1. A commonly used method based on information retrieval is to utilize Combinatorial Category Grammar (CCG).( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Is the following statement correct? If a country must face a war launched by an advanced country in the future, it must face "local war under high-tech conditions" and "artificial intelligence war with a new strategic and tactical form". The victory of such a war can only be achieved by natural intelligence (human intelligence) defeating artificial intelligence. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy reasoning method: Cartesian product (take the small) to obtain( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. Because there are usually no labels in the target domain, cross-validation cannot be used to tune hyperparameters. This will limit the generalizability of transfer learning.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. The higher the level of abstraction, the fewer possible guesses there are, and the better for classification。( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The complete mathematical model of speech signal can be expressed in series by three sub models (excitation model, vocal tract model and radiation model). ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. there is no difference between artificial neurons and artificial neurons. They are all devices used to simulate the human brain. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Is the following statement correct? The third generation robot being studied at present, the "intelligent robot", not only has more perfect environmental awareness than the second generation robot, but also has the ability to think logically, judge and make decisions. It can work autonomously according to job requirements and environmental information. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Modern cognitive science believes that reason is not rooted in human brain and body. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. The perceptron model is composed of three layers: input layer, hidden layer and output layer. Its essence is a linear classification model suitable for dividing some data into two types. Its purpose is to find a separating hyperplane that divides instances in the input space into two types. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. Which of the following statements about big data is true( ).

  22. 答案:Big data has the characteristics of variety and high speed.###"Big data" is a massive, high-growth and diverse information asset that requires a new processing model to have stronger decision-making power, insight discovery power, and process optimization capabilities.###The "big data era" has arrived.
  23. Patterns have three intuitive properties( )
  24. The wrong statement about the value, function and significance of artificial intelligence is:( ).
  25. How many generations have robots developed?( ).
  26. The following belong to deep learning applications ( )。
  27. Applications of computer vision include:( )
  28. Solving problems include:( )
  29. The speech generation system is divided into three parts:( ).
  30. Functions belonging to the frontal lobe are:( )
  31. Human rationality still has many meaningful functions for both humans and artificial intelligence, including:( ).
  32. If there is an optimal solution to the problem, among the following search algorithms,__ must be able to obtain the optimal solution. ( )
  33. Which of the following statements about common methods of transfer learning is wrong( )
  34. Which of the following statements about machine translation is false( )
  35. The syllogisms of deductive reasoning do not include( )
  36. The following statements do not belong to Zhang Zhengyou's calibration method:( ).
  37. Which of the following statements about the application of wearable technology is wrong ( )。
  38. Among the following statements about knowledge maps, the wrong one is( )。
  39. Which of the following filters is a linear smoothing filter( ).
  40. Those that do not belong to the multilevel neuron structure are:( )
  41. The following are not input factors in path planning: ( )。
  42. A production system consists of a general database and a set of rules.( )
  43. Convolutional neural networks are very similar to normal neural networks in that they are composed of neurons with learnable weights and bias constants.( )
  44. There are three methods of speech recognition: the method based on vocal tract model and speech knowledge, the method of template matching and the method of using artificial neural network. Among them, the method of artificial neural network is the most widely used.( )
  45. Whether the following statements are correct? The mobile robot can search the optimal or suboptimal path to avoid obstacles from the initial state to the target state according to certain performance criteria. ( )
  46. The basis of corner detection: whether the specific window moves in all directions of the image, and whether the gray level changes.( )
  47. According to different learning theories, machine learning models can only be divided into supervised learning and unsupervised learning. ( )
  48. Connectionism believes that the basic unit of human thinking is a symbol, not a neuron; the human cognitive process is a self-organizing process of symbol operation rather than weight.( )
  49. Q-Learning is a value based algorithm in the reinforcement learning algorithm. The main idea is to build a Q-table from the State and Action to store the Q-value, and then select the action that can obtain the maximum benefit according to the Q-value. ( )
  50. A pattern recognition system generally consists of information acquisition, preprocessing, feature selection and extraction, classifier design, classification decision and other parts. ( )
  51. The performance of deep learning technology produced by different deep neural networks is different, and the purposes are also different.( )
  52. The human cognitive process belongs to the symbol operation process.( )
  53. Bilateral filtering is a kind of nonlinear filter, which can blur and denoise and protect edges.( )
  54. The disadvantage of DLS is that each node to be searched needs to be saved.( )
  55. Support Vector Machines are one of the most popular and widely discussed classification methods in machine learning. This approach works well in high-dimensional spaces (many features in a feature vector) and can be used efficiently for small datasets.( )
  56. The main components of the nervous system of the brain are the cerebral cortex and the gray matter layer. Both the cerebral cortex and the gray matter layer are very thin, but there are no grooves on the surface of the cerebral cortex, and there are grooves on the surface of the gray matter layer.( )
  57. Image segmentation methods in robot vision technology include: ( ) 。
  58. Among the following options, which belong to natural language ( )。
  59. Which of the following belongs to the service machine application direction division ( ) 。
  60. The following options belong to the application field of artificial intelligence( ).
  61. Which of the following statements about hybrid intelligence applications is correct ( )。
  62. In realizing the self-emergence of biological grid structures, the following are the main grid cell generation models( ).
