1. What kinds of rhyme have you learned?

  2. 答案:Perfect rhyme###Consonance###Assonance
  3. Which of the following statements about creative writing are true?

  4. 答案:The creative writing that you produce will be yours alone.###Creative writing requires imagination.###Your creative writing will be filled with beauty, emotion, and reflection.
  5. Which of the following statements about the narrator and the narrator’s point of view are TRUE?

  6. 答案:What the narrator observes and shares with us helps to build the narrator’s characterization.###Point of view consists of the narrator’s opinions, beliefs, and interpretations of life’s encounters.###The persona or the speaker of the poem refers to the identity of the person whose perspective or point of view is being expressed.
  7. Which of the following statements about visual poetry are TRUE?

  8. 答案:They all share a common goal: to be viewed as a work of art and read as a poem at the same time.###With visual poetry, we’re looking at a picture, reading, and thinking all at once.###They are sometimes called pattern poems, calligrams, concrete poems, or shape poems.
  9. The ( ) formed by the narrator help build the characterization.

  10. 答案:all of them above
  11. The following poetic structures are considered to be “open forms” EXCEPT ( ).

  12. 答案:Sonnet
  13. Who are famous for the quality of their dialogue?

  14. 答案:Jane Eyre
  15. What kind of events can be chosen as a method of structure?

  16. 答案:An important event in life
  17. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” is the sentence that famously begins Charles Dickens’s immortal novel, ( ) .

  18. 答案:A Tale of Two Cities
  19. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about creative nonfiction?

  20. 答案:You are telling about people or things objectively.
  21. You can use these journals in following ways EXCEPT

