1. In Shrek, Princess Fiona was saved by Lord and married him.(  )

  2. 答案:错
  3. In the movie Up, Ellie's biggest dream is to be together with Carl.(  )

  4. 答案:对
  5. “新娘”的英语是(  )。

  6. 答案:bride
  7. The girl has lost her father and her ______, all in one day.( )

  8. 答案:freedom
  9. In the movie Up, Carl told Russell,‘Get used to that, kid.’ (  )

  10. 答案:习惯
  11. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. 这句话的意思是 ( ).

  12. 答案:阳光能照到的地方都是我们的王国。
  13. And above all, a princess_______ for... Well, perfection.( )

  14. 答案:strives
  15. Perhaps this girl could be the one to break the spell. (  )

  16. 答案:魔咒
  17. From the top. 在影片中表达的意思是:( )

  18. 答案:从头开始
  19. In Shrek, Princess Fiona changed into a beautiful girl at last. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. In the movie Coco,Hector said, “But she's the last person _______ remembers me.”(  )

  22. 答案:who
  23. In the movie Coco,Imelda said, ‘Now, you must make a choice.’这句话的意思是 “现在你必须做出选择。” (  )
  24. Miguel’s mother said, ‘We’re all together now. That's what matters. ’ (  )
  25. In the movie Shrek, Donkey said, ‘You are mean to me.’ 这句话意思是:( )
  26. You must never go there, Simba. That's beyond our borders. Here ‘border’ means ( ).
  27. You can start by making yourself more presentable. ( )
  28. At the last lap, McQueen helped____ to the finish line.( )
  29. Every time you step outside disaster ___ _.你每次出现在部落屠龙的战斗中都只是给大家徒增烦恼。(  )
  30. True love can thaw a frozen heart. The word “thaw” here means: ( )
  31. But we can't just run away from who we are. 句意为:( )
  32. Tell me if this story sounds ­______.(  )
  33. So long, boys, I’ll send you a postcard from the Paradise Falls. Here ‘so long’ means ( )
  34. Hudson didn’t attend the three-way battle for Piston Cup in California? ( )
  35. We each made a sacrifice to get what we wanted. (  )
  36. But we can't just run ___ _ from who we are.但我们不能逃避命运。(  )
  37. She's the reason you wanted to cross the bridge.这句话中,reason 后面省略了_____. ( )
  38. You don't know _______ you've done!( )
  39. I don't _____ this badge.(  )
  40. You keep secrets from your own family? Here ‘keep secrets from’的意思是( )
  41. The wilderness isn't quite what I expected. (  )
  42. In the movie Shrek, Shrek said, ‘Easy. As you command. Your Highness.’(  )
  43. These are good folk around here. The word “folk” here means. ( )
  44. In the movie Up, Ellie told Carl, “Thought you might need a little cheering up.” It means (  )
  45. In the movie Up,a worker said to Carl,‘You poured prune juice in his gas tank.’ 这句话的引申义为:(  )
  46. What does the word “cello” mean? ( )
  47. In the movie Lion King, Mufasa said,’The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.’ (  )
  48. In the movie Lion King,Mufasa said‘ You deliberately disobeyed me... ’ 这句话的意思是( )
  49. Put all one’s ______ in one basket. 孤注一掷。
  50. And soon enough those dreams die. ( )
  51. In the movie Coco, Miguel said, “I thought you _______ music.”(  )
  52. I'll leave the fun. Here leave means 离开。(  )
  53. This conversation is feeling very ________.( )
  54. It is ___   to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming.(  )
  55. They judge me before they even know me. 这句话意思是:( )
  56. It was a thundering success. (  )
  57. Fiona,“You're not _______ to be an ogre. ”(  )
  58. She's the reason you wanted to cross the bridge.这句话中,reason 后面省略了_____. (    )
  59. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. 这句话的意思是 (   ).