  63. Advantages of Combat Autobots:( )
  64. The main applications of EEG are:( )
  65. The difference between deep learning and shallow learning is:( )
  66. Knowledge elements from data to knowledge base include:( )
  67. The key image processing technologies involved in the robot vision system are:( )
  68. Dimensionality reduction method:( ).
  69. The correct statement about the advantages and disadvantages of the breadth-first search method is:( )
  70. Which of the following statements about the application of brain-computer interface is correct ( )。
  71. The correct statement about the theory of mental computing is:( ).
  72. The following are not part of the two-stage detection algorithm: ( )
  73. The following statement is wrong: ( )。
  74. When did life originate?( ).
  75. About brain computer interface, The following statement is incorrect: ( )。
  76. Which of the following statements about the Semantic Network is wrong( ).
  77. Among the following statements about human reason and artificial intelligence, The wrong ones are( )。
  78. The following statements are wrong: ( )。
  79. Which of the following filtering methods is commonly used to deal with salt and pepper noise( ).
  80. Which of the following statements about the BP network is wrong( ).
  81. SLAM can be divided into ( )。
  82. Which of the following is wrong about the application of exoskeleton technology( )。
  83. Which of the following statements about industrial robots is incorrect( ).
  84. The following are not part of the intelligent question answering method:( )。
  85. The following natural language theories and technologies correspond to errors:( )
  86. Is the following statement correct? "Smart City" is a new urban development model integrating urban development planning, urban livelihood management and urban industrial development. ( )
  87. Neuron is the most basic structural and functional unit of the nervous system, which is divided into two parts: cell body and process. The cell body is composed of nucleus, cell membrane, and cytoplasm; there are two kinds of processes: dendrites and axons.( )
  88. Cognition is the process in which the human brain processes information received from the outside world and converts it into internal psychological activities, and then controls human behavior. It is the most basic psychological process of human beings.( )
  89. The essence of a perceptron is a linear classification model suitable for classifying some data into two types.Its input is the category of the instance, and the output is the feature vector of the instance.( )
  90. Problem solving technology mainly includes two aspects, namely problem representation and solution method. The state space of a problem is a graph representing all possible states of the problem and their relationships. It contains a set of three descriptions. ( )
  91. Deep learning is a learning method based on unsupervised feature learning and feature hierarchy.( )
  92. Whether the following statement is correct or not? Robots may be classified as "the third being" in the future, which is different from life/living things (the first being) and non life/living things (the second being). Their external and behavior are similar to living things, but they do not have self-consciousness.( )
  93. The essence of deep learning is to learn more useful features by building a multi hidden layer model and massive training data (which can be unlabeled data), so as to ultimately improve the accuracy of classification or prediction. ( )
  94. Swarm robot system has the following three characteristics: robustness, flexibility and scalability. ( )
  95. Primary vision is the inverse of the optical imaging problem, which consists of a series of processes that can recover three-dimensional visible object surfaces from two-dimensional light intensities.( )
  96. The development of robots has gone through three generations of program-controlled robots (first generation), adaptive robots (second generation), and intelligent robots (modern).( )
  97. The application of computer vision in the field of measurement includes angle measurement and length measurement.( )
  98. The problem solving system using semantic network to represent knowledge is called semantic network system. There are two main reasoning processes: inheritance and abandonment. ( )
  99. The pattern does not refer to the thing itself but the information obtained from the thing.Therefore, the pattern often appears as distribution information with time and space, so the pattern can be the image of iris, face, fingerprint, or some kind of electrical signal.( )
  100. An interesting property of Naive Bayes is that it works well for very large datasets.( )
  101. The depth-first search algorithm stores the visited nodes in a stack.( )
  102. Digital image processing system is mainly composed of image digitizing equipment (such as scanner, digital camera, etc.), image processing computer (such as PC) and image output equipment (such as printer, plotter, etc.). ( )
  103. In actual classification applications, because the feature vectors often have many dimensions, the classification of label values is preferred to choose the binary classification model。( )
  104. The cumulative effect of the signals received by a neuron determines the state of that neuron.( )
  105. Machine vision systems can quickly acquire a large amount of information. Although it is difficult to process automatically, it is easy to integrate with design information and process control information.( )
