

  1. What word is used by Lopez to describe things as he sees them?

  2. A:Them B:I C:We D:You
  3. To learn how to write science fiction, we can write about a Utopia, a “What If?” and a ________.

  4. A:“the New” B:“Novum.” C:technology D:very short fiction
  5. What does consonance mean?

  6. A:Vowel sounds are the same while consonants at the beginning and ending of the words are different. B:Vowel sounds are different while consonants at the beginning and ending of the words are the same. C:Vowels and consonants in the words are the same. D:Vowels and consonants in the words are both different.
    答案:repetition of identical consonant sounds within two or more words in close proximity,as in boost/best;it can also be seen within several compound words,such as fulfill and Ping-Pong.AI参考:正确答案是C:单词中的元音和辅音都是一样的。根据题目中的句子“What does consonance mean?”,可以推断出“和谐”的意思,即单词中的元音和辅音都是一样的,因此选项C“单词中的元音和辅音都是一样的”是正确的答案。选项A和B都与题目中的意思相反,选项D则没有提到元音和辅音的关系,因此都不正确。'
  7. To remind ourselves of the difference between invented and conventional forms, let’s look at the first four lines of The Canterbury Tales by the _______ poet Geoffrey Chaucer written all the way back in the 14th century.

  8. A:French B:American C:Latin D:British
  9. You can employ the following techniques to help you create a walk poem EXCEPT .

  10. A:Jotting down details of your walk with a pen and paper. B:Taking photos or videos while you walk. C:Dedicating yourself in capturing your walk experience with technology so much that you forget appreciating your walk. D:Recording your thoughts, feelings, and ideas while you walk by speaking them into a phone or any recording device.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Dedicating yourself in capturing your walk experience with technology so much that you forget appreciating your walk.在这个问题中,选项A、B和D都是可以帮助你创作步行诗的技术,而选项C则不是。选项C描述的是过度使用技术来捕捉步行体验,以至于忘记了欣赏步行本身,这与步行诗的创作无关。因此,正确答案是选项C。'
  11. The word memoir is ___________ and means memories.

  12. A:French B:German C:English D:Italian
  13. Nowadays, when we write visual poems, we may type them and even play with creative fonts and ______.

  14. A:theme B:different word sizes C:spelling D:typo

  15. is the heart of all creative writing.

  16. A:reading B:revision C:imitation D:reciting
  17. What can you include in your creative nonfiction?

  18. A:records B:photos C:all of the above D:videos
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:all of the above 】。在创意非虚构类文章中,可以包括记录、照片、视频等元素,因此选项C“以上全部”是正确的答案。选项A的“records”和选项D的“videos”都是可以包含在创意非虚构中的元素,而选项B的“photos”也是其中的一种。因此,C选项是最佳选择。'
  19. What are the two categories of fiction?

  20. A:Literary fiction and genre fiction. B:Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. C:Romance fiction and fantasy fiction. D:Literary fiction and fantasy fiction.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Literary fiction and fantasy fiction。选项D是文学小说和奇幻小说的两个类别,符合题干中的两个类别,其他选项都是不同的类型的小说类别,与题干不符。因此,正确答案是D。'
  21. Fiction is usually written in sentences and we know from chapter 2 that poems are usually written in _____.

  22. A:rhythm B:lines C:pages D:metaphors

  23. ( ), coming of age, military stories, adventure and travel, and science fiction are some very popular types of genre fiction.

  24. A:Friendship and love B:Romance and love C:Partnership D:Romance and fantasy

  25. When we write creative nonfiction, we create ________.

  26. A:poems B:plays C:essays D:stories

  27. In creating characters that we care about, _________ is extremely important.

  28. A:an attractive setting B:verisimilitude C:general descriptions D:dialogues

  29. What kind of diction is used by both Auden and Pound?

  30. A:Political diction B:Unusual diction C:Conversational diction D:Elevated diction

  31. is a crucially important element in fiction because it creates atmosphere, context, and circumstance.

  32. A:meaning B:setting C:character D:plot

  33. What do you learn from this class?

  34. A:A creative writer is born. B:To write a wonderful walk poem, you have to choose a scenic location rather than a plain one. C:It is very difficult to write a found poem. D:Poems can connect and inspire.

