  1. 营养素对基因表达的作用特点(     )

  2. A:营养素可对致病基因的表达产生重要的调节作用 B:营养素可影响细胞增殖、分化及机体生长发育的有关基因表达 C:一种基因表达又受多种营养素的调节 D:一种营养素可调节多种基因的表达
  3. 食品常见的贮藏方式有( )。

  4. A:干制贮藏 B:辐射贮藏 C:罐装贮藏 D:常温贮藏 E:冷冻贮藏
  5. low level of calcium in body may increase the risks of ( )

  6. A:osteoporosis B:kidney stone C:cramping D:anemia
  7. lipoproteins include (     )

  8. A:HDL B:VLDL C:chylomicron D:LDL
  9. which elements inside the body can maintain the functions of heart beat ,muscle and nerve tissue movement? ( )

  10. A:potassium B:sodium C:calcium D:magnesium
  11. What indicators can evaluate the nutritional value of protein in food?(     )

  13. 食品的强化可能存在哪些问题(           )

  14. A: 强化目的意义不明 B: 强化工艺不合理 C: 强化剂量科学性有一定欠缺 D: 载体食品选择不当
    答案:A B C D
  15. 参与体内蛋氨酸代谢的维生素有(  )

  16. A:B12 B:B6 C:叶酸 D:B3
  17. The nutrients that provide us with calories for energy include (     ).

  18. A:vitamin B:fat C:water D:protein E:carbohydrates
  19. DRIs as a scale to estimate the nutrient quality and quantity, also as a goal for reasonable dietary intake, including(    )

  21. Chinese people consumes too much()daily.

  22. A:salt B:oil C:water D:pork
  23. 下列属于维生素D的物质有 (  )

  24. A:类胡萝卜素 B:胆钙化醇 C:麦角钙化醇 D:生育酚
  25. 运动员的能量来源主要为碳水化合物,当运动员体内有足够的(    )作为能源时蛋白质几乎不被动用

  26. A:蛋白质 B:钙 C:脂肪 D:碳水化合物
  27. There's insufficient()are consumed by Chinese.

  28. A:shrimp B:fish C:poultry D:milk
  29. The main fatty acids that elevated blood cholesterol levels are:

  30. A:棕榈酸(palmitic acid,C16:0) B:豆蔻酸(myristic acid,C14:0) C:月桂酸(lauric acid,C12:0) D:亚麻酸linolenic acid
  31. 缺乏叶酸,典型的缺乏症有( )

  32. A:巨幼红细胞贫血 B:婴儿神经管畸形 C:大出血症状 D:侏儒症
  33. Why do we need these nutrients ?(       )

  34. A:Regulate body processes (physiological and biochemical) B:Build and maintain body tissues C:Provide energy for supporting body activities
  35. 维生素B2缺乏可引起的缺乏症有 (  )

  36. A:脂溢性皮炎 B:角膜血管增生 C:唇炎 D:结膜炎
  37. The measuement of basic metabolism need to (    )

  38. A:no exercise for 24 hour prior B:rested quietly for 30 mins C:thermally neutral environment D:sleep E:post absorptive for at least 12 hours
  39. 婴儿配方奶粉的加工主要包括( )

  40. A:糖类及矿物质的母乳化 B:蛋白质的母乳化 C:功能成分母乳化 D:脂肪的母乳化
  41. Which are polysaccharides?(    )

  42. A:Starch B:Glucose C:Maltose D:Lactose
  43. Which parts of the body cannot absorb nutrients from food?

  44. A:stomach B:small intestine C:mouth D:large intestine
  45. ( )is a simple compound of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

