  1. China not only has a wide variety of cuisines and exotic fare in all its regions, even ordinary homemade cooking for three meals a day can provide for plentiful unique recipes. The Chinese stress the aesthetics of food, the refinement of dining ware, and the elegance of dining environment, so having food is a daily enjoyment. Eating, as a branch of learning and art form, not only gave birth to rich and excellent culinary techniques, also reflects the Chinese’s content and joyful nature. The Chinese have had a regular dining discipline since long ago. First it was a two-meals-a-day practice. The first meal, called zhao shi (morning food), is usually had around nine-o’clock in the morning. The second meal, bu shi, is had around four in the afternoon. The Chinese sage Confucius says that “bu shi bu shi,” which translates to “meals are not to be had if it is not the appropriate time,” meaning to emphasize the punctuality of meals. At around the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.), with better development of agriculture, people of every nationality group and region slowly began to adopt the “breakfast, lunch and dinner” practice. Only their dinners were had much earlier than modern men, as they believed “work starts with the break of dawn and rest is to be taken when the sun goes down.” Three meals of the day must be prepared and eaten fresh, a way of showing the Chinese’s crave and love for food. In recent years, the pace of life for urban Chinese are getting faster and faster. Dining out is becoming more and more common, especially for lunch. Most office professionals dine at nearby restaurants, or in cafeterias of schools and work units. As for dinner, female heads of households are usually very attentive in its preparation. In comparison with the Western way of individually served foods, the way of shared dining is seen as a distinguishable characteristic of the Chinese. For the Chinese, no matter if it is dining with family or with friends and associates, people usually sit around the table and eat from the same served dish and the same bowl of soup. But this was not always the case, as ancient Chinese practiced individually served foods for quite some time before the switchover. The earliest cooking and dining utensils were mostly earthenware placed on the ground. Later, supporting tools were invented, such as low, wooden tables. In the Shang Dynasty (around 17th to 11th centuries B.C.) oracle bone writings, one can see the character “su.” Its image is that of banquet seat (mat) with people sitting on it. The character “xi,” the pictograph of mat, shows that Chinese men at the time sat low on the ground. Most seating was rectangular or square in shape with the distinction of different sizes and lengths. The longer ones could seat several people while the shorter ones can seat at most two. The square ones were called du zuo (single seat), used by the elderly or people with high status. According to the needs, single or multi-tiered small mats can be set up. A person’s status can be observed from the number of people he or she is sitting next to. At the dining seats, a strict set of proprieties exists. Elders and younglings, or the noble and the vulgar, may not sit together. There exists factual occasions after someone has broken the proprieties, where the person who was dishonored wielded his sword to cut the seat into halves so as to end the inappropriate and humiliating seating situation. Corresponding to the seating customs, the Chinese also had a small table for each eater. The practice of individual seating and servings continued until the later years of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.). In Chengdu, Sichuan Province, uncovered from an Eastern Han Dynasty (25 B.C.-220 A.D.) tomb site were brick paintings with scenes of banqueting. People were shown to be sitting in groups of two or three, while tables lay in front. These paintings depict the lives of people during those times.

  2. 答案:
  3. Chinese as we know and use it today consists of various local dialect groups yet uses the same writing system. (   )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. English is a subject-prominent language, in which subject-predicate relation plays a major role. (   )

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. Genetically, Chinese is a branch of the Sino-Tibetan family. (   )

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. Steamed Pork with Rice Flour is the translation version of the cuisine 东坡肉。(   )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. Chinese characters are picturesque. They appeal to the imagination infinitely more than the English alphabetical script. (   )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. Every word in a language has two sides: the sound and the meaning. The Chinese writing system represents the meaning rather the sound. (   )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Regarding Zen Buddhism, which of the following statements are/is correct ?(  )

  16. A:It is Hui-neng who wrote The Platform Sutra, the core teaching of Chan School B:Bodhidharma was revered was the First Patriarch C:Shenxiu was regarded as the Sixth Patriarch by the Northern School  D:Hui-neng was regarded as the Sixth Patriarch by the Southern School
    答案:Hui-neng was regarded as the Sixth Patriarch by the Southern School###Bodhidharma was revered was the First Patriarch###Shenxiu was regarded as the Sixth Patriarch by the Northern School###It is Hui-neng who wrote The Platform Sutra, the core teaching of Chan School
  17. Which of the following are reasons for the lack of English equivalents for most Chinese philosophical terms? (  )