  35. The third-person omniscient point of view is a lot like the third-person limited point of view except the third person limited narrator know some things, but the third person omniscient narrator knows .

  36. A:no thing B:something C:everything D:nothing

  37. Which sense do we use the most when we listen to and feel the rhythm in language?

  38. A:smell B:hearing C:sight D:touch
    AI参考:当我们听语言中的节奏时,使用最多的感官是:B: hearing。听力是我们接收和理解语言的主要方式之一,当我们听语言中的节奏时,我们主要依靠听觉来感知声音的频率、音调和强度等。而嗅觉、视觉和触觉在听语言中的节奏时并不扮演主要角色。因此,B选项“听力”是正确答案。'
  39. Which one is NOT correct in order to use sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing, and feeling to vividly evoke the subject you are writing about?

  40. A:Include figurative language like sound symbolism and onomatopoeia B:Make descriptions generalized C:Include at least one sense D:Use a lot of descriptive language
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:Make descriptions generalized。为了生动地唤起你要写的主体的视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉和嗅觉,以下选项中不正确的是B:使描述一般化。其他选项都是正确的,包括使用比喻语言、描述感官细节、使用大量的描述性语言等。因此,B选项是不正确的。'
  41. The formed by the narrator help build the characterization.

  42. A:diction B:opinions C:all of them above D:judgments
    AI参考:正确选项是:C:all of them above。根据句意可知,主语中提到的叙述者形成的词语或句子是为了帮助构建人物特征。选项C中的“all of them above”包括了上述所有的词语或句子,符合句意。选项A的“diction”指措辞,与句意不符;选项B的“opinions”指的是观点,也与句意不符;选项D的“judgments”指的是判断,与句意也不符。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  43. Which of the following sentences contains onomatopoeia?

  44. A:Tom wrote a letter before he went to bed. B:Sara always speaks loudly as if everyone is deaf. C:He tinkled the piano keys. D:He stands quietly in the warm sunlight.

  45. tense opens intriguing possibilities about what may happen next.

  46. A:The past perfect B:The future C:The past D:The present

  47. Your creative nonfiction might concern the theme of

  48. A:now and then B:race C:gender D:any of the above
    AI参考:正确答案是D. any of the above。题目中说你的非虚构作品的主题可能涉及什么,选项中包括现在和以后、性别、种族,因此正确答案是D,即任何上述中的一个。因此,选项A和B都与题目不符,选项C的正确程度不太高,因为它并不是非虚构作品主题的一种非常常见或具体的分类。因此,答案是D。'
  49. Planning too many characters in a short story can lead to confusion and complications ( )for both
    the writer and readers, so it’s often best to limit the characters to ( )at most.

  50. A:one to two B:four or five C:three to four D:two to three
    AI参考:答案为 D:two to three这句话的意思是:在短篇小说中安排太多的人物会导致混乱和复杂,对于作者和读者来说都是如此,因此最好将人物限制在两到三个,所以答案为D。'
  51. In what form can we look closely at the lives of others and ours?

  52. A:Metaphor B:The Segmented Essay C:The miniature D:Personification
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:The Segmented Essay】。文章中提到“我们可以以何种形式来深入观察他人的生活和我们自己的生活”,而选项B中的“segmented essay”(分段文章)可以理解为将一篇文章分成若干个部分,分别探讨不同的话题或主题,从而更深入地了解他人的生活和我们自己的生活。其他选项如比喻(metaphor)、微型(miniature)、拟人化(personification)等与文章内容不符。'
  53. The usual rhyme scheme for the English or Shakespearean sonnet is .


  55. Which one of the following statements about braided essays is correct?

  56. A:We are supposed to draw a direct and obvious comparison between the things that we braid together. B:The similarities that our materials share are always clear to us at first. C:One way to write a braided essay is to braid together two different perspectives on the same topic. D:Creative nonfiction allows little room for diversity, experimentation, and individuality.