  46. A:Vitamin B:Fat C:Water D:Protein
  47. Basal metabolic rate takes( )of total daily energy expenditure.

  48. A:50-60% B:30-40% C:70-80% D:60-70%
  49. ( )指两个苯环,A环与B环,通过中央三碳链相互联结而成的,具有C6-C3-C6基本骨架的一系列化合物。

  50. A:类胡萝卜素 B:黄酮类化合物 C:皂苷 D:生物碱
  51. The flatus-producing factor of soybean is (    ).

  52. A:Phytic acid B:Stachyose and Raffinose C:Phytohematoagglutinin D:Protease inhibitor
  53. 影响生物素在体内的利用率的因素有 (  )

  54. A:鸡蛋中抗生物素蛋白 B:食物中肉类成分 C:单糖成分 D:粗纤维
  55. The growth rates are most rapid in the () of human life.

  56. A:first six months B:second three months C:second six months D:first three months
  57. 婴幼儿和青少年的蛋白质代谢状况应维持(     )。

  58. A:正氮平衡 B:负氮平衡 C:排除足够的尿素氮 D:氮平衡
  59. 胆汁是由(   )分泌的

  60. A:Small intestine B:Pancreas C:Liver D:Stomach
  61. 婴幼儿佝偻病主要是由(  )缺乏引起的。

  62. A:维生素C B:维生素D C:维生素A D:硫胺素
  63. 脂肪主要的消化场所是 (    )

  64. A:盲肠 B:胃 C:小肠 D:大肠
  65. ( )are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that mostly contain basic nitrogen atoms.

  66. A:Carotenoids B:Saponins C:Alkaloid D:Terpenes
  67. Cereal grains contain relatively small quantities of lipids, usually ().

  68. A:5%~6% B:7%~8% C:0.5%~1% D:2%~3%
  69. RADs is slightly higher than (), to ensure most people intake adequate nutrients.

  70. A:NR B:UL C:EAR D:AI
  71. Eating more  (     )could help to keep fit.

  72. A:carbohydrate B:energy C:fat D:fruit and vegetables
  73. Which of the following belong to the small intestine?

  74. A:直肠 B:十二指肠 C:结肠 D:盲肠
  75. 哪类产品必须在医生或临床营养师指导下,单独食用或与其他食品配合食用

  76. A:强化谷物类食物 B:强化铁酱油 C:特殊医学用途配方食品 D:婴儿配方奶粉
  77. 从能量角度,蛋白质供给体内的热量占总热量的( )%为好

  78. A:11~14 B:20~30 C:15~20 D:25~30
  79. 《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(2013版)》中首次提出来食物中总碳水化合物的参考摄入量为成人每天摄入( )的总碳水化合物

  80. A:70g B:80g C:100g D:120g
  81. High cholesterol lead to an elevated serum cholesterol

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. Diabetes ratio is equal for men and women, knowledge workers is higher than the physical one.

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. The molecules of fat-soluble vitamins contain the nitrogen element

  86. A:错 B:对
  87. Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and use them to make many other substances our bodies need. This process would include eating and digesting food and absorbing and using, or metabolizing the nutrients it contains.

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. within the intestinal cell, enzymes called peptidases attack the remaining peptide bonds, completing the breakdown of tripeptides and dipeptides to individual amino acids

  90. A:对 B:错
  91. Carotenoids belong to a parent class of molecules called flavonoids synthesized via the phenylpropanoid pathway.

  92. A:错 B:对
  93. 胃蛋白酶主要水解由苯丙氨酸或酪氨酸组成的肽键

  94. A:错 B:对
  95. 运动员在运动过程中能量的主要来源是脂肪。

  96. A:对 B:错
  97. 正常成人每天的平均需水量大约为5000mL。

  98. A:错 B:对
  99. 在胃肠道中通过咀嚼,蠕动有利于脂肪的消化

  100. A:对 B:错
  101. 大豆的中异黄酮具有与雌激素相似的双酚结构,是一种很好的植物雌激素,在体内能促进钙的吸收,易于钙在骨骼中的沉积。

  102. A:错 B:对
  103. RADs is slightly lower than NR, to ensure most people intake adequate nutrients.

  104. A:错 B:对
  105. It is best not to wash fruits or vegetables until you are ready to consume them to reduce spoilage and mold growth.

  106. A:错 B:对
  107. All the amino acids use facilitated diffusion to leave the cell and enter the bloodstream.

  108. A:对 B:错
  109. 吸收是食物经消化后,透过消化管黏膜,进入血液和淋巴循环的过程。

  110. A:对 B:错
  111. 我国居民的肉类消费水平增加,但优质蛋白摄入不高。

  112. A:对 B:错
  113. The three groups of nutrients which provide the body with energy are carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

  114. A:对 B:错
  115. vitamin C can reduce the bioavailibity of iron in food during uptake

  116. A:错 B:对
  117. Protein is the basic materials of fetal growth and development, as well as mother’s uterus, placenta and breast.

  118. A:错 B:对
  119. 蛋白质消化率愈高,则营养价值也越高。

  120. A:错 B:对

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