  22. 答案:To make money
  23. Keeping a journal highlights the message that no life is ______.
  24. To write historical fictions as a green hand, you’d better start with_______.
  25. In creating characters that we care about, _________ is extremely important.
  26. Which kind of theme is commonly seen in creative nonfiction?
  27. How did Lopez manage to have such a close perspective of these birds that he could actually see the dew on their wings, and notice that their eyes were closed?
  28. What do you learn from this class?
  29. Which of the following statements about the segmented essay are TRUE?
  30. What are the functions of dialogue in novels?
  31. Which of the following are lines in poetry?
  32. Which ways are beneficial for your creative writing when you already have had ideas?
  33. Which of following statements about flash fiction are TRUE?
  34. Which of the following are INCORRECT about genre fiction?
  35. What materials are favored in writing meditative essay?
  36. Which of the following statements about the creative writing class are TRUE?
  37. What do most creative writers have in common?
  38. “Adventure” means a spirit of the following EXCEPT ______.
  39. Which one of the following statements is true?
  40. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about creative nonfiction?
  41. Which of the following is not mentioned as a way to provide narrative structure to creative nonfiction?
  42. You can think of the metaphor of a strong skeleton that holds a body together and allows it to move in flexible ways. That is how _________ functions in a poem.
  43. One of the greatest 20th century American poets,_________, was mesmerized by Chinese ideograms and thought they should be a model for writing poetry in English.
  44. Are historians and journalists expected to share their personal feelings about what they’re describing?
  45. With _______ poetry—like stanzas, sonnets, iambs, quatrains, cinquains, couplets, or even visual poems—we recognize the forms being used because we’ve seen them before.
  46. ( ), coming of age, military stories, adventure and travel, and science fiction are some very popular types of genre fiction.
  47. The usual rhyme scheme for the English or Shakespearean sonnet is( ).
  48. Unlike the full-length short story, what does flash fiction have?
  49. Which one of the following statements about braided essays is correct?
  50. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about diary?
  51. Which one is not the three most valuable and effective tools for writing poetry?
  52. Which of the following statements about monologue is not true?
  53. An autobiography usually talks about a person’s childhood, adolescence, and adulthood—our ______.
  54. What does too frequent perfect rhyme cause?
  55. The rhythm of English sonnets is( ).
  56. In the prose genres of fiction, creative nonfiction, and drama, the person who is telling us the story and expressing their point of view is called the( ).
  57. What word is used by Lopez to describe things as he sees them?
  58. Who tells us that science fiction is popular literature that concerns the impact of mechanisms or technology on society and people in our modern world?
  59. When you choose your settings, you have the freedom to pick someplace real or imaginary. If it’s a real place, be sure you describe it( ).
  60. What does the genre of creative nonfiction focus on?
  61. When the interior and final sounds of words are exactly the same, what is that called?
  62. An ode is a ______ poem dedicated to something or someone that isn’t there.
  63. When friends are talking about the party, it’s more likely they’d chat about( ).
  64. If we want to keep the pattern from being too predictable, we can follow a basic chronological structure and put in ( ), which is a cleverly placed clue about something that’s going to happen in the protagonist’s future.
  65. What can be inferred about exercises and revision?
  66. In which of the following sentences can you find onomatopoeia?
  67. Which of the following poems can be called occasional poems?
  68. Which of the following statements about creative nonfiction are TRUE?
  69. About the usage of the second or third person, which of the following statements are TRUE?
  70. Our physical being often dictates different senses of personal identity. Which of the following properties does a regular person normally associate with in this aspect?
  71. Which of the following characters are included in a triangle of conflict?
  72. Which of the following statements about miniature are TRUE?
  73. It is in the ( )of characters that our emotions are fully gripped( ).
  74. Fiction is usually written in sentences and we know from chapter 2 that poems are usually written in _____.
  75. “Sonnet 130” by William Shakespeare has the following pattern of rhythm?
  76. What is wrong when listening and writing down exactly what people say?
  77. pace can happen through
  78. The great strength of this form is leaving out everything that’s____
  79. Which of the following sentences contains onomatopoeia?
  80. “Into the Dusk-Charged Air” by the postmodern American poet John Ashbery is a good example of( ).
  81. A narrative arc is a( ), because we often see the plot in fiction described as looking like an arc or a hill.
  82. Which of the following sentences is the best definition of a log line in this lecture?
  83. ( )are always at the heart of our fiction.
  84. The fiction of “ A Letter to You” uses the letter form as its model, which is called ____.
  85. Your characters are developed against the background of the ( ).
  86. What kind of diction is used by both Auden and Pound?
  87. ( )the kind of setting we often find in fantasy or science fiction writing.
  88. In “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”, there is____
  89. What is the very meaning of creative writing?
  90. One of the advantages to the short story is that we can create a complicated and interesting plot arc with a central ( ), climax, and resolution.
  91. Which of the following statements is WRONG about Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes?
  92. What does the creative nonfiction provide?
  93. Horror fiction often involves nightmares, monsters, and( ).
  94. Who is not included in the triangle of conflict?
  95. ( ) have been written from the 13th century to the present all over the West, not just in English-speaking nations.
  96. What connects short sections and segments in segmented essay?
  97. _______ just should be written to a person or thing that’s absent.
  98. Which of the following statements about mystery fiction are TRUE?
  99. Which kinds of creative nonfiction can we write with the help of technology?
  100. What can you prepare for your creative writing?
  101. Which of the following statements about the setting of the story are TRUE?
  102. About creative nonfiction, which of the following statements are TRUE?
  103. The pronunciation of the word “apple” belongs to( ).
  104. You’ve found that the tools of( ) can have a big impact when you are conveying the speaker’s point of view in your poems.
  105. Diction is important in writing poetry because( ).
  106. Which of the following statements about stanzas is NOT true?
  107. ( )becomes foregrounded in the genre of drama, which means it tends to take a more central role than in other genres.
  108. What can you use in your creative nonfiction?
  109. Which sense do we use the most when we listen to and feel the rhythm in language?
  110. The classical writer, Horace, told us: “ut pictura poesis,” meaning a poem is like a______
  111. Your creative nonfiction might concern the theme of( )
  112. Which one of the following statements about image is NOT correct?
  113. What can you include in your creative nonfiction?
  114. Three of your best tools in writing drama are characters and characterization, dialogue, and( )
  115. What can your video or photo essay not be?
  116. The set-up, development, and____ of the plot follows a predictable pattern,which gives readers a feeling of pleasure and comfort.
  117. _______ invented the beautiful form of cinquain whose theme is often about the way people experience nature.
  118. Which of the following statements is correct?
  119. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
  120. If you want to write a poem, you can ( ).
  121. Which of the following statements about sonnet are TRUE?
  122. Which of the following writing techniques are useful when we want to depict the world anew in the creative nonfiction?