  60. You're ______ arrest.(   )
  61. If only I ____ see my father again, just for a moment.(     )
  62. In the movie Lion King,Mufasa said‘ You deliberately disobeyed me... ’ 这句话的意思是(     )
  63. I'm _____ you to leave!(     )
  64. You must never go there, Simba. That's beyond our borders. Here ‘border’ means (    ).
  65. In the movie Shrek, Donkey said, ‘You are mean to me.’ 这句话意思是:(     )
  66. What does the word “cello” mean? (      )
  67. But we can't just run away from who we are. 句意为:(   )
  68. In Shrek, Princess Fiona changed into a beautiful girl at last.  (     )
  69. The song Let it Go is sung by Elsa and Anna in the movie. (    )
  70. Then we'll have to do this the hard way. You've worked so hard to get here. 这两句hard 意思一样。(     )
  71. 在影片《飞屋环游记》中,the Paradise Falls 的原型是(      )
  72. The late Rococo style is often referred to as Baroque. (     )
  73. You don't know _______ you've done!(    )
  74. True love can thaw a frozen heart. The word “thaw” here means: (   )
  75. In the movie Moana, the chief said, ‘I understand you have reason for concern. ’ Here ‘concern’ means (     )
  76. Hudson didn’t attend the three-way battle for Piston Cup in California? (   )
  77. So long, boys, I’ll send you a postcard from the Paradise Falls. Here ‘so long’ means (   )
  78. I should have gone first. 改句子的翻译是:(   )
  79. This conversation is feeling very ________.(     )
  80. And above all, a princess_______ for... Well, perfection.(     )
  81. If they don't bring enough food back, ______ be eaten themselves.(     )
  82. The girl has lost her father and her ______, all in one day.(     )
  83. These are good folk around here. The word “folk” here means.  (   )
  84. In the movie Up, Ellie’s biggest dream is going to the Paradise Falls. (   )
  85. Maui said, ‘They threw me under the sea. Like I was nothing.’ Here ‘Like I was nothing.’ means (   )
  86. In the movie Lion King, Simba said, ‘Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.’ 这里表明Simba还信任叔叔Scar。(  )
  87. 受叔叔的蛊惑,Simba到了大象坟墓的时候,他自以为做了一件非常勇敢的事情,所以说 I laugh in the face of      . (  )
  88. There is a way. (  )
  89. They’ve killed hundreds of us!句子中 hundreds of 表示(  )。
  90. The song Let it Go is sung by Elsa and Anna in the movie. ( )
  91. Carl said, ‘I believe I made my position to your boss quite clear. ’ 这里make my position的意思是( )
  92. Mufasa said to Simba, ‘Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. ’世界上所有的生命都有他存在的价值。(  )
  93. We'll _____ the gates. We'll _____ the staff.(  )
  94. Then we'll have to do this the hard way. You've worked so hard to get here. 这两句hard 意思一样。( )
  95. If only he didn’t drive so fast. 意思是他车没开得那么快。(  )
  96. Monkey also said, “You're always pushing me around or pushing me away.” It means (  )
  97. At the beginning of the Movie Lion King,the name of the song is (  ).
  98. I’ve got duties, ________, expectations.我有数不清的义务、责任和期待。(  )
  99. In the movie Up, the little boy asked Carl, ‘Are you ________ any assistance today, sir?’ "您今天需要什么帮助吗 先生?"(  )
  100. You’ve always ___ _ there for me.你一直都是爱我的。(  )
  101. I messed up tonight.(  )
  102. If you could just try to see what I do,I do __ __ love. 你要体谅我们这样做都是因为爱你。(  )
  103. 看到族人们一筹莫展的样子,Moana 做出了大胆的提议,What _______ we fish beyond the reef ? ’ 如果我们去环礁之外捕鱼呢? (  )