  106. The following statements about BP network are correct: ( )。
  107. Which of the following correctly describes supervised learning vs unsupervised learning:( ).
  108. What aspects does a computer "understand" natural language?( ).
  109. The following options belong to the characteristics ( )。
  110. The following belong to the essentials of the state-space method:( )
  111. The following statements about the basic characteristics of artificial neural network are correct: ( )。
  112. Which of the following statements about perception and attention is true( ).
  113. Which of the following statements is correct( ).
  114. The following belong to the three subsystems of the attention network are( )
  115. The following are not in the form of knowledge graphs ( )。
  116. The reason why deep learning adopts the hierarchical network structure of neural network is that( ).
  117. The basic process of an automatic question answering system (sorting questions)( ).
  118. Among the following options, the core part of exoskeleton robotics is ( )。
  119. Which of the following statements about the history of artificial intelligence development is correct( ).
  120. Criteria for natural language "understanding": Give a computer a piece of natural language text, if the computer can( ).
  121. Common methods of transfer learning in the following options are ( ) 。
  122. Among the following options, the English abbreviations of neural network models correspond to the Chinese names: ( )。
  123. The reason why the deep neural network in deep learning generally does not use the BP algorithm is:( ).
  124. The process of forming the eigenvector includes:( )
  125. The following statements about machine learning are correct: ( )。
  126. Which of the following statements about machine translation is correct( ).
  127. Which of the following statements about the left and right hemispheres of the brain and their functions is incorrect( ).
  128. The advantages of PSO algorithm applied to path planning are:( ).
  129. The key foundation and technology that the intelligent question answering system mainly relies on do not include the following aspects (   )。
  130. Which of the following statements about the perceptron model is incorrect( ).
  131. The following is not part of the process of computer simulation of human communication: ( )。
  132. Which of the following options is not a reason for transfer learning:( )
  133. When designing a BP neural network, The design steps are generally ( )。(1) Determination of the number of hidden layers and hidden layer neurons(2) Setting of initial weights(3) Pre processing of training data(4) Post processing process
  134. Which of the following fields of application does machine translation belong to?( )
  135. Among the following options, those that do not belong to the common methods of environmental modeling are :( )。
  136. Which of the following coordinate systems expresses the location of a pixel in an image in physical units( ).
  137. Which of the following statements about language and natural language understanding is wrong( ).
  138. The following cells that are not related to animal navigation are( ).
  139. Which of the following statements about intelligence is false( ).
  140. Which of the following statements about supervised learning classification methods is incorrect( )
  141. In the __ era of the 20th century, AT&TBell (Bell) Research Institute successfully developed the Audry system. ( )
  142. What is incorrect about machine translation is that ( )。
  143. The following is incorrect about the development history of machine translation in China( ).
  144. To apply to various polygons, which of the following environment modeling methods should be applied ( )。
  145. Among the following options, what does not belong to the basic purpose of computer vision is ( )。
  146. What are the main problems caused by military AI technology? ( )
  147. The following description is incorrect: ( ).
  148. The following social problems caused by AI are ( ).
  149. In addition to moral and ethical issues, AI will bring convenience to human society in the future, and at the same time, it will also generate a series of social problems, which are not only problems that governments need to face, but also problems that all human beings need to take seriously. (  )
  150. The following statement about robot ethics is wrong ( ).
  151. Which of the following categories does not belong to the first-level classification of smart cities: ( ).
  152. If a country must face the war launched by advanced countries in the future, it must face "local war under high-tech conditions" and "artificial intelligence war with new strategic and tactical forms". The victory of this war can only be achieved by natural intelligence (human intelligence) defeating artificial intelligence. ( )
  153. The data required in the processing of an intelligent machine tool include: ( ).
  154. It is the common feature of intelligent weapons and equipment to have artificial intelligence and "consciously" find, identify and destroy the target to be attacked. ( )
  155. The correct statement about machine creation is ( ).
  156. The main process of music creation based on deep learning and other hybrid methods is that musicians make rules, establish massive databases, and then use deep learning to analyze composition rules and structures, and finally generate music of various styles according to the set rules. ( )
  157. The core part of exoskeleton robot technology includes construction materials, energy sources, control and drive. ( )
  158. In(), Google AI "AlphaGo" defeated the world Go champion with a score of 4 to 1. This man-machine battle became a new milestone in the history of AI( )
  159. OpenAI uses a method called () to train AI, which seems simple, but allows AI to learn complex behaviors.( )
  160. The following statement about hybrid intelligent applications is correct ( ).
  161. The following statement about exoskeleton technology is wrong ( ).
  162. The wrong statement about wearable hybrid intelligence is (   )
  163. The characteristic of hybrid intelligence is to use computer to simulate human machine to complete tasks instead of human.( )
  164. Wearable technology can be seamlessly integrated into users' daily life and activities, and can be used as an important technology to realize human-computer hybrid intelligence in the future.( )
