1. What might cause mistakes in simultaneous interpreting?

  2. 答案:The interpreter can misunderstand a word or phrase###The interpreter can misconstrue a speaker’s logic.###The interpreter can mishear a word.###The interpreter can miss a word.
  3. What might be the danger for an interpreter to follow the speaker on a word-for-word basis?

  4. 答案:They may begin a sentence but do not know how to finish.###The interpreter may find themselves in an inextricable situation.###They may slip into loose translations that are merely calque.###They may produce either nonsense or a mistranslation.
  5. The method choosen for deciding when to begin speaking, and thereafter determining how far one remains behind the speaker, means that the interpreter has to reword the input provided by the speaker. This technique can also be called as reformulation .

  6. 答案:对
  7. During the SI with transcript, on the whole, we should still stick to the principle of syntactic linearity.

  8. 答案:对
  9. Despite various possible refinements a simultaneous interpreter’s equipment is basically a set of headphones and a microphone.

  10. 答案:对
  11. To maintain the right distance from a speaker means that the interpreter has to reformulate the wording of the original. Which of the following is/are true?

  12. 答案:Long, complicated sentences are to be broken down into a series of easier, shorter ones.###Active clauses can be changed into passive or deponent ones.###Relative and subordinate clauses can be shifted around within a sentence.###Passive or deponent can be clauses changed into active ones.
  13. What of the following is/are must for the simultaneous interpreter?

  14. 答案:Ensure they can hear both the speaker and themselves clearly###Remember they are communicating.###Make the best possible use of the technical facilities###Never attempt to interpret something they have not heard or acoustically understood
  15. If a joke in simultaneous interpreting is translatable, the interpreter should do their best to render it.

  16. 答案:对
  17. The cognitive information that the simultaneous interpreter got may come from_____.

  18. 答案:The general context of a meeting.###The interpreter’s background knowledge.###The immediate context of the speech.###The words spoken by the speaker.
  19. In simultaneous interpreting, if a word or expression is known but the interpreter has a number of options as to how to render it, they must make a split-second decision and go clearly for one option, even if in retrospect that is not the option that the interpreter would have preferred.