  104. Maui said, ‘They threw me under the sea. Like I was nothing.’ Here ‘Like I was nothing.’ means ( )
  105. In the movie Moana,Moana said,‘Because it saw someone who is worthy of _______. ’因为它觉得你命不该绝。(  )
  106. My life will get infinitely better. I might even get a date.恰当的翻译是(  )。
  107. This conversation is very one-sided. 恰当的翻译应该是(  )
  108. Is pushing on the last lap legal? Here the last lap means (  )
  109. 《驯龙高手》中的主角叫Hiccup,Hiccup本身的意思是(  )。
  110. In the movie Shrek, “Let's just say I'm not your type, okay?” It means(  ).
  111. 当Merida说:I am a ___ __. I’m the example.我是公主。我必须做出榜样。(  )
  112. In the movie Moana,she sang, ‘ It's like the tide always falling and rising.’ (  )
  113. In the movie Moana, Chief told his people, ‘Of course, I understand you have reason for concern.’ 意思是:我理解你的担心不无道理。(  )
  114. In the movie Moana, Moana said to Maui, ‘Maybe the Gods found you for a reason.’ 意思是说:也许天神发现你是有原因的。(  )
  115. In the movie Shrek, Shrek said, ‘I forgive you for stabbin' me in the back! ’ Here ‘forgive’ means ( ).
  116. I recommend we (  ) all magic.
  117. We have a surplus of _____ Vikings,我们有太多的屠龙手。(  )
  118. In Lion King, Scar killed Simba and became the king. ( )
  119. First, we check to see that the coast is __ __.出门一定要左右看。(  )
  120. I ripped this right out of a library book. Here ‘ripped’ means( ).
  121. A drop in the _____ . 意思就是 九牛一毛,沧海一粟(  )
  122. The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be _______.( )
  123. In the movie Shrek,the song You belong to me said, ‘The pyramids along the Nile.’(  )
  124. I mean it.What’s the meaning of this sentence?(  )
  125. In the movie Lion King,  Mufasa said,‘Everything the light touches is our kingdom .’ (  )
  126. Show her with compliments. (  )
  127. In the movie Up, little Ellie said, ‘ I'm gonna move my clubhouse there and park it right next to the falls. ’ It means (  )
  128. I knew I would have to _____ the throne somewhere.(  )
  129. What does the words “harp” mean?(  )
  130. First, we check _______ that the coast is clear. ( )
  131. I wouldn’t kill him because he looked as ______ as I was. 我不会杀龙了,因为他看上去和我一样害怕。(  )
  132. In the movie Up, Russell said, ‘Then we sit on this one curb right outside. I like that curb.’ Here ‘curb ’means (  )
  133. In the movie Up, Carl said to Russell, ‘I don't want your help. I ________! ’ 我不需要你的帮助。我想要你安全! (  )
  134. In the movie Coco, Imelda said, ‘I wanted to put down rules.’ Here ‘put down rules’ means (  )
  135. Shrek said, ‘They judge me before they even know me.’(  )
  136. I need to _________!( )
  137. May I talk ______ you, please?( )
  138. Thank you for understanding how much he    ___ me.(  )
  139. Be Our Guest is a song from Beauty and the Beast.(  )
  140. 短语be a big fish in a small pond字面意思就是小池中的大鱼,也就是说仅在小范围内很有影响。(  )
  141. May I sit here?(  )
  142. I wanted to give the folks a little sizzle. 句中Sizzle的意思是打击。(  )
  143. You're no _____ for Elsa.(  )
  144. You're ______ arrest.( )
  145. He had a huge bump on his head.(  )
  146. I’ve just about had enough of you, lass. 意思是(  )。
  147. 影片中的王后说:It’ll be fire and sword,if it’s not set right.这里的fire and sword 是指(  )。
  148. 小寿星的英文表达是(  )。
  149. She always bears in mind what her father said.正确的翻译是(  )。
  150. 苏格兰人热爱生活,风笛、格子裙、高尔夫球和威士忌,早已是苏格兰人的标志。其中格子裙的英文表达是(  )。
  151. 戈伯说的 Stop being all of you.意思是指(  )。
  152. Hiccu对爸爸说: Take this out on me, be made at me.句中be made at sb的意思是(  )。
  153. re做前缀表示(  )意思。
  154. I should have gone first.对本句的翻译正确的是(  )。
  155. 当戈伯对Hiccup 说:I’ll take my chances. Sword. Sharpen. Now.意思是指(  )。
  156. Marlin 告诉Nemo:We're(  )learn to get some knowledge. 我们要学很多新知识。
  157. 到宾馆后,我们办理登记入住,使用词组(  ).