  18. A:Most Chinese philosophical terms are extremely complicated B:Most Chinese philosophical terms are capable of many different interpretations C:Chinese philosophical are more often than not polysemous D:Some terms, such as Fa(法),have different meanings for different schools of Chinese philosophy
    答案:Most Chinese philosophical terms are capable of many different interpretations###Chinese philosophical are more often than not polysemous###Most Chinese philosophical terms are extremely complicated###Some terms, such as Fa(法),have different meanings for different schools of Chinese philosophy
  19. Which of the following philosophical schools didn’t come into being in the “Axial Period”? (  )

  20. A:Neo-Taoism B:Neo-Confucianism C:Chan Buddhism D:Mohist school
  21. Which of the following are core concepts of Taoist Legalism? (  )

  22. A:Power or authority B:Laws C:Methods D:Integrity
  23. Which is the proper translation of 鱼米之乡 when the domestication is adopted. (   )

  24. A:A land of milk and honey B:A land of milk and cheese C:A land of fish and rice D:A land of rice and dish
  25. Which one is better for translating 农家小炒肉?(   )

  26. A:Pork Shred with Chili B:Stewed Pork Shred with Green Pepper C:Stir-fried Pork Shred with Green Pepper D:Steamed Minced Pork with Chili
  27. Besides Outlaws of the Marsh, ________ is another English translation of 《水浒传》。(   )

  28. A:The Monkey B:The Shadows C:A Good Boy D:All Men Are Brothers
  29. 玄秘塔碑by Liu Gongquan is an epitaph eulogizing Monk Dada’s contribution. Which translation do you think is appropriate?(   )

  30. A:An Epitaph Tablet in Eulogy of the Great Buddhist Monk Dada B:Secret Epitaph Stele Eulogizing Monk Dada C:Xuanmi Stele D:Mysterious Stele in Eulogy of the Great Buddhist Monk Dada
  31. Which fiction is not included in Chinese Four Great Classics. (   )

  32. A:Journey to the West B:The Family C:A Dream of Red Mansions D:Outlaws of the Marsh
  33. Which element is not covered in the architectural hierarchy of the Forbidden City?(   )

  34. A:Layer of terrace B:Mythological animals on the eaves C:The height of a building D:Roof style
  35. What does Hu people mean in ancient China?(   )

  36. A:people from Hu group B:people from Mongolia C:people from northern nomadic tribes D:people from east China
  37. On the bus she met a girl named Marcy who like her was headed for Chicago. The underlined phrase can be translated into(   ).

  38. A:符合她要求 B:喜欢她 C:好比她 D:像她一样
  39. Which of the following is not a therapy of TCM? (   )

  40. A:Diet and nutrition B:Surgery C:Herbal medicine D:Qigong
  41. Which is the general term for 小说 (   )

  42. A:Novella B:Novel C:Short story D:Fiction
  43. Which ware is famous for its fambe(   )

  44. A:Jun ware B:Jian ware C:Ru ware D:Ge ware
  45. In today’s globalized world, translation experiences a lot of changes except(   ).

  46. A:the means B:the communicative nature  C:the forms D:the settings
  47. Which is not the proper translation of 武丑? (   )

  48. A:Martial Clown  B:Wuchou C:Wuchou Clown   D:Martial Chou     
  49. _____ was called “Artist of the People”by the Ministry of Culture in 1953. (   )

  50. A:Pan Tianshou B:Qi Baishi C:Zhang Daqian D:Huang Binhong
  51. Which opera is famous for its elegance(   )

  52. A:Yu Opera B:Cantonese Opera C:Beijing Opera D:Huangmei Opera
  53. What is the best translation of 脏腑?(   )

  54. A:The solid and hollow organs B:Zang-fu organs C:Zang and fu D:Viscera
  55. Which technique is not employed in the translation of肝气into “liver qi, the functional activity of liver”? (   )