  165. The following statement is correct ( ).
  166. The following statement about brain-computer interface application is correct ( ).
  167. The following statement is wrong ( ).
  168. Artificial brain belongs to the product level in the development level of brain-like computing, and is manufactured by using brain-like chips and other hardware. ( )
  169. The main method of brain-like computing: ( )
  170. The global representation of a scene image cannot be divided into multiple local regions.( )
  171. The following basic tasks of swarm robot system are ( ).
  172. Problems to be solved in scenario understanding include ( ).
  173. until now, no robot with real human intelligence has emerged because of the limitations of artificial neural network (ANN) research. The following are the limitations of ANN research: ( )
  174. In the future, robots may be classified as "the third existence" that is different from life/biology (the first existence) and non-life/biology (the second existence). Their appearance and behavior are similar to life, but they do not have self-consciousness. ( )
  175. The following statements about language are wrong: ( )。
  176. The language, spoken language, written language, sign language and Python language of human communication are all natural languages.( )
  177. Which of the key foundations and technologies that the intelligent question answering method relies on is the brain of the knowledge question answering system:( ).
  178. Which of the following fields does machine translation belong to? ( )
  179. The following statement about machine translation is wrong ( ).
  180. Which of the following search methods uses a FIFO queue ( ).
  181. Which of the following statements about common methods of path search is wrong( )
  182. In the knowledge graph taking Leonardo da Vinci as an example, the entity of the character represents a node, and the relationship between the artist and the character represents an edge. Search is the process of finding the action sequence of an intelligent system.( )
  183. What causes the complexity of the semantic network ( ).
  184. Blind search can be applied to many different search problems, but it has not been widely used due to its low efficiency.( )
  185. Image segmentation is the technology and process of dividing an image into several specific regions with unique properties and proposing objects of interest. In the following statement about image segmentation algorithm, the error is (  ).
  186. Image segmentation is the technology and process of dividing an image into several specific regions with unique properties and proposing objects of interest. In the following statement about image segmentation algorithm, the error is ( ).
  187. Application areas of digital image processing include:( )
  188. Commonly used digital image filtering methods:( ).
  189. Camera calibration is a key step when using machine vision to measure objects. Its calibration accuracy will directly affect the measurement accuracy. Among them, camera calibration generally involves the mutual conversion of object point coordinates in several coordinate systems. So, what coordinate systems do you mean by "several coordinate systems" here? ( )
  190. The best decision sequence of Markov decision process is solved by Bellman equation, and the value of each state is determined not only by the current state but also by the later state.( )
  191. Alex Net's contributions to this work include: ( ).
  192. In supervised learning, what is the role of the labeled data?( )
  193. Machine learning refers to how the computer simulates or realizes human learning behavior to obtain new knowledge or skills, and reorganizes the existing knowledge structure to continuously improve its own performance.( )
  194. In reinforcement learning, what is the goal of the agent?( )
  195. Which of the following is a characteristic of transfer learning?( )
  196. Convolution neural network is a feedforward neural network, which has many advantages and has excellent performance for large image processing. Among the following options, the advantage of convolution neural network is ( ).
  197. In the perceptron, the weights are adjusted by learning so that the network can get the desired output for any input. ( )
  198. Which of the following is a characteristic of deep neural networks?( )
  199. What is the main feature of a convolutional neural network?( )
  200. The forward propagation neural network is based on the mathematical model of neurons and is composed of neurons connected together by specific connection methods. Different artificial neural networks generally have different structures, but the basis is still the mathematical model of neurons.( )
  201. In a feedforward neural network, information travels in which direction?( )
  202. The brain of all organisms can be divided into three primitive parts: forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Specifically, the human brain is composed of brainstem, cerebellum and brain (forebrain). ( )
  203. What is the basic unit of the nervous system?( )
  204. What is the definition of intelligence?( )
  205. The following statement about the left and right half of the brain and its function is wrong ( ).
  206. The neural connections in the brain are chaotic. ( )
  207. What is the role of the prefrontal cortex in cognitive functions?( )
  208. Connectionism believes that the basic element of human thinking is symbol, not neuron; Human's cognitive process is a self-organization process of symbol operation rather than weight. ( )
  209. When did life begin? ( )
  210. Which of the following statements is true regarding the philosophical thinking about artificial intelligence?( )
  211. What is the rational nature of artificial intelligence?( )
  212. Which of the following options is not human reason:( )
  213. Which of the following statements is true regarding the rational nature of artificial intelligence?( )
  214. The first artificial neuron model in human history was the MP model, proposed by Hebb.( )
  215. Which of the following fields does not belong to the scope of artificial intelligence application?( )
  216. Which of the following techniques is unsupervised learning in artificial intelligence?( )
  217. All life has intelligence The following statements about intelligence are wrong( )
  218. To which period can the history of the development of artificial intelligence be traced back?( )
  219. Big data will bring considerable value in government public services, medical services, retail, manufacturing, and personal location services. ( )
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