  158. Marlin穿越大海寻找儿子Nemo,大家对他的评价是(  )。
  159. When his son is captured and sent to a (  ) in Sydney.
  160. 电影中的小丑鱼怎么说?(  )
  161. She made all the usual excuses.(  )
  162. It has to be something very special. Something that sparks her interest.(  )
  163. He may be(  )and he's all alone.
  164. You must (  ) your temper!
  165. Belle is imprisoned in the enchanted castle to replace her sister.(  )
  166. Judy’s dream is to “make the world a better place”.(  )
  167. Did Judy accept the badge?(  )
  168. 200 times 365 times 20 is(  ).
  169. Dumb rabbit. Here dumb means(  ).
  170. Whose job is putting tickets on parked cars?(  )
  171. She(  )my heart and only an act of true love can save me.
  172. “Be the good girl you always have to be” is from the song(  ).
  173. May I come round in the morning? The answer may be(  ).
  174. Elsa was born with the power to create(  ).
  175. I wasn't born yesterday可以翻译成“我可不是三岁小孩。”(  )
  176. Did McQueen win the cup at last?(  )
  177. How could a car like you quit at the top of your game? “game” here means(  ).
  178. Who is called “Mr. One Man Show”?(  )
  179. What did Doctor Hudson punish McQueen to do in Radiator Spring?(  )
  180. U.S. Route 66 is now called Historic Route 66.(  )
  181. Fiona said, ‘A princess is rescued by a brave knight’ Here knight means(  ).
  182. Shrek said, ‘I'm not the one with the problem, okay? It's the world that seems to have a problem with me.’ Here it means “不是我对世界不满,是世界对我不满。”(  )
  183. Until you find true love's first kiss and then take love's true form. 意为 “你找到真爱之吻时,你就会变成最美的模样”(  )
  184. Donkey said, ‘You're so wrapped up in layers’, Here ‘be wrapped up’ means(  ).
  185. Shrek said:‘The wedding! We'll never make it in time.’ Here ‘make it in time’ means(  ).
  186. Because it saw someone who is worthy of being saved. 这里的worthy of being saved意为(  )。
  187. Moana’s Father said, ‘No one goes beyond the reef!’ Why?(  )
  188. In the movie, Moana said, ‘We were voyagers!’ 意思是:(  )
  189. In the movie, the name Moana means(  ).
  190. What may come, I know the way! 意思是:不论在前行的路上遇到什么,我依然知道自己的路在哪里。(  )
  191. Ellie wanted to park it right next to the falls.是说想把把车停在瀑布旁边。(  )
  192. 《飞屋环游记》的制作团队将电影场景设定于神秘而多彩的南美洲。(  )
  193. The real dream of Ellie is     .
  194. Why did Charles Muntz want to kill Carl?
  195. In the movie, Ellie said: ‘cross your heart.’ Here ‘cross your heart’ means ________.
  196. I know what I have to do, but going back means I'll have to face my past.Simba说这句话的意思表明(  )。
  197. ‘The lion's share’ in this part means:     。
  198. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 意思是:如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对他。Scar的朋友用这句话来劝他忘掉过去的不愉快,勇于面对未来的生活。(  )