  56. A:Literal translation B:Transliteration C:Cutting D:Annotation
  57. Which of the following statements about Chinese gardens is not true?(   )

  58. A:Northern gardens in China are characterized by grandeur of scope B:The Lion Forests, the Humble Administrator’s Garden, and the Summer Palace are all southern gardens C:Depending on their geographical locations, Chinese gardens can be divided into the imperial garden architecture in north China and the private garden architecture in south China D:Southern gardens in China emphasize a more delicate beauty
  59. Phrases “吴带当风,曹衣出水” are to describe(   )

  60. A:Clothing B:Opera C:Painting  D:Calligraphy
  61. What do you know about fengshui?(   )

  62. A:Leaning against mountains during site selection and construction work is one of the practices of fengshui B:It is only used in ancient Chinese architecture C:Its core concept is the harmonious coexistence between human beings and Heaven D:Chinese fengshui is the same as geomancy
  63. Which one is the best translation of 爱晚亭?(   )

  64. A:Love Evening Pavilion B:Aiwan Pavilion C:The Autumn-Admiring Pavilion D:Aiwan Ting
  65. Which of the following statements about 气is incorrect? (   )

  66. A:Qi also bears the meaning of the functions of different organs B:It can mean some kind of syndrome or disease, such as 疳气 C:In the field of medicine, qi in its physiological sense is referred to as the basic element or energy which makes up the human body and supports its vital activities D:四气 refers to the four natures of climate
  67. Which of the following policies was influenced by the Taoist political philosophy? (   )

  68. A:Concentration of power in the central administration B:Standardization of weights, measures and writing C:Developing economy and increasing population D:Reorganization of the country into counties and prefectures 
  69. What has been listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world?(   )

  70. A:The Mountain Resort B:The Forbidden City C:The Potala Palace D:The Temple of Heaven
  71. When was herbal decoction invented ? (   )

  72. A:In the Xia Dynasty B:In remote antiquity C:In the Shang Dynasty D:In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period
  73. What results in the strange-looking purple circles on the skin of people? (   )

  74. A:Massage B:Moxibustion C:Acupuncture D:Cupping
  75. What is the traditional residence for Fujian Hakkas?(   )

  76. A:seal-like compound B:Cave dwellings C:Hakka rammed earth houses D:Mongolian yurts
  77. What activities in ancient China could not be possible without translation?(   )

  78. A:Business and culture activities along the Silk Road B:The coming of Buddhism to China from India C:All the activities above D:The transmission of The  to the West
  79. _____written by Lu Xun traces the development of Chinese classic fiction(   )

  80. A:History of Chinese fiction B:A Brief History of Chinese fiction  C:A Brief History of Chinese literature D:Chinese fiction
  81. Which is the better translation of 风入松? (   )

  82. A:Pine Wood with Wind B:Wind in the Pine Wood C:Forest Song D:Windy Pine
  83. Which is not one of the eight trigrams?(   )

  84. A:The gun trigram B:The gen trigram C:The qian trigram D:The xun trigram
  85. Which of the following translation is not correct?(   )

  86. A:Imperial Ancestral Temple for 太庙 B:Palace of Eternal Longevity for 永寿宫 C:Palace of Qian Purity for 乾清宫 D:Hall of Supreme Harmony for 太和殿
  87. Which of the following sayings can be attributed to Han Feizi? (   )

  88. A:Prime ministers must have served as local officials, and generals must have risen from the ranks B:Govern a great country as you would a small fish; do not overdo it C:The rule of virtue D:Ruling through non-action
  89. Which translation is different from others?(   )

  90. A:Tou-kung B:The qian trigram C:Wuji D:Fengshui
  91. The following calligraphers from the Tang Dynasty are famous for their Kaishu except(   )

  92. A:Zhao Mengfu B:Yan Zhenqing C:Liu Gongquan D:Ouyang Xun
  93. What is the proper translation of 五行? (   )

  94. A:Five elements B:Five activities C:Five movements D:Wuxing
  95. Which of the following is not one of the basic political systems of our country? (   )

  96. A:The system of people’s congresses B:The system of community-level self-governance C:The system of regional ethnic autonomy D:The system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation

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