  123. Figurative language includes ( )
  124. In an Interdisciplinary Creative Nonfiction, ( ).
  125. Which of the following statements about science fiction are TRUE?
  126. What are the most valuable and effective tools for writing poetry?
  127. What are the features of academic essays?
  128. Which of the following is the form of poetry?
  129. How does rhyme help make great poetry?
  130. Which of the following characters is not a good choice for the author when creating nonfiction?
  131. What perspective should we take when interpreting the research and information?
  132. Which is the first graphic novel to win the Pulitzer?
  133. Which one is NOT true about “writing to music”?
  134. Time can either be slowed down and sped up according to the poet’s techniques and intentions, what do we call this control?
  135. To be successful creative writers, we must do the following EXCEPT ______.
  136. What do we call a poem written for a special occasion?
  137. Which of the following statements is true about epithalamium?
  138. We have several great methods when planning a short story, a novella, or a novel, the first and most direct of which is called ( ).
  139. We learn how to write an elegant and very short form of fiction called flash fiction based on some creative writing tools, such as images,( ) , and descriptions.
  140. Creative nonfiction is often referred to as( )
  141. What’s creative nonfiction about?
  142. What does “self-disclosure” mean?
  143. Which of the following is NOT true about the lines in poems?
  144. What can we do to share our fun with readers?
  145. What is the very essence of creative nonfiction?
  146. When we write creative nonfiction, we create ________.
  147. Different from a memoir, an autobiography tells the story of our lives in a more ______ way.
  148. Arthur Conan Doyle successfully created his beloved hero,____ .
  149. The rhythm “ ta-ta-TUM” belongs to( ).
  150. The third-person omniscient point of view is a lot like the third-person limited point of view except the third person limited narrator know some things, but the third person omniscient narrator knows ( ).
  151. What can be included in a backstory?
  152. When we use onomatopoeia, three kinds of tools come together: using our senses, ________ in poetry, and figurative language.
  153. There are two large categories of form in our poems: conventional forms and___________
  154. What does consonance mean?
  155. In what form can we look closely at the lives of others and ours?
  156. The best place to start creating a character sketch is to_______.
  157. ( )tense opens intriguing possibilities about what may happen next.
  158. Which one is NOT correct in order to use sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing, and feeling to vividly evoke the subject you are writing about?
  159. Poetry is a special place for us EXCEPT
  160. What did ancient poets not sing?
  161. Nowadays, when we write visual poems, we may type them and even play with creative fonts and ______.
  162. Planning too many characters in a short story can lead to confusion and complications ( )for boththe writer and readers, so it’s often best to limit the characters to ( )at most.
  163. There are ______ special forms or rules for writing creative nonfiction.
  164. In horror fiction, protagonists usually are ( ).
  165. Which of the following statements about an enjambed line is NOT true?
  166. To learn how to write science fiction, we can write about a Utopia, a “What If?” and a ________.
  167. The first 8 lines, or the octave, of a sonnet present ( ).
  168. Which of the following can be set as a character in fiction?
  169. What is the variably repeated sound of words called?
  170. What can you do to connect your daily life with your regular practice as a creative writer?
  171. What are the two categories of fiction?
  172. Which is NOT true about interdisciplinary creative writing?
  173. ( )is a crucially important element in fiction because it creates atmosphere, context, and circumstance.
  174. In creative writing, what is an endless resource for inspiration and stimulation?
  175. The last line of a cinquain has ______ syllables.
  176. Writer’s tools and techniques can be applied to ______ genres of literature.
  177. An _______ poet named John Ashbery,writes the poem titled “Into the Dusk-Charged Air.”
  178. In this course, you will learn how to write the following EXCEPT ______.
  179. Creative nonfiction is based on ______ from our own point of view.
  180. ________becomes foregrounded in the genre of drama, which means it tends to take a more central role than in other genres.
  181. In addition to being appropriate to your characters and setting, the content of your dialogue should help reveal the play’s theme, deepen your audience’s insight into your characters, add important details of backstory, and move the plot arc forward.
  182. What can we learn through the model or example of other writers?
  183. A 10-minute play will be approximately________ pages long and laid out using one of the traditional playscript formats.
  184. Three of your best tools in writing drama are characters and characterization, dialogue, and________
  185. The 10-minute play is one of the shortest forms of a _________.
  186. You’ve found that the tools of                          can have a big impact when you are conveying the speaker’s point of view in your poems.
  187. Which of the following sentences is the best definition  of a log line in this lecture?
  188. What is creative writing for Except?
  189. What does the French verb “essayer” exactly  mean?
  190. One trick is to try to describe the world using the senses and perspective of———, filled with innocent wonder at all that life holds.
  191. In creative nonfiction, _________ can bring readers right into the heart of the action.
  192. What does “the miniature” mean in this lecture?
  193. What do we learn in all vast variety of creative nonfiction?
  194. Which one is not favoured in writing meditative essay?
  195. Advice, manuals, instructions, memoirs, reflections, and personal interpretations of history all belong to the genre of_________
  196. By what way can we present our own lives in ways that readers will find fascinating?
  197. “All writers should pretend they are from the planet Mars and have just landed on earth for the first time”  is put forward by_________.
  198. What are some types of creative nonfiction intended to convey?
  199. What is the most popular type of genre fiction?
  200. Which of the following can be seen as the most serious fiction?
  201. Flash fiction is also called the ________.
  202. Historical fiction is also called_______.
  203. What do we mean by “fiction”?
  204. What does not the prose poetry rely on?
  205. The Austrian writer Franz Kafka said some of the greatest literature is related to the detection of                .
  206. Who is “A Letter to You” written to?
  207. What are the two big categories of fiction we have discussed?
  208. A poem in two voices is to use stanzas to tell about something from two different ______.
  209. The three musical tools in poetry are rhythm, rhyme and ______.
  210. What is repetition?
  211. The opposite of an end-stopped line is called ______.
  212. Where does western poetry tradition begin?
  213. Onomatopoeia _________.
  214. Figurative language is not ______.
  215. Three lines is called a ______.
  216. Who originally created and sang poems?
  217. Which of the following statements about couplets is NOT true?
  218. Creative writing emphasizes the following EXCEPT ______.
  219. If we want readers to see our writing as valuable, we need to pay attention to three things: subject, style, and ______.
  220. What is the benefit of creative writing?
  221. What is the only way to become truly educated and move ahead in life?
  222. What did people throughout history all over the world—including China—not do to become better writers?
  223. Metaphorically speaking, creative writing is not about the ingredients to prepare a certain meal we have eaten and enjoyed before, but about the adventure of the ______ meal.
  224. The values of literature include the following EXCEPT ______.
  225. Which of the following ways can help you get started on your creative writing?
  226. What can you do when you are writing in the way of stream of consciousness?
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