  199. And what's worse, you put Nala in ________. 而且更糟的是,你让娜娜有生命危险。
  200. We are all connected in the great circle of life. 意思是:在这个生命圈里面都是互相有关联的。(  )
  201. I thought I lost you.(  )
  202. You keep secrets from your own family? Here ‘keep secrets from’的意思是:(  )。
  203. I wish I could apologize.(  )
  204. Miguel认作 “曾曾祖父”的音乐界传奇歌手Ernesto de la Cruz的原型来自于墨西哥歌手、演员      。
  205. Miguel’s grandfather was a      .
  206. You were so desperate for love. (  )
  207. It is really a hard battle. but Marlin,the coward ____ _ made it. 在这么大的海洋中寻找一条小鱼实在是太难了,但弱小的小丑鱼爸爸做到了。(  )
  208. In the movie Moana,Grandma believed, ‘Someone will journey beyond our reef. ’Here it means (  )
  209. In the movie Moana,Maui said,‘I wasn't born a demigod. ’(  )
  210. 影片中施工工人对Carl说, ‘I take that as a "no," then? ’ 这里take…as… 意思是:(  )
  211. We are good at multiplying. (  )
  212. That was quite a risky move not taking the tires.(  )
  213. It ____  give me great pleasure if you would join me for dinner.(  )
  214. I must say everything is going just swimmingly. (  )
  215. In the movie Moana,her father asked, ‘Have you tried using a different bait? ’(  )
  216. Hiccup is small and weak. They call him __ ___。
  217. In the movie Shrek,Prince Fiona said, ‘No, it's destiny. Oh, you must know how it goes.’
  218. She was shaking with fear. (  )
  219. In the movie Lion King, ‘I’ll make it up to you, I promise.’(  )
  220. The song Find yourself is from Cars.(  )
  221. In the movie Lion King,Simba said,‘Yeah, but it still hurts.’It means (  )
  222. It's called a hustle, Sweetheart.(  )
  223. Don't give yourself so much credit. (  )
  224. In the movie Up, Carl said, ‘Tell your boss he can have our house. When I'm dead!’ It means he wants to give his house to the boss. (  )
  225. It's my word against yours. 意思是以牙还牙。(  )
  226. It has ___ __ something very special.(  )
  227. In the movie Lion King, Mufasa told Simba, ‘There's more to being king than getting your way all the time.’(  )
  228. 翻译下面的句子:Aunt was expecting another baby,Judy. (  )
  229. We will limit her contact with people.(  )
  230. And then one more time … out and back in.句中one more time 表示(  )。
  231. Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. 句中 blind spot 是表示(  )。
  232. Miguel said,‘I should ______ back to my family. ’(  )
  233. A promise is a promise。表示只是个许诺而已, 不能当真。(  )
  234. 《驯龙高手》How to __ __ Your Dragon.
  235. In the movie Coco,Hector said,“ I wish I ________ apologize. ”(  )
  236. Miguel answered,‘But I don't wanna pick sides.’ (  )
  237. Donkey said to Shrek, ‘You are mean to me.’(  )
  238. When I asked him that question he was stuck. (  )
  239. It's all that time he spends in the plaza. (  )
  240. "Give me five" 。是问候、祝贺或者庆祝的意思。(  )
  241. I'm freezing! (  )
  242. In the movie Up, Carl finally arranges for the trip to the Paradise Falls, and Ellie goes there together with him.(  )
  243. “Tale as old as time, true as it can be” is from the song (  ).
