countries. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?
A:To begin with B:For that C:To conclude D:Therefore 19.We know that, like South Africa, the United States had to overcome centuries of racial subjugation. As was true here, it took sacrifice — the sacrifice of countless people, known and unknown, to see the dawn of a new day. What is a better generalization for the above statement?
A:We know that both our countries had to overcome racial subjugation. Sacrifices were made by many to bring that change about. B:We all need to sacrifice to welcome a new day. C:Only South Africa and the United States need to overcome racial subjugation. D:Radial subjugation entails sacrifice. 20.Many people feel uncertain or fearful about stepping into a gym. Feeling inept or embarrassed in front of other people isn’t something that any of us enjoy and it’s usually the fear of this that keeps us from trying new things. But don’t let that stop you from exercising! Here are some top tips on how to drop the gym anxiety and make exercise something you really want to do. Based on the context, what is the given information?
A:top tips B:feel uncertain or fearful about stepping into a gym C:something you really want to do D:the gym anxiety 21.英语是动态语言,倾向于使用动词化表达法,少用抽象名词。
A:错误 B:正确 22.Despite various possible refinements a simultaneous interpreter’s equipment is basically a set of headphones and a microphone.
A:错误 B:正确 23.In simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter does not know where the speaker is going even when they are speaking. This means at micro level, the interpreter does not know how an individual sentence will continue.
A:错 B:对 24.In simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter should try to end a speech as close as possible to the speaker.
A:对 B:错 25.同声传译的过程就是一个不断缩小讲话与翻译之间的距离,不断抢速度的过程。
A:错 B:对 26.To alleviate the difficulty of beginning a sentence without knowing where aht sentence is going, the simultaneous interpreter must learn to anticipate.
A:错 B:对 27.同传中的顺句驱动是为了让每个单词都和它的译语对应。
A:错 B:对 28.In simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter hasa to speak and listen at the same time, which is an unnatural activity. This causes acoustic difficulty.
A:正确 B:错误 29.In simultaneous interpreting, even when a number is quoted, the time-lag between speaker and interpreter should not change.
A:对 B:错 30.To minimize the chances of error when listening to two related but distinct discourses, the interpreter’s total level of concentration must be kept at its maximum.
A:错误 B:正确 31.During the SI with transcript, on the whole, we should still stick to the principle of syntactic linearity.
A:错误 B:正确 32.Students of simultaneous interpreting should follow the speaker closely, or automatically.
A:错 B:对 33.The distance from the speaker should remain more or less constant, and in any case the interpreter must always have some way of ending correctly any sentence they begin, not just the first one in a sentence.
A:错误 B:正确 34.The interpreter must be able to express something meaningful if they are to open their mouth.
A:对 B:错 35.The simultaneous interpreter must begin as soon as possible.
A:错 B:对 36.What can the interpreter anticipate in simultaneous interpreting?
A:The broad structure B:The venue of the conference C:The general thrust of a speech D:The time of the speech 37.The cognitive information that the simultaneous interpreter got may come from_____.
A:The immediate context of the speech. B:The words spoken by the speaker. C:The general context of a meeting. D:The interpreter’s background knowledge. 38.What can indicate that the speaker has come to an end of the speech?
A:The speaker arrives at conclusions or summarizes their previous argument. B:There is no way to find it. C:Judging from the content. D:Judging from the tone of voice. 39.In doing relay, what the interpreter should bear in mind are ____.
A:The relay should give absolute priority to clarity in their interpretation. B:The relay should be closer in time to the original than would other modes of simultaneous. C:The relay should remember that the colleagues listening to them may have an imperfect knowledge of the relay language. D:The interpreter should bear in mind the psychology of the colleagues on relay. 40.What might cause mistakes in simultaneous interpreting?
A:The interpreter can mishear a word. B:The interpreter can miss a word. C:The interpreter can misunderstand a word or phrase D:The interpreter can misconstrue a speaker’s logic.

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