  57. A narrative arc is a , because we often see the plot in fiction described as looking like an arc or a hill.

  58. A:personification B:simile C:synecdoche D:metaphor
  59. With _______ poetry—like stanzas, sonnets, iambs, quatrains, cinquains, couplets, or even visual poems—we recognize the forms being used because we’ve seen them before.

  60. A:informal B:formal C:conventional D:invented
  61. You’ve found that the tools of can have a big impact when you are conveying the speaker’s point of view in your poems.

  62. A:feelings B:plot C:characterization D:settings

  63. The following poetic structures are considered to be “open forms” EXCEPT .

  64. A:Sonnet B:Walk poem C:List poem D:Found poem

  65. There are two large categories of form in our poems: conventional forms and___________

  66. A:original forms B:generated forms C:invented forms. D:unconventional forms

  67. Creative nonfiction is based on ______ from our own point of view.

  68. A:real-life experiences B:fictional experiences C:subjective experiences D:imaginary experiences

  69. ______ means the words we use in our creative writing, including poetry.

  70. A:Lexicology B:Morphology C:Word formation D:Diction
    AI参考:正确选项是【D】diction。在句子中,______ means the words we use in our creative writing, including poetry,可以理解为“词汇”的意思,而diction正是表示词汇的术语。因此,选项D“diction”是正确答案。其他选项A、B、C虽然在语言学中都有一定的含义,但与句子中的语境不符。'
  71. We want to invite readers to pay special attention to EXCEPT

  72. A:truth B:moments of beauty C:background D:love

  73. The last line of a cinquain has ______ syllables.

  74. A:8 B:2 C:4 D:6

  75. What does too frequent perfect rhyme cause?

  76. A:singsong B:symmetry C:unpredictability D:pleasure

  77. Which one is not the three most valuable and effective tools for writing poetry?

  78. A:Metaphors B:Diction C:Exaggeration D:Images
  79. Writer’s tools and techniques can be applied to ______ genres of literature.

  80. A:all B:few C:a few D:some

  81. What did ancient poets not sing?

  82. A:Successes and advice B:Books C:The latest news D:Their feelings

  83. Compared with nonfiction of history, creative nonfiction writers are supposed to be ______.

  84. A:subjective B:exciting C:objective D:neutral

  85. What kind of events can be chosen as a method of structure?

  86. A:Trivial matters in life B:Common things in life C:Strange things in life D:An important event in life

  87. When the interior and final sounds of words are exactly the same, what is that called?

  88. A:perfect rhyme B:consonance C:slant rhyme D:assonance

  89. What should we keep when conducting research and seeking information for creative writing?

  90. A:Subjectivity B:Creativity C:Objectivity D:Sensibility
  91. Which one is NOT true about “writing to music”?

  92. A:Choose several different types of music, or one type of music only. B:This is an activity you can do only once. C:Choose music that you already like and are familiar with, or music that is different and unfamiliar to you, or both. D:Use music as your background as you write.

  93. _______ invented the beautiful form of cinquain whose theme is often about the way people experience nature.

  94. A:William Shakespeare B:John Ashbery C:Ezra Pound D:Adelaide Crapsey

  95. What can your video or photo essay not be?

  96. A:autobiography B:advisement C:memoir D:biography

  97. Which is NOT true about interdisciplinary creative writing?

  98. A:The very essence of creative nonfiction is interdisciplinarity. B:It usually has topics of universal appeal. C:Interdisciplinary topics have features in common. D:Interdisciplinary topics make us engaged in our creative nonfiction writing.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:The very essence of creative nonfiction is interdisciplinarity。选项A表达的是创意非虚构写作的本质是跨学科的,但问题问的是“关于跨学科创作写作,下列哪项是不正确的”,因此选项A是唯一不符合题意的选项。其他选项B、C、D分别表示跨学科创作写作通常具有普遍吸引力、跨学科主题具有共同特征以及跨学科主题能够使我们在创作非虚构写作时保持专注和投入,这些都是跨学科创作写作的特点。'
  99. We know there are only two requirements for creative nonfiction: that it be _______, and that it be connected to real life

  100. A:public B:personal C:fantastic D:unrealistic
  101. Which of the following statements about science fiction are TRUE?