  20. 答案:对
  21. 同传中的断句可以有效处理英汉结构的差异,并缩小听译时间差。

  22. 答案:对
  23. When the interpreter comes across a word in the original they do not know at all, teh interpreter must ignore the word in question and get on with job of interpreting the sense of speaker’s sentence.
  24. In simultaneous interpreting, an unfinished sentence means by definition that hte interpreter has stopped making sense.
  25. To respect the speaker’s intended meaning, the interpreter should copy the exact words of the speaker, and the order in which the speaker says them.
  26. When there are occasions when waiting for a key word, which would allow the interpreter to formulate their own sentence, would take so long that it is better to anticipate.
  27. 译员丰富的言外知识和临场经验是对信息进行有效预测最重要的条件。
  28. The most faithful interpretation will merely be the transformation that comes closest to respecting the speaker’s intended meaning.
  29. As soon as the interpreter sense the end is in sight they should accelerate their own output a little in order to finish as soon as possible after the speaker.
  30. The simultaneous interpreter must begin as soon as possible.
  31. The distance from the speaker should remain more or less constant, and in any case the interpreter must always have some way of ending correctly any sentence they begin, not just the first one in a sentence.
  32. Today we are going to talk about English and it has lots of words. The Collins English Dictionary includes around 260,000 words! What is worth mentioning is that many of these words come from other languages. We call these “loanwords” or “borrowings”, which are derived from other languages. An example is “coffee” which comes from Arabic. Another example is “pyjamas”, which comes from Hindi. We also have “pizza” from Italian, and some sports words like “karate” and “kung fu” are borrowed from Japanese and Chinese respectively. What is a better generalization for the above statement?
  33. Which is not the skill required before you learn SI with transcript.
  34. China will make sustained efforts to fulfill the development goals of the UN Millennium Declaration and contribute to the early control of HIV/AIDS epidemics worldwide , the Chinese government has pledged $10 million to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in support of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment efforts in developing countries. What can be filled in the blank, according to your anticipation?
  35. 对于句子“How is reading to kids beneficial to their behavior and language development?”,以下哪个译法更符合视译的习惯?
  36. What will you do if you cannot follow the speaker during the SI with transcript? Which is not correct?
  37. Talking about the effect of the weather on our feelings, why do people say they feel more cheerful when the sun shines, and miserable when it’s raining? Why do some people suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), which makes them feel depressed during long dark winters? Can the weather really affect our mood, or is it ? What can be filled in the blank,according to your anticipation?
  38. 对于句子“How can you expect your children to be truthful when you yourself tell lies?”,以下哪种译法不符合视译的习惯?
  39. 哪个短语在视译中不需要用词性转换的策略?
  40. In doing simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter must be focused totally on _____.
  41. We know that, like South Africa, the United States had to overcome centuries of racial subjugation. As was true here, it took sacrifice — the sacrifice of countless people, known and unknown, to see the dawn of a new day. What is a better generalization for the above statement?
  42. As well as the physical benefits of walking, there’s another side to the sport that is equally important, and that’s the opportunity of meeting other people. The regular sessions are the perfect opportunity to share and discuss anything and everything — almost like walking therapy. Based on the context, what is the given information?
  43. In case of hearing the following sentence, “Britain, despite the ruling of the Court of Human Rights, has decided to maintain its position on hte treatment of prison inmates”, the interpreter would probably resort to _____.
  44. The firm’s value has gone down sharply by 41% so far this year, from nearly $600 billion to $358 billion. Much of the reason for the fall has been the uncertainty prompted by the on-going anti-trust case. Based on the context, what is the given information?
  45. It is the succession of ____ that forms the overall meaning of a speech.
  46. Which of the following is not correct when you are training your SI with transcript competence ?
  47. 在视译中,有关It句式的处理说法错误的是:
  48. And the good amount of time to walk? About 45 to 60 minutes would be good. If you aren’t used to walking that much, start with whatever you are comfortable with, then add an extra 5 minutes of walking each day. Based on the context, what is the given information?
  49. 有关视译中词性转换策略,说法错误的是:
  50. As languages such as English, Spanish and Mandarin become more widely spoken, there is a fear that many minority languages may die out. Therefore, some countries have taken steps to by promoting the usage of these languages. What can be filled in the blank,according to your anticipation?
  51. The surface of the brain is called the cerebral cortex. It is the part of the brain that makes us intelligent, and it consists of four parts called lobes. Based on the context, what is the given information ?
  52. What is the preparatory skill for SI with transcript?( )
  53. If you want to strengthen your EVS competence, you need to have  longer  EVS, which will gradually make you more capable in handling multi-task.  ( )
  54. What is the most important element if you want to maintain the gist information while omitting         the secondary information? ( )
  55. If EVS is trained properly, it can help you to balance your reading and the speaker’s speech.( )
  56. There is possibility that the speaker does not provide you the transcript before the meeting, sometimes even not ppt.( )
  57. 同传译员必须边听边说,这就导致他们在传译过程中会遇到两方面难题,分别是___ 和 _____。( )
  58. ____ 和 ____ 为同传顺句驱动提供了理论基础。( )
  59. 同传中的非语言预测可以分为 场合预测 和 话题预测 ,前者是指译员根据口译现场情况对信息走势的预测;后者是指译员根据口译任务的类型、内容等进行的预测。( )
  60. “I would like to pay tribute this evening to the dedication and commitment of those who have worked so hard over the last thirteen years to negotiate the details of the Joint Declaration’s implementation. ”一句中可以切分的从句结构是( )。
  61. 同传断句式的切分标志包括( )。
  62. 关于文稿标识,以下叙述错误的是:( )
  63. 以下有关顺句驱动的说法正确的是:( )
  64. ___________是视译的重点,也是难点。( )
  65. 以下哪种情况在视译中通常会用到词性转换策略?( )
  66. 关于视译以下说法正确的是:( )
  67. 同声传译的过程就是一个不断缩小讲话与翻译之间的距离,不断抢速度的过程。
  68. What is EVS in simultaneous interpreting?( )
  69. Which one of the following techniques can simultaneous interpreters use to shorten their EVS?( )
  70. What is the appropriate range of EVS?( )
  71. What is EVS in sight interpreting?( )
  72. The bridge site is located within the Portland Basin of southwestern Washington, between the Cascade Range to the east and the Columbia River to the south and west. The relatively flat, low-lying basin contains deep Missoula Flood deposits. Based on the context, what is the given information? ( )
  73. During the second half of the 1970s and early 1980s, the steel industries of the developed world operated with considerable excess capacity. The situation was particularly acute in the UK where, in 1980, effective capacity was some 2.3 times greater than production. Based on the context, what is the given information?( )
  74. Your brain is packed with 100 billion brain cells called neurons. They send information to your body telling it what to do, and they receive information from each of your senses, what you see, feel, taste, hear and touch. Based on the context, what is the given information?( )
  75. Every semester after final exams are over, I'm faced with the problem of what to do with books of lecture notes. They might be useful someday, but they just keep piling up on my bookcase. Based on the context, what is the given information?( )
  76. The Davis Avenue (26th Street) bridge is located in Middleton, Oregon. The bridge was constructed in 1949. Based on the context, what is the given information?( )
  77. The technique of segment a sentence and joint the parts according to its order is called_____.( )
  78. The interpreter must often begin with a sentence without knowing exactly where that sentence is going, so the interpreter often resort to the technique of  _____.( )
  79. The technique to divide up the sentences into a number of short, self-contained ones and then link them as appropriate is _____?( )
  80. What differentiate simultaneous interpreting and conversation is its_____ ?( )
  81. If the interpreter, despite their best efforts to prepare a meeting, just cannot render all of the technical details, they must at least try to save the essentials by  _____?( )
  82. 源语复述训练过程中需要注意的是要先跟读,再复述。
  83. Memory can be divided into the following except ______ ?( )
  84. What equals simultaneous interpreting in the Effort Model?( )
  85. Which of the following is connected with information storage in interpreting task?( )
  86. What is the core of information processing model according to psychologist?( )
  87. What are the common training for enhancing listening in simultaneous interpreting?( )
  88. What is the biggest pressure for simultaneous interpreting?( )
  89. What belongs to paralanguage?( )
  90. What is the standard for good interpreting?( )
  91. If the simultaneous interpreters of all the languages shall listen to one specific interpreter, then what type of interpreting are they doing?( )
  92. What is the simultaneous interpreting system updated by IBM?( )
  93. What is the landmark event in the development of simultaneous interpreting?
  94. What is the English name for “耳语同传”? ( )
  95. Who is said to be the initiator of simultaneous interpreter?( )
  96. What makes the work of simultaneous interpreting possible?( )
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