  244. 赛车手除了用Race driver表示,还可以用(  )。
  245. When life gets you_____, know what you got to do?- Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. (  )
  246. In Shrek, Monkey said, “Ha-ha-ha! Never fear, for where there's a will, there's a way, and I have a way. ” 此句意为:“别急,有志者事竟成” (  )
  247. We would like your blessing of our marriage! (  )
  248. In the movie Up, little Ellie said, ‘You'll have to swear you will not tell anyone.’ (  )
  249. I’m sorry, I'm _______.(  )
  250. 在《海洋奇缘》整部电影里,还有许多文化隐喻。比如女主角的名字Moana在古波利尼西亚语里的意思(  )。
  251. Death Wish Coffee is the World's Strongest Coffee世界上最浓烈强劲的咖啡。(  )
  252. In the movie Moana,Grandma said, ‘And the darkness has continued to spread.’(  )
  253. In the movie Moana,to protect our people, the ancient chiefs forbid      . (  )
  254. Well, you're home now, so that's the end of it.正确的翻译是(  )。
  255. 减法,除了用minus来表示,还可以用(  )。
  256. In the movie Lion King, Simba’s friends told him, ‘When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.’ 意思是:如果这个世界对你不理不睬, 你也可以这样对他。(  )
  257. Your job is to know _______.你们要分出龙头的不同功能。(  )
  258. The late Rococo style is often referred to as Baroque. ( )
  259. Moana得知自己的祖先是voyagers的时候,非常兴奋, voyager是什么意思?( )
  260. If they don't bring enough food back, ______ be eaten themselves.( )
  261. I believe in learning on the job.意思是:我坚信实战出真理。(  )
  262. He is more lucky than clever. 意思是:与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。(  )
  263. And soon enough those dreams die. (  )
  264. Hiccup, you’ve thrown your lot in with them. 你已经和他们一伙了。句中 throw your lot in with sb 表示(  )。
  265. In the movie Coco, Hector was not murdered by De La Gruz. (  )
  266. That's what I call racing. What’s the meaning of this statement? (  )
  267. I release you. (  )
  268. undercover, detectives, meter maid 的意思分别是(  )。
  269. I don't want them depending on someone they can't count on. 句中depend on 和count on 都是“依赖、依靠”的意思。(  )
  270. You strike out, you resign. (  )
  271. I felt out of place in my suit and tie. 恰当的翻译是(  )。
  272. In the movie Coco, Miguel said, ‘I don't care if I'm on some stupid ofrenda.’ 意思是 “我才不在乎什么愚蠢的祭坛呢。”(  )
  273. Be careful now, or it won't just be your dreams getting _______.( )
  274. In the movie Finding Nemo, Marlin is a coward father. ( )
  275. In the movie How to train your dragon Hiccup was a strong but coward boy. ( )
  276. That's my specialty! 意思是:那是我的特色菜。
  277. Elinor王后说:You _____ them. You _____ me. 你故意让他们难堪,丢尽我的脸。(  )
  278. In the movie Moana,Grandma said, ‘She stands apart from the crowd. (  )
  279. Shrek said:‘The wedding! We'll never make it in time.’ Here ‘make it in time’ means ( ) .
  280. From the song Let it Go, we can see Elsa is an evil Queen.(  )
  281. In the movie Moana, the chief said, ‘I understand you have reason for concern. ’ Here ‘concern’ means ( )
  282. She was _______ (锁起来) in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon.
  283. In the movie Up, Ellie’s biggest dream is going to the Paradise Falls. ( )
  284. One million, four hundred and sixty thousand is (  ).
  285. In the movie Lion King, Mufasa said,‘ You must take your place in the circle of life. ’ Here “take your place” means (  )
  286. Since when? Everyone knows I'm more _______,see. 扯吧你,地球人都知道我更会气人。(  )
  287. I'm _____ you to leave!( )
  288. 在影片《飞屋环游记》中,the Paradise Falls 的原型是( )
  289. In the movie Coco, _____ was Miguel’s great-great-father. ( )
  290. If only I ____ see my father again, just for a moment.( )
  291. I should have gone first. 改句子的翻译是:( )
  292. In the movie Lion King,Mufasa said,‘Simba, I'm very disappointed ________ you. ’ 我非常失望。(  )
  293. A princess strives for … ______ 公主凡事都要力求完美.(  )
  294. To live in the present means活在当下.(  )
  295. And maybe he wouldn't have done it, if I hadn't been so tough on him. 如果我对他更加严厉要求的话,他就会做到了。(  )
  296. In the movie Lion King,Simba said ‘’I've been running from it for so long. 这句话的意思是 ( )
  297. She had a crush on you. Here crush means “迷恋、爱慕”。
  298. In the movie Brave, Merida’s mum was changed into a bear. ( )
  299. This is a _____table. 这是一张三条腿的桌子。
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