  102. A:Science fiction has nothing to do with solving the problems of our modern world. B:All the things we worry about in our daily lives are the main subjects of science fiction. C:Science fiction is a kind of literature that could only be produced by societies filled with technology. D:It has been one of the most popular types of genre fiction for a very long time.

  103. Which of the following are INCORRECT about genre fiction?

  104. A:The forces of good will be defeated by the forces of evil. B:It seldom has happy endings. C:Romance, horror, and fantasy are the most popular types. D:It can interpret our life experiences.
    AI参考:正确选项为B:它很少有幸福的结局。选项A、C、D在某种程度上可以视为genre fiction的正确特点,但选项B却否定了genre fiction通常具有的幸福结局的特点,这是不正确的。genre fiction通常包含许多不同的类型和主题,如冒险、悬疑、恐怖、科幻、奇幻等等,这些类型和主题通常都有一定的故事情节和结局,其中许多类型的genre fiction的结局往往是悲剧或令人失望的,而不是幸福的结局。因此,选项B是最不正确的特点。'
  105. If you are a Creative Nonfiction writer, ( ).

  106. A:you can use descriptive terms like the figurative language. B:readers can experience what you wrote through your senses, thoughts, and emotions. C:your work is completely the same as history and journalism. D:you are supposed to be subjective.
  107. What can you do after finishing a creative writing work?

  108. A:Share it with others B:Apply for an advanced degree in creative writing. C:Read a lot D:Have it published
    AI参考:正确选项为【D:Have it published】原文中提到“做完创作性写作工作后你可以做什么”,而选项D“发表它”是与此对应的最符合的答案,其他选项如分享、申请创意写作硕士、阅读等与原文内容不符。因此,D是正确选项。'
  109. Which of the following statements about creative writing are true?

  110. A:Creative writing requires imagination. B:The creative writing that you produce will be yours alone. C:Your creative writing will be filled with beauty, emotion, and reflection. D:There is a wrong way or right way to write creatively.
  111. About creative nonfiction, which of the following statements are TRUE?

  112. A:To use the first-person point of view, you will only choose the singular pronoun I. B:Creative nonfiction is often written in the third person singular. C:As the narrator of your creative nonfiction, using the first-person point of view helps reveal who you are to readers, which intensifies our sense of your sincerity and integrity. D:Using the “I” or “me” pronouns as well as the “I” or “me” point of view is more likely for readers to forge a sense of empathy in readers and strengthens their bond with you as the author.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Using the “I” or “me” pronouns as well as the “I” or “me” point of view is more likely for readers to forge a sense of empathy in readers and strengthens their bond with you as the author.】。原文中提到,在创作非虚构类作品时,使用第一人称视角可以帮助作者向读者展示自己的真诚和诚信,同时使用“I”或“me”代词和第一人称视角更能使读者产生共鸣,增强他们与作者之间的联系。因此,选项D是正确的。选项A和B是错误的,因为创作非虚构类作品并不总是使用第三人称单数视角;选项C则没有明确提到使用第一人称视角对于增强读者的共鸣和作者与读者之间的联系的作用。'
  113. Which ways are beneficial for your creative writing when you already have had ideas?

  114. A:Combine creativity with sense, prompts, memory, etc. B:Write them down immediately. C:Review your own writing and rewrite part of it. D:Lie down in a sofa without thinking and writing.
  115. What can bring musicality to poetry?

  116. A:rhyme B:rhythm C:alliteration D:repetition
  117. As a literary form, what are the advantages to the short story?

  118. A:Significant themes of importance to people and society. B:Believable dialogues to advance character development and the action of plot. C:Well-detailed settings. D:Fully-fleshed characters who are realistic, unique, and memorable.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Fully-fleshed characters who are realistic, unique, and memorable.】短篇小说的优势在于塑造出真实、独特且令人难忘的角色。选项A和C提到了主题和对场景的描述,选项B提到了对话和情节的发展,这些都是短篇小说可能具有的特点,但不是其优势。只有选项D全面描述了短篇小说如何通过生动丰满的角色来吸引读者,并留下深刻的印象。因此,D是正确答案。'
  119. What are the features of academic essays?

  120. A:Scholarly B:Impersonal C:Objective D